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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #14946

    Does anyone have links or documents on how I can convert WordPress’ Super Cache plugin for use with bbPress?

    Or, has it already been done?


    To achieve integration between 0.9.05 & WordPress 2.7.1, I overwrite the bb_capabilities in wp_usermeta for my user by sql query as I don’t have phpmyadmin and I am using custom table prefixes.

    I’m at a loss why you would have to do that anyway… I’ve never heard of anyone having to go in via SQL and making those changes except in the case of ‘reverse’ integration (where by you started with bbPress and are now adding on a WP site). In theory, if you’re starting with everything brand new, you just do WP first and then bb and it should work.

    Looking at your doc, you also mention changing the wp_ prefix to rocking_ which is totally fine, but later on you have this:

    Add these two lines in bb-config.php

    $bb->custom_user_table = 'wp_users';
    $bb->custom_user_meta_table = 'wp_usermeta';

    Those too should be rocking_users and rocking_metadata


    Topic: smf 2.0 to bbpress

    in forum Plugins

    I have been looking for a way to convert this. Nothing i have seen so far which is promising.

    I would like to convert my smf 2.0 to bbpress. Can some1 help me on this?

    help appreciated.



    Are you having the problem just when you login from bbPress? What is your problem exactly? Not being able to delete topics & posts when you login from bbPress? Can you do that when you login from WordPress?


    bbpress – “Version 1.0-rc-1”

    Wordpress – just a link to upgrade to version 2.8, it was set up about 4 weeks ago, so I’m guessing 2.7?



    Man I know this can be real geeky but what if I want to know? Any pointers?

    Markus Pezold

    Hi all,

    is this a function from bbPress 1.0 Release Candidate? In it seems not to work:

    "Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_user_logged_in() in ../forum/bb-templates/scoun/front-page.php on line 3"


    Sam et al,

    Not sure if this is a bug or not (I am relatively new to the BBPress community, please excuse me if this is not a problem) but I find even as an administrator I am unable to add tags to topics that have already been posted.

    Example: Someone posts a topic that is missing tags. I try to add the tags and get this message on a white screen:

    “The tag was not added. Either the tag name was invalid or the topic is closed.”

    Don’t remember getting this issue until RC2.

    If a topic is missing a Tag, one should be able to add it, correct?


    martenk, thanks so much. That plugin was what I was looking for. AMAZINGLY easy!

    Here it is again for anyone that just wants to be able to create a page in the admin that links to the blog without editing the core files (which wouldn’t be fun to think about when you update).


    Hi, I would like to display forum on wordpress page, and i used a gerink post, but when i put that code:

    $bb->WP_BB = true;

    if (file_exists(‘../wp-blog-header.php’))



    if (file_exists(‘../../wp-blog-header.php’))


    In to the top of my bb-config.php file, i just can not login in to the bbpress. I try to create new account, but effect is the same. When I click “Log in >>” , the site is only refresh, and I still can only log in.

    I have wp 2.8 and bbpress


    I used the Pages Links To plugin and it works perfectly for my needs :) I am going to give my forums a different feel from the website. Thanks!


    I have today in production a bb-press Version 1.0-alpha-5 (I’m not moving to RC1 as recommanded by _ck_) and WP 2.7. The SSO between the 2 was working perfectly.

    I just upgraded my WP install to the new version 2.8, and now whatever I try the SSO is broken (if I log in WP, I’m disconnected from BBpress, and vice-versa). The wp-config.php and bb-config.php are in synch.

    Is it a known problem?



    Ah this had been in the v 1.0 Milestone for the past month… but yesterday it was moved to 1.5:

    So I’m guessing we won’t see it for a long while… since it was first suggested for v .8 in mid 2007, and it was bumped to .9 and then 1.0.


    On Nginx, I am using this for WordPress

    # WordPress pretty URLs: (as per
    if (-f $request_filename) {
    if (-d $request_filename) {
    rewrite ^(.+)$ /index.php?q=$1 last;

    # Enable nice permalinks for WordPress: (as per
    error_page 404 = //index.php?q=$uri;

    and I want something similar for bbPress. Please share the solution!


    You need to have the Forum ID for this. i am giving you a code snippet in the other thread. Just hang up for a few minutes.

    We will continue discussion here in this thread :


    im having to guess each and every class and function, just by how i might think they’re named…. I really can’t wait for the codex.

    Tynan Beatty

    Sam, I’ve tried about 50 different changes and no matter what I do with the config files, the Integration plugin settings, or the bbPress WordPress Integration settings, nothing seems to change the fact that I cannot logout from WordPress if I have logged in from bbPress (that means I cannot logout period, I click logout there and can still go into either of the admins because the cookies are not removed). Everything else works fine. I could always redirect all my bbP login forms to wp-login.php I suppose, but it seems like that should be unnecessary. Could it be because my wordpress is in a subfolder of my site like /public_html/yawp/ ?

    It seems when I login from bbP I get 2 wordpress_logged_in_* cookies, with identical values except that the ‘Path:’ of one is ‘/yawp/’ and the ‘Path:’ of the other is ‘/yawp’. When I login from WP I only get 1 wordpress_logged_in_* cookie, and it has a ‘Path:’ of ‘/yawp/’. I feel like this might be part of the problem.

    I figured the integration speedup line $bb->sitecookiepath = '/yawp'; in bb-config.php might be to blame and added only that line, but changed it to $bb->sitecookiepath = '/yawp/';, cleared cache, deleted cookies, but still I get both logged_in cookies when logging in from bbP. That’s among trying a bunch of other different config changes to get that wp_login_* cookie unified.

    Since you said in the RC-1 thread that I should be able to have this work if I just play with the cookie paths, have you any suggestions?


    This is a standalone bbpress install, no wp integration. Not sure what else to do to debug.

    It is at

    You can see in the source that I am trying to test it by turning the search form color:red

    Any advice appreciated. Thanks, alvar


    I installed the 1.0-RC2 and changed the permalinks setting to Name Based.

    There is a comment field below it saying “If you activate “Numeric” or “Name based” permalinks, you will need to create a file at <snip>/public_html/bbpress/.htaccess containing the url rewriting rules provided here.”

    Clicking on ‘provided here’ does nothing.

    I checked my host’s directory, and it already had a .htaccess file there.



    Where are the settings of “User role map” stored? I think I may have selected it to make WP admins to be a bbP member and it may be a bug? :/

    Wait, is it that User role maps are just updated once when they are asked to do so? Hmm.. Makes sense! So where can be the problem?

    Sam, you there?


    I’m looking for a plugin that will allow me to display the last 5 or so posts in a designated forum on another page outside of the BBPress/WP installation.

    Something similar to thisL

    Any suggestions?


    Ahh. You want to extend the registration form then.

    This plugins do something similar, maybe you could use one as a starting point?

    Also, there has been some discussion recently in these forums of just how to do this, but I can’t find it right now.


    In bb-includes/conpat.php line 107 – Function name typo.

    if ( !function_exists( ‘_mb_strcut‘ ) ) {

    function _mb_substr( $str, $start, $length = null, $encoding = null )


    Dunno how someone didn’t notice this… Perhaps I am a retard, but once I changed this to match bbpress worked.


    Thanks chrishajer, essentially I want to merge bbpress into my existing WP theme (same header & footer). Ideally the bbpress would be embedded into a wp page.

    I’ve since found an article which achieves what I’m looking to do.

    I’ll also search this forum for updated threads on the topic.



    pbarry4 – please post what you’re looking to do exactly. Since this post was made other posts have been made that explain how to do this as well.

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