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  • #65710

    In reply to: Intergrating the theme


    Is there a wayy to get this Tool you talked about in your Tutorial?

    I´d also love to integrate my WP theme to my forum but the link you posted is down :(


    I run WPmu and the latest bbPress release

    I hope this tool will work with it (if you could send me).

    Best regards, Sebastian



    Can somebody help with easy explanaition how to WordPress header get into bbpress forum.



    Here’s what you should have read before posting this question:

    Not sure what your rush is for alpha 7 unless you aren’t using any of my plugins.

    I will not be supporting 1.0 any further until it is final release which may not happen this year. You should only be using 0.9 on live sites, it’s very stable.


    I love you guys, but will Alpha 7 be out anytime soon?

    It’s been around January or so since the last beta.

    Realistically speaking, will we see the Beta version in a month or so, or more like a half a year or more???

    I’m really excited about bbPress and can’t wait to utilize a stable version on a live site.


    Sounds like port 111 (RPC) is disabled on your host. Have you tried contacting them?


    Thanks, _ck_. I appreciate the feedback.

    By the way, I’m running several of your plugins, including Human Test, bbCode, Subscribe to Topic and more.

    For anyone wanting to extend your bbPress site, I suggest looking first at _ck_’s plugins under the Extend tab. Really great stuff.


    I’m planning (/ trying !!**!!) to run WPMU branch 2.7.1r1715, bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6, latest BuddyPress, r1324.

    My Hosting provider won’t allow RPC calls on the same server, so I have to mount bbPress on a different domain and server.

    Will it work?

    Assuming, it will:

    Is it better to put bbPress in the root, or in a folder (usually root/forums )?

    What (apart from the cookie hash) are the issues that I’m going to face?

    How would I configure the cookies?


    Usually if you delete the bb-config.php file, and then go to you main forum directory, it will go through the install process again and create you a new admin login without deleting the existing tables.

    If you were using integration and hadn’t set up the correct user as keymaster, and your keymaster still exists, it is likely that you are looking at the wrong user tables. (wp_user vs bb_user)

    If you are trying to integrate with buddypress / wpmu, then deleting the bb-config.php

    and following the

    file will get you up and running with user sharing.

    To do the integration you MUST be running the latest WPMU 2.7.1 branahc and BuddyPress trunk and NOTHING more that 1.0 Alpha 6 of bbPress – see here:

    After that, you’ve got the usual cookie integration to do if you want to, see here:

    Having been round this loop many times, I know how frustrating it can be.

    Hope that helps.


    Thanks _ck_! and thanks for your great plugins! I`m using some of them.

    fernandot: gracias! Me llevo buen tiempo, y aún lo sigo laburando de a poco. Buen blog ayudawordpress… he estado por ahi varias veces. Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre la integración, etc, no dudes en preguntar. Saludos!


    I have a thread going on over at the BuddyPress forums, ( ) I’m posting the summary here in case anyone can help.

    “I’m running latest WPMU branch 2.7.1r1715, bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6, latest BuddyPress, r1324

    I an on a shared hosting service with

    WPMU works fine on its own, bbPress works fine on its own, BuddyPress works fine, however:

    When I update groups to “Enable discussion forum” the forum isn’t created.

    Users are shared fine, cookies shared, even admin login to bbPress works properly.”

    Having gone through everything (many times…), I ran the xml-rpc test scripts and get the following error:

    -32300 >> transport error – could not open socket: 111 Connection refused

    Has anyone got any ideas how to fix this?



    swaymedia I think the confusion is that sometimes you’ll see an empty topic when akismet flags the first post as spam, even if it’s a false positive. bbPress doesn’t delete the whole topic, just the post, which is a bad behavior unfortunately, needs a TRAC ticket.

    I’ve un-spammed it since it was a false positive.

    If you ever see a topic like that, tag it with “modlook”

    (note to Chris, apparently we need to check the akismet admin section more often as I just found a whole bunch of false positives in there)

    agitainment, that’s a great integration into your theme, really shows off the power of bbPress to blend in to an existing site. Maybe make the blue text, slightly darker for better contrast?


    Ipstenu, thanks for your help.

    Looks like the nonce field is very important to prevent spam posting.

    Form submitting doens’t work if you specify a wrong nonce. Take a look at my searchings:

    post_form’s _wponce, what is it?—

    You can create a nonce key with this funcion:


    I will continue with the searching and testings.


    In reply to: Hide Links


    What version of bbPress are you using?


    Hey, everybody.

    Agitainment.Comics ( ) is an online graphic novel anthology dedicated to presenting the finest in comics entertainment from some of the best up-and-coming creators in the field.

    My bbPress forum ( ) has been modified to match the old-school comic book format of my WordPress site. Have a look and let me know what you think.

    Ex animo!


    Fernando Tellado

    Felicidades, estupenda integración, ya me gustaría a mi hacer algo así ;)

    In english: congratulations, very nice integration, I would like to do something similar


    Hi I had a username and password that was created when I installed bbpress. For some or other reason this username/password is not accepted any more.

    This is new install using latest alpha bbpress because I wanted to integrate it with buddypress.

    I have a created a few forum topics but I can start all over.

    The only solution I have is to delete the install and the tables and start all over again.

    Can you please suggest how to proceed?


    Johan Horak


    Hi I had a username and password that was created when I installed bbpress. For some or other reason this username/password is not accepted any more.

    This is new install using latest alpha bbpress because I wanted to integrate it with buddypress.

    I have a created a few forum topics but I can start all over.

    The only solution I have is to delete the install and the tables and start all over again.

    Can you please suggest how to proceed?


    Hi I had a username and password that was created when I installed bbpress. For some or other reason this username/password is not accepted any more.

    This is new install using latest alpha bbpress because I wanted to integrate it with buddypress.

    I have a created a few forum topics but I can start all over.

    The only solution I have is to delete the install and the tables and start all over again.

    Can you please suggest how to proceed?


    A couple people have done it, mostly by buggering cookies and login stuff I THINK on the WP side. You’d have to start with these posts for that:


    You really get that many humans registering to spam on a smaller site?

    One solution I use on a large site is to prevent any post with more than 2 urls.

    Spammers typically cannot help but be morons and post several urls at once, normal humans rarely post more then two per post, and then not every post.

    Not sending a password would be fairly easy by hacking the core, I’d have to look at it more carefully to see if it can be done via plugin without hacks. I believe it’s done in pluggable.php which means it’s replaceable, so that’s good.

    Another method would be to use my Instant Password but NOT do the final step of logging them in and activating the account, but instead store a scrambled password and log the request, then manually authorizing it which would drop their chosen password hash into place. The important/hard part is not letting them request a new password to activate the account.

    This might also be worth a shot but not sure if it’s useful against humans unless they work from the same IP pool:


    Due to the number of human spammers on my site, and to stop people banned (using Ban Plus) from re-registering with a new email address, I have been asked to create a plugin that does the following:

    Delay sending of password email for 24 hours

    Display a list of ‘waiting’ registrations in admin area with an approve override option.

    My thoughts to do this are to get the plugin working for 1.6a (which many people would appreciate)

    Then run a cron every 24 hours.

    Has anyone got any suggestions about how to go about this? and point me anywhere to get ideas? Thanks.


    Thank you, second question is it possible to link up (same logins) between WordPress and BBPress without installing the Alpha Version?

    Burt Adsit

    Was gonna suggest you visit the forums install sticky topic on but I see you’ve been there.


    Or use the Terms of Service plugin.


    There is no need to post the question in several places at once. Just ask it once.

    There are several problems with your question and the solution posed in that other topic but we can talk about it on this topic:

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