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  • #69662

    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    Sam Bauers


    bbPress has a stable version which is currently

    bbPress has an unstable “alpha” version which is currently 1.0-alpha-3

    In a sense the “alpha” version is like beta software in that it is for testing and shouldn’t really be run on a live server.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    may I ask what the beta part of bbpress actuall is? is the “beta” thingy core related or more 3rd party related?


    There’s is still a problem with htmlentities, you either call your filter too soon or too late after bbPress does it’s autop, etc.

    demo of bug:

    WordPress & bbPress

    (the and symbol is converted into an htmlentitiy, then your plugin sees the # and makes it a link) Broken all over

    You could make sure the pattern doesn’t end with a semicolon or maybe set priority 9.


    Thanks! I abandoned trunk bbPress months ago because I couldn’t do the “deep” integration without too many core hacks. It will be good to come back.


    Hi Trent, it’s been a long time. Good to see you around this neck of the woods.

    Thanks for sharing the plugin.

    Is Buddypress any good?


    Maybe they gave the topic link to GoDaddy?

    I wouldn’t mind having company techs getting the proper info from here to solve the problem.

    There’s a huge amount of competition out there and a good customer service attitude might prevent a bad reputation. Now if they can actually solve the issue, I’ll be impressed.

    However Vannak needs to do their part too

    and fix the bb-config.php option I mentioned.

    Sam Bauers

    See the details here:

    bbPress 1.0-alpha-3 released

    Those who are more interested in “deep” integration should see this post:

    Sam Bauers

    A first attempt at getting WordPress 2.7 and bbPress 1.0 to play nice again is now in trunk [1862].

    I’m specifically talking about “deep” integration, i.e. when you include WordPress inside bbPress to gain access to WordPress’ functions.

    This will need a lot of testing, so please post any issues you have on the relevant Trac ticket, #972 (which will stay open until some more testing has occurred).

    I recommend using the following code at the top of your bbPress bb-config.php file to include WordPress inside bbPress:

    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    include_once( '/Full/Path/To/wp-load.php' );

    Note that this includes “wp-load.php” not “wp-config.php” or “wp-blog-header.php”. This avoids running WordPress’ template loader which presumably isn’t needed inside bbPress. Some implementations may want it though, so if you find you need it then give it a go and let us know how that goes.

    Also note that all filters and actions set in WordPress whether default or added by plugins or themes are cleared out completely. That means that plugins and themes installed in WordPress cannot add filters or actions to bbPress at all. This may have some implications I’m not aware of yet.

    Go nuts!


    Finally figured it out… I was going about it all the wrong way… What I was trying to do was take the forums in location A and integrate them with a website at location B… after tanking my local copy of my website, I finally had a realization that I was going about all the wrong way. Instead of trying to take what was essentially two websites and linking them, I should have just scrapped both sites, re-installed bbPress on the main site, and then created the radio station as plugins around bbPress. So that’s what I am now doing. And it’s going much more smoothly than it was before. Sometimes the easiest answers are the hardest to see.



    Now that WordPress 2.7 has revamped the admin panel, is bbPress going to follow suit with a matching one? I came along after it had been made to match 2.6, so I never got to see what it used to look like.


    Re-reading your initial post, I recall this was mentioned in the forums here (at least) once before.


    Hiya Trent :-)




    Good feedback on that system.

    Better than modifying a core file (which won’t survive an upgrade) is to use a plugin that allows you to use an SMTP server:

    There are also threads in the forum about using Swift Mailer, IIRC.


    I just installed bbPress on a Windows XP system without incident.

    Went in very easily.

    However, the PHP ‘mail()’ function on Windows uses an MTA.

    That is, it communicates directly with an SMTP server rather than using any intervening software.

    This means that the ‘From:’ header format must be very simple:

    ‘From: user@domain’

    instead of:

    ‘From: “Name of bbPress system” <user@domain>’

    Otherwise, the SMTP server returns an error and does not send a message.

    An easy change can be made to bb-includes/pluggable.php::bb_Mail().


