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  • #71421

    :( I don’t want bbpress to get more famous honestly. I like the fact that this is a forum software that not a lot of people use, it makes my forum seem unique. But, oh well.


    The reason why “full integration” isn’t ‘recommended’ is because WordPress is pretty sloppy with the number of database queries that it runs, sometimes into the hundreds per page load. bbPress tends to be very efficient in this department, so going from 9 queries to 30 queries for no real reason doesn’t make sense.

    _ck_ made a topic about how to create a query without doing full integration, and I highly recommend using that method in most instances. It will allow you to have much more control over what you’re doing and how it’s doing it.

    For the sake of being easy, full integration will provide you with every available WordPress function and ability, many of which you will never need or use. I personally am using full integration because I’m still poking my head around trying to figure out what’s all possible to do with it, and it does work very well, just a little slower than a non-fully integrated install of bbPress.


    One of bbPress’s focus is to be fast, but like a lot of framework, it seems to ignore the basics rules of good client-side performance. For instance, if you are logged-in and if you are on topic’s page, there are 7 external JS requests, all of them placed in the head. Page rendering is blocked until those JS files are fully loaded. Ideally, we should minimize the number of requests (concatenating all the JS files into 1) and put them at the bottom of the page before body.

    bbPress is also using two JS frameworks that has overlapping functionalities (Prototype and jQuery), ideally we should choose one and stick with it (preferably jQuery, imho). There are also some code that duplicate functionality that already exists in the JS framework, for instance: add-load-event.js.

    I realize this might be easier said than done, but I would like to know if this is at least being considered in the roadmap. If not, is there any suggestion before I hack the core? (I don’t think a plugin can do this?)




    > So can I move certain “modules” or “plug-ins” around without php?

    > EG: Can I move the log-in bar to the top or the bottom or the side

    > of the page by a “point and click” interface a bit like Joomla,

    > or do I have to know php to just move something around?

    No, it does not work like Joomla in this regard. It’s also unlike widgetized themes in WordPress. You don’t need to know PHP to move these thigns around, but you *do* need to know enough *about* PHP to know how it works, and you need to edit the theme files to move those blocks around manually.

    > Are there any “core” enhancements coming in the new bbpress that

    > will enable easier customisation?

    I can’t speak for bbPress, but there’s nothing like that that I am aware of.

    > Lastly, if I have a stunning new wordpress theme that I’ve styled up

    > in Dreamweaver, how do I make bbpress “sit” inside the header-wrapper

    > of WordPress?

    bbPress does not become a part of WordPress. If you have the design in Dreamweaver, you are going to create two themes: one for WordPress and one for bbPress. They are going to look similar, but they are not going to be identical.

    For the big commitment, that’s up to you. bbPress is a very immature package right now without a lot of resources being applied to it. WordPress on the other hand has a very vibrant development community, a good group of core employees programming for it, a regular release schedule, etc. I think it’s a mistake to lump bbPress and WordPress together. I would not hesitate to use WordPress as a CMS for nearly any website I were doing. For forums though, I think you have to consider all the possibilities. There are lots of forums available. The determining factor should be the strengths and weaknesses of each forum, and how they fit with your strengths and weaknesses. It’s a personal decision for you.

    Luckily, I’ve only had two customers request forum functionality, out of about forty websites (1 Joomla, the rest WordPress). So, I made the decision to use bbPress in both cases, but depending on the situation, I might choose something different in the future.


    WordPress functionality means being able to use WordPress functions, in bbPress. There are WordPress functions called get_header():, get_footer();, get_sidebar(); that exist in WordPress. Some people would like to use call these functions in their bbPress templates so they can get the exact same footer, header and sidebar in their forum as they have in the WordPress site. To do that, you need to do “full integration” which is what _ck_ is recommending against.

    To just put a list of images with links in your sidebar, you need only modify your template files. You need to create space in the template where you want the sidebar (maybe forum.php in your template folder) by creating an additional div, maybe call it #rightsidebar. Now, you need to edit your style.css to make the other divs smaller (less wide, and then make the rightsidebar wider to fill the space you created. If they theme you’re using doesn’t have enough space for all that, you might need to increase the width of the whole layout.

    I think the first step is to make the space on the page where you want it, get that working. Then, get the list of images and links in there. That’s how I would go about it. It doesn’t sound like you need access to specific WordPress functions.


    I’m not sure about the iframe issue at all. Many people would like the forum to look like the WordPress blog. Normally you end up having to create a bbPress theme that looks like your blog theme.

    How about using this redirect trick to get them where you want them after submitting the form?


    So can I move certain “modules” or “plug-ins” around without php? EG: Can I move the log-in bar to the top or the bottom or the side of the page by a “point and click” interface a bit like Joomla, or do I have to know php to just move something around?

    Are there any “core” enhancements coming in the new bbpress that will enable easier customisation?

    Lastly, if I have a stunning new wordpress theme that I’ve styled up in Dreamweaver, how do I make bbpress “sit” inside the header-wrapper of WordPress?

