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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • Sam Bauers

    Nice, if you need help fixing your integration just let me know.

    Sam Bauers

    This is a bug in the RC 2 release. Grab the latest nightly build instead.


    i wana convert my phpbb 3.0.5 forum to bbpress 0.9.5

    please help me

    John Blackbourn

    I thought I would show off my first completed bbPress project:

    (Note: currently the forum login integration is actually broken (see this thread) due to my hastiness to upgrade WordPress to 2.8 without finishing checking everything first.)

    User registration and logging in/out is all handled through bbPress. Integration worked perfectly first time when following the invaluable basic integration screencast by sambauers.

    Customisations include:

    • A bbPress theme written from the ground up, to match the rest of the site.
    • Extended user profiles showing “Currently reading” and favourite books (example of a full profile).
    • Private profile fields for private information needed when signing up for events.
    • Additional meta information on topics to optionally display the book being discussed (example on this topic).
    • Reverse thread ordering option, to allow visitors and users to reverse the order of posts in a thread (persistent).
    • Custom avatar uploading functionality (defaults to Gravatar).
    • Basic but surprisingly effective protection against spam user registrations in the form of blocking any registration which includes a value in the URL profile field (this field is not used on the site nor shown on the registration form). It works on the premise that any registration submission that includes a value in the URL field must be an automated spam bot registration and can simply be blocked.
    • A second level of spam registration protection using the API.

    All the customisations have been achieved through custom plugins, the core hasn’t been touched. All the book images and links are automatically pulled in from the Amazon Web Services API.

    I’m planning on releasing a couple of the plugins I wrote for the site once I’ve tidied them up and added some comments. I’ll probably wait until bbPress 1.0 though.

    Any feedback appreciated!


    John, Yes, I did so (refreshing the User Role map), especially when I detected that the bb_ entries in the wp_usermeta table related to the user capabilities were ‘a:1:{s:6:”member”;b:1;}’. It did not make a difference. I had to do it manually changing user id’s role to ‘keymaster’.


    ITguy, did you remember to do the user-role mapping in your bbPress WordPress integration after you had everything all lined up? I read through your above steps twice and didn’t see it there except for in step 3 before everything was working, but I did also just wake up from a pretty epic nap. :)



    I took a look at the bb_ entries in the wp_usermeta table and noticed that all entries related to the user capabilities were ‘a:1:{s:6:”member”;b:1;}’. This is rather odd since user id 1 is the admin and that should be listed as KEY MASTER. SO, looking at a old data base backup of my last working version showed the entry as ‘a:2:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;s:8:”throttle”;b:1;}’. So I changed it to that value for id ‘1’.

    The result, everything seems to work, user integration, creation of NEW groups and forums, entering topics and replies on BOTH sites. The ONLY thing that is not working is the reactivation of my existing group discussions by toggling the ‘Enable discussion forum’ option in the group admin pane. I will stop here for today. Maybe you have a suggestion tomorrow.


    There was a recent post with someone in exactly your situation. :-)

    Integration of established WP and BBPress installations

    The key issue is integrating the user database first… then you can do a cookie integration fairly easily, using either ck or superann’s plugins.

    Good luck!




    SimpleScripts does a free install of bbPress to many hosts including GoDaddy.

    I cannot vouch for their quality or security and I highly recommend you change all your password afterwards, but it’s one way to get started if you have little technical knowledge.

    SimpleScripts has been tested to work on the following web hosts:

    (some may need manual database input)

    * Bluehost

    * Hostmonster

    * Fastdomain

    * LunarPages

    * HostGator

    * SiteGround

    * GoDaddy

    * WebHostingPad

    * LiquidWeb

    * StartLogic

    * iPowerWeb

    * Dot5Hosting

    * MidPhase

    * 1and1



    I came across your other posting ‘Integrating WPMU trunk and bbPress RC2’ and added the following to bb-press.php:

    // (Sam, I can see you shaking your head right now)
    if ( !defined('ABSPATH') & !defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST') & !defined('BB_IS_ADMIN')) {
    define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
    include_once( '/absolute/path/to/' );
    header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
    header("Status: 200 All rosy") ;

    // WordPress database integration speedup
    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
    $bb->wordpress_mu_primary_blog_id = 1;
    $bb->user_bbdb_name = '';
    $bb->user_bbdb_user = '';
    $bb->user_bbdb_password = '';
    $bb->user_bbdb_host = '';
    $bb->user_bbdb_charset = '';
    $bb->user_bbdb_collate = '';
    $bb->custom_user_table = '';
    $bb->custom_user_meta_table = '';

