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  • #70059

    There is a host that has bbPress available as an instant install script? Interesting!

    If you are sharing the users with WordPress you do NOT want a new database.

    When you install bbPress you need to use the database information from WordPress.


    Thanks for the response and it clarifies all of my questions.

    Regarding nonces, the catch twenty-two with them would be if logging in and logging out of either/or BBP or WP don’t both affect both, or if adequate traps aren’t placed to disallow one or the other.

    Example is visible at my live test site If you’d like to try this, register yourself and use the invite code “bbpress”. (Registering makes you a WP contributor, and I need to assign your membership role in the BBP admin manually as of right now.)

    When you’re in the forums, the logout link won’t work, because the login through WP generates a nonce that BBP doesn’t know and can’t find. Because the nonces are by design different, if I login through WP and try to logout through BBP, WP will pitch a fit without the correct nonce. Make sense or am I off track here?

    Sam Bauers

    OK, this is fixed in trunk now. Just a stupid error on my part in a new function.

    I’ll see if it’s possible to re-release the 1.0-alpha-3 or maybe just bump up to 1.0-alpha-4.


    Thanks for your investigations. “Deep” integration is just there to allow you to use WP functions inside bbPress, you still need to setup cookie and user database integration separately.

    There is no way (that I know of) to get bbPress functions inside WordPress. It may “just work” now because of recent changes, but I’m definitely drawing the line there in terms of what we support. bbPress Live should mature further to provide the display of all manner of bbPress data inside WordPress via XML-RPC.

    The idea of bbPress running as a plugin is an interesting one, and I’ve thought about it before. It would be a hefty plugin though. I would be interested in seeing a plugin that kind of loaded bbPress like a library and allowed that sort of level of integration, but again, it would be basically loading all of bbPress inside WordPress. Generally, I think we have a stronger foundation as a stand-alone product rather than a plugin and if we can make integration easier by various means then there shouldn’t be a need for it.

    The nonce keys don’t need to be shared thankfully – I almost screamed when I saw those added to WordPress.


    I went back to BBPress, this was a fresh installation, the problem i am having now is that i cant get into the admin panel, it only redirects to the forumpage.


    Alpha 2 works pretty well but 3 seems a no go until Mr. Bauers finds what’s broken.

    Curious Sam if you test this on a live environment yourself, or what the process is?


    Oh, irony. Now it’s not working (cleared my cache and purged cookies to test something else).


    Neither alpha3 nor the trunk versions of bbPress seem to create cookies for WordPress. Basically either way fails to generate the others’ cookies.

    I might be missing the mark on this one, but is the point of deep integration to have 1 single log in, or to allow use of WP functions inside BBP?

    I think the end result we’re mostly looking for, is a unified front from any direction. BBP functions in WP, and WP functions in BBP, with 1 login and registration. Which makes me think that BBP needs to be a WP plugin more than a stand along product to serve this purpose.

    I also noticed that the bbPress install doesn’t ask for the nonce key or salt from WordPress. Possible this could be an issue also?

    Sam Bauers


    The problem you note will go away if you force logins to occur in bbPress. I am going to write a plguin for WordPress which fixes the problem you currently have.


    Sounds reasonable…. backup first!


    Interesting… With shallow integration, logging into bbPress logs me (as user and admin) into WordPress as a user but NOT as an admin. For about 20 minutes. Then I tested Deep Integration and now it fails all together.


    Woah. Whatever the heck changed, I now have integrated login! Minus the admin side (still have to login again to get to WP admin) but …

    We’re not worthy!


    i currently have an installation of wordpress 2.6.5 integrated with bbpress 1.0a2. I want to update to wordpress 2.7 but I think it will break the integration.

    To my understanding, 1.0a3 will integrate with wordpress 2.7?

    Is this what I need to do?

    Step 1. Update WP from 2.6.5 to 2.7

    Step 2. Update BB from 1.0a2 to 1.0a3


    Well, my first impression of beta 3 without including is that login integration doesn’t work at all.

    Without the “deep” integration in the bb-config.php:

    1. Logging into WordPress leaves me logged out of bbPress.
    2. Logging into bbPress leaves me logged out of WordPress.
    3. Logging out of bbPress leaves me logged into WordPress.
    4. Logging out of WordPress leaves me logged into bbPress.

    With the “deep” integration in the bb-config.php:

    1. Logging into WordPress leaves me logged out of bbPress.
    2. Logging into bbPress leaves me logged out of WordPress.
    3. Logging out of bbPress leaves me logged into both bbPress AND WordPress.
    4. Logging out of WordPress leaves me logged into bbPress.

    So, login integration worked better in beta 2 unfortunately.

    I haven’t tested the themes or functions yet however.


    In reply to: New installation

    You’re exactly right!

    I added my host (straight from wp-config.php) and it worked…BUT…it didn’t write bb-config.php on it’s own…it gave me some error messages, but it also provided the code for me to make the bb-config.php on my own…

    I opened notepad, pasted the code, saved it as bb-config.php, and uploaded it to the bbPress directory. Seems to be working so far, but I’m not quite done with the install. I’ll let you know if it works out…

    Thanks Chris!