    I’m almost on the brink of making a big commitment here. This could help me decide to shift not only to bbpress, but to WordPress. (I’m leaning away from Joomla and towards WordPress because of the Dreamweaver compatibility as well!) So while in some ways I’m a newbie, please understand that I’ve finally caught the “web-design” bug (although am kind of doing it part time), have upgraded to Adobe CS4, my wife and I work in a design studio, I’ve spent about 20 hours so far running through tutorials on XHTML and CSS and now I’m working through Dreamweaver, and I just need to make a choice about which CMS and forum to “get into” for clients.


    I am upgrading an old .83 bbpress installation to Alpha 1.0r6.

    I have about 6k posts in the .83 database.

    After upgrading the database I’ve noticed the following problems. Several of the posts in the database were made by users no longer in the database. If a topic containing posts by these now ‘anonymous’ users is displayed, I get the following error at the top of the screen.

    DB Error in wp_users::append_meta: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '32) /* WP_Users::append_meta */' at line 1

    SELECT user_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_usermeta WHERE user_id IN (1,,32) /* WP_Users::append_meta */

    If I delete the anonymous posts in the thread, the problem goes away. Using PHPAdmin I checked the user ID’s assigned to the posts and there are no users with those user ID’s in wp_users. (I have an integrated installation).

    I thought the problem was a result of an upgrade, so I created a new user, made some posts, and then deleted that user. The problem still exists. I have not tried this on a clean install and it would be useful if someone could try that.

    I am running the default Kak. Blue theme.

    I believe I tracked the problem request to a backpress file.


    if ( $metas = $this->db->get_results("SELECT $meta_field, meta_key, meta_value FROM {$this->db->$meta_table} WHERE $meta_field IN ($ids) /* WP_Users::append_meta */") ) {

    I am not a SQL sleuth but I believe the $ids field is being populated with nulls associated with deleted users.


    In reply to: Hot Tags not updating


    Looks like the function bb_tag_heat_map takes some parameters. In your tags.php template file, you will find something like this:

    <?php bb_tag_heat_map( 9, 38, 'pt', 80 ); ?>

    That calls this function:

    function bb_tag_heat_map( $args = '' ) {

    $defaults = array( 'smallest' => 8, 'largest' => 22, 'unit' => 'pt', 'limit' => 45, 'format' => 'flat' );

    So, the smallest is 9pt, largest is 38pt, UOM is pt (points) and the limit, at least in my template, is to return 80 tags. That much you can control from just calling the function with different parameters. As far as most recent tags, I am uncertain how to do that, but it sounds like it would be a good plugin (not sure if this does what you want: I don’t think so):

    The information is stored in the database when something is tagged, so I’m pretty sure you could grab the latest N tags by date, DESC and display them as Recent Tags.



    I would like to have bbPress in two languages, using the same forum DB. So when viewing in language 1, the forum’s interface would be in language 1 with all the postings listed, and in language 2, the interface would be in language 2 with the same postings listed.

    I plan on achieving this with bbPress theme switcher ( ) and the link to switch between the themes/languages would be /bbpress/?bbtheme=lang1 and /bbpress/?bbtheme=lang2

    I would also like to set up a php page at the root of the web domain to auto-detect and forward to the appropriate mediawiki language page based on

    1) user’s browser language preferences if this is a first time visit

    2) last connection’s languages preferences, which would be saved in the form of bbPress’s theme preference cookie.

    with a file structure of





    My code so far is:


    /* langdetect.php */

    $defaultlang = ‘en’

    $lang = $defaultlang;

    /* bbPress theme cookie detection */

    if cookie exists {

    (read cookie and set $lang to either en or ko.. bla bla)


    /* WordPress and/or MediaWiki last visit language detection */

    elseif previous visit info exists {

    (i’ll figure this out later)


    /* detect in-browser lang pref … modified from */

    else {

    $langlist = explode(‘,’, $_SERVER);

    foreach($langlist as $curLang) {

    $curLang = explode(‘;’, $curLang);

    /* use regular expression for language detection */

    if (preg_match(‘/(ko|en)-?.*/’, $curLang[0], $reg)) {

    $lang = $reg[1];





    /* redirect */

    if ( $lang==’ko’ ) { header( ‘Location: http://ENGLISHPAGE&#8217; ) ; }

    else { header( ‘Location: http://ENGLISHPAGE&#8217; ) ; }


    How can I read the bbPress cookie that contains the Theme Switcher theme preference?


    In reply to: Beta Problem

    To start install, I had to download all 35 files from:


    to bb-includes/backpress/

    It then stopped nagging.

    Any idea why aren’t these bb-includes/backpress/* included in ???


    Uh, you are talking about text in the core?

    Not possible to change via a plugin.

    Only thing you could do is use the language translation filters and do an “english to english” translation of the phrases you want to change. Note that it adds some overhead but I guess everything in bbPress does.

    There is one other scary method you could use and that would be to capture php’s output buffering and change it on the fly. That would be an extremely ugly workaround.


