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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • ganzua

    a nice substitute for some weighty bbPress documentation in the meantime

    Actually some of us are looking forward the next chapter ;-) This one should go to the “documentation” section as an entry or something like this.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    Can you get to it if you go directly to the admin site?

    It’s possible that you didn’t set up user integration correctly, and you are no longer the admin of your bbPress site.


    Thanks, hoppie, everything works now! I found some code in bbPress that looks like it’s meant to warn users when the PHP MySQL libraries are missing, but I wasn’t getting the warning message. I’ll look into filing a bug report about this.


    Got everything to Integrate with no errors and everything seem to of went fine.

    When someone registers, the username and password is good in both the forum and wordpress.

    But is the integration supposed to work for login and logout, I mean if a person logs into WordPress are they supposed to be logged into bbpress at the same time.

    If they are it seems to not be working for me, I can log into the forums and still have to log into WordPress same thing logging out am I missing something.

    I know it was a clean and no error install and followed the tutorial completely.

    Thanks for all your hard work man.



    Mostly the ability to bridge it to other scripts. Such as Coppermine etc.

    It could probably be done, but I don’t really have the time to write a bunch of scripts for it. Which is too bad because I’ve really come to like bbPress and will most certainly recommend it to other people seeking a light forum without the extra bells and whistles phpBB and the likes offer.


    Just out of curiosity… which features are you wishing to see in bbPress?


    Here’s a first approximation of a right sidebar.

    As you can see, I need just a little more room on the right than I’m getting with the current defaults for the theme. I tried altering the width parameters in style.css, but that quickly became a rat’s nest. I concluded I wasn’t approaching it correctly.

    It’s really preferable (from my perspective) to shrink the width of the tags and/or discussions sections, so the right sidebar can fit. That way, the right sidebar can remain consistent between the forums and the blog.

    Chris: I was unaware of the wealth of other themes available; thanks for the link. Do you have any idea whether some of those might be more flexible?


    We’ve decided to move on from bbPress to a more developed forum system. bbPress is good but lacks some features we need.

    Hopefully bbPress will grow and in the future we’ll switch back, I really do like how easy you can customize bbPress and extend it with plugins…

    Anyway, the questions: Will the old md5-insecurity plugin do the trick and change all passwords to regular md5 for easy conversion to new forum?

    How do I force all users to drop their cookies and log in in order for all passwords to be renewed?


    In reply to: bbPress Admin


    I think a plugin that puts the bbpress admin panel in the WordPress one would be nice.

    Speaking of admin panels…


    In reply to: bbPress Admin

    for what it’s worth, i love the 1.0 dashboard of bbpress. much better than the crappy wp2.7 thing


    This is already how wp-super-cache works. Just port it to bbPress.



    I’m running the latest WordPress MU version and also running the latest BBPress version on 1 MySQL Db.

    I integrated wordpress via the wordpress integration setting from within bbpress, but now when I login as admin do to the imported users of wordpress, I cannot see a site admin link from within bbpress anymore to administer BBPress.

    What shouldI do now?


    Sorry I missed the earlier questions.

    And to post code, make sure you put it between backticks `


    Hello, would any of the more experienced folks on this forum please take a look at bbRating plugin and the problems we’ve come across lately. This plugin’s support seems to be discontinued so you’re are only chance. Any help/suggestions on behalf of all who asked would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks!

    Many many thanks for this post, exactly what I was looking for, and a nice substitute for some weighty bbPress documentation in the meantime.


    That doesn’t sound right. You can cram pretty much whatever you want into whatever space you have.

    Have you looked at some of the other themes that are available?


    figured this out!

    but can’t get the damn code to post right. if anyone is interested let me know how to post a code snipplet without the forum eating it… it outputs like this:

    *post title*

    Posted by: *user* in *forum*.


    @ck – when i try to call the get_forum_name in a wordpress widget it doesnt work. i believe because this is a bbpress function? How would I pull the forum name without using this funtion?


    Did a workaround which seems to work for every 5th new member. (How can that even be possible?) Using the md5-plugin (uh oh) for bb-press and rerouting all logins through WordPress login system. This means users don’t get gallery access upon registration but rather the first time they log in…. which makes no difference in reality…

    But then again, it only works for every fifth user… or something like that… randomish. The alternative would be to bypass validation in Gallery2 and just copy the user info regardless. But that’s a lot of work…


    You don’t.

    WP of 2.5 means you use BB .9 so I assume 2.4 is the same. They changed a lot between 2.5 and 2.7 with logins.




    I’ve been using bbpress for a good month now and it’s served is purpose quite decently so far.

    Yet there’s several occasions where I just wish the forum would put up a notice at the bottom of a post if anyone edited it. Now moderators (or just anyone) can edit a post without anyone knowing their post has been edited, making it look like they wrote it exactly that way, while a moderator could just as well have changed something.

    A function that always puts up a notice at the bottom of the post when a post has been edited, by anyone, would allow me to:

    1) Increase the time in which people can edit their post

    2) Prevent conflicts because of changed content

    3) Keep track of things that have been changed.

    Very basic functionality, but quite essential for any forum, in my opinion.


    In reply to: GMT Offset


    I wanted to use absolute time instead of relative also, but I noticed the UTC offset doesn’t have any effect on any timestamps. Is this still the only solution or have there been any new workarounds invented? I’m using bbPress and WordPress 2.5.1


    Hi guys, for some reason my Roaccutane forum is not being indexed as thoroughly as my main wordpress site. To cut a long story short, some pages are being indexed but they are way down the rankings.

    To try and rectify this I added a BBpress map and altered some keywords around 3 months ago – i’m also using permalinks, but still no luck.

    Can anyone suggest any other tips to get more coverage to the forums?



    Come on, there has to be a way to do this!

    It worked fine for me with the current stable release, but the login was broken, so I installed the unstable. The login started working, but wp_head() stopped.



    * The base configurations of bbPress.
    * This file has the following configurations: MySQL settings, Table Prefix,
    * Secret Keys and bbPress Language. You can get the MySQL settings from your
    * web host.
    * This file is used by the installer during installation.
    * @package bbPress

    // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for bbPress */
    define('BBDB_NAME', 'bbpress');


    <?php get_header(); ?>
    ... page ...
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

Viewing 25 results - 53,051 through 53,075 (of 64,087 total)
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