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  • #69497

    It would actually be really easy to build in bbPress theme functionality into the get_header and get_footer functions of WordPress, and I’ve thought about doing that in a few of the themes I’m making. Let me experiment this evening and report back.


    In reply to: Super Sticky Problem

    You know, I’ve thought about this type of thing, and I think that bbPress really tries to hide the forum layout as much as possible. It doesn’t surprise me that it would work this way, as super stickies tend to really act like forum wide announcements than as stickies. That being said, showing them in a forum that’s already halfway hidden is a little redundant.

    bbPress really does work much differently than your typical forum, and it takes a little massaging to make it feel like phpBB or vBulletin.


    In reply to: Super Sticky Problem


    Ah sounds like it’s still an issue in Version 1.0-alpha-2:


    The title of this post made me chuckle, so I had to chime in.

    If worse really comes to worse, I am willing to assist on a more personal level. I can’t ethically advertise myself or my services here, but if you can google your way into contacting me outside of, I’d do my best to help you.

    …And Joomla, blech… :)


    @Tinkerer – that is correct. That has been a problem for some time. What versions did you integrate?


    Just edit the link in header.php in your template folder to point it to your WordPress home page, rather than the bbPress home page.

    So instead of this:

    <a href="<?php bb_uri(); ?>"><?php bb_option('name'); ?></a>

    You would have something like this:

    <a href="">WordPress Home</a>


    It probably is due to being on a IIS server. We were able to get this working with SwiftMailer and an external SMTP server. What exactly did you try to get this working? Please post the URLs of what you tried. Thanks.

    You could avoid emailing the password by displaying it upon account creation, or letting the user select their own password.

    ATM I can’t find the plugin I thought existed to just display the password rather than email it.


    When you say “copy” do you mean “have the wordpress sidebar in bbPress” so it will be dynamic, just like it is in WordPress? Or, will you just copy and paste the code for a static sidebar into bbPress and it will never change?

    If you want the former, you need integration, and you need to include WordPress inside bbPress so you have access to WordPress functions, like get_sidebar();.

    If you want the latter, you just need to modify your template files to include the sidebar where you want it, and then modify the CSS to allow the space to exist in your forum.


    It’s just wikipedia politics and someone wants to feel like they have power.

    I would guess once Matt starts promoting bbPress on you’ll see the page restored as bbPress becomes more famous.

    Fairly certain bbPress has over 10,000 users now and will do another survey in February – there are projects with far fewer users which still have a page on Wikipedia.


    Thanks for the screencast Sam! I installed BBpress 1.0 Alpha with WP 2.7 but didn’t get the integration to work fully. I followed your screencast as well as I could but my setup is a bit different:

    1. I already had wp 2.7 installed with a custom prefix (which I filled out in the set up)

    2. My host has safe mode on so I got some errors and had to manually modify and upload the config file.

    I was not able to log in to the forum since Firefox got in to a loop so I couldn’t finnish the installation process. So I deleted the BBpress db tables and reinstalled but did the Worpress integration after the installation was done. Most things works fine, I can login to WP and BBpress just fine. I can create users in WP that can log in to BBpress and the other way around. What doesn’t work is sharing the cookies. Users must still login when switching from WP to BBpress or the other way around.

    I have set everything with the BB_AUTH_KEY, BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY, BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY as described and double checked with the wp-config file that everything is the same.

    Any pointers to how I can get the cookie sharing to work?


    How can I get my bbpress header image to link to my wordpress home page?


    any change? its been a while since fb connect was launched. surely the popular facebook conect plugin for wordpress can be slightly adapted to work as a bbpress plugin too? or am i way off?


    Also it seems that by including the wp header the language settings of bbpress are being overrided… ?



    chrishajer ist right, the wp-blog-header is required in order to make it work.

    But apparently this is still not enough; you’ll need to make sure bbpress accesses the event calendar’s CSS files as well; furthermore the events list from this plugin is designed in a way that it will display the details of an event by making use of javascript; this, however, fails. I couldn’t get this to work yet. So in my bbpress people see that there is an event on a certain day, but cant click on it.

    Any ideas how to fix that?

