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  • #58273

    In reply to: bbSync


    It does not work with WordPress 2.7 AFAIK. bbPress and WordPress 2.7 don’t integrate. If you want something similar for WordPress 2.7, you might have a look at bbPress Live:


    Joel Spolsky has great article on 12 steps to better cording.

    #6 refers directly to why keeping an up-to-date schedule is important and why “when it’s done, it’s done” it not an answer.

    Now, looking at bbPress Roadmap :(

    We are over 6 months behind and it’s is NOT up-to-date :(


    >> “However 0.9 is so fast, it doesn’t even need it in most cases. That will change with bbPress 1.0 which is twice the size of 0.9 and has many more files. It will need a cache for more active sites. “

    Hopefully someone will port wp-super-cache sooner than in a “few months”


    I am having the same issue as slambert1971.

    WPMU 2,7 running in the site root. bbpress 1.0- alpha 6 running in forum directory. BuddyPress beta 2 running on top off this.

    Intergration is working in that the user datatbase is shared. WPMU, bbPress and BuddyPress works 100% on their own. The only thing that does not work is that I have to login / out of each one seperately.

    I would also like the login cookies to log me in and out of both sites.

    Anyone have any further tips for me to look at?



    Sorry about delay, guys.

    @pierig – What about your bbpress version?

    NOTE: Please have in mind this script is tested with not respect any plugins.


    Essentially any plugin that relies on specific paths,

    ie. if you see REQUEST_URI in the plugin, it is likely to have compatibility problems – also anything that refers to specific filenames in the bbpress root, bb-post.php, topic.php etc.

    Some things may simply break because of redirects to specific paths or filenames that no longer exist.

    I’ll post more things to look for as I think of them, however I can’t completely predict how Sam will change things. He needs the freedom to change whatever he needs to change to make progress (and keep performance reasonable) so I have to wait until he is done.

    Most of the plugins with problems should be fairly straightforward to fix, but the bigger problem I have to deal with is maintaining compatibility with 0.8 + 0.9 + early 1.0 alpha and then 1.0 alpha 7 and beyond. I don’t like maintaining multiple versions of a plugin to solve this because it’s tedious to apply bug fixes across them.


    Understood, and thanks for the warning. Perhaps we can use this thread to identify which ones break.


    Hi !

    I’m using wpmu 2.7+buddypress+bbpress trunk

    and cannot translate bbpress. Only the admin side is half translated and nothing on the user side except one or two buttons (ie in login)

    mo file is absolutely not working yet !

    And i had same troubles with past wpmu 2.6.5…

    i tried many things found here on the forum. Latest test was to retrieve BB-LANG settings in, disabling mo file in my-languages folder. Nothing, no error nor translation !

    Does anybody has the same configuration as i, with a foreign language working ?

    So please tel how you make this work !



    Thank you! I’ll hold up on 1.0-a6 for now :) Any idea which plugins will bomb? I know you made a million and a half of ’em, but I’m curious to know which ones you know will break, which ones you think will break, and such.

    Fernando Tellado

    Thanks a lot for the info _ck_. I run alpha 6 in a production forum and several communities that work with Buddypress and this advice is really important


    Yeah, sorry for not updating on this. Since the forums are completely empty anyway I plan to move into bbpress as soon as 1.0 RC1 is released. My goal was to integrate the forums and the blog, but at the time I originally created the forums it was not possible without heavy modification which proved too time consuming. I have moved my testing of BBpress and wordpress integration to however :)


    Actually you want my Read-Only forums.

    It makes it so only some people can post, everyone can read.


    wp-super-cache would not be as difficult as you’d imagine to port.

    However 0.9 is so fast, it doesn’t even need it in most cases.

    That will change with bbPress 1.0 which is twice the size of 0.9 and has many more files. It will need a cache for more active sites. I might try to make the effort in a few months to convert it.


    This is a very important notice to those who insist on running the newest 1.0

    The bbPress 1.0 breaks several of my plugins and possibly others due many internal changes.

    Please note, I have *zero* interest and absolutely no sense of urgency in rushing to fix my plugins just because some want to run 1.0 on a live site. It may be weeks (or even months) to find and fix the problems that are created by these changes to bbPress.

    So there will be two options, don’t upgrade to 1.0 or don’t use my plugins with 1.0, until there is ample time for me to make the required changes.

    Not trying to be mean or unfair, I just don’t have the endless hours required to constantly patch things with every change. I have to wait until things settle.

    Oh and last but not least, this is not a statement against the changes to bbPress. It’s actually important for the future of bbPress and will be the result of much hard work by Sam – it’s just an unfortunate step in the evolution of bbPress that breaks some backwards compatibility.


    Thanks for all the feedback. It wasn’t clear to me just what was the latest version of WP that would work properly with bb Now I’m clear that I’m past that point.

