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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #51705

    Can this plugin be downloaded anywhere right now?

    Any plans to update this plugin for the current version of bbPress?


    This works for me!!

    It’s a great script forum!

    I’ve made some cusmotization, i can give you the url to see!


    This is a great example of integration, login with WP and use BBPress for the profile and then log out through BBPress. I’m trying to copy the setup myself as it works well. If you ever read this then any info on your method would be very useful such as what plugins you use


    In reply to: Hundreds of subforums


    Where did the automatic part come from?

    I imagine you could create a script to create a forum automatically when there is a new movie posted, but this is not something that is built in to bbPress? This would be some custom stuff you’d need to do. It would be pretty neat.

    For the older versions of bbPress, there was bbSync which would create a new topic in the forum for every WordPress post (I believe that’s how it worked.) You could do something similar (but create new forums for every new movie.


    Sam, I think they mentioned “NOT for WP”.


    To integrate 0.9.* with WordPress 2.5 and later, you should read this:

    That post has a lot of good information. I agree the documentation needs to be better.


    支持中文吗?经过测试,这个程序支持中文!!很喜欢,I LIKE IT

    Sam Bauers

    If you are using bbPress 1.0-alpha you can use the “bbPress Live” plugin for WordPress.

    Sam Bauers

    Nice work.

    Sam Bauers

    You can safely create your own config by copying from bb-config-sample.php

    You then ned to go back and complete the installation (which bbPress forces you to do).

    Probably better to use your IP address or as the hostname, but this is highly dependent on your Apache config.


    For those of you who are having this problem, which appears to be a large amount… the answer is simple bbPress 0.9 DOES NOT SUPPORT all those new keys past WordPress 2.5. If you are trying to install, apparently you have to use the beta bbPress 1.0.

    Hard Seat Sleeper

    As an aside, I wish integration btwn wp and bbpress were easier. Ever since I installed this forum, it’s been my dream to have one login for the whole site, I’ve never been able to get it to work.

    Hard Seat Sleeper

    I made a mistake in integrating my wp and bbpress, by changing the database used to determine users. I thought the database was the same, so I added the wp prefix. Turns out they’re not the same. Now I can’t log into my forum anymore because it’s looking up the login in a different table

    I’m getting the error:

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘xx_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT ID FROM xx_users WHERE user_login = ‘xx’

    Can anyone help me disable this as soon as I can? No one can log in!


    I am running WordPress 2.7.1

    I just downloaded the latest bbPress from this website.

    According to the screencast I should be seeing a request for AUTH, SECURE_AUTH, LOGGED_IN, and NONCE keys. However, the latest installer seems to be asking for the old SECRET_KEY and nothing else.

    Why is this? Is this a reversion error? If this is not an error, you need disambiguation comments in many places, including on the website, in the screencast, and in the installer.


    Went with bbPress:


    In reply to: WordPress Integration

    WP 2.7.1 and bbPress can’t be integrated natively because of the way they handle cookies. Either you downgrade the method used by WP or upgrade the method used by bbPress. Both the method can be done via plugins (You only need to use one of them).

    For WP plugin:

    For bbPress plugin:

    I have used the bbPress plugin to get them in sync.

    Hope that helps. :)



    Please help me with bbpress -wordpress integration.

    I used the packages with following versions:


    WordPress 2.7.1.

    I did all steps during the installation for wordpress integration and tried many other steps. I read many articles related to this but it doesn’t work!!

    Here I am using XAMPP and developed the site on my local server. The path of packages installation is:



    I can login separately from these two packages but couldn’t login to two packages same time using any one of them

    I did the following steps:

    1. Forum-> WordPress Integration

    WordPress address (URL) = http://localhost/myproject/blog

    Blog address (URL) = http://localhost/myproject/blog

    WordPress database secret = 2t3&d#@9QQI6mpk3XE#8J3(mk^yQGeu28qXAXvn)W^Cvx!G09B(w983oT#V8QJfH

    Note: check with blog secret characters and are same.

    Copy the following to blog/wp-config.php

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/myproject/’);

    Also created the entry in wp-config.php

    define(‘SECRET_KEY’, ‘r.@Vk%kM`DC&}V\:}5DnXg#e%X!,nVCdIX=<&feYyLyUSuseGp3xN.T+qL1*/|p?’);

    In bb-config.php

    define(‘BB_SECRET_KEY’, ‘r.@Vk%kM`DC&}V\:}5DnXg#e%X!,nVCdIX=<&feYyLyUSuseGp3xN.T+qL1*/|p?’);

    But after this, nothing get happen

    please help me.

    Thanks in advance.


    You could use something like this to show bbPress information in any site:

    It’s not as easy as a widget, but it can be done.


    In reply to: Why Was I Bozoed?


    I’m with _ck_ – I just disable akismet and the bozo thing. I dont trust either of them for bbPress (Bad Behaviour either, for that matter.)

    Regarding letting the user know: I don’t really have an opinion on it. I am sort of used to the way WordPress commenting works: if the blog moderates comments, then your comment is shown if you still have the cookies, but it normally says “waiting for moderation” or something. It’s not visible if the blog doesn’t know it’s you coming back (or to other visitors). I never expected a site to tell me that my comment was marked as spam, and I guess I don’t expect bbPress to do that either.


    I can’t understand why you would want an anonymous user to enter a username and password (wouldn’t they just register?) If you’re concerned with registration and login and missing emails, you could always just display the password immediately, or let them choose the password.


    I’m not too sure, I have a .htaccess file within bbpress and another in my main root.


    To answer your question, all 3 of them, I am using bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6.

    Here’s something interesting. When both WP URL and bbPress URL’s match, no www, if I log into WP Admin FIRST and then try logging into bbPress, the bbPress login will refresh itself but it will not change to what you see when you log in.


    Once I log out of WP Admin and refresh that same forum page with the empty login and password fields?

    Just by hitting refresh once I have logged out of WP, it automatically switches the login to my logged in box with my profile link, admin link, etc.

    I’m going to try some more tweaking and see what I can come up with. :-D

    EDIT: After hitting refresh logs me into my forums, I go to my WP Admin and, even though I just logged out, it lets me into my WP Admin area. I try logging out here and get that error loop. I do what you said to do Kev, /wp-login.php?action=logout, and it asks me if I want to log out. I do logout successfully. I go back tot he forums, where I’m still logged in, REFRESH that forum page, go back to my WP Admin and AGAIN I’m logged in!

    The huge gaping problem with this is if I go to my main site and click on a post it asks me for my name and email, as if I wasn’t logged in.

    I’ll keep trying.

    2nd EDIT: I guess it would be nice to include the link to my forums.


    Is there any kind of widget out there that will show the most recent topic on a regular website. Or maybe the 5 most recent? Thanks


    In reply to: Why Was I Bozoed?

    Hi Chris,

    As someone who has suffered from mysteriously disappearing posts before i feel i should ask, do you think BBpress should in some way tell the user when something like this happens?

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