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  • mStudios

    similar problem here. forum gets created, user names are shared, but when I try to create a topic it only comes back with the cryptic “an error occured”… – still searching for a solution.


    Yes but that wouldn’t work from the WordPress side.

    The correct way to do it directly would be to either use the topic table which has the topic_poster_name (not bb_posts) or to use a LEFT JOIN on the user table to fetch the user_login.

    The LEFT JOIN will also get you the display name.

    But there are several problems with your question.

    First of all, you mean Display Name, not Nice Name, unless you are trying to use it in a way I don’t understand.

    Secondly 0.9 doesn’t use Display Name.


    “SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE topic_id=$topic_id AND post_id != $first_reply_id AND post_status=0 ORDER BY post_time DESC”

    is a very inefficient query, there’s no LIMIT, you are using *

    what exactly are you trying to find?


    In reply to: I NEED HELP!


    1. To explain how to do this, we need to know what versions you installed.


    3. Depends on your version, I think. For the version there are avatar plugins:

    For the alpha version, I think avatars are built in.

    4. or if you want to store the images for the member as well.

    5. Links are allowed by default. They’re auto-linked as well. Just type in and it becomes a link (should work here.)


    You can find all the answers you need by searching or browsing the forums here or the plugin repository.


    Topic: I NEED HELP!

    in forum Installation

    I just started my new bbpress forum on my site,, installed it, integrated it, and its up and running. But i’m having trouble extending it to get the plugins that i want to use.

    My goals are this:

    1. To have the recent topics appear on my homepage

    2. Have a post count for users

    3. Have an easy way to upload avatars

    4. Have an easy way for users to include pictures in their forum posts

    5. Allow links in forum posts

    6. Show how many people viewed a forum

    If you can help with this, please email me at bob [at] nyyankeesrumors [dot] com.


    1. To add anything to the login page, just edit the login.php or login-form.php in your template folder. Since the login form is just a tiny space, you might just have a small text link there to a full disclaimer file.

    2. Yes, with the version and the latest WordPress (well, 2.7 anyway), you can use one of these two solutions:


    This allows the admin to post anything: maybe looking at it would be useful:

    Also, if you’re just interested in allowing video, this works fine:

    Users don’t even need to paste the embed code, just the URL to the video.


    1. What versions did you integrate? If you integrated with WordPress 2.7.1 or similar, the logins won’t work. You need one of these two solutions:

    If your keymaster just lost permissions, you might be able to use this plugin to restore them.



    Could find in:

    Tom Lynch

    I would like to make a plugin which allows more than just img tags, I want to let people paste youtube embed code in etc.. but still block javascripts, form tags, iframes and meta’s for example, I looked about but theres no instruction, I looked at how allow images works but while it made sense that plugin doesnt work on bbpress 1.0 a6 so its pointless.

    Hey guys! I can’t make $result->topic_poster_name work in my instalation.

    Is this the right function for this version?

    // REPLIES

    $query_replies="SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE topic_id=$topic_id AND post_id != $first_reply_id AND post_status=0 ORDER BY post_time DESC";


    $replies_text = "";

    foreach ($results_replies as $result) {

    echo $result->post_text;

    echo $result->topic_poster_name;


    The post_text works perfectly, but the poster_name returns me nothing. Any idea?


    So I’ve been digging all through the forums here and I can’t seem to find anything that will work (most threads on the subject are years old)

    Anyway, I got everything worked out properly and set the permission translation to give both Editors and Admins in WP Keymaster access.

    This isn’t working for whatever reason. I am able to log into bbPress with the account created through WP and set to the proper rights, but it doesn’t give me keymaster access.

    Any thoughts before I continue with the next reinstall? :P

    Thanks in advance!

    Tom Lynch

    If like me you have been struggling endlessly to integrate the two feeling like a dumb ass because you followed the video countless times and still could not get it you may have noticed that wordpress cookies are called ‘wordpress_’ where as bbpress integration creates cookies ‘wordpress_……’ this is the issue I had and spent and age trying to resolve, if you read this article to the letter ignoring the buddypress stuff it will 100% work.


    I am using wp 2.7.1 and bbpress….. I saw another post said that he used wp 2.7.0 and bbpress 1.0-Alpha-6 and the cookies problem solved. Should I do the same thing? Or is there any other method I can make it work so I don’t have to install everything again?


    I have installed the wordpress in

    and bbpress in

    The database is successfully integrated. wp user can use the same username and password to login bbpress. There is some weird cookies going on. Users login to wordpress but they need to login again in bbpress. However, when they logout wordpress and it will automatically logout in bbpress too. I have read some of the post so I add this to wp-config.php

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    And I also add this to bbpress bb-config.php

    $bb->path = ‘/forum/’;

    $bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;

    $bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;

    But no luck and it doesn’t work. I see someone who can see their cookies in the computer…. And I am not sure how to see if the site create a cookies for me. I am using Mac OSX 10.4. Firefox. I am not sure how to see the cookies is created in my computer or not. It would be great if someone can guide me through like a newbie…. Thank you very much for any of your help.


    Even uses deep integration, so I think that for right now, the only way to tightly integrate the two platforms is to use deep integration.

