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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #70159
    Sam Bauers


    Your issues with the edit form are now resolved in trunk.

    The issue with users not receiving a role on login still has to be looked at. Please make a trac ticket for it.


    In reply to: Link WP and BB


    thanks A1ex. Can you tell me how to add links back to wordpress from bbpress?

    Sam Bauers


    You can either define the COOKIEHASH in WPMU or define each cookie name individually in WPMU

    The COOKIEHASH is the letter jumble part of each cookie name after the last underscore.


    Topic renaming fixed in trunk.

    Is this supposed to be fixed in the nightlies as well? I installed the latest one yesterday and the issue is still persistent.


    In reply to: Link WP and BB


    So just figurd out that this only happens if a use registers from wordpress, if a user registers from bbpress everything works great in bbpress and wordpress so for now ill just make everyone register through bbpress but this seems to be some coding bug that people might want to check into.


    I think vannak did that, and it’s 10 seconds:

    What happens if you upload a random file and name it test.txt ?

    Since it can’t modify the php file, I guess it won’t be able to modify the text.txt file either but maybe it’s only because the php file is open by the same process.


    I get this:

    bbPress is already installed, but appears to require an upgrade.

    With the finished installation saying:

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…

    >>> Setting up custom user table constants

    Step 1 – Creating database tables

    >>> Database is already installed!!!

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    >>> WordPress address (URL):

    >>> Blog address (URL):

    >>> WordPress cookie keys set.

    >>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt set from input.

    >>> Fetching missing WordPress cookie salts.

    >>>>>> WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt not set.

    >>> User database table prefix: wp_

    Step 3 – Site settings

    >>> Site name: Forums

    >>> Site address (URL):

    >>> From email address:

    >>> Key master role assigned to existing user

    >>>>>> Username: admin

    >>>>>> Email address:

    >>>>>> Password: Your existing password

    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community

    >>> Forum could not be created!

    >>> Key master email sent

    There were some errors encountered during installation!


    File(/class.wp-object-cache.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/vhosts/****.com/httpdocs:/tmp) in /var/www/vhosts/****.com/httpdocs/bbpress/bb-includes/backpress/functions.wp-object-cache.php on line 14, referer: http://www.****.com/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php?step=1

    [client] PHP Warning: main(class.wp-object-cache.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /var/www/vhosts/****.com/httpdocs/bbpress/bb-includes/backpress/functions.wp-object-cache.php on line 14, referer: http://www.****.com/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php?step=1

    [client] PHP Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘class.wp-object-cache.php’ (include_path=’.:.:.:’) in /var/www/vhosts/****.com/httpdocs/bbpress/bb-includes/backpress/functions.wp-object-cache.php on line 14, referer: http://www.****.com/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php?step=1

    This is from my log. I’ve checked the config syntax and copied it many times to make sure it was ok.

    I’ll have a look at that link thanks as I can contact the guy who runs the server.



    The site is hosted by a Plesk enviroment which runs linux. bbpress version the latest beta and the current stable one. I intend to integrate it with wordpress but I did’t even get that far.


    Maybe someone who uses GoDaddy hosting has a Linux account there and can test _ck_’s NFS Detector™?


    I know, I rethought that after I posted it. I don’t understand Windows/IIS servers either, so it makes no sense to me. On Linux, there’s nothing funny about it at all. It just works. Make a directory, it works. You can write to it. It’s easy. This makes no sense.

    I will check into write permissions for that folder. I don’t see why a file in that folder can’t write to the folder, but hey, I don’t know anything about Windows servers at all.

    Is there a way to go ’round the problem, hardcoding something or creating the file manually first?


    Well the creation errors aren’t exactly godaddy’s fault, it’s just something weird with windows I don’t completely know about since I hate IIS and won’t even test it.

    Makes no sense that a php program can’t create a file. Something is wrong there.

    Only intelligent thing I can find about it is here:

    Do you have some kind of security panel where you can give your account write permission to the /test/ directory?


    There are no other errors but that one?

    What type of host OS are you using?

    What version bbPress did you install?

    Are you integrating with WordPress and if so, what version?



    Sorry, that didn’t work. More errors this time. It’s making GoDaddy look worse and worse.

