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  • #70098

    I second thenokiablog’s remark on WP 2.7 + bbIntegration Plugin and bbPress A4.

    I don’t receive the failure notice though.


    updated to 1.0a4 and installed the wordpress plugin. Here is the issue i found:

    if i login to wordpress, i still need to log in to bbpress.


    if i login in bbpress, it logs me into wordpress too.

    And another issue:

    If I login to bbpress, I can’t log OUT of wordpress. I see this WordPress failure Notice:

    — You are attempting to log out of **blog title**Please try again.

    Burt Adsit

    The above is a re-post here of a cry for help on the mu forums.

    Here’s an update. I’ve debugged this down to the ‘transport’ mechanism in mu. I don’t think that the problem is with the bbpress_live widget. I don’t think that it’s an apache problem. Visit this buddypress forum topic for a complete list of the debugging efforts.

    I’ve gone down to bare metal on the mu side of this and it’s just getting 404 in certain installations and I can’t figure out why. Any help would be appreciated.

    Burt Adsit

    Howdy. I’ve got a buddypress, mu and bbpress site. buddypress is trying to access some forums in bbpress thru xmlrpc. Essentially sambauer’s bbpress_live widget is being used. My problem is that the connection between buddypress and bbpress is failing for some reason unknown to me.

    Here’s the sequence of things going on.

    buddypress wants to do some stuff in the bbpress forums so a bbpress_Live_Fetch obj is instantiated and the constructor is called. The constructor, since it’s purpose is to fetch something, tries to setup a connection between buddypress and bbpress through one of it’s member functions set_endpoint().

    With me so far? We haven’t gotten to the problem yet.

    set_endpoint() makes a call to a function in /wp-content/comment.php called discover_pingback_server_uri(). That function’s purpose is to do exotic stuff finding a ‘pingback server uri’ for the passed uri.

    I don’t know what that is and don’t really care. I do care that the workhorse part of that function is actually a call to a new 2.7 function that goes out and GETs what is located at the url in question. When it GETs the goop back from that url, it parses it and returns a ping back server uri.

    However, the function that it uses to GET goop from the passed url always returns 404 when looking for my bbpress url. It does exist.

    The function wp_remote_get() when passed a valid url for bbpress such as ‘’ returns 404.

    Here’s the maddening part. It works on a windows development server but not on the live linux server. Same code, same .htaccess files, essentially the same httpd.conf file.

    Why would wp_remote_get() return 404 for a valid url? wp_remote_get() and it’s brethren seem to be new in mu 2.7.

    wpmu 2.7 r1574 is what I got runnin’


    I’m not sure it fixed everything. Or at least not with root cookies.

    If I log in via bbpress I’m logged into bbPress AND WordPress Admin but NOT WordPress user. If I try, subsequently, to login as WordPress user, it acts like I’m logged in, but if I go back to a regular page, it doesn’t work. If I then logout on bbPress, I can log in to WordPress. This happens in reverse as well. I can’t be logged into BOTH at once.

    The ‘fix’ to that was to add this to wp-config.php

    // Cookies
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/' );

    Which has the even WEIRDER side effect of logging me out between apps. Log in to bbPress, fine. Log in to WordPress, logged OUT of bbPress. Ad nasuem.

    The ‘fix’ to that is to disconnect

    $bb->logged_in_cookie = 'wordpress_logged_in';

    Which is sooo wrong.



    Yeah…this seems to work fine too:

    index.php is in the /forums directory, and there are no .htaccess files that I can find.

    So weird, I really have no clue where to go from here! I really like the look and feel of bbPress…I’d hate to have to try and find something else…


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    alright thanks


    Okay, so here’s how the story goes…

    I downloaded bbPress 1.0-alpha3 because I’m using WordPress 2.6.3…however I’m not sure if that even matters since I don’t really want to integrate the two.

    I removed all the installation files from the bbpress folder, and placed them into my /forums directory. I did this because I wanted my forums to be in, not

    Once all the files were installed via FTP into my /forums directory, I went to the site and proceeded with the installation. The first screen said “There doesn’t seem to be a bb-config.php file. This usually means that you want to install bbPress. ” so I continued and put in my database name, username, password, along with my host.

    When I hit “save database configuration” I got a ridiculously long error message:

    Warning: fopen(D:Hosting3362703htmlforums/bb-config.php) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in on line 1019

    Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in on line 1025

    Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in on line 1025

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    So instead of hassling with that, I created my own bb-config.php file, and uploaded it to the /forums directory. This allowed me to complete the entire installation. However it had one minor error, which said “Key master email not sent!” The installation log is below:

    `Referrer is OK, beginning installation…

    Step 1 – Creating database tables

    >>> Modifying database: beardownforum (

    >>>>>> Table: bb_forums

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_meta

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_posts

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_terms

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_term_relationships

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_term_taxonomy

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_topics

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_users

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    >>>>>> Table: bb_usermeta

    >>>>>>>>> Creating table

    >>>>>>>>>>>> Done

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    >>> Integration not enabled

    Step 3 – Site settings

    >>> Site name: Bear Down Arizona Forums

    >>> Site address (URL):

    >>> From email address:

    >>> Key master created

    >>>>>> Username: beardownarizona

    >>>>>> Email address:

    >>>>>> Password: (password removed)

    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community

    >>> Forum name: Bear Down Forums

    >>>>>> Topic: Your first topic

    >>>>>>>>> Post: First Post! w00t.