    Maybe tomorrow there will be a universal theme directory, and underneath that will be buddypress themes, bbpress themes, and wordpress themes, with wordpress mu sub themes for users.

    There are ways that you can make a plugin for one application to mimic what the other application does, but for things like the BuddyPress buddybar, there’s no way to load that without loading the BuddyPress classes and functions, and you can’t get that info without the WordPressMU classes and functions on the ready.

    Basically different strokes for different folks.


    I’m dealing with 2 databases for my site, one for wordpress and a different one for the forum.

    I have converted my phpbb3 forum to bbPress recently, (they were both installed on the same database to enable the conversion).

    When I tried to integrate my WordPress blog with my bbPress forum it went bad. I want to backup my bbPress forum via phpmyadmin (as a sql file) and start all over with the install. I’d like to install bbPress on the same database that WordPress is on & also integrate it with WP when I install.

    Is there a way I can restore my sql file of my bbPress forum so I don’t lose anything? If so, how do I restore do the restore into bbPress? I’m unable to access the control panel of bbPress now because of the failed integration. I’m still able to log into WordPress.


    Sorry _ck_, I shoulda mentioned that I stole that link from your last comment about i18n usernames!


    There is a plugin that will remove all restrictions on the user_login name too.

    Oh wait, I see you linked to it:


    According to Sam, bbPress supports unicode display names, not unicode usernames:

    There are some discussions over possible plugins solutions (and related security risks!) here:




    Ipstenu made some great points, to show you the thoughts of someone with a different perspective. While you might not see his point of view, he was kind enough to lay out his view point for you.

    As much as Ipstenu and _ck_ are making generalisations, so are you. You have no proof that “the majority” want what you want. You keep using the phrase “the majority” to back up your points, and while i mostly agree with your premise, i’m not overly confident that randomly adding in your guess on how many people might possibly maybe agree with you is helpful.

    She … but that’s okay.

    And of course I’m making generalizations. You kind of have to when the samples to draw from (bbPress users) are small, and the ideas are in-progress/developing as we speak :)

    Silver-bullet means a magic cure all that does everything you (and by you I mean the individual) wants.

    Mine is different from yours and everyone elses. So yeah, I’d rather see bbPress built with the flexibility to fit everyone. And that does mean something for the folks who want full-integration. But what we have today isn’t it. And based on what’s been posted before, I suspect it won’t be unless someone makes a plugin that does it.

    As for being wrong about integration… I was incorrect, in part, but I was correct in what I meant. Didn’t say what I meant, which is soooo my bad. Can I blame being sick? Anyway, if you read it mentions functions (ie DEEP integration) as being both optional and not suggested. Which is what I meant. People ask about it, and the direction is right there. Now I will totally admit that ‘function’ doesn’t mean ‘theme integration’ and that is confusing to the newbies. So yes, the info in there makes sense, but it’s vague if you’re not really sunk into this already :)


    Helleo , Why bbpress dont Suport arabic names in registration :( ?


    Flies only live for 15 days; females for 26 if they’re lucky. We probably want people to stick around for a little longer… ;)

    Opinion: What *Press needs is some visual and code consistency to re-align everything back to the basics of what made WordPress awesome in the first place.

    Opinion: Right now all the automattic apps look and feel like totally different programs, but lets be honest… On the surface, bbPress is basically WordPress without topics being able to have multiple categories; On the surface, BuddyPress is basically the user-profile area that phpBB has had for 6 years but arranged to tap into the MU way of thinking. Under the surface the code and the methods are totally different, but the end result is pretty close to existing webware.

    Opinion: The only thing left for automattic to do is a shopping cart, which we can take a bunch of osCommerce experience from and apply to WordPress methods pretty easily if automattic ever wants to venture into the e-commerce market.

    Opinion: From a developers perspective, trying to keep up with and remember all of the WordPress, WordPressMU, BuddyPress, and bbPress classes and functions and ‘isms is getting really, really hard…

    Defense: PLEASE don’t get me wrong… It’s also exhilarating, exciting, totally 150% fun, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but holy crap lets sit back and look and say that there a whole meta ton of a lot going on lately…

    Matt, do you have an ulcer by now? Because I think I might... Ha! :D

    Defense: And hopefully I haven’t made myself out to be a total ass here; I hope that TalkPress helps to accelerate the .org thought process behind integrating both the user portion and the template portion of these awesome apps together in a more transparent way… Including my forum into my blog would be pretty killer. :)

    Round Up: With BuddyPress 1.0 on the horizon, bringing the social networking abilities that people usually make plugins for WordPress and bbPress to emulate, *Press automatic applications really do stand to evolutionize the way that people use the internet in a major way…

    Summary: I for one am totally pumped to see what TalkPress looks like and works like… When a new version of *press comes out, it’s like Christmas morning to me and I download it and poke my head around the new code and find all the cool new little additions…

    Please don’t hit me for my long winded and slightly off topic response. Probably wouldn’t expect anything less from me now would you? :D


    It worked! Thank you guys for your help! I realized I forgot to delete the bb_ files via phpMyAdmin, (from the first time I tried the conversion without the edited file from matiaspunx. I had removed the files via FTP only.

    Thanks again!

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