    In reply to: No Setting Screen



    i setup WPMU, Buddypress and bbPress. After the install the settings menu was not vissible. It doesent matter if i logged in as admin or as keymaster. All i can see is: Users / Manage / Design

    Please help,



    I saw your post on the other thread re: BB_User. To prevent bozo registrations in the first place, why not use the Human Test plugin?


    You might think it’s a good idea in the core, but I doubt it would ever happen. It’s available with a plugin, and I think that’s where it will probably stay. It’s a philosophical difference in the way bbPress thinks. They don’t load bbPress down with a lot of functionality people might not need. But they do allow plugins to offer that functionality.


    There are a couple place where bbPress uses the word “wanna” as in “are you sure you wanna do that”. I’d like to change that to something more professional, like “want to” but I don’t want to change the core. How can I accomplish that with a plugin?

    Using bbPress Alpha trunk (but this “wanna” wording has existed for a long time, maybe back to 0.73). The word wanna can be found in these files:


    Thank you.


    I thought I only needed to use CSS to STYLE a theme, but just found out SMF require a fair bit of php just to style a theme! I wasn’t wanting to PROGRAM the thing, just style a pre-existing template.

    Can I just ask, and I could be totally mad here, if there’s a way to create a basic html bbpress template “thingy” that could sit in Dreamweaver and let me do all the CSS in DW, and then just copy & paste that CSS into the right spots in bbpress?


    The procedure written by wiseacre:

    -1 The script starts with <?php and finishes with ?>

    0 Change lines 1 and 2 with you user, host, password and database name

    1 Save to file filename.php

    2 Upload to your forum directory

    3 Start it. For example – open

    Thanks for this script, unfortunetly I receive “Table ‘bbpress.bb1_meta’ doesn’t exist”

    I adjust your script, because I’ve renamed all tables to bb1_ instead of bb_

    Any idea?



    How do you do that survey? Downloads does not mean users of course, so I’m just curious. I’d love to hear more about Matt’s cross-promotional work.


    Anyone know if is about to do the latest WordPress, (let alone bbpress?) They covered using 2.6, but not 2.7 yet, and have about 3 courses on Joomla.

    I’m there to learn Adobe CS4, and have ambitions of learning Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Indesign, etc and delusions of grandeur that I might one day understand my mac almost as well as my wife. (Who’s a VERY professional graphic designer, but a web-illiterate like I currently am). So I paid up for a year at (and will claim that on tax), and sat through 10 hours of CSS training and 3 hours of XHTML and am now starting on Dreamweaver. All this slowed down by Christmas, kids home for 6 weeks in the Australian summer break, and my messing about with Joomla! (There are some things I like about Joomla, but some bad experiences with trying to modify their templates left me a bit blech…. as well! :)

    Yet I hear there is a state of the art Dreamweaver integration pack for $60 that will let me style up WordPress themes in DW! Woah! That almost won me over and gave me delusions of grandeur about one day donating a few state-of-the-art templates to the WordPress world as advertising for my own WordPress theme’s business.

    And then the kids came in demanding ice-cream, and reality slapped me across my fantasising, drooling, delusional face.

    So… in this vulnerable state of mind, I need a hug. ;-) Cult like it is, this “choosing software before you know software” business and frame of mind!

    As a bit of an activist with other causes (and having had a little exposure to marketing, not a lot but enough) can I just comment that I think it would be better “press” if bbpress had some more features turned on in this forum? I personally really rely on email notification that someone has replied to a forum, and only check my RSS about once a day. (It’s all inconvenient). Instead of just clicking “Send post” I have to then click RSS, and then click Google Reader when that comes up, and then remember to check my RSS. I think the vast majority of bulletin board users like email notification of a reply. Is there a reason bbpress decided not to showcase some of their best plug-ins on their leading forum?

    Anyway, so tired I’m nearly hallucinating. Night night, and no offence meant by any of the above.


    The error page that comes up if a post no longer exists, or in my case if a user is logged out but is trying to do certain things… it comes up and is a big green box with the bbpress logo…

    Well, I found where to edit the page… in install.css. But, does anyone know where I can edit the page title.

    UPDATE: I figured it out. It is in the functions.php file in the bb-includes directory.


    Hi all,

    I just found out that SMF can have ADMINS hit a few buttons and over-ride all user preferences regarding for “reply to thread” email notifications. I personally love email notification, and think that systems that rely on RSS are just creating far too much work. Can BBpress set up something like this so that all users receive email notification re: replies? SMF can set it up so that each current user and all future guests and future users will receive email notification on any thread that is replied to.

    You might not think it’s a good idea, but personally I think it’s so important it’s something I would remove from BBpress’s plugins and have straight in the core.

    Trent Adams

    Unless I am missing something, it creates a user in WP doesn’t it? Then it would have to be using the site cookies right? If you have a proper cookie integrated site wouldn’t that then make you also logged into bbPress? This is all theory of course as I just saw the FB connect WP plugin today…..

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