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  • #55939

    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!


    The forum is looking great rense, and also the BBpress Live. Excellent!


    I guess the version numbers would help. I’m on wordpress 2.51 and bbPress



    thanx for info sam.

    i wanted to have bbpress loaded into wpmu (as i see it). I’d like to create a page under wmpu, where bbpress can be loaded into.

    Same as i had integrated forum into Mambo.

    thanx for info, i’ll be watching that trac ticket.



    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!

    Sam Bauers


    Awesome to see bbPress Live in use.

    The post to a forum stuff is coming really soon. It may require you to update bbPress to the latest Trunk though…

    Sam Bauers


    Yes, integration you describe is possible. The only problem is if you try to load WordPress inside bbPress


    As above. All the issues are being compiled on a single Trac ticket:


    Try 0.0.2 and please report back on the plugin page for the plugin instead of here.


    so anyone could please help me out?


    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!



    New forum on R-Project and statistics in general, based on BBPress 1.0 alpha-2I didn’t change much to the original code (other than some minor tinkering on the CSS).


    • Support Forum
    • Unread Posts
    • Post notification
    • Moderator post notification
    • Google adsense
    • Akismet

    Also use BBpress Live to mirror on my blog what’s going on at the forums. Finally, the forum is accessible through a ‘page’ on my blog:

    In the future, I plan to use BBpress Live to send a selection of my blog-posts to a subforum.


    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!



    – Human Test for bbPress

    – Forums Moderators

    – Allow Images

    – bbSocialize

    – bbPages

    – bbPress Smilies

    – bbFlickr

    – Forum Last Poster

    – BBPress Private Messaging

    – BBcode Buttons Toolbar

    – Private Forums

    – bbPress signatures

    – bbPress Polls

    – BBcode Lite

    Modifications: A lot! bbSocialize and bbPages plugins has been created specially for this website, there is a lot of conditional php tags (if, else, etc.), I’ve created a function to create a sidebar, and I’ve integrated some jQuery stuff, and more ;).

    If I could only attract members as I’m coding things :P.


    Since the “Page links for bbPress” Plugin is now integrated with Alpha 2’s Kakumei Theme, the “Topics Per Page” Plugin ( will break it’s functionality.

    It would be great to have both of these working simultaniously.


    I’ve been wondering how to remove the borders or padding in the stylesheet for Kakumei. I can’t find *anything* that would lead me to changing this. I’ve tried this:

    table, th, td, tr { border: 0; padding: 0; }

    But it doesn’t work unless you’re “adding on” to it.

    Here is an example of what I’m trying to do:

    I’m running BBPress 1 Alpha 2 if that’s of any help.

    Can someone please help find out how to remove the border/padding? It would be greatly appreciated.


    @eagano – Hello, I am an experienced WordPress and bbPress developer. I followed your example exactly and have the integration perfectly. Only issue is when I load in WordPress functions bbPress becomes buggy. I am still able to login as before on each eite and become logged into the other. Although being logged in as a Key Master i am not able to access bb-admin nor am I able to reply or post a new topic. when looking at a topic i see the reply header at the bottom of the page but the for is missing. Investigating showed me that the details in bb_current_user and different with the functions integrated. And ‘allcreds’ is non existent in that object. making me unable to do anything on the bbPress install. Thanks for your help! Grate comments above.



    With all the path and cookie info stripped out of bb-config and wp-config, cache and cookies cleared, the logging into bbPress:

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /forum/
    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins
    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin
    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/my-plugins
    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-plugins
    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-admin

    Note the trailing slash on the /forum/ path.

    The only ‘integration’ info in the bb-config.php is the db connection stuff. That’s it.

    Now, this may be/probably is totally natural, that `wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin` cookies are set, and this goes to highlight how wrong my perspective is! Here I was thinking that I had configured at least part of it correctly, the auth cookie stuff, but it was doing it all along, haha.

    I wonder if one of the WP user permissions plugins (WP-Sentry comes to mind) is affecting this -nah! Cookies are set before output is sent.

    Time to back off of this.

    Users will just have to log in twice (between the blog and the fora).

