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  • #69647

    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    Could not have said it any better… If Matt was paying my bills, I would be the first to step up and commit myself to making bbPress exactly what the audience of WordPress wants it to be and still make Matt happy…

    Matt, are you listening? :)


    Hello there!

    I was wondering… which addons will be put as “predefinite” in bbPress? I know that “less is more”, but atm, using the 1.0 alpha, I can’t say it’s a newbie-friendly type of forum:

    – there is no bbCode (who knows it will use it, not HTML ) => you have to add a plugin (bbCode) and another one to enable the images tag.

    – no smiles (ok, the abuse of them is something like HELL, but the absence is too), you have to add a plugin, and another one to enable images (if you haven’t done before).

    – the editor too is too poor: can’t you make an addon to easily insert all the tags you can insert in? (like the bbCode one, not compatible with Opera)

    – avatars: c’mon, you’ve got them also in the official bbPress forum :) – another addon

    So… there will be some addons like these in the release version? If not, how do you expect people will take bbPress if they allways have to stay under all the most important plugins? What if a developer stops working on one of them?

    Thanks :)


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    ” Integration only became a real “feature” of bbPress with 0.9 when it was brought front and centre during install and got it’s own admin options page.”

    Yeah, but that was 8 months ago. It’s not like it’s a massive shock we’ve all just got over. 0.9 was stable 8 months ago.

    “Unfortunately WordPress is a moving target and it is difficult to keep up with all it’s changes”

    But in terms of a moving target mate, 1) its well documented 2) you work for the company 3) we dont need to keep up with ALL the changes, and 4) it’s been 8 months!

    I know that may look like i’m labouring a point, but its more to clarify. If 0.9 nor 1.0alpha cannot integrate with wordpress 2.6 (which has had 3 betas and 4 point releases) in the last 7 months, is it even likely that we’ll get it in the next 7 months?

    I, and everyone here, realises that wordpress is changeable, we accept that totally, but if what we’re saying is that BBpress will release 1 stable version ever 3 versions of wordpress (and it will only integrate with the first version) , then really, i think it’s time for me and the others to say goodbye.

    “It’s a little unfair to say that bbPress isn’t usable. “

    Yes, that’s true.

    I think it’s best we say its… Not fit for purpose.

    Let me show you how mate, with the blow coming from your own BBpress website:

    “bbPress is focused on web standards, ease of use, ease of integration, and speed”


    See any of my posts last month bout how web standards are not being met.

    And, ease of integration, really? I’m hoping that as funny as the irony/joke of the facebook page.

    “our extensive plugin system”.


    Half of them dont work. Most of the Authors have long since left the sinking ship. 0.9 was a milestone, and you folks all did such a stellar job; but man has the side been let down, and infact gotten alot smaller. Where would we be without _CK_?

    “is highly customizable.”

    This made me laugh too. Have you ever wondered why all BBpress forums look the same? No different icons, layout, DT/DDs, OL/LIs, etc. Every single one looks like the bog standard one, with the exception of the logo and border/background colours. This either means that everyone loves their website to be identical (hmmmm, no) or maybe hardcoding alot of things into a non template-able file is actually a stupid idea.

    “Easy integration with your blog.

    WordPress and bbPress are siblings, and they get along together “


    “bbPress integration should work with most recent version of WordPress”

    Honestly, cant make this up.

    And so the list goes on…

    We like bbpress Sam, otherwise we wouldn’t be here. But currently, it’s not Fit for Purpose, and it doesn’t do what it claims to do. When you add into that the widening gap between WordPress and BBpress we as a community start to get a bit perturbed.

    If you take away all those claims above, the claims that brought us to this site and to this software, then we’re left with a rather generic bit of forum software, that (plug-ins or no plug-ins) doesn’t have the same features or options as other software out there. If you’re a big multinational with millions of forum posts, then maybe that’s ideal, but maybe, just maybe, its not what everyone is after.

