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  • #66113

    I second keress’s question – I have to get a BBpress forum up and running this weekend on a WordPress site that’s already been upgraded to 2.6.3. And I don’t really think I can just downgrade, because somewhere in the last few upgrades (don’t know exactly when ) the posting interface in the admin changed drastically, and I don’t want to confuse people too much.

    It’s not absolutely vital that they be integrated – the blog doesn’t actually allow commenting, or new users to register at all – the only registered users it has are the owner (a professor) and his six teaching assistants. So they’re the only ones who will benefit from integration – the students who would be posting in the forum can’t register on the blog anyway. But it would be nice for the prof and TAs not to have to log in twice.

    I don’t want to inflict alpha software on them if I can avoid it, so I guess I’ll just have to do without integration for now, but I’m wondering, if I end up trying to integrate the two later on, will that work?


    I was able to make the links clickable by adding this to the SmallNav CSS:

    position: relative;

    z-index: 3;


    Then I removed the four margin settings. You might have to experiment with the positioning, but this at least makes the links clickable.


    I also noticed that your login form has a z-index of 1 and everything else is either zero or two. If the login form has a z-index of 1, and the nav links have a z-index of zero (automatically) then the nav is going to be behind (or under) the login form, and therefore not accessible to be clicked. You’d be clicking in the higher z-index layer, and the links are not there. You can’t get to them.

    I think it has something to do with the z-index and the order you nested the divs.


    To post source code here, just use the backtick (upper left on a US keyboard, under the tilde) before and after your block of code.

    I noticed in your forum source there is a link to this style.css which does not exist:

    Not sure if that’s a problem or not, but it’s not right. In addition, you should validate your CSS here and fix any problems.

    I would start with those things and maybe something will stand out.


    In reply to: Korean Translation


    Updated Korean Language file based on bbpress 9.0.x

    Installation is same as described in the above post.


    비비프레스 한글 번역 파일입니다.

    비비프레스 9.0.x 에 맞춰 번역했습니다.

    설치 과정에 나타나는 내용은 시급하지 않다고 판단하여, 부분적으로만 했습니다.

    번역에 대한 의견이나, 고칠 점 등을 제안하시면 반영하겠습니다.

    번역 내용은 이후 예고 없이 변경될 수도 있습니다.

    설치 방법은 위에 있는 설명과 같습니다.


    Actually, that’s not the way the code looks. I guess there’s no way to get code to read as code here. I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it I’m using standing HTML a href’s to dish up some links.


    I’ve copied the same navbar I’m using on WordPress into BBPress, it has hard links, so it should be straightforward, but for some reason, within this header.php file, the links aren’t live.

    The code looks like this:

    <div id=”smallNav”>


    | Possibilities

    | Events

    | Blog

    | Forum

    | Store

    About ADDiva

    | Meet Linda


    | Resources

    | Contact </p>


    <!– end smallNav –>


    Oh, possibly.

    Operating system  	Linux
    Kernel Version 2.6.9-67.0.4.ELsmp
    Apache version 1.3.37 (Unix)
    PERL version 5.8.8
    PHP version 5.2.1
    MySQL version 5.0.51a-community


    In reply to: Spoiler plugin?

    I’m either looking for something like that, or alternately jury-rigging a custom tag (if that’s even possible) to let my users post, say, black text on a black background (in a blockquote box) that you have to highlight to see.

    Okay I can’t sort out the javascript stuff, but I can make a spoiler bar: Spoiler Tags Plugin

    It’s working as intended on my forums right now.


    @sam: The function ‘display’ in the bbpress-live.php class ‘bbPress_Live_Widget_Forums’ appears to echo out the fora lists etc. Look who I’m preaching too ;) I must have missed something!

    Curious Ipstenu that the rest of your wp blog functions with this plugin enabled and in this state. Not my current experience. Server differences?


    Viewing source was the first thing I tried. Old habits die hard ;) But really, there was nothing.

    I did not check the error logs, so I did that right now.

    On Server:

    Make sure error-log is set to verbose for now.

    On bbPress:

    Enable XML-RPC – YES

    On WordPress:

    Install plugin – Done

    Activate Plugin – Done (no errors)

    Configure Plugin –

    URL (
    ID/Password (Ipstenu / 555Nope!)
    Caching Enabled - NO
    Enable forums widget - YES
    Enable Topics widget - YES
    Copy new WordPress posts to bbPress (not implemented)

    Then I went into widgets and picked ‘bbPress latest topics’, put it at the bottom of my sidebar. I gave it the title of ‘Latest Topics’ and saved my changes.

    The header shows up on the bottom of the side bar, no content.

    Error log is empty. Frustration resumed :(

    By the way, if the standalone function is called to be echoed like print_r($myarray);, shouldn’t that output something?


    Ipstenu – do you have access to error logs? If you look at the source of the page, is there anything there to indicate that the plugin sent anything at all, maybe even just an error message?