    Thanks rowoot.

    Ben L.

    Simply put, this deletes the account as soon as it’s made. I know it’s not perfect because it still sends the registration email and requires extra queries. I’ll try to make it work before any queries are made and then I’ll submit it to the plugins repository.



    I am desperately tryin to integrate bbpress 1.0a2 with wp 2.6.2.

    I have decided to use bbpress login system instead of wp. Now I have skinned my bbpress forum to suit wp theme, but I need to access sidebar via bbpress. (since my sidebar has a poll, some other plugins). I don`t want to replicate those plugins in bbpress !

    There has to be some alternative way to do so, since including wp-blog-header.php does the trick but screws up the user integration.

    I hope bbpress creators can think of something regarding this !


    I must appreciate your work. Although I have given up tryin to integrate them.

    I have finally resorted to using the login system of bbpress rather than wordpress login system. Since the cookies generated by bbpress is accepted and recognized by wordpress while it doesn`t work vice versa.

    (basically if I login into bbpress, wordpress automatically recognizes me and wordpress admin is accessible, but if I login via wordpress, bbpress recognizes that I have logged in, but I can`t access admin section of bbpress)


    So I was thinking about this in the shower, if I can get bbPress to set a cookie for / instead of /forum I think my woes would be over (See Step 2 above…)

    Now, before looking into it further, I don’t think this is how it works. If the script calling for a cookie to be set is in folder ‘/forum/’ then the domain scope for that cookie is going to be set to ‘/forum/’ by the webserver.

    But to test the obvious, I rushed to bb-config and tried variations on

    // Cookie Scope
    $bb->cookiedomain = '';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';
    $bb->sitecookiepath = '/';

    No joy.

    Maybe if I had the wp-login code on the forum site…with bb-admin cookies… let me try some things…

    The ‘/’ cookie to rule them all is the way to go. If I can just get it to work…


    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!


    Its my first time using bbPress and first time theming it. I must say, the easiest forum to theme I’ve ever come across.

    I mimic WordPress (.com and .org) forums layout structure and color palette. Still working to iron out some css issue.

    I wanted to update jquery to the current latest but it broke a few things. So I’m currently writing a plug-in that will hopefully update the jQuery and fixes the few broken items.

    BBCode Lite,

    BBCode Button

    Allow Image

    BB Smilies (maybe I should change this to something better)

    BB Video


    TOS (Terms of Service)



    … i thought i did say.. i tried many different including this one already. but not just that i unable to log in into admincp but also unable to log out


    There is a way. You can include wp-blog-header.php inside bb-config.php which is specified here.

    There is a problem though, when you include this file, you`ll have problems logging in to your bbpress admin side.


    i tried many different ways to have same header and footer as WP for BBpress but every way i tried, I ended up with Unable To Login

    and some ways did work but can’t log out and some when i press login or logout i got error

    so if you can please help

    my website is


    I’m only 3 days new to bbPress so I hope I don’t steer you wrong…

    There are probably alternating colors too…

    #thread li.alt .threadpost
    #thread li .threadpost

    I think it’s the background color of the li not the img to be changed…

    Hmm, I’m going to bow out, sorry. The solution is probably ridiculously facile and I look forward to seeing it. A bbPress content filter for the img tag inside an li?



    Also, Josh,

    Would please confirm that you followed the Dox to the letter/character!

    Were these brand new installs or did you add the forum to an existing WP install?



    Today I installed bbpress alpha-2, and overall it seems to work very fine. I also installed the bbPress Live plugin to my wordpress blog.

    The two widgets, however, do seem to have a peculiar little problem: when I ‘instal’ one on on of my two sidebars, all goes well. However, if then subsequently alter, add, or remove another widget, the bbPress Live widgets are removed. I fail to understand why.

    I thought to circumvent this problem by installing these widgets as the last ones, but this does not allow to install different widgets in different columns of a WP blog.

    Do I do something wrong, or is this a bug?

    (ps. you can find my blog on, and find the two widgets installed (necessarily on the same column)).