    This is the crux of the issue. If you’re building something that is purely aimed at being the forum software for, then lets take down the bullshit on the website, and we’ll all skuttle off.

    If we’re all helping Automattic in making BBpress an amazing alternative in to bloated forums, then you have to realise that living up to your bbpress’s own website’s statements of fact is simply the least we expect.


    In reply to: New forum layout


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    I actually had the same reaction the JJJ had, and i feel that Chris Hajer did a really nice job in summing it up. My initial thoughts were, so Sam is posted missing for 2 months and when he reappears he’s made a facebook page??? (it’s hard to think that automattic got $29million in January to pay for sucj development but i digress).

    Sam, i think that maybe you cant see the wood for the trees here mate.

    I know, you know, JJJ and CK knows that Matt wanted XML-RPC controls in BBpress. Which is ofc all and well as he pays the bills. But as i’ve said before, there is NOT ONE post about it (request, bug, questions, comment) on this forum or on _CK_’s showcase forum, because it’s frankly of little or not use to any of us. That is not to say developers cant see it’s value in the long run, it’s just that when you say that WordPress is a “moving target” we kind of think… Yeah, but you’ve had 8 months to hit that target and instead you’ve developed a feature that no-one wants or uses. Heck you folks at WP dont use it (it’s THAT bloody useful).

    I, and everyone else, understand the way in which this software came about. We also understand that it’s officially ‘beta’ though lets be honest you guys call 0.9 stable. But that’s not to say that maybe, just maybe, if you want this software community to thrive then listening in some part to the concerns of the community who are doing our best to help is a step in the right direction.

    “Integration of user tables and cookies is a priority on the other hand, as is creating a full XML-RPC interface for those who want to pull data into a WordPress install”

    So what you’re saying is that you have two priorities. One which has a forum full of people pulling their heads out and screaming over. And one that no-one is needing straight away. Why, oh WHY, is the later being worked upon first?

    Surely, and i’m worried this might cause personal offence where none is intended, ANY IDIOT can see that logging in and registration is, i dunno, VITAL to a forum?!?!?

    So why is it not the TOP priority?

    And if it is the top priority, and its so unbelievably complex that making BBpress integrate with WP 2.6 or 2.7 in the 248 days since the cookie processing change was announced, is it likely that we’re going to have it fixed any time soon?


    no worries about subforums, they will appear as with phpbb3, but bbpress doesn’t have the hidden forum option so they will be viewable to everyone after conversion.

    maybe you can use that plugin to hide them again after conversion.


    In reply to: New forum layout


    I liked it with the circle, just not the small caps. It always looks better as bbPress whenever it’s written.

    I checked the USPTO online and found the WordPress word mark but not one for bbPress. Maybe Automattic should register that.


    yep, very frustrating… i have the same issue whether i use 2.5 and alpha 1 rc2, 2.6 and alpha1 rc2, or 2.7 and alpha 1 rc2.

    login to WP, go to BB and click on “Admin” does not go to Admin section – BROKEN

    login WP, user stays logged in to WP and BB – WORKS

    login to BB, user is not logged into WP – BROKEN

    I’ve tried every integration post on and with no luck. anyone have ideas?


    Sounds awesome, will test it one of the next days. We have nearly 200.000 posts – will be interesting to test, and surely on my own dedicated server 😮

    Any concerns regarding subforums or “hidden” forums, that i should be warned about?



    I think we’re all on the same boat: accounts shared and… that’s about it!


    I’m starting to wonder if this is actually a worthy open-source project or some project that started with some pretty good intentions and just died out! bbPress is in nooo way related to WP!

    Joss Winn

    Just to add to this conversation: I’ve tried to integrate WPMU Version 2.7-RC1-10145 and bbPress Version 1.0-alpha-2 (both from svn trunk).

    User accounts are being shared, user roles are not mapping, cookies are not working.

    Anyone else got past this point without a dirty hack for these recent versions?