    I´ve just tested out the bbPress 1.0 and i´ve got a weird problem, the topic is not showing up, i can add and delete forums but if i start a new thread in a forum it doesnt show up.

    When i post a new thread i got the message: “This topic has been closed” but the “Topics” counter adds the thread so it is created.

    The forum:

    Any suggestions?


    I tried the shortcut method, it returned an error: `bbPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ’01:46:48 ORDER BY topic_time DESC’ at line 1]

    SELECT count(topic_id) as position FROM tvcforum_topics WHERE forum_id=6 and topic_time<=2008-12-09 01:46:48 ORDER BY topic_time DESC`

    Regarding the last bit of code you posted – there’s actually a function already present in one of the bb-includes files that does the same thing – get_page_number().



    <li><a href="" title="Visit the forums"></a></li>

    The bloginfo just grabs the url of the site in case you ever move to another domain name.



    Now what if I wanted to add the forums as a subdomain…like How does that affect the code?

    Would this work?

    <li><a>" title="Visit the forums"></a></li>

    Thank you for your help!


    In reply to: New installation


    How do you ensure? Well, you can look at your wp-config.php and see what the table prefix is there. If you didn’t change it, it’s wp_. bbPress uses bb_ by default. If you don’t change either of them, they will go properly into separate tables in the same database.

    There is something simple going wrong with the connection details. It really is as simple as the username, database name, password and host. I think they call the host “advanced database settings” in the installation. If you click that, I think it unhides the table prefix setting and the host setting. I always have to change the host in my installations, so to me that’s not an advanced setting. WordPress recently changed the terminology of that (it used to say something like “99% chance you won’t need to change this”) to something like “get these details from your host.” Maybe you just need to enter the host setting and you are not seeing where to do that.

    I’m guessing it’s the host setting you’re not entering, since it’s not visible on the installation screen. If it’s different that localhost in your wp-config.php, my guess is that’s the problem. You need to set that for bbPress.


    In reply to: New installation

    I’m gettin this same error message when putting my WordPress database name, database user, and database password into the intial setup screen…

    chrishajer: when you say “use the connection details for the database you use for WordPress and ensure the table prefixes are different,” how do we ensure the table prefixes are different? Do we do that before we put the information into our database info into the bbPress installer screen?

    I’m literally copy and pasting the database/password info from my wp-config.php and putting it into the bbPress install screen, but I’m still getting the error.

    Any Ideas?



    In that Autumn Almanac theme, you can add a link in menu.php. It can easily be before or after the link to Home, of after all the pages that are listed (so, end of the line.) Just add this to menu.php right after <?php wp_list_pages('depth=1&title_li='); ?>:

    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/forum/" title="Visit the forums"></a></li>

    That will add an additional list item right after all the rest of the pages in your menu.

    You could also do it by creating a page called Forum and then just redirect the content of that page to your forums. That way you could control the page order and have it appear in a place other than the beginning or end of the menu.

    You didn’t mention what version of bbPress and WordPress you’re trying to integrate. It matters. Looks like you are using WordPress 2.6.3 – I don’t know how to properly integrate the logins with any version of bbPress. If you spend some time looking through these forums, you will see people who’ve had trouble with integration. Maybe someone else can help you with that.


    Hello bbPress Community Members,

    This is the Arabic translation for bbPress, I’ve done it 5 months ago with

    I was a little bit lazy about posting it here, dunno why :)

    Till i checked out this post mintues ago , #thanks _ck_

    All that i do know that alot of people love it in Arabic and already using the Arabic version of bbPress.

    Also, I’ve made a complete RTL version with heavy modifications on template files and a completely new Admin Page Design (CSS Edit).

    This is the last version of Arabic Translation for with slight modifications.

    Hope that the moderator add this translation officially with other bbPress translations.

    Arabic Support Forum: (part of my blog

    Project @ Google Code:

    Arabic Language Files ar_AR:

    bbPress Arabic Pack only (language files + RTl modifications,..etc)

    bbPress Arabic Version (ready to use complete bbPress in Arabic version)

    [+] Annoying Problems:

    – unicode support for usernames :(




    I currently have wordpress installed in my root directory, but would like to have bbPress installed into a /forum directory and linked from my main homepage.

    I already have the link to a “forums page” set up at, however I’m not sure how to implement bbPress so when the link is clicked the user is taken to the forums. I don’t think I can install bbPress on a WordPress page…so I’m trying to figure out the easiest way to have the forums installed an a directory, and then linked from my WordPress menu.

    Also, do bbPress users on my site still use the WordPress “register” link?

    Thanks in advance for your help!


    I’ve never seen a hosting company visit a forum topic before, much less post there. It would be really cool if more companies did that. I won’t bad rap GoDaddy so much in the future if they’re really willing to resolve this on their end, if it’s their trouble.


    I have set up my blog. I now want to set up a BBPRESS forum. Do I select a NEW database while going through the simplescripts set up or do I de-select that?



    Um, no you missed my point. I didn’t enter an htmlentity,

    I simply entered the ampersand symbol. bbPress converts it to an htmlentity

    and then your plugin converts it to a trac code.

    only way now to get a real & is to enter &amp; or put it in backticks &

    & & & &# & & &38;

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