    I just wanted to announce I have a primitive prototype of OpenID working with bbPress and should have a more stable version for experimental testing within a few days (likely by the end of the weekend). The only requirement is your PHP needs CURL with https (ssl) support, which many servers have or can easily add ie. via cpanel’s rebuild PHP (check your PHPINFO to be certain).

    I finally got an old openid 1.1 framework working with openid 2.0 so this makes it possible to use it with all the newest providers: aol, yahoo, microsoft and now even Google (as a “consumer”, not as a server).

    The biggest problem was making it work without extra libraries like the complex math support and even DOMXML which is not available on many shared hosting PHP4 servers. But found a way around that too ;-) I’ll eventually add fsockopen support with ssl so even CURL is not a requirement.

    ps. OpenID on needs to be fixed to offer a secure login when a cookie is not present like every other provider. This is annoying :-(

    Joss Winn

    Isn’t Sam’s plugin almost what you’re looking for:

    It’s not a fully fledged forum plugin, but I’m guessing it’s something you could build on.


    I have been getting reports that registrants on my bbpress forum aren’t receiving their auto-generated password emails from my server.

    I’ve read a few threads on this forum that suggest workarounds. But I’m more interested in allowing my users to set their own passwords.

    There’s a neat WordPress plugin that does exactly what I want:

    I don’t even need the email confirmation/validation code part. I just want users to be able to specify their own passwords. If bot registrations become a problem, I’d just install a captcha plugin.

    Can someone adapt that code into a bbpress plugin that allows for user-defined passwords? I’d be glad to pay $100 to anyone who can deliver a working plugin! Plus I’d be eternally grateful and would have no objections to open sourcing any code that came out of this.

    Please let me know!


    As I mentioned before, I have xml turned on.

    And even using the widget supplied by the plugin, I see nothing. Zip. Nada.

    sambauers, thank you for the example. I may try it again later.

    Sam Bauers

    The standalone functions in bbPress Live don’t print anything to the screen, they return an array. You need to do something like this:

    $bbl_topics = bbpress_live_get_topics();

    foreach ($bbl_topics as $bbl_topic) {
    echo '<a href="' . $bbl_topic['topic_uri'] . '">' . $bbl_topic['topic_title'] . '</a>';


    Why? I think it’s because bbPress is not a WordPress plugin. There are already other forum plugins for WordPress. bbPress is not one of them.


    I am also looking for such a thing.

    I’ve been hacking on a WP plugin that will embed a forum into a page, but it’s not working yet.

    I’d love to find out if someone else has already built this.

    I am looking to embed a full fledged forum not just a feed. I want posting, navigation etc.

    So, let’s say you had wordpress at:

    And you made a wordpress page call /forum/

    And you wanted to embed bbPress there.

    Why is not not the same as running bbPress at /forum/?

    Well, I want wp to handle the rendering of the header, footer, sidebar, etc. I just want the page content to be bbPress.


    How about using the 1-column fixed bbPress raw theme and customizing it to look like your blog?

    I don’t think I’ve seen anything like Kubrick for bbPress at all yet.


    In reply to: Email notifications


    I think the user can mark their topic as a favorite, then use this plugin to get an email when there is a reply to the topic:

    For an alternate view on this, search this page for the word “email”:


    Thanks Deadpan11,

    The core behavior of bb-settings.php is to append BB_HASH to the cookie name on line 638:

    $bb->logged_in_cookie = ($bb->wp_cookies_integrated ? 'wordpress_logged_in_' : 'bbpress_logged_in_') . BB_HASH;

    Even in a non-WPMU installation such as this one, I would agree that this is a good coding protocol to follow. I did try your suggestion though, because I do want to understand, but the cookie was still created as wordpress_logged_in_blah3_blah5_blah8.

    This caught my eye over the weekend…

    In bb-settings.php line 592:

    $bb->wp_cookies_integrated = false;
    $bb->cookiedomain = bb_get_option('cookiedomain');
    if ( $bb->wp_siteurl && $bb->wp_home ) {
    if ( $bb->cookiedomain ) {
    $bb->wp_cookies_integrated = true;

    I even tried setting $bb->cookiedomain=” to allow the code to construct the value… no joy. No problems logging into bbPress, which is just fine for the moment.

    The code is alpha! Since others had had success I was trying to nail down my server environment deltas…

    I’ll push on with other projects for now :)


    I just installed BBPress and it’s working fine with the default numerical URLs. When I change the Permalink type to the 3rd one (textula URLs) all I get are 404 errors, even in the admin backoffice. What to do?




    Can anyone point me at some instructions on how to create a bbPress theme that loosely matches the WordPress default (Kubrick) theme, i.e. 760 px wide with rounded page corners and space for a header image with rounded corners? Looking for a quick way to integrate bbPress so that it has the same look as the rest of my WordPress site.

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