    // WordPress cookie integration speedup
    $bb->wp_siteurl = ''; // no trailing slash
    $bb->wp_home = ''; // no trailing slash
    $bb->cookiedomain = '';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';
    $bb->authcookie = 'wordpress_HASH-FROM-FIREFOX';
    $bb->secure_auth_cookie = 'wordpress_sec_HASH-FROM-FIREFOX';
    $bb->logged_in_cookie = 'wordpress_logged_in_HASH-FROM-FIREFOX';
    $bb->admin_cookie_path = '/SUB-DIRECTORY/bb-admin';
    $bb->core_plugins_cookie_path = '/MY-SUB-DIRECTORY/bb-plugins';
    $bb->user_plugins_cookie_path = '/MY-SUB-DIRECTORY/my-plugins';
    $bb->sitecookiepath = '';
    $bb->wp_admin_cookie_path = '/wp-admin';
    $bb->wp_plugins_cookie_path = '/wp-content/plugins';
    define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);

    The result being the user integration is working, HOWEVER admin no longer is recognized as ‘KEY MASTER’ nor does it know about my second bbPress user I created as administrator to be used as the user in WPMU’s Forum integration. Using the admin as that user did not solve the problem either of being able post or create topics/groups. It seems that I either get partial data integration or user integration but not both. What a mess.

    BTW, I have working without any problem WPMU 2.7.1 and BudyPress 1.0.1. Trying to integrate bbPress 1.0-RC2. I had originally working WPMU 2.7.1, BuddyPress 1.0 and bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6. I should have left things alone.


    You’ll find tons of useful information if you search through these forums. I’m happy to share my own experience of installing and modifying bbPress if you like. Mind you, my bbPress hasn’t so much as made eyes at WordPress, so I know nothing about integration. My email is my username at if stand-alone is all you need.

    Hard Seat Sleeper

    Sorry I hate to open another integration thread, but I’ve tried to understand this a few times and still don’t get it.

    I have a wp blog and a bbpress install. They don’t share the same database.

    The wp blog only has 1 or 2 users, the bbpress has a few thousand. What I want is to integrate these 2 so that if someone logs into the bbpress, they are also logged into the blog so they don’t have to re-enter their login credentials when they post a comment on the blog.

    My wp is 2.7 and bbpress is .9.

    Does anyone have any advice on how I could achieve this? Or should I upgrade my wp and bbpress and try it then?



    John, this were I ended up:

    1. Log in as admin to bbPress and went to admin->settings

    2. Enabled ‘bbPress XML-RPC publishing protocol’ in the ‘Writing pane’

    3. In the ‘WordPress Integration’ pane set WordPress Administrator’ to ‘bbPress Key Master’ role. All others to ‘bbPress meber’ and saved the User Role map.

    4. added:

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    define(‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘e6bd245d6e82566f2fdcff73419dd3da’ );

    to both wp-config and bb-config files

    5. Copied the 7 unique authentification keys from the wp-config file to the bb-config file adding ‘BB_’ in from of each variable name.

    6. Added to the end of the bb-config file, just be the closing php code:

    $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;

    Saved bb-config.sys

    7. Moved buddypress-enable.php file to the my-plugins folder under the forums folder and activated it.

    8. In the WPMU admin pane selected the BuddyPress->Forums Setup and enter the forum URL, as well as the WPPU admin name and password.

    9. Logout of BuddyPress and bbPress. Logged in to BuddyPress, changed URL to forum, needed to log in, however changing back and forth between the two now needs no further logging in.

    10. Created a new group on the Buddypress site with ‘Enable discussion forum’ selected. Forum is created and visible on the bbPress site.

    11. Enter a topic and comment, bot show up on both sites.

    END of good news. Here is what is not working:

    1. No user integration, only admin works, any other WPMU user is not recognized on the bbPress site.

    2. Existing group’s discussion are not creating forums when toggling the ‘Enable discussion forum’ option.

    3. Only admin can create topics and comments within the group forums (due to problem #1).

    I have done this now 3 times over, reinstalling bbPress (deleting the forum folder, the bb_ tables and bb_ entries in the wp_usermeta) and following the steps above which is a combination of your ‘Forum Integration: Helpful Hints’ posting and the added steps regarding the cookie integration posted on ‘The Easy Button’ and the ‘UMW Wiki’.