    Also I’d like to know whether there is a way of accessing the plugin via the bbpress dashboard instead/in addition to the wordpress dashboard. Or, skipping the bbpress dashboard altogether and have one dashboard for WP and bbpress. :-)


    Just wanted to thank you for this post, you’re a genius :)


    [edited by moderator]

    I haven’t played with BBpress to know all its features. However, ideally, and I think I may have said this before, I think bbpress should become an extension of WordPress, or at least have that as an option. I can install Joomla in 50 seconds using Fantastico, and then install their POWERFUL little forum Agora in about 50 seconds because it is an extension right in Joomla! Too easy.


    Sound interesting eclipsenow :)

    You can backup bbpress using a wordpress backup tool. If integrated, bbpress and wordpress use the same databases anyway. The plugin I use sends a backup of the whole blog & forum to my mail every week, day, month or whatever you want).

    I use this plugin:

    Though this seems the most popular:

    If you customize your template you should manually take a backup of that template as well, though. It’s just one folder you should get from your webserver whenever you change the template. If you don’t change the template (which I think is probably the case for you), then backing up your template folder is not of your concern yet.

    More info & alternatives:

    (I’m sure the experts in this forum can tell you a lot more about general backup through cpanel and such. I’m just a guy learning through tutorials & trial and error just like you:p )



    I am new to bbpress but have been using WP for sometime. The main reason why i changed to bbpress it to make my users register at one blog and use it to login to bbpress.

    I want to know

    1) is it possible to intergrate ONE WP 2.7 blog.

    2) is it possible to intergrate 8 WP 2.7 blogs.

    3) Also is it possible for users to register on ANY of the 8 BLOGS can login to ONE bbpress forum.

    Please answer this, it will help me a lot.

    Thanks and Regards

    Paul Joseph


    I just did a new installation and none of the email functionality is working… new user registration password email, password reset email etc. I’ve gone through any old posts on this forum that discuss this issue and I still don’t see any resolution… I’ve done the email patch plugin and made edits to the pluggables.php file wherever suggested but nothing. So I thought I’d make one final attempt to see if anyone has resolved this issue yet. I *think* the cause might be due to the installation being on an IIS server… unfortunately, that’s the only option I have at this point.

    I’d really like to use bbpress but without this email functionality, it’s pretty much useless.

    Any new thoughts would be appreciated.



    Oh, one other thing I forgot.

    How do I back up bbpress?


    Hi all,

    thanks for your comments, some of you have had a lot of experience at this!

    My site is probably more about the forum, but with blog/website article functionality leading to discussion in the forums. It’s a political reform agenda, with Phd level people recommending that we abolish the States in Australia and have a unified National legislation parliament with far more efficiency and streamlined structures than the mess we now have, and a strong Constitutionally recognised Local government responsible for the local implementation and management of the currently state run (and failing) public services (health care, etc). Sound controversial? YOU BET, so that’s why the BLOG comments will be “off” but the forum has to be absolutely state of the art, to handle all the quite long and technical posting.

    So… while WP might have state of the art blogging, I’m really looking for forum functionality.

    Also, as this topic is on databases, has anyone used Brinkster? I suck at even normal Cpanel phpmyadmin stuff, let alone Brinkster… they seem to want people to hand code stuff in php.

    I don’t have to know php if I’m going to use bbpress do I?

    Lastly, why doesn’t this forum have email replies turned on?


    If bbpress is going to be such a big part of WP, isn’t it a good idea to have the compatible themes accessible from within both bbpress and WP? (I love the way WordPress can now browse the official themes library from within the control panel. That beats Joomla hands down in that particular department).


    I’m not sure how to do that – but this plugin by _ck_ might provide another angle on the same issue:


    It lets users pick their own passwords when they create the account…


    WordPress and bbPress itself does not use sessions but some plugins do.

    It’s been my experience you need to do a session start at least once before you can access any session variables in a page.

    Ryan Hellyer

    In case yer interested, here’s the crude demo within a WordPress page …

    And here’s some previews of the built in themes:

    Revolution Generated

    Hellish Simplicity

    Aqua Vaccinium

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