    $headers[] = ‘From: “‘ . bb_get_option(‘name’) . ‘” <‘ . $from . ‘>’;


    $headers[] = ‘From: ‘. $from;

    The change will work with all systems or it can be placed under a

    Windows-specific switch.

    Go Daddy

    Hi Vannack,

    It looks like you’ve been given a lot of good information. We can certainly look in to this on our end as well. I will investigate and have one of our specialists get in touch with you.


    Alicia R.

    Go Daddy Hosting


    would this work with 2.7? and is there any install documentation of doing it this way?


    In reply to: New installation


    So this is a bummer… I have the database name, user name (same as database name) and my password for the database. NO LUCK with the install.

    My database is working with wordpress today at and I put the files at When i go to this location I am told “There doesn’t seem to be a bb-config.php file. This usually means that you want to install bbPress”. So I use the “let’s get started” link and complete the database name, user and password info. After pushing the save button I get a failure note “There was a problem connecting to the database you specified. Please check the settings, then try again.”.

    I have tried a few times, I have reset the password to make sure I have it right. I called godaddy, but the are no help with wordpress. I am stuck! Please help!


    Speaking of OpenID I need more testers on the OpenID prototype to give me feedback. It works with both 0.9 and 1.0


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    For those that haven’t been around awhile, code development on bbPress tends to happen in bursts. There will be little or nothing or just trivial bug fixes for a few months and then BAM, Michael and Sam will post a whole bunch more code.

    Just because you don’t get feedback on a problem from a developer doesn’t mean they don’t think it’s important, it just means they can’t make it a priority right now for some reason or another. Everyone would love bbPress to have every feature and every feature work amazingly but there simply aren’t enough people or hours available to make it happen. Every feature one person insists is absolutely critical is quite trivial to another person.

    Last but not least, be careful what you wish for. If bbPress had all the features like the more mature WordPress does, it would also share the same number of problems, backward incompatibilities and constant changes. If they did to bbPress what just happened in WordPress between versions 2.3 and 2.7, I would not be making plugins for it anymore (because they all would be broken). Since bbPress takes a slower path, it tends to get things more “right” the first time around.

    I think 2009 holds big things for bbPress.

    Someone new to bbPress a year from now might wonder what some early adopters were complaining about.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    @chrishajer, I know it was a recent ticket. I posted about it above. And yet the folks who are complaining about it never say thanks for agreeing it’s an issue. Which yeah, pisses me off, I admit it and I probably was a bit more bitchy than I should be. For that I apologize. I was grousing, in general, of the fact that people expect miracles. This isn’t an excuse for my attitude, and I’m not gonna delve into how I’m on Sam’s end of this at work right now. It’s a case of feeling the pain and wanting to defend my fellow techie sorts.

    To anyone who felt I was attacking you personally, I didn’t mean to, and please accept my apology. Like you, I feel strongly about things, and disagreements come when people feel strongly.

    To the developers: Thank you for raising a ticket on integration.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    I was going to sit this thread out, until I saw some of the recent comments.

    I understand that there is frustration over the WordPress integration issues (I share them as well). But I don’t think it’s fair or productive to lash out at the very people that make this community move forward (Sam and _ck_, among others).

    The motivation and energy of key contributors is the most precious asset of an open source community, as they are what keeps the community forward.

    The feedback and ideas of key users is also hugely important, as they tell the community where to go.

    But when feedback attacks the motivation and energy of key contributors, I’ve learned not to just sit back. Because even if the feedback is 100% dead on, if the key contributors are hurt by the way it’s delivered… then as a community, we have been stopped dead in our tracks.

    I think we all agree that full integration with a shared signin is a priority. If we unite behind that goal, maybe we can achieve it. I just think that the motivation and energy of key contributors is key to our getting there.

