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  • #72642

    In case it matters, my WP and bbpress installations shared a database.


    Hey Guys,

    I get hundreds of fake forum users who register on my forums here:

    Even though I use the plugin Human Test, I still get these spam users. So I decided to create a plugin that hooks into StopForumSpam API to stop these guys.

    You can download and find the instructions here:

    Let me know what you guys think!


    I don’t know of a theme, but there have been a few discussions about it.


    I’m using the Anonymous Posting plugin by Aditya Naik (2.2_ck_mod_1.2.0) and its working great.

    I would like to make the email field in the post form optional, and to insert a dummy address like <ip>@mydomain.tld if no email is given in the form.

    I’ve looked for a filter to add this functionality but I’m a bit stuck.

    Anyone who have a bit more experience with BBPress plugins mind giving me a pointer?



    In reply to: Friendly URLs


    I think this is possible – someone posted a similar plugin here:

    Good luck!


    I installed bbpress and went to activate it and got the following message on the plug-in page…

    // Bail here if no key is set
    if (!bb_get_option( 'akismet_key' ))

    I’m assuming this has something to do with my API key? No Idea.



    In reply to: WordPress 2.7 options


    By the way, what does “deep” integration involve? When I think of integration, I think of sharing logins between WordPress and bbPress, and possibly using the same template system so both sides share the same header and menu system.

    On another side I solved the template issue by having a single “master” template system and CSS file that handled the page header, main menu, footer, and sidebar, leaving the specific bbPress and WordPress templates to only handle the stuff inside the main content box.

    As for handling logins, I made the login button go to the bbPress login page (in all its themeable glory) no matter where you click it.



    I check the server it is using php 4.4.8 and mysql 5.0.45 and i dont have integrated anything…jaja

    I tried to installed in a empty directory.

    there is another version of bbpress?


    Can you make sure that the uploaded version is identical to the one here:

    Just pick your version.

    If you haven’t gotten through the installation, and you didn’t do anything else yet, maybe you just have a bad copy. Why not check at least this file, or just download the package again and reupload it? That error does not exist in the files that are normally distributed.


    What are you doing when you get that error? Are you integrated with WordPress? What version of bbPress did you install? Are you using a language other than the default?

    Can you compare the version of bb-admin/functions.php to the default one for whatever version you’re using (to make sure the whole thing was uploaded properly)?

    Do your secret keys have any weird characters in them (things that work properly in WordPress have created problems in bbPress before. Things like ‘ / > <.)

    Can you post what you were trying to do and the whole error message?


    A functions.php should be like this:


    function bb_nonce_ays( $action ) {
    $title = __( 'bbPress Failure Notice' );
    $html .= "t<div id='message' class='updated fade'>nt<p>" . wp_specialchars( bb_explain_nonce( $action ) ) . "</p>nt<p>";
    if ( wp_get_referer() )
    $html .= "" . __( 'Please try again.' ) . "";
    $html .= "</p>nt</div>n";
    $html .= "</body>n</html>";
    bb_die( $html, $title );



    I haven’t edited anything, before even installing I get the unexpected t string error and this

    bb-includes/functions.php on line 2256

    It’s a blank line, here’s what’s above it:

    function bb_nonce_ays( $action ) {

    $title = __( ‘bbPress Failure Notice’ );

    $html .= “t<div id=’message’ class=’updated fade’>nt<p>” . wp_specialchars( bb_explain_nonce( $action ) ) . “</p>nt<p>”;

    if ( wp_get_referer() )

    $html .= “” . __( ‘Please try again.’ ) . ““;

    $html .= “</p>nt</div>n”;

    $html .= “</body>n</html>”;

    bb_die( $html, $title );



    Use one or the other for registration if you go to my site you can see how I have it setup, I prefer bbpress to Handel the registrations.

    Works perfect for me, if you need some help let me know.


    I’m displaying latest forum posts using RSS:

    <?php require_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php');
    wp_widget_rss_output('http://localhost/bbpress/rss.php', array('items' => 5, 'show_author' => 1, 'show_date' => 1));

    and the code above displays as follows:

    admin on “Test topic” 13/03/2009 admin

    Now, how can I exclude “admin on” part from the title?


    Topic: sorting meta on posts

    in forum Plugins

    This is just a sanity check so I know that I’m not making something that is completely overkill.

    If I’ve added meta on my posts, and want to get posts “order by” [meta_key], that’s pretty much not possible via BB_Query right?

    My solution now, albeit not beautiful but acceptable to me since I’m the only user of it, is to add a column to bb_posts table and then send in the ORDER BY to BB_Query on that column. That works fine.

    So the generic question in here is: can I or can’t I sort a fetch on meta key instead of columns in the post table?

    using trunk of bbpress, fetched yesterday


    Topic: Friendly URLs

    in forum Installation


    Is it possible to reconfigure bbPress topics URL? For example, I want to add a category name in front.

    Thank you!

    Olga S.


    In reply to: Google Adsense

    Mmm, i was looking for this plugin, but this one isn’t working anymore:


    We really should backport the fix that is in 1.0 to 0.9 for our international friends.

    I can’t remember what the function was that had the problem but I believe it was

    function htmlspecialchars_decode

    there may be others.

    Unfortunately those functions are not pluggable but you could try replacing them from 1.0 into 0.9 and use SVN to handle upgrades which might work around it.

    Made a note on TRAC


    We really should backport the fix that is in 1.0 to 0.9 for our international friends.

    I can’t remember what the function was that had the problem but I believe it was

    function htmlspecialchars_decode

    there may be others.

    Unfortunately those functions are not pluggable but you could try replacing them from 1.0 into 0.9 and use SVN to handle upgrades which might work around it.

    Made a note on TRAC


    I think this is because the server is using PHP4 and you have an integrated installation.


    Hi there,

    does/how to integrate your plugin if you use WP as the “main user” base, meaning you extended WP with e.g. CYC or Custom User Fields extra — which are in different tables and are e.g. not easy text fields as people asking here above?

    E.g. I have WP with Cimy User Extra Fields to add a photo of the user — no clue how to get that with your plugin to display in bbpress / editable.

    Any help appreciated.



    Hi there,

    I am trying to find solution for following issue:

    – Wordpres with a plugin extending registration (such as CYC, Register Plus, other user-field-extending ones)

    – BBPRESS uses only the “basic” WordPress fields on the “Edit Profile” page

    Now I want to enable the editing of the “custom user fields” from the wordpress plugin in the BBPRESS “edit profile” page

    Any ideas? For now I am open which plugin to use in WordPress (CYC or Custom User Fields, …)

    Help much appreciated, thanks,


    Hello there!

    I used 2 local copies of bbPress. One for integration with WordPress and another one for developing the theme. I finished the work in their respective copies but when I used the theme in the integrated copy, I lost admin access again (had to use the fix admin access plugin) and now when the forum page is opened in the browser it says

    “Fatal error: Call to undefined function bb_uri() in C:xampphtdocsjecforumsmy-templatesbbfameheader.php on line 56”

    Now I don’t get it. Why the bbPress is not able to fetch the definition of its own function?

    Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


    In reply to: Delete a topic


    There was a post from _ck_ somewhere in here that described the other things you needed to do when you deleted a post, but I can’t seem to find it right now.


    Thank you!

    This link gave me the answer:;

    I spent just 10 minutes to make it work.

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