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  • #74528
    Tynan Beatty

    Please excuse my previous longwindedness as it seems it was unnecessary. I just tested a site with WP in the base folder and bbP in a subfolder of WP, and a site with WP in a subfolder of the base folder with bbP in a subfolder of WP. Neither site needs anything added to either config file except that the 3 secret keys match between them (my nonce keys also match but that shouldn’t matter). It is also necessary to fill in the wp-admin’s bbPress Integration Plugin settings, and the bb-admin’s WordPress Integration settings.

    On any sites I’ve tested where I have WP in a subfolder of the base folder, and bbP in a subfolder of the WP folder, bbP sets 2 logged_in cookies, one with a trailing / and one without, which poses a problem since WP doesn’t get rid of the one without a trailing / and thus WP cannot logout from bbP if the user logs in from bbP. After I made the change mentioned above to bb-settings.php and tested it on both sites mentioned I found both sites integrating as expected and the double logged_in cookie from bbP login was no longer a problem. That’s why I submitted the patch to Trac.


    I think I have come across a bug or something. Here is my problem. I can only sign into bbpress or wordpress at a time. I have no idea as to what could be causing it. By log in I mean access the Site Admin Dashboard of either.


    hempsworth, if your only problem is not being able to access the bbPress admin panel, then you’re experiencing the last little bits of a cookie issue. Check the paths, domains, and hash’s of your cookies, and make sure that all of them are getting dropped from both sides.


    I was having the same troubles as the original poster. WordPress 2.8 and BBPress 1.0 RC2, whenever I logged into BBP I couldn’t log into WP without logging out of BBP first. All the settings matched in both configs and adding in the suggested code (be it from the WP plugin which gave me a COOKIEHASH, a COOKIE_DOMAIN, a SITECOOKIEPATH, and a COOKIEPATH or from the BBP integration page which gave me just a COOKIE_DOMAIN and a COOKIEPATH) didn’t change anything. I tried junsuijin’s suggestions and now when I log into one it logs me out of the other. Anybody know how to get this running properly?


    I’m able to integrate WP2.8 and BBP1.0 without this.

    The settings put out by the Integration plugin are not REQUIREMENTS, they are RECOMMENDED. Basically automated guesses based on your wordpress/bbpress configuration. I can’t say I’ve integrated any two sites in the exact same way, as the cookie and domain setups are almost always different between installs, so it requires some trial and error to get them lined up.

    Tynan Beatty

    Ok arturo84, make the changes Sam suggested by dropping the www from your cookie domain settings in each config, then put the Integration plugin code back into wp-config. In wp-config the Integration plugin recommends the following settings among others:

    define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '/wp-admin');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/');

    change SITECOOKIEPATH to match COOKIEPATH like this:

    define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '/');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/');

    Then for the bb-config you should include the recommended integration speedups from the bottom of your bb-admin/options-wordpress.php page, and make sure that the cookiedomain doesn’t have www, and that both cookiepath and sitecookiepath are / as well:

    $bb->cookiepath = '/';
    $bb->sitecookiepath = '/';

    Then go into bb-settings.php (in the base bbpress folder). Look to line 768 if you have rc-2. Change line 768 from:

    $bb->sitecookiepath = rtrim( trim( $bb->sitecookiepath ), " tnrx0B/" );

    to this:

    $bb->sitecookiepath = rtrim( trim( $bb->sitecookiepath ), " tnrx0B" );
    $_bb_sitecookiepath = rtrim( trim( $bb->sitecookiepath ), " tnrx0B/" );

    Notice the removed / before the ” and that you need to add the second variable below it as that variable is used to set the other cookie paths.

    Upload the altered bb-settings.php over your current one and it should fix the problem. Please come back and let us know if it works for you too :)



    Okay, I’ve managed to get it working (kind of) by installing without integration and putting it in later from the admin panel.

    Even though I defined the ‘user abilities’ mapping, so that Admin = Key Master, when I’m logged in as the WPMU site admin I cannot access the bbPress admin panel.

    Any way I can change the database directly to give me access? bbPress is definitely using the WPMU userdata, I just need these role mapping to work!


    Hi, I just started a bbpress forum. I have been messing with the php files (mostly guessing). My question is how do I change the Profile Fields, I don’t want people to put in their Occupation and whatnot, I want them to put their Name and maybe Date of Birth or something, where do I change this?


    I would say they are completely different. You can download them for yourself from here:

    Then compare.


    This report sounds similar, although it sounds like they may have been using an earlier RC:

    There was a solution linked from there … hope that points you in the right direction! There was also an integration guide someone created here:

    Hope one of those helps!


    What are the current installation instructions for bbPress, BuddyPress and WPMU?

    Using the RC2 of bbPress, and the current trunk revision of WPMU, I go through the install and add the secret keys etc, define the primary WPMU blog (1), and get to the end but it asks me to create an admin account – it always used to use ‘admin’ automatically.