    (On another note, bbPress doesn’t seem to want to know about users that are created from LDAP accounts which WPMU is authenticating against. It only recognises locally created accounts). I’m using this nice plugin for LDAP.


    In reply to: WPMU integration

    Joss Winn

    Glad someone else is having the same problem :-) I’ve managed to make things even more complicated now as I’ve integrated LDAP authentication with WPMU 2.7 but bbpress doesn’t seem to be able authenticate users that are created in WPMU from LDAP.

    Ah, well. Enough for one day.


    Again, I posted something here this morning and it’s not showing up while it showed up immediately after posting…

    Will it show up later? Is it gone forever?

    Bottom line: no more bbPress for me!


    In reply to: security


    What can be the maximum load on bbPress


    Probably version might support Bozo-related data from a bbPress database?


    There are no added new features only bugfixes, one important. No security issues.

    These are the only files that need to be replaced on a install:

    Props should be given to ipstenu who was the first to report the serious profile email editing bug which was actually in the code for eight months and no-one noticed. Essentially no regular member could change their email address after registering. Admin could change anyone’s email address without a problem which is why it probably went un-noticed for so long.


    In reply to: bbPress Romania


    Internationalizing the bbPress forum is possible?


    I would like to know the features of bbPress


    In reply to: WPMU integration

    Joss Winn

    Did you integrate bbpress 1.0 svn and wpmu 2.7 svn? That’s what I’m trying to do. I’ve got them both sharing users, but the cookies are not being shared. I’d appreciate any advice.



    Good work, Sam!

    Thank you !!!


    Just download and start playing with it. Best way to learn about anything.

    Structure is extremely similar to WordPress with improvements because bbPress doesn’t have to support the old legacy problems that WordPress has.

    My first tip to anyone installing bbpress is

    1. don’t call the folder bbPress, maybe call it forums (plural)

    2. don’t install it directly under wordpress unless you really think that is more natural





    3. remember during integration you have to change your cookie path in wordpress and bbpress to the webroot, otherwise you’ll never get the cookies to integrate

    Then follow the Integration 101 topic.

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers

    I’ve just added the ability to directly link to Trac tickets and changesets within your posts, for example…

    Just typing #964 links to ticket 964 in Trac that follows the progress of the XML-RPC interface.

    Typing [1832] links to changeset 1832 in Trac.

    You can also link to BackPress tickets ( #BP7 and [BP170] ) and WordPress tickets ( #WP2012 and [WP10043] )

    This is done using a new plugin


    If you want to check out, I am running wp2.7rc2 and bbpress1.0a2 right now. Logins are done through WordPress, and if I need to access the bbPress admin, I can login that way privately myself by typing the URL.

    Registrations are also forced through WordPress, as I need to use the register plus plugin or the facebook connect plugin to control registrations. All registered users have author access to WordPress, which conventionally is a horrible idea, but for our intentions it works alright. Unfortunately WordPress doesn’t automatically give the new user access to the forums because it isn’t aware of the roles for it. I have to manually run the map tool in bbPress when a new user registers. Again, it’s a small private group of about 90 users or so, and we all know each other.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    I am curious if uses a “deep” integration? I’ve compared the sources and it really appears that they have similar <head>’s.

    Even if theme integration isn’t possible, I like where you’re going with getting the cookies and admin panels working cohesively. I would actually really like to make a plug-in for WordPress to integrate the bbPress admin panel into it. I feel like it wouldn’t be too difficult since most of the code already exists.

    I suppose “unusable” is a harsh description, but considering the audience and what they’re chanting for, if it won’t handle sessions and can’t integrate the theme and functions, then what looks like your girlfriend actually ends up being your sister. If it wasn’t for the integration, we could use fluxbb or any other minimalistic semantically focused forum software.

    Me wonders if it wouldn’t hurt to have two versions of bbPress. One stand-alone, and one WordPress plug-in. Hmms…

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