    It’s like trying to open the wrapper on a new CD you’re dying to listen to…if I can just get it open without using a hammer…

    This is a thread. There are many threads like this thread. This thread is my thread.

    Follow the cookie path please. Visit with the config file settings. See the pattern and you will bend the spoon. Then let me eat ice-cream with that spoon, please.



    Apache version 1.3.41 (Unix)
    PHP version 5.2.5
    MySQL version 5.0.51a-community
    Architecture i686
    Operating system Linux


    // URI’s

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’; // No trailing slash

    $bb->wp_home = ‘’;

    // Cookie Scope

    $bb->cookiedomain = ”;

    $bb->cookiepath = ”;

    $bb->sitecookiepath = ”;

    $bb->admin_cookie_path = ‘/forum/bb-admin’;

    $bb->core_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/forum/bb-plugins’;

    $bb->user_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/forum/my-plugins’;

    $bb->wp_admin_cookie_path = ‘/wp-admin’;

    $bb->wp_plugins_cookie_path = ‘/wp-content/plugins’;

    // The name of the cookies

    $bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress_blah3_blah5_blah8’;

    $bb->secure_auth_cookie = ‘wordpress_sec_blah3_blah5_blah8’;

    $bb->logged_in_cookie = ‘wordpress_logged_in_blah3_blah5_blah8’;

    define(‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘ahhpushit’);

    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘pushpushit’);

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘realgood’);

    define(‘BB_AUTH_SALT’, ‘andpepper’);

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘arehere’);



    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘ahhpushit’);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘pushpushit’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘realgood’);

    define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘andpepper’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘arehere’);

    $wp->authcookie = ‘wordpress_blah3_blah5_blah8’;

    $wp->secure_auth_cookie = ‘wordpress_sec_blah3_blah5_blah8’;

    $wp->logged_in_cookie = ‘wordpress_logged_in_blah3_blah5_blah8’;

    // bbPress WP integration

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ”);


    1)Clear all cookies


    2) Log into bbPress: ( role 'member':

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /forum/

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/my-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-admin


    3) Visit WP site: (not logged in)

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /forum/

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/my-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-admin

    PHPSESSID => /

    various 3rd party cookies from picasa etc


    4) Visit wp-login.php: (not logged in)

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /forum/

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/my-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-admin

    PHPSESSID => /

    wordpress_test_cookie => /


    5) Log into wp-login.php as 'subscriber' user (same user as bbPress) which puts me /wp-admin/

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /forum/

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/my-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-admin

    PHPSESSID => /

    wordpress_test_cookie => /


    6) 'Visit site' from wp-admin

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /forum/

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/my-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-admin

    PHPSESSID => /

    wordpress_test_cookie => /


    7) Click on '//' link on main site (bbPress install dir)
    Forum's first page displays: No extra cookies made. These cookies are from WP in the previous step:

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /forum/

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/my-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-admin

    PHPSESSID => /

    wordpress_test_cookie => /


    8) Log out from bbPress:

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /

    wordpress_test_cookie => /

    PHPSESSID => /



    9) Visit wp site

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /

    wordpress_test_cookie => /

    PHPSESSID => /


    10) Logout from WP site: (wp-login.php?loggedout=true)

    wordpress_test_cookie => /

    PHPSESSID => /


    11) Visit forum site.

    logged out.

    12) Clear all cookies


    13) Log into bbPress:

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /forum/

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/my-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /forum/bb-admin


    14)Log out of bbPress:

    All cookies cleared.


    15) Visit WP site + clear cookies.


    16) Log into WP

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin

    wordpress_test_cookie => /

    PHPSESSID => /


    17) Visit bbPress site.

    Already Logged in as wp user.

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_URIHASH => /wp-admin

    wordpress_test_cookie => /

    PHPSESSID => /


    18) Logout from bbPress:

    wordpress_logged_in_URIHASH => /

    wordpress_test_cookie => /

    PHPSESSID => /

    Still logged in to bbPress!


    19) Logout from main site:

    wordpress_test_cookie => /

    PHPSESSID => /


    20) Eat stapler.

Viewing 25 results - 54,801 through 54,825 (of 64,069 total)
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