    I not sure what to do next to get this right :-(


    Hi All,

    (Newbie) I just installed bbPress and elected to integrate with WordPress, no problem initially. I then did something stupid, I saw a path name… and thought I had created a nested set of folders with the same name in my directory. It actually was the name of the first forum. So–I deleted the installation and the corresponding page in WP and then recreated the directory, installed the files, created the page again and this time, I could not get past step one of the installation. As soon as I click step 2 it goes to my root domain. I assume that there is now an entry in the wp database for the path and I can not change it. When I try to load that page, I get the login page, however it lacks the theme but does have the description I have in the original install (so that data survived my delete) and when I click submit I get a 404 page. I don’t know what to do to reset things. Please help!!


    Why there isn’t a bbpress version totally integrated with wordpress ? I would a BBpress with the same user db, the same login panel, the same registration page. Is there a possibility to see this in the future ? Thanks


    Hi All,

    (Newbie) I just installed bbPress and elected to integrate with WordPress, no problem initially. I then did something stupid, I saw a path name… and thought I had created a nested set of folders with the same name in my directory. It actually was the name of the first forum. So–I deleted the installation and the corresponding page in WP and then recreated the directory, installed the files, created the page again and this time, I could not get past step one of the installation. As soon as I click step 2 it goes to my root domain. I assume that there is now an entry in the wp database for the path and I can not change it. When I try to load that page, I get the login page, however it lacks the theme but does have the description I have in the original install (so that data survived my delete) and when I click submit I get a 404 page. I don’t know what to do to reset things. Please help!!


    Hi guys. My name is Kenneth L. and I run the website Ive been trying for many hours today to install bbpress and get it up and running. My hosting is on Godaddy. I was wondering if there was anyone out there who would be willing to install the forum for me, since I have no clue on how to do it, (and the instructions are confusing).

    At this point I am even willing to pay someone. Please help.


    I am sure that I am doing something wrong here.

    This is the vhost for the domain :

    server {

    listen 80;
    rewrite ^/(.*)$1 permanent;


    server {

    listen 80;

    access_log /home/public_html/;
    error_log /home/public_html/;

    location / {

    root /home/public_html/;
    index index.php index.html;

    # Basic version of WordPress parameters, supporting nice permalinks.
    # include /usr/local/nginx/conf/wordpress_params.regular;
    # Advanced version of WordPress parameters supporting nice permalinks and WP Super Cache plugin
    include /usr/local/nginx/conf/wordpress_params.super_cache;

    # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
    location ~ .php$ {
    fastcgi_index index.php;
    include /usr/local/nginx/conf/fastcgi_params;
    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /home/public_html/$fastcgi_script_name;

    I have added the rewrite rules for bbPress in /usr/local/nginx/conf/bbpress_params.regular

    Now where should I add include /usr/local/nginx/conf/bbpress_params.regular; in my vhost file?


    Phew! haha!

    I’ll be around if you have other problems.


    THANK! That did the trick :-) Will let you know how the rest of the integration goes.


    If your bbPress installation is malfunctioning (or incomplete) go ahead and delete all of those out of there, as they will only get in the way.

    Delete those entries, delete cookies, and give the install another try.

    I think this is the same issue I had, with the user_id of “0”. The other odd thing to note, is that all of those say “member” instead of “key master”.


    @johnjamesjacoby, thanks for yoyr quick response and offer to help. I found the following bb_ entries in the wp_usermeta table:

    umeta_id user_id meta_key          meta_value
    14 1 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
    16 0 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
    24 2 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
    55 3 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
    75 4 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
    102 5 bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:"member";b:1;}
    112 1 bb_topics_replied 1
    17 1 bb_user_settings m0=o&m1=o
    18 1 bb_user_settings_time 1243961396

    The only odd entry may be the one for user id ‘0’ since there is no entry for that user id in the wp-users table.


    ITguy… How comfortable are you with phpMyAdmin? The NEXT thing to try, will be to look in your wp_usermeta table, and see if there are any “bb_” entries in there. Could be some corrupt capabilities in there that are causing headaches?

    I’ll be around for a few more hours so if you’ve got time to go back and forth I’ll keep checking back periodically.


    @johnjamesjacoby, I have the same setup and problem as hempsworth. I have repeated the install process now 10 times, same error. I deleted the forum folder (bbpress) deleted the database tables and deleted the cookies. I even tried a different user name instead of ‘admin’, same error. And just for fun I also used a different browser, same error :-(

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