    One last thought: Sam appears to work mostly on bbPress, whereas the integration work needs to be done on the WordPress side. So if we want to advocate for full integration, maybe we should organize as a community? If you look at the most popular “ideas” for WordPress, full integration isn’t on the list:

    I am probably missing it, but I don’t even see full integration as a submitted idea here:

    If we could agree as a community on the wording, I’m sure we could all vote it up. We only need 159 votes to get onto the list of Most Popular Ideas. Maybe that would help Sam’s ticket get some developers assigned to it.

    I would rather focus our energies there, especially since I don’t believe that our discussions here are going to change the priorities of the WordPress development team (which is what we need to move forward).




    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    @Ipstenu: that ticket was opened two days ago. This topic was started three days ago. I’d say people bringing integration up here brought attention to the issue. This thread has been good for that reason alone.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    Sam Bauers

    Kevin, the cookie and login integration that works with BB0.9 – WP2.5 also works with BB1.0 – WP2.6 or 2.7. The only issues remaining arise when you login via WordPress instead of bbPress, the simple fix for this is to redirect WordPress logins to bbPress, but I will be building a plugin to make this (and some other things) easier.

    The “deep” integration issues where people load WordPress inside bbPress are still outstanding, and as I said may never be resolved and might eventually be unsupported. The XML-RPC functionality being developed is intended as a launching pad for people who need bbPress data inside their WordPress installs, I also expect that there will be some functionality written to get data going in the other direction as well. We are using this already “internally” with the BuddyPress forums component which communicates with bbPress 1.0 to provide group forums and eventually other functionality to that software. There is also already a plugin to pull some basic data from bbPress to WordPress widgets.

    I don’t think you should blame Matt for XML-RPC being added either, I think it was mdawaffe who wanted pingbacks and I think I was the person who liked the idea of a complete XML-RPC server enough to actually write it.

    Features tend to forge ahead when they have a champion for them and as the only major contributor to the code at the moment that kind of leaves it up to me as to what gets done. There has only been a small amount of thorough and reported testing of deep integration done by users so far who are actually trying to make it happen (see #972). That doesn’t exactly excite me to work on a feature that neither I nor the company I work for particularly need, especially when I already have a low opinion of the technique in the first place. In the same breath though, I understand that others may want it and I’m not actively trying to stop it from happening either. If someone fixed, patched it and put it in Trac, I would commit it with a smiley emoticon and a “props” in capital letters.

    So in short, it needs someone to take the lead on it, if you want it done sooner rather than later.

    Talking about community discontent by referring to the contents of these forums seems a bit disingenuous. These are support forums which by their nature invite people to announce their problems, all we can tell by it is that some people have problems with the software, sometimes. I’m pretty sure we aren’t getting every user coming through here. It’s not a gauge, and perhaps the dreaded Facebook page will help us find the people who don’t post here a bit more easily, perhaps it is something that can be used to gauge what the community mood is like. If anything it might give me a little comfort to know that a few people out there like what we’re doing here. My development time isn’t a zero sum game, I didn’t steal 30 minutes from my “writing code” time to setup that page. I need to enjoy myself while I work, maybe doing that helped me get through that particular day. At the other end of the tubes is me, a person. Hi. Nice to meet you.

    On that personal note it isn’t nice to be blasted for something as cursory as not initiating topics in the forums for two months. I’ve been contributing to bbPress for almost two years now. There have been times when I’ve taken close to the full burden of support here, even before I worked for Automattic. Recently we got two community moderators who are very competent. _ck_ and chrishajer have been outdoing themselves around here. I have taken it a little easier for the past month while I focused on some other tasks.

    I’m really only catching up on some of the more recent goings on around here, including your very interesting threads about the overall direction of bbPress. I completely want those conversations to happen, you make good points there too and I like the general direction of what you are saying, even though you make incorrect assumptions about some details. I wish I had been there in real-time to discuss it, but I will try to respond where I can.

    Finally, bbPress is important to Automattic at the moment primarily as a tool for it’s own uses. Thus there is little or no promotion of it at this stage. If we gain some traction in the real world one day it might be treated like WordPress, but for now it will basically be whatever the people who contribute to it want it to be, and as usual when resources are limited, those who can write good bug reports or contribute real code will get their needs met first.

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