    >>> Key master email not sent!

    There were some errors encountered during installation!’

    Now when I go to my forums page at, I get a “page not found” error. I’ve double checked my installation files, and they are all there, so I don’t think I’m missing any files…

    I’m just at a complete loss for how to proceed. I just want to install the forums on the page, I’m not worried about integration or anything like that, since I don’t really have “users” on my main site. The forums are going to be used for that purpose.

    If it makes a difference, I’m using godaddy as my host…If you have any ideas for how I can fix this, please let me know!!


    Sam Bauers


    Good luck, be sure to report back when it’s done and please share anything you can.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    Sam Bauers


    That would be hard to keep up with.

    We rely on plugin devs to look after their own code basically. Expect renewed interest when the final 1.0 is released.


    In reply to: Arabic Translation

    Sam Bauers

    Except unicode for usernames, that will be fixed by allowing unicode display names in bbPress 1.0


    In reply to: Arabic Translation

    Sam Bauers


    I’ll contact you about adding this to the language repository.

    Also, any changes that you need made to core to get full RTL working please add patches to Trac

    You shouldn’t be forced to make a modified redistribution just for RTL text. I’m sure the changes required wouldn’t be overwhelming.

    Sam Bauers

    We do unicode display names in bbPress 1.0, but not usernames.

    Sam Bauers


    New 1.0-alpha-4 now available from the download page:


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    ah ok gotcha.

    other than that just a tiny little request, i searched for some plugins, but most of them are not up to date or infunctional, is there a way to re-validate plugins or to sort them out in categories like : alpha stage plugins / discontinued plugins / validated plugins ?

    thanks a bunch.


    Hey Sam

    What’s the file you changed? Is it possible to download from here?

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers

    $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] can be dodgy, _ck_’s code cleanup is probably a little safer.


    In reply to: bbPress Admin

    Sam Bauers

    I’ve started to think that when I get the time I might move towards the 2.7 lookl, but I’d also like to take the time to consider what bbPress needs rather than just doing a straight copy of the exact UI experience.

    What gets done in the admin area of bbPress is mostly listing stuff, so it might be more appropriate to focus on really good search and filtering in the admin area rather than menu hierarchies.

    Mockups are welcome if you want to contribute ideas. Just attach them to tickets in trac.

    Sam Bauers

    Even if you have integration set up perfectly, if you login from WordPress you will not get the correct cookies set to be able to access the bbPress admin area.

    Also, if you are doing what johnjamesjacoby describes above you will get a similar problem as the bbPress roles will get squashed by WordPress.

    There is a fix for both of these problems available, but it is only tested with WordPress 2.7

    Sam Bauers

    The problem with synced logins between WordPress and bbPress is now solved in trunk.

    Look out for a new download release in the next couple of days.

    Sam Bauers


    The login forms don’t pass around nonce values generally, so it should be of no concern.

    What happens as of right now is that the role map you setup in the admin area only gets applied to new registrations either when you save the changes on that role map form or when the new WordPress user who is missing the role in bbPress logins in through bbPress.

    On your site as it is right now this never occurs because you force all logins through WordPress. Just now in trunk I have changed that so that just visiting the bbPress site with a valid cookie will set your role in bbPress.

    I suspect that all the problems with loging out in your case are going to come down to having a bunch of stuff manually set in your wp-config.php and bb-config.php

    Here’s what I think you should do…

    1. Update bbPress to the latest trunk version
    2. Remove any hardcoded settings in bb-config.php and wp-config.php WRT integration
    3. Install this brand spanking new plugin (get the trunk version for the moment)
    4. Recheck your integration settings in bbPress – don’t hardcode anyting into bb-settings.php
    5. Configure that plugin in WordPress
    6. Copy the wp-settings.php lines specified in that plugin to wp-config.php (probably only one line for you)

    Let us know how that goes.


    Upgrade from A2 to A3 went smoothly for me.

    Login Sync still doesn’t work but it solved a delay issue for me when users hit the post/reply button until the message was actually displayed (almost 15 seconds with A2, now almost instantly).

    No probs with Plugin’s either.

    Looking good, thank you!


    In reply to: bbPress Admin


    You seriously want them to spend what little development time they have on the admin panel?

    WordPress has changed it’s panel for the last three versions.

    Wait a version it will change again. And again. And again.

    Then there will be plugins to change it back to the old version.

    Then they will break all the admin plugins again after enough authors adjust.

    Matt can’t make up his mind, first he likes top-down style and says people know how to scroll, then he changes his mind 100% and goes linear with an ugly, too narrow, center column. No attempt at supporting a fall back legacy design.

    I kinda like how the bbPress 1.0 panel looks.

    I can’t find anything quickly or easily under 2.7

    Trent Adams

    I will be around more again now ;) Been a busy year! Thanks for the cleanup code _ck_ and I will test it tomorrow. Hi back to everyone ;)


Viewing 25 results - 54,051 through 54,075 (of 64,078 total)
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