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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #69729

    oh! what version for bbpress are you trying to convert?

    this file just works with a new fresh install of “0.9.x”

    the converter finished without problems?


    In reply to: Controlling Access


    I checked via phpMyAdmin and all my bbPress files start with bb_ . I didn’t change any files from the install. The phpbb3 files all begin with phpbb_


    Well since bbpress and wordpress are using ezsql… you can find ezsql tutorial here.


    thanks _ck_ worked beautiful, sounds quite helpful having a tutorial though, :p


    Are you using bb_ as your bbPress table prefix? Maybe the bb_ table prefix is hard coded and it does not match up with your installation.


    Thank you for the file. I used the file, (did not edit it at all because I have no idea what I’m doing). I get this error when I try to access the forum

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘db279681361.bb_topicmeta’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT meta_value FROM bb_topicmeta WHERE topic_id = 0 AND meta_key = ‘uri’

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/34/d279666578/htdocs/forums/bb-includes/db-mysql.php:130) in /homepages/34/d279666578/htdocs/forums/bb-includes/functions.php on line 2271

    Is this a simple error to fix? If not, I’m going to have resolve myself to using phpbb3, (which I don’t want to do of course). Thank you again. I appreciate it.


    can you please just do a step by step tutorial, it is really hard to follow and i dont know which piece of code goes where.


    Yes, a keymaster can make other members keymasters, just edit their profile and change level.

    Just remember you are giving 100% access to those people.


    oh, is there any way to make a few of the administrators “keymasters” as well so that they will have same access as user#1 admin ID?


    Ok! Thanks CK!……


    Yikes. Well I guess that is one way. Books are great but nothing beats hands-on.

    Funny thing is I’ve never read a book about PHP or MySQL

    I learned through reading other people’s code and trial and error and reading and

    Not knowing how to make a link from one page to another though is a more fundamental problem, it means you don’t know HTML either?

    A link to your front page looks like this:

    <a href="">main site</a>

    However in your case, your theme already has a section for a nice menu at the top.

    It looks like the theme author was clever enough to put in a way to modify it.

    Save this as a file called _my-custom-menu.php

    and upload it into the bbpress my-plugins directory. If you don’t have such a directory, make one (just like the bb-plugins that’s already there)

    Alternately you could edit functions.php in your genealogias theme folder around line 102

    function gs_navigation_menu() {
    $links = array();
    $links[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', bb_get_option('uri'), __('Front Page', 'genealogies'));
    $links[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', bb_get_tag_page_link(), __('Tags'));
    $links[]='<a href="">main site</a>';
    printf('<ul class="primary xoxo"><li>%s</li></ul>', implode('</li><li>', apply_filters('gs_navigation_menu', $links)));


    Very nice use of the color tones.

    I also like how you used Topic Icons.


    You are logging in as a regular admin and not the keymaster.

    Only keymasters can see the advanced plugins and settings.

    Did you demote yourself from keymaster to regular administrator?

    Or are you logging in as another user you created as an administrator?

    If you are user # 1 and still don’t know what is wrong

    you can try using this plugin to fix your access level


    You have to be a KEYMASTER to see the advanced settings/plugins menu in bbPress

    A regular administrator in bbPress only has slightly more rights than a moderator.

    If you are already the keymaster (and user #1) and still can’t see the plugins section, perhaps try this plugin to fix it:

    (it’s an auto-load plugin so it doesn’t need activation)


    edlvg you want something like

    echo "Posted by $result->topic_poster_name";

    I just realized I completely missed explaining how to get forum names via WordPress, I was telling people to use bbPress functions which is of course impossible from WordPress. Let me know if anyone still needs the help.


    Perfect video, couldn’t do the integration with out it.

    Just 1 minor problem:

    – I’m using wordpress 2.6.5 (I think) with bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6. I could fully integrate the logins, but not the Admin panel.

    There’s that plugin (showed over the last minutes off the video) to make possible login at WordPress and get access to the Admin panel. Unfortunately, it sais that you need to use at least WP 2.7 for it to work.

    Well, I actually tried to install and activate it in my WP 2.6, it worked and generated me the “define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);” code.

    But in the end, it doesnt work like expected. Probably because of the 2.7 minimum requirement.

    Is there any solution to make this work out? I just need this last step working to keep it 100% integrated.

    Best regards.


    Hello, so how’s the code if we’d like to add posteb by… in …

    I get the topic and forums list but’d like to show the author.

    Tried the codes at the beginning but doesnt seem to work, fatal errors :S

    thanks in advance



    hmmm.. that might be the problem then.. I am using an administrator ID, but someone else orig set it up and has the original admin (keymaster) ID.. Thought all permissions were the same… Is there a way to make additional ID’s with same permissions as the orig admin (keymaster) ID?

    I have the latest versions of both WP and BBpress..

    thx for the reply


    If you don’t have access to the bbPress admin, or you can’t see the plugins link once you’re in the admin, it’s possible you’re not the keymaster.

    @demonicrock – what version of bbPress and WordPress did you install?


    Adding to my last post.

    I just can see me logged in and also the profile pages.


    I have the same problem…


    @swaymedia – you make a php page in the bb template folder and put that code in, you get the topics which you can loop through as normal.

    @chrishajer – sure, the full bbpress forum is not in an iframe in a WP page, just the recent posts, although i just realised for something else that a micro bbpress forum in an iframe/widget could be very interesting



    as i said, its getting to a point where we’re all voicing our concerns, and BBPress is heading towards a milestone, so Matt as he should be, very concerned about what could be an even further Great piece of software.


    As i was going through some other threads. I found this

    could that be my problem? the admin ID (keymaster) was given a custom title just recently as yesterday…..

Viewing 25 results - 52,051 through 52,075 (of 64,087 total)
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