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  • #71679

    After some more digging, I’ve found that the perpetrator is the db_connect() function inside class.bpdb-multi.php. I don’t understand why that file should be in use on a non-multi WP/bbPress installation, but either way it’s that file that does the offensive db_connect_host() call with erroneous credentials, host, etc.

    What’s really weird is that the front page of bbPress works, while opening a topic yields the “Access denied for user ‘admin’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)” error message. Why would class.bpdb-multi.php be in use on a topic page but not on the front page? Makes no sense.


    I’m having the same problem and it seems that the WP integration for whatever mysterious reason forces the MySQL connection into “localhost” mode. I’ve configured both WP and bbPress to connect to another MySQL host, but still it seems like bbPress is trying to connect to “localhost”.

    I added a print_r($args) inside the db_connect_host() function and found that the function is called twice and the first time the credentials, host, etc., are correct and the second time they aren’t. The second time the function is called, the credentials are for some reason set to the ones of the logged in user. So somewhere in the bbPress code, authentication is done not with the values stored in bb-config.php, but with the username and password of what’s stored in the session cookie and the host is then set to “localhost”.

    I don’t know how to investigate this problem any further.


    I’ve searched the forum and haven’t found an answer to my question. I apologize if it’s been answered somewhere else.

    I have just installed bbPress and it works beautifully. The only thing I haven’t been able to figure out is how to create an “Important Notice.” Can anyone help?




    In reply to: Why isnt…..


    I think this “connected/same template” stuff between bbpress and wpress should be discussed when its time. And for me, the time is when bbpress 1.0 final is coming out!

    To this point, i think design integration is our own job!

    i successfully integrated bbpress in my wp-design


    Yes, probably. You can see if that’s the problem by logging in as keymaster and going to the Admin section, then Settings > General (sometimes this is the URL Once there, change “Pretty Permalink Type” to “None” and then try your forum. If your forum is usable after that, then yes, it’s because bbPress is trying to use permalinks, but you have not set up the .htaccess file with rewrite rules.

    You can create the rewrite rules by accessing this URL in your forum:

    Now, take the output from that browser window and paste it into a .htaccess file in the forum root (/home/web/htdocs/whatever/wat2/.htaccess) on your server. Once that’s done, change the permalink setting back to one of the other two options (Numeric or Name based) and then try accessing topics and the profile page in your forum.

    (I don’t recommend the Options +MultiViews line, but that does work for some people instead of creating the rewrite rules in the browser). Be sure you’re logged in as keymaster before you try to access or it won’t work.


    Sorry to spam the forum., but just wanted to provide this info that I realize there was no .htacess file in the BBpress folder I downloaded..Could that be the problem?


    I just created a brand new BBPress forum (thanks Automattic, this is such an excellent piece of software compared to other forum scripts!). However, I wanted to click on the profile page and edit my password,etc..But when I click on profile (my admin profile or a member profile id that i created), it simply shows the website homepage..

    I guess I have missed uploading some page or something. can you please help! Thanks a lot..


    In reply to: del Sol Owners Club

    Just upgraded the whole she-bang to BuddyPress with integrated bbPress. Phew! New theme to boot, with some new bbPress theme updates in the works.


    That’s a fair question, John. Blog apps are great if you want a place for a few privileged people to talk about what’s on their minds. Blog apps are not so great at managing discussions and comments from readers. Forum apps are great managing users and discussions. I considered dropping WordPress for bbPress altogether, but bbPress (and most forum apps) lacks many of the other features I want; listing of posts with full or summary text on the front page, image management, static pages, related posts plugins, etc.

    How do people maintain and track their own conversations on the blogs they visit? Outside of third-party services like CoComment, it’s very laborious. Bookmark each page you post a comment on? I guess that works.

    Really I’m just looking for a way to encourage discussion and make it easier for people to stay involved. You’re right, maybe I need to rethink my strategy altogether.

    I did a little more searching and found a WordPress plugin that does almost exactly what I want with Vanilla: Janine for Vanilla


    ipstenu: it was this and some adjustments:

    1. I installed wordpress on /blog and mediawiki on /wiki and bbpress on /talk

    -> for this I added an absolute path with the line $WP_relpath=’/var/www/html/krcla/blog’; and set the cookies to point to the root folder

    2. some others that I can’t remember at this point..

    The result is that MediaWiki ends up being somewhat heavier than a plain mediawiki, but by redirecting both bbPress and MediaWiki logins to WordPress, I get a single WordPRess login action -> logged in WordPress, bbPress, and two MediaWikis!

    Burt Adsit

    I’ve got this plugin up to something testable and releaseable. v0.21


    Enable BuddyPress group forum features in bbPress.

    BuddyPress has three types of groups. Public, Private and Hidden. In all three cases users must be members of a group to participate in group forum conversations.

    These two plugins modify a standard bbPress forum installation to allow BuddyPress group members to carry on discussions in bbPress.

    BuddyPress public groups will be read only in bbPress. Anyone wishing to participate in a public group discussion must be a member of that group in bp.

