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  • #15109

    If you look at the post, it looks fine, the avatar, shows, but i get this msg? What do i do?

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘monstet5_bbp01.options’ doesn’t exist]

    select option_value from options where option_name = ‘gravatar_local’ limit 1


    It sends all the invisible code before the webpage that your browser requires to understand the language, etc.

    In theory commenting it out is very bad but for some reason with bb-gzip it’s being triggered twice which should not happen and is bad. The fix I gave you is a lazy workaround for now until I have time to address it properly one day (and might need a completely different fix with bbPress 1.0.1 etc)

    Sam Bauers

    “from now on” means “as of bbPress 1.0”


    I can register and log in fine, but when i hit log out

    i get this error msg

    bbPress database error:

    [Table ‘monstet5_bbp01.bb_online’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM bb_online WHERE user_id = 2 LIMIT 1

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home6/monstet5/public_html/page_id1055/forums/bb-includes/db-mysql.php:130) in /home6/monstet5/public_html/page_id1055/forums/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 232


    Josh Leuze

    Thanks so much for the links Ipstenu!

    I figured if there was a way out of YAF, it would most likely be to phpBB. Surprised I didn’t find this in my own searches.

    If I can just get this data out of YAF, I think it will all be downhill from there :)


    A few people struggled with that exact problem in this thread… several solutions were mapped out:

    Here’s to hoping one of them works for you!

    ps are you using ck’s or SuperAnne’s plugins to ensure cookie compatibility between bbPress v 0.9 and WordPress v. 2.7?


    I have searched the forum for answers to this, and there are certainly lots of threads on the topic. But no matter what I try, I get an error about the “admin” account already existing, and the install fails.

    I recently tried to install bbPress with WordPress MU version 2.7.1 and I keep running into trouble. The bbPress installation, when trying to integrate and share the database, will not allow me to specify the “admin” account as the bbPress key master. It fails saying that this account exists already.

    Has anyone run into this? Should I be using a different version of bbPress? Does it matter that I already installed BuddyPress plugin, version 1.0-rc-3 ?

    I have seen several tutorials on the bbPress – buddyPress – WPMU combo, but I don’t think they were using the very recent versions that I have. SO if anyone has very current experience, that would be extremely helpful. Or perhaps I just need to use older versions that match the tutorials.

    Sam Bauers

    You could also try restarting your memcached service to clear any potentially bad buffers.

    Sam Bauers

    It’s probably just FALSE

    Sam Bauers


    Can you please do a var_dump($cached_ids) so we can find out exactly what the value of $cached_ids is?

    Just before line 71 in that file would be the spot, before $_cached_ids = join( ',', array_map( 'intval', $cached_ids ) );

    It should output something useful to the screen.


    Hi Sam,

    Thanks for that detailed post. I’ve added this post to my favorites so I can come back to it.

    However, at this time, I’m not going to upgrade until bbPress reaches official version 1 status.

    I’ve temporarily gotten rid of the warning messages by doing the following:

    Line 71 of bbPress 1.o alpha 6:

    $_cached_ids = join( ',', array_map( 'intval', (array)$cached_ids ) );

    Lines 86-89 of bbPress 1.o alpha 6:

    if(!empty($cached_ids)) {
    foreach ( $cached_ids as $cached_id )
    $this->results[] = $trans[$cached_id];

    Yeah I know it isn’t ideal as I’m probably not using the latest, optimized build of bbPress, but it gets rid of the warning messages.


    Hmm, I can’t see it either – but _ck_ mentioned that her gzip plugin usually isn’t needed in most cases?

    Also, the bb-gzip plugin is only necessary if your server does not already compress pages, which is rare these days, so make sure you are not duplicating the effort.

    Maybe you could get away with disabling the bb-gzip plugin, which would hopefully resolve the problem?


    I would recommend starting all over again. Delete your current bbpress directory (I’m assuming this was your first time installing it) and re-upload a fresh new one. Once all of your files are uploaded navigate to that page with your browser. Depending on the name of your bbpress directory you should try to open something like this:

    It’ll take you to the introduction page with step one.

    Sam Bauers


    OK then, you really need to upgrade.

    Here’s how I would do it…

    1. De-integrate cookies, clear out all cookie settings in bbPress/WordPress including hardcoded ones in configs with the exception of you secret keys (BB_AUTH_KEY and friends)
    2. Upgrade to the latest Trunk of bbPress
    3. Upgrade to the latest release of the bbPress Integration plugin
    4. Clear all relevant cookies in your browser
    5. Setup integration in WordPress first, go to the admin panel for the plugin – use the settings it gives you to use in your wp-config.php file
    6. Setup integration in bbPress second, if the plugin in WordPress tells you to add a special constant to bb-config.php, do that now too. You’ll need to login to bbPress separately at this stage. Only enter settings into the admin, don’t try to add anything back into your bb-config.php except that one line from the WordPress plugin
    7. Now you should be good to go again, clear your browser cookies and try various ways to login and logout

    Sam Bauers

    Visit the WordPress Codex and search for information on apply_filters().

    You can filter that array with a simple plugin.


    I’ve been getting this as well, even though the database settings are correct. For two sites on the same server, it’s working for one and not the other.

    Markus Pezold

    After the Update to bbPress Version 1.0-rc-3 my problems are gone. I think everyone should test there used plugins, backup and then test the update. Can’t wait for bbPress 1. :)

    Markus Pezold

    Hi ced,

    thanks for your post – your hint (phpMyAdmin) was great!

    Cookie-Integration works perfekt after the update to Version 1.0-rc-3 and a few changes in phpMyAdmin – without the bbPress integration plugin.


    Know what? I got fed up with my hosting service. ;P

    I spent the entire morning working on my bbPress implementation, and had an epiphany about ten minutes ago. I asked myself… ‘Why in the name of the seven seas are you using Concentric?’ When I couldn’t come up with a better answer than ‘it’s what I always use’, I whipped out Google, entered the term ‘best wordpress hosting service’, was routed to WordPress’ hosting page, and I just signed up with bluehost.

    So… this is now all moot (hopefully). I’m planning on just working on CONTENT after my nameserver updates happen! YAY!!!!!!!

    I feel like going on vacation :P


    Mad idea.

    Convert it to phpBB2 (NOT 3!) –

    Convert phpBB to bbPress –

    See also:

    If you read the SMF to bbPress thread you’ll see what machinations were needed. Good luck!



    Since I’ve never developed a plugin for bbPress before …

    Does anyone mind pointing me in the direction of where I should begin.

    I would like to attempt to port WordPress Super Cache (output cache) plugin to bbPress for non-logged in users.


    Hi Sam,

    Sorry for not being clear.

    I’m using object cache and not WP Super Cache.


    @Atsutane – I had slightly misunderstood how to use the filters in the Latest Discussion plugin, and I realize I can get closer than I thought with that plugin. However, I don’t think I can get all the way there. The bbld_forum filter seems to be applied to the variables before they have been given values, right? So, you could, as in the example, replace a specific gravatar based on the $user_data variable. But is it possible to get the $forum variable in the same way? What I need is to determine the forum ID within my filter function.

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