    Warning: fopen(D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddytesttest.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddytestdefault.php on line 9

    Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddytestdefault.php on line 9

    Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directory in D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddytestdefault.php on line 9

    Warning: touch() [function.touch]: Unable to create file D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddytesttest.txt because Permission denied in D:Hosting123456htmlgodaddytestdefault.php on line 11

    0.00039196014404297 seconds


    I know my config file is right and the database name, user and password are ok. I installed WordPress no problem.

    when I go to /bbpress , I get the inital screen where you enter the details but as soon as I went to step 2 I just got a blank screen. As soon as there is a config file I get nothing !!.

    I’ve looked in the errors and I see “open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/bb-includes/db.php) is not within the allowed path(s):”

    Is open_basedir the problem?



    Hi there i just installed bbpress 1.0-alpha with wordpress 2.7 everything went great untill i started creating useres.

    If you go under admin to the user edit profile page i get this error under user type

    Warning:array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: the second argument should be an array or an object in functions-bb-template.php on line 2021 >Key Master

    Warning:array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: the second argument should be an array or an object in functions-bb-template.php on line 2021 >Administrator

    Warning:array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: the second argument should be an array or an object in functions-bb-template.php on line 2021 >Moderator

    Warning:array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: the second argument should be an array or an object in functions-bb-template.php on line 2021 >Member

    and so on for all user types

    this is what i got from line 2021 in functions-bb-template.php

    <option value=”<?php echo $r; ?>”<?php if ( array_key_exists($r, $user->capabilities) ) echo ‘ selected=”selected”‘; ?>><?php echo $n; ?></option>

    with this error only admin can post comments all other users i guess dont have a type assigned because of this error

    wordpress and bbpress our using the same data base, i can login to wordpress and go to bbpress and still be loged in so i know that part works just something with transferring the user type is not working.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Justin Tadlock

    I can confirm that I’ve experienced this issue as early as alpha 2 as well.



    No, I can assure you it was that way since beta2, since that’s when I first started trying to research this whole integrating thing and noticed this issue myself. I assumed then that it was bad integration on my part, or that one of the several plug-ins or modifications I’ve made was causing it. Because I personally plan on avoiding that profile page all together, I skipped the error and prioritized my efforts more towards integrating logins and themes.



    The issue with roles has actually been since I remember integration starting with 2.7/1.0 series. It’s basically because there is no role set and no role map set for the bbPress side of it.

    The issue with roles being set as INACTIVE is expected and worked without issue (once the user logged in, all was fine). But having the roles show up as an ‘error’ is new since 1.0a4.

    Justin Tadlock


    Yes, I’m viewing that as the Key Master. I’ll run another test with a new user to see what’s happening as well.


    Yes, this has been a problem since the 2.7/1.0 integration. Registration through bbPress works fine, but that won’t be an option for me once going live.


    I tried adding a user through WordPress, then logging in with that profile in bbPress. No user role was set. Then, I checked it with the Key Master account and got the same error I posted above.

    Users are still logged in fine across both installations.


    Well I implemented my silly workaround with the conditional in the header and it works;

    if this is_bbress -> bbpress search form

    else -> wp search form

    you get results only for the forum inf you are browsing bbpress and only for wordpress if you are in wp.


    Yes too bad and goodbye Godaddy, Candice, and Danica.


    Thanks for the code John :) Half the results but it actually could solve the 404 problem.

    However, adding a get_settings(‘home’) to the search form makes this search;


    I had in mind that perhaps anybody developed a wordpress plugin that could search both, wp and bb and then display the results, first all the wp entries and next all the bb entries.

    Or maybe a conditional in the wp template where I placed wp searcher; first the wp searcher with anything similar to John’s get_settings(‘home’) and then a conditional; if this is bbpress then use bbpress searcher and append the results. I already have a function to create bb conditionals in wp;

    function is_bbpress() {
    global $bb;
    return $bb ? true : false;

    There is another search plugin for bbPress that appends a WordPress search to the bbPress search.

    I wanted all the contrary :) a wp plugin that appends bb results at the end of the search.

    BTW, after finding the searcher issue I realized that 404 templates need integration too.


    There are numerous other quirks too in bbPress’s parsing.

    For example paragraph tags are stripped inside of backticks.

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