    BuddyPress private and hidden groups will be hidden in bbPress. Only members of these groups will see the forums and be able to participate.

    BuddyPress group admins and mods have moderator privileges in bbPress. The moderator role is restricted to their group forum.

    Read more and download:


    Topic: BBPress to PHPBB

    in forum Installation

    Hi there,

    Question for all of you. I am currently using wordpress and bbpress for a forum and I want to know if its possible to transfer members/posts over from WP/BBPress to a PHPBB message board? I don’t know a ton about databases as far as back end coding etc, but I wonder if its possible and how easy/hard it would be to make it work?

    Thanks for any information,



    Topic: Why isnt…..

    in forum Themes

    BBpress available as a install with wordpress and use the same template, if its made by the same people.

    its a pain trying to look for a good template for both

    C Bog

    i have spent some time now analyzing the code of bbpress and wordpress.

    it seems to me that an update of the old bbpress code (version is unfeasable, because sam already managed to succesfully integrate version 1.0 with wordpress 2.7.1

    all you have to do in order to use bbpress alpha with the recent versions of wordpress is to follow the bbpress installation instructions and it will work out of the box.

    there is still some work to be done. as far as i can tell, bbpress and wordpess use multiple cookies for multiple paths. the one they share is the one for the root path. so… if you login into wordpress, you won’t be logged in into bbpress admin section. this does not happen the other way arround.

    it is not recomended though to use the alpha version in production sites. for now, it seems that a downgrade of wordpress would be the best solution.


    Topic: Atheneum School

    in forum Showcase

    Got BBpress and WordPress set up for a small school in Alaska. Almost ZERO customization (outside colors) since I just started using both WordPress and BBpress a month ago and I don’t know my butt from my elbow. But I have big grandiose ideas that hopefully will see the light of day (if my brain can ever absorb all of this).

    I’m just happy they are both integrated with the user tables and (log–in/outs) are working perfectly. The school is happy so far too. Yay!


    I always scratch my head at this one and ask myself “what’s the point?”

    Not trying to sound like an ass, but I really do not understand why.

    Logically I think to myself that if you really want it to work that way, then why even use WordPress at all? Just use bbPress and have a forum sans all the blogginess.


    I have the same question. The latest mod post regarding bbSync said “it’s broken right now.” Any other options?

    Ideally, I would like a new WordPress post to create a new forum topic and for all comments to be handled by bbPress. Possible?


    i am running wp 2.7 and bbpress alpha 6 with no issues… not really sure how i did it, but i’ll help if i can…

    C Bog

    as far as i can see, by studying the code, wordpress has introduced a salt for hashing the passwords since 2.5

    bbpress (my version is has not updated it’s functions to include this salt.

    the alpha release of bbpress 1.0 seems to take care of this problem, but the file structure, as far as i can see is completely different from the older versions, so a simple copy & paste wouldn’t do.

    maybe the stable 1.0 release will take care of this issue, but since then (i don’t recommend using the alpha version on production web sites) i will try to modify the pluggable.php file of bbpress in order to allow the usage of salts.

    i’ll be back these days with further details.

    C Bog

    I am currently running a website which was initially built around e107. I also have a forum (e107 plugin) integrated in that website which reached over 1,000 posts. I am now planning migrating the hole solution to wordpress and bbpress. The biggest issue was to preserve the existing data (users and posts). I tried looking for a tool that acomplished this, but it was all in vain. I really wanted to migrate from e107 and wordpress with bbpress seemed to be a really good choice so I have built some migration scripts. They are written in PHP and are released under GPL.

    There are two scripts. One that migrates the users to wordpress tables, and the other that migrates the posts of the forums. I would like to share these scripts with the community, hoping that there are users that could use them.

    Please let me know what is the preffered way to share them.



    My BBPress installation cannot find my salt cookies even when I plug them into the install from wp-config.

    They do not appear in my WPMU admin options menu.

    I always get this message at the end of install:

    >>> WordPress “auth” cookie salt not set.

    >>>>>> Could not fetch “auth” cookie salt from the WordPress options table.

    >>>>>> You will need to manually define the “auth” cookie salt in your database.

    >>> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt not set.

    >>>>>> Could not fetch “logged in” cookie salt from the WordPress options table.

    >>>>>> You will need to manually define the “logged in” cookie salt in your database.

    Forum could not be created!

    Nevertheless, I get an email saying that the install was successful. But when I go to the BBPress admin in the WPMU dashboard it doesn’t see the installation.


    OK — I stumbled upon the FAQ and saw the htaccess code to add. I LOVE the URLs, could never get to this in phpBB. If this thing is secure, I’m going to love bbPress. Kudos to the dev team, very cool forum software!

    And thanks Angie!


    Angie: I’ve not touched the htaccess file, and I probably need to do it. WordPress usually updates it automatically… what should I put in it? I want to use the name based option …/forum/first-forum.


    In reply to: Newsletter by email


    Is there a massmail plugin avalable for bbPress?


    Did you update your htaccess file?

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