    I have plans to eventually have certain forum members do blogging at the main site. That is down the road, though, so technically I don’t need the integration right at this moment. But that integration would be useful at that point, and I thought I’d just set it up now.

    But it sounds like maybe what I ought to do is remove the integration for now, let the forum exist on its own, and then integrate later once there is a stable version of bbPress that can integrate with WP 2.6.3 or later.

    Any particular advice about undoing the integration stuff I already did?


    In reply to: bbSync


    Does your sync work with WP 2.7 and BBpress Doesn’t seem to when I set it up in WP


    The latest stable version of bbPress that integrates with WordPress is That works with WordPress 2.5.x which is fairly old and you’re already past.

    I don’t think there is a current stable version of bbPress that integrates with anything current from WordPress. WordPress is moving faster than bbPress right now.

    What do you need out of integration that makes it important to integrate bbPress with WordPress? I’m asking honestly because I don’t understand why people do it. Thanks.


    Even if I had the patience to upgrade every single time a new WP version came out (which I don’t), that wouldn’t resolve the issue here. The screencast itself said that WP 2.7 will not integrate properly with the latest stable bbPress. If I’m going to undertake upgrades/installs, I’m going to do it with stable versions, not unstable ones.

    If there’s a way to integrate a stable version of WP with a stable version of bbPress, I’m game for whatever upgrading I may have to do with either component. If that’s not available yet, then I’d rather wait and do whatever I have to do at that point.


    Ah, well, that’s good to know. But then I’m in a quandary — there seems no obvious way to get bbPress running with WP 2.6.3, because:

    –bbPress 0.9.04 seeks the SECRET_KEY and the WP database “secret” — the “secret” appears to be available on the relevant wp-admin page, but WP 2.6.3 required no SECRET_KEY in its wp-config file. It’s only there now because I manually added it in, and I’m not sure if that’s legit. In any case, it’s certainly not working now!

    –If I switch to the latest bbPress, not only is it unstable and therefore shouldn’t be recommended as a solution, but it needs the three items from wp-config plus all their “salts.” On that relevant wp-admin page in WP 2.6.3, there simply is no SECURE_AUTH_KEY salt. It’s not clear to me whether the WP database “secret” is the same thing or not, but it’s certainly not labeled as such.

    In other words, there just seems to be a mismatch no matter what. Is there no version of bbPress whose integration settings will jibe obviously with the fields actually available in the various places in WP 2.6.3?


    How about the hidden forums plugin?

    You will find lots of what you need in plugins:



    it’s been almost 1 year since i use bbpress and i have a few hentai and anime forums now but my skills as a designer are not good enough to make a good theme… but actually i don’t require a brand new theme, i always use kakumei and works great for me, i would like to have a nice header and a good looking background, nice anime colors and images… if somebody can help me would be great… if not i can try doing it myself if you give me some good tutorials or something …



    Hi there,

    I’m a first time bbPress user who just recently installed it on his website. What I would like to do is to control who can create new topics in the forum. Ideally, I (the keymaster/admin) would like to be the only person who can create new topics in the forum. Once topics are created, however, I would like anyone to be able to post within them.

    Has anyone ever heard of a plugin or way to make this happen? I can’t seem to find a way to do it with the standard software.

    Thanks in advance!


    I enjoyed the screencast and found it very easy to follow. However, I tried it with BBPress and WP 2.6.3. The bb-config setup was inconsistent with both the video and with what is in my wp-config file. I added a SECRET_KEY in wp-config and used it in the bb-config setup, but things haven’t quite worked out. At first, it was just that being logged into one place didn’t log me into the other. Then all of a sudden it looked like BB cookies were staying around even though I’d logged out of both — and when that happened, I couldn’t log into BBPress at all until I manually removed those cookies.

    I’m a bit puzzled why the screencast and the integration plugin would only seem to be valid for an unstable release of BBPress. Yet reviewing it appears that everything should work even the way I did it, and without a plugin at all. Except that it didn’t. Can this be clarified?


    So what kind of solution do people here recommend for having WP entries appear as forum topics, playing nice with google and having comments from either the forums or the blog appearing undereath the same place?

    Also can anyone recommend a good plugin for threaded comments in the forums?


    When I put in the secret_key in wp-config.php, I get an error when I go to the regular blog site:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp() in /home1/user4026/public_html/wp-blog-header.php on line 20

    I was able to get the fix_admin plugin and run it and it restored keymaster access to bbpress, but for some reason the error (see line above), occurs on my regular wordpress site.

    Would you recommend I reinstall both wordpress and bbpress and start from fresh?

    Also, is there an easier guide on BBPress and WP integration? The screen cast does me no good as I’m visually impaired and therefore depend on assistive technology to aide me in reading the screen content.

    If needed, I can paste my WP config file as well as my bbpress config file. Just tell me what configuration files you require and I will get them.

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