    Am I doing something wrong? When I use the username ‘admin’ it brings an error that the user already exists….



    How is it with the language files to bbpress? Are there any changes in the files to the current 1.0 (rc-2) beta?


    Sometimes you can lose admin access during integration:

    Installing the plugin linked from that post usually restores access – try it out and let us know how it goes!


    I managed to successfully install BBpress with wordpress integration. Every thing was going smoothly until both BBpress and WordPress repeatedly keep forgetting my password resulting in me having to reset it every time. Now i can’t get into the admin section of BBpress. I can only log in.


    Hopefully we can leverage the WordPress theme directory code:

    In the mean time, do you know of any extra themes beside the ones on bbshowcase?

    If we assemble a list of available themes, we’ll be all ready to go when the bbPress theme directory comes out eventually!

    Sam Bauers

    It probably won’t ever work. Try bbPress 1.0 instead (but you will need to export a trunk version from SVN).


    yes Sam i’ve always the www in front.

    i’ve modified COOKIE_DOMAIN in wp-config with define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’); (without www but with .)

    and in bb-config $bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    I can login in bbpress and in WP when i try to login i’m redirected to the same page (wp-login)… so with this nothing change.

    What else can I try?



    I am trying to use the deep integration with Worpress 2.8 and bbpress I have edited the bb-config.php file and when trying to load the page it is blank (white)

    Here is what i have put in the bb-config file:


    Here is my URL:

    Sam Bauers

    Does your site always have “www” in front of it?

    In any case, try changing the COOKIE_DOMAIN in WordPress like so (note the dot in front of the domain):

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');

    Also enter this value in bb-config on the bbPress side:

    $bb->cookiedomain = '';

    Doing this will log you out, but you should be able to just log back in.


    Single quotes are bad HTML anyway and shouldn’t be used…

    Checking with trunk: If I add in a link: <a href="">This is a link</a> it works. If I edit that post, I get this: <a href=";">This is a link</a> It gets even weirder as it goes on.

    Why is this really familiar? I think we had this once before…

    (tags working, pagination of users working. We’ll get there! :) )


    What are the current installation instructions for bbPress and WPMU?

    Using the RC2 of bbPress, and the current trunk revision of WPMU, I go through the install and add the secret keys etc, define the primary blog (1), and get to the end but it asks me to create an admin account – it always used to use ‘admin’.

    Am I doing something wrong? When I use the username ‘admin’ it brings an error that the user already exists….


    Thank you for your continuing work and effort on bbPress.

    I upgraded from RC1 to RC2 and something seems to be messy with the way additional markup is handled.

    So far, users could use syntax like this:

    <a href=''><img src='' /></a>

    to link a picture for example.

    Now with RC2, the ‘…’ upper commas aren’t recognized any longer but instead you’d have to write:

    <a href=><img src= /></a>

    and “…” quotation marks will be automatically added.

    Now the problem is that once the user edits a comment with such markup later on, the now present “…” will again not be recognized and turned into broken code instead.


    i’ve upgraded wp from 2.7.1 to 2.8, checked all the key for the cookie and

    AUTH_KEY in wp-config is the same of BB_AUTH_KEY in bb-config, the same for SECURE_AUTH_KEY – BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY,


    i’ve installed and activated the plugin bbPress Integration 1.0-rc-2 configured with the url of bbpress ( saved the option, copy/past in wp-config.php for the “code” in the box which is:

    define(‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘e99db1aecc456188d6dc1ccc37528ff8’);

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);

    define(‘SITECOOKIEPATH’, ‘/wp-admin’);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    i’m able to login in bbpress side, and i see the cookie wordpress_e99db1aecc456188d6dc1ccc37528ff8 for /forums/bb-admin, /forums/bb-plugins, /forums/my-plugins, /wp-admin, /wp-content/plugins and /.

    i’ve other 2 cookies bb-user-settings-1 and bb-user-settings-time-1 for /forums/bb-admin.

    when i try to go in wp-admin i’m slogged from wp and 2 new cookies appear, wordpress_test_cookie.

    when i try to login in WP side i’m redirected to the login page every time.

    if i remove the code generated by the Sam’s plugin i can login but i’m logged out from bbpress…

    how resolve this problem? thanks for the help.

    Sam Bauers

    bbPress uses the display name by default for most functions where the user needs to be identified by name. Check how the default template does it.

    The only time the user login is shown is if the user has no display name set.


    I am searching for a way to show the author with his or full name instead of the username.

    Is there a way to hack the template to do that? Or a plugin?

    Alternatively, is there a way to make the full name the default setting for all users?

    I already tried using the Use Display Name plugin, but it had no effect. Probably because it was written for an older version.

    I’m using bbPress 1.0 RC2 integrated (not deep) with WPMU 2.7.1 and Buddypress.

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