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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #71074

    Everything went fine until I went to truncate and then got this message:

    Table ‘robpr3_phpBB3.bb_forums’ doesn’t exist [1146]

    I had all ready installed and integrated bbpress with WP. Does this mean I have to start from scratch? :-(



    What version did you install?

    I would not reinstall since that’s no magic bullet. Do you have access to PHP error logs? A blank screen indicating a 500 Server Error should be logged somewhere. It’s possible your server has a PHP function that’s been disabled, but is required by bbPress. In that case, reinstalling will not change a thing.

    I would try to find an error log, or if that does not exist, turn on some custom error reporting.

    Fernando Tellado

    I’ve downloaded it and installed, and the version remains the same (alpha 5) 😮



    Before installing the forum I created one new mySQL DB and one user instead of using already existing mySQL DB. Apart from this I have not made any other change to any other file.

    If you suggest to repeat the steps I can re-install it again.

    Please suggest the steps to completely uninstall bbpress for re-installation.




    Hahah… Well, the idea behind bbPress is not to install things like this within the core. This way forum administrators aren’t bogged down with the extra weight of a series of functions that they never intend to use; a less is more approach.

    There is also a plug-in that provides this exact functionality in the extend area. ;)


    I would say, “YES”. I don’t know what I was thinking. I had the whole system running fine then I uploaded A6 like a big dumb gangling puppy! I didn’t make a backup and now it doesn’t work.

    I get this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function do_action() in /home/user/public_html/forums/index.php on line 6

    line 6.) do_action( ‘bb_index.php_pre_db’, ” );


    Should I be concerned that the zip file still is named alpha5?


    Why doesn’t bbPress incorporate email notifications? Isn’t that a no brainer, how else is a person notified of changes to their topic? RSS VS eMail, outcome, eMail wins–right? Not everyone is a techie type of person. They post their questions and if email is not setup they won’t ever know what the answer was?

    vbulletin will always be tops if these issues are not dealt with, right?

    I am an outsider please put down the stones :) I am just curious…


    Topic: Single topic only

    in forum Plugins

    I’m trying to find a way to us bbPress that allows me to have only a single topic and nothing more for the whole site.

    I have a site, which is basically a guestbook on steroids with user moderation, profiles and various security features. The main feature, and the thing that has kept it alive for over 12 years, is the very simple, flowing format which evolved from a guestbook.

    I want to replace the bespoke PHP because I’m tired of maintaining it all, and adding new features is a pain in the neck.

    I’ve been playing with bbPress today and it has the simplistic approach that suits my needs. However, I need to find a way to basically make the default landing page a topic, and to hide/remove all functionality that is related to multiple topics and multiple forums.

    I’m happy to mess with the core code and maintain it for upgrades, but a plugin approach would be preferable. However, I don’t know where to even start. Is it something I can achieve with a different template, or do core functions need modification or plugin-based override?

    The other piece to this puzzle, and I think I saw an answer already, is that the display order of posts needs to change to be the most recent at the top.

    Any help people can provide is appreciated.




    In reply to: Add Register link


    Looks like the text is actually provided by bb-includes/, and the text depends on if you’re logged in or not.

    Not logged in shows this:

    ('You must <a href="%s">log in</a> to post.')

    I’m not sure how you would modify that to display what you want, without modifying this core file. Modifying core files makes it troublesome to upgrade to new bbPress versions.

    What version bbPress are you using?


    In reply to: PHP usage poll

    Sam Bauers


    What would be particularly useful is an intersection of php version and bbpress version.

    Sam Bauers

    This alpha release is to specifically address issues that arose from the last release. In addition I believe that the long standing issues with auto role assignment between WordPress and bbPress are now resolved as well.

    Download here


    There was this plugin:

    Not sure if it still works, and not sure what version bbPress you are using.


    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!


    Very customized theme: (Danish site for Volkswagen enthusiasts)

    I’m not finished yet, using a few own developed plugins to glue it all together and doing the inline pictures… Everything on the site is custom developed plugins, or done in the theme… Nothing changed in the core, which was my main goal… So I am able to keep updating from the development here…

    Having changed to bbPress and been live for about 10 days it’s been very good, and after the performance fix for latest topics, it been running very smooth…

    Daniel Juhl

    Nope, it’s not shared or anything.. but it seems like being a problem between what character set of data bbPress thinks it getting and what it actually get. I’ll try working on it, and see what happends..


    So I’m setting up a members forum for a product I’m selling…thinking of using bbPress.

    I need the ability to approve posts before they get posted. I can’t take the chance of some idiot posting stuff like. “This is a rip-off! Everyone ask for a refund!”

    Anyone know if there is a plugin that can do this?

    Another thing that I thought about was something that could search the words in the post and if it contained anything like, “refund”, “Rip-Off” or whever I put in there….it will flagg it to me moderated first.

    Any ideas?



    If I am following this correctly, I’ve created a directory in my bbPress route directory called “my-plugins” and placed the “allow-images.php” in that folder (both locally and uploaded with FTP)

    I’ve even Ctrl-F5’d my forum .. with no joy!

    Stuck! ;(


    In reply to: bbpress vs phpbb


    @eclipsenow – why not just use phpBB3 then?


    You should check all the PHP files for syntax errors. Especially any file you might have modified. Did you modify a theme, install any plugins, modify the bb-config.php?

    The files from bbPress are probably OK, assuming they were uploaded properly, so check anything you modified or edited.


    Are you using a shared DB with WordPress and, if so, did you happen to use Fantastico or some other installer app to install it?

    I’ve seen that (latin1_swedish_ci) borking recently with a weird WP install, but not with BBPress.


    In reply to: Can’t access Admin

    Daniel Juhl


    I’ve just tested an upgrade of my bbPress forum. The upgrade goes to bbPress, but after the upgrade has finished and the upgrade/installation script has asked, and been given permission, to upgrade the database, it seems like theres some problems with special characters. The forum is in danish, and therefore æ, ø and Ã¥ is very common, but after the upgrade they just show up as their respective UTF8 codes. I can’t figure out, and but the header and my browser is set to UTF8.

    I can tell, that the forum was and still are in UTF8, but the collation on the database tables is latin1_swedish_ci

    Anyone with an idea of the problem?


    Gosh, it’s 1:16 in the morning, and I just checked out rev. 1910 with and still no success with installation.

    Using WP 2.7

    I hope I won’t see a nightmare — my client, an old blogger, coming over to my house and torturing me for not installing his special request: bbpress.


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