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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #70490

    Are you talking about bbPress or WordPress? There is no email notification of comments in bbPress unless you set it up for email notification of your favorites. Did you do that, or are you talking about WordPress?

    It sounds like you’re talking about bbPress and WordPress, but they’re separate, and I can’t even see where you have WordPress installed?

    Are the emails coming from bbPress or WordPress, and what is the URL for moderation?


    I was in need of a quickfix for the user-role problem, so I wrote a really ugly plugin for it.

    Whenever the page is shown, it checks whether or not the user is able to “write_post”. If not, it sets the user role to “member”.

    IMPORTANT: This means the plugin won’t be usable for all of you who are in the need of setting users as ‘inactive’ or ‘blocked’! In my case, I probably won’t need ‘inactive’ or ‘blocked’ users before bbPress 1.0 is released.

    Download plugin

    Here is the code for the plugin if you would like to check it out before download. And by the way, I’m not really used to writing plugins for bbPress yet, so if I’ve made any really bad flaws (especially on the security-side) please sort me out.

    function inactive_to_member() {
    $userID = bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' );
    $user_obj = new BP_User( $userID );
    if(!bb_current_user_can('write_post')) {
    add_action ('bb_head', 'inactive_to_member', 5, 0);

    I hope this might help some of you out.


    Ok- (Admin page, plug-ins says Akismet is off) First thing I need to know how to do is administer the page. Seems to me, doesn’t matter so much which version I am running just now. When I get an email notice of a comment, click the link to the page, am asked for User ID and Password, get incorrect Password message, change password, copy-paste new password or type new password, it will not accept. And I can’t figure out how to admin the blog from the bbpress page. How do I admin the forum?


    So, what is your next question? Ask one question about your bbPress installation and we’ll work on that.

    If you would like to prevent spammer registrations, I would install the Human Test plugin by _ck_:

    If you would like to install Bad Behaviour, there was a How To posted a while back:

    And using the built in Akismet (plugin may need to be activated in your installation) will help as well.


    I ran this script perfectly. I was running phpbb3 3.0.3 I think, with phpbb-se0 advanced installed. Worked perfect, thanks!



    Looks like you resolved these already, eh?

    > Went to upgrade to current version bbPress.

    > Got stuck at 2) Upload uncompressed files? To

    > where, how? “cause then I visited URL and was

    > not greeted by installer, so I guess I did not

    > upload files correctly. It said to rename

    > config.php to old and save, but then does not

    > say what to do with it.


    Immelody!!!! thank you so much!


    The latest SVN seems to fix this, though it throws a new error.

    #1016 has been opened.



    How would I reset bbpress to the non-integrated configuration?


    Ganzuelo, go to your header.php. Scroll down to around line 95. Under the div id nav, you’ll see a lot of links. Just plug your URLs in there, and change the text to whatever you want it to be.


    Hey Immelody nice work! How do you manually add the links in the bbpress theme?

    #70483 My last Harley was a ’91 Fat Boy.


    lolos, I apologize for taking so long to get back. You can download the themes together at . You’ll want to go into header.php in the bbpress template and manually edit the page links.

    Honestly, it took me going through lots of different themes before coming to this one. I chose two themes from the same creator because generally, they’ll follow the same code. Then I had to figure out what was what. Such as with these themes, there was originally two sidebars for the wordpress theme, so I had to consolidate.

    BTW, I haven’t figured out what to do about the granny font size. For now, I’m going to keep it the way it is. I’m not able to reproduce the error even when I granny size.



    I have a wordpress forum @ for the quake live CTF community.

    I recently installed a bbpress forum to go with that. Seems to work pretty fine besides some inital errors.

    Yet now I face this problem where It does not automaticly link people’s account when they signed up via front end of the wordpress. All the registered users in wordpress had to be manually given in a role in bbpress. The same thing applies for new registrations in wordpress.

    However, if I sign up via the forum stuff works great.

    This is the menu I get when someone made an account via front end:

    If I click any role and then save, it corrects itself and the user can post. The long error is replaced by whichever role I chose. (member/admin,etc…)

    Now I have to manually assign a role each time someone signs up through wordpress instead of bbpress.

    WordPress: 2.7

    bbpress: 10 alpha 4

    Any ideas?

    Thanks for the support and I greatly appreciate the effort put into this great piece of code!




    Wow, this thread has attracted some really well-known (infamous?) WordPress people. :-)


    bbPress has an advanced WHERE filter on every mysql query.

    You could write a plugin that simply tallys their post (and cache that cause you don’t want to do it each time) and then manipulate the WHERE filter based on the result.

    It’s a very strange request so don’t expect me to do it for you ;-)

    See my Hidden Forums plugin to see how the filters work.

    Justin Tadlock


    I’ve added the issue to Trac:

    This is actually my first time submitting a ticket, so I hope I done everything correctly.


    Hi guyz,

    To start off, a very exceptionally simple script – thats

    I am in the process of modifying the BBpress into not just a forum.. but more.. Most of the stuff is done.

    My Question is:

    Is it possible to Lock the number of visible topics a member is able to view?

    I havent attempted to do this yet.

    I want to force participation, in the sense that, when a member posts one topic, about 9 other topics are now visible to That member.

    Another topic post by that member brings the visible topics to 20 for him specifically.

    In other words, the number of topics visible to a member is the number of topics that member posted!

    so is this possible? if so, how difficult would that be?


    Okay, so I deleted the entries for the members in “bb_capabilities” aside from the keymasters, and when I try to run the user role map, it doesn’t actually work. I haven’t tried to track this function down yet but as a suggestion I almost wonder if that role map might actually work better as a role alignment tool, overwriting the values with the new ones for all users.

    I may just make that a plug-in actually because my trouble shooting attempt may have been a bad idea haha!


    bbPress .9 won’t integrate with WP 2.7.

    Use the alpha version and things should be okay.


    Ok, I went into my phpAdmin (GoDaddy) and deleted all the tables involving bbPress, which allowed me to redo the installation. But now, it won’t connect the tables. When I go through Step 2 and fill in all the information and then go on to Step 3, it tells me I skipped Step 2.


    Just tried to integrate bbpress and wordpress, and now I can’t login to bbpress. I had two users set up in my forum — a key master and a normal user — and I’m getting responses that neither exist. I’m wondering if the problem may be related to the “Locked Out” thread of a couple of weeks back, but I’m not getting any error message when I try call the forum. But neither of my user names is recognized, and I donno how to get into admin to see if they’re still there. I’m using bbpress and 2.7 wordpress. I installed both of them separately then later tried to effect the integration; they reside in separate databases on the server (ddigger1_final and ddigger1_bbpress); bbpress is in a subdirectory of public_html, as is wordpress.

    Any suggestions on how to fix it would be appreciated. Thanks.


    Question, any reason why, after making sure all the keys matched between the two, I’d still be getting this error:

    >>> Fetching missing WordPress cookie salts.

    >>>>>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt not set.

    >>>>>> WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt not set.

    >>>>>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt not set.


    @sambauers – Should I define COOKIEHASH in wp-settings or wp-config? I’ve seen both methods mentioned in various places and am curious if one is preferred/required? Thanks!

    Sam Bauers

    The missing value in your list is AUTH_SALT

    It *may* work in 2.6.5 if you define all the cookie names individually in WPMU.

Viewing 25 results - 53,776 through 53,800 (of 64,078 total)
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