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  • #75363

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    I agree. I’d like to see a recommended primer someday.

    Referencing the chmod recommendation I gave, I just wanted to make sure the user’s php was actually being read. That was the ‘just to see’ part.

    A common problem I deal with is many people have it setup just as you say , where some user X has rw but the Php processor is running off a lesser priv base. Or sometimes the files perms are just completly a mess, like my spelling on the iPhone.


    Understood. Thank you ck :)


    The people who have them working under 1.0 are likely using an older theme, either from a previous version of bbPress or a 3rd party template.


    Two observation:

    1. I’ve got “last everything” installed.

    2. It actually works.

    I haven’t checked up your patches yet.


    Yah, _ck_’s reputation plugin isn’t compatible with version 1.0. Your best best is to either use version 0.9, or not use the reputation plugin at all.

    There are a number of avatar plugins – I’m pretty sure at least some of them work in version 1.0. Which plugin were you trying to configure?

    What do you mean about not being able to delete posts… if you’re an administrator or keymaster, you should be able to delete any posts? Do you still have problems if you disable all plugins?


    That’s strange. I didn’t deviate from the instructions, but they still aren’t showing. Darn, those are two very important plugins that I wanted to work. I guess I’ll just have to be patient until December.


    both worked fine for me on 1.0 out of the box, no edits.


    BBCode Buttons and BBPress Smilies work on bbPress 1.0 for me.

    I’m having trouble with one of _ck_’s plugins, but I’m not exactly sure if it has to do with her plugin, bbPress or our server.


    Many of my plugins (and others) meant for bbPress 0.9 will not work under 1.0

    I do not intend to address this until December as there will likely be additional changes to bbPress.

    Those that want to use my plugins should use bbPress 0.9 and not 1.0, you can always upgrade later.


    Hello there,

    I’m a complete newb when it comes to bbPress, so bear with me. :)

    I’ve installed about 6 to 8 of ck’s great plugins and they’ve all worked with no issues on the latest release (think it was on July 3rd when it was released or something?) of bbPress. Now, I understand that ck has warned everyone about the possibility of the plugins not working on 1.0, but I was wondering if anyone has these working or what I might be able to do to temporarily tweak them.

    All of the plugins, except for BBCode Buttons and BBPress Smilies are working. These two are not showing up in the default theme. Any suggestions on what I might’ve missed or something that I should do to see why they’re not working?

    BBCode Buttons

    I have the bbcode-lite plugin active and working, so it’s not an issue there. I have bbcode-buttons directly in the my-plugins directory, so seems fine there.

    BBPress Smilies

    I uploaded the full bb-smilies directory to the my-plugins directory and then activated it in the admin panel. But, nothing is showing in the post boxes.

    So, I could use some suggestions for those of you that found some work arounds. Thank you!


    You cannot use many of the 0.9 plugins under 1.0 final

    I have been warning about that for months.


    I just installed bbPress 1.0 to my dev server today and something strange is happening.

    Instead of “Reply” or “New Topic in this Forum” for the h2 class “post-form”, I am now getting the string “Array”.

    Any idea why?

    Funny thing is this isn’t happening on my localbox where I installed bbPress 1.0 from 1.0 alpha 6 exactly the same way.

    I just went into to do a var_dump of the $h2 variable in the post_form() function and this is what I get:

    array(1) { ["h2"]=> array(1) { ["h2"]=> array(1) { ["h2"]=> *RECURSION* } } }

    Any idea why the $h2 variable is an array when it should be outputting one of the strings “Reply”, “New Topic in this forum” or “Add New Topic”?


    I just installed bbPress 1.0 to my dev server today and something strange is happening.

    Instead of “Reply” or “New Topic in this Forum” for the h2 class “post-form”, I am now getting the string “Array”.

    Any idea why?

    Funny thing is this isn’t happening on my localbox where I installed bbPress 1.0 from 1.0 alpha 6 exactly the same way.


    I’m going to open a new thread because my post is diverting from the original intent of this post.


    no professionals are listed there on _ck_ site. I am installing under the older bbpress before the beta and now 1.0 with the wordpress version before the 2.8 release.


    In reply to: strange url issue


    If this is happening in 1.0, it’s a bug and I would open a ticket in to make sure that Sam becomes aware of it.

    utf-8 in URLs is probably going to be a difficult problem to debug


    To learn how bbPress works, I would suggest browsing the source of the top level files in the bbPress root.

    is_forum simply checks the url and does not know which forum it is in

    but it can be used before repermalink happens (similar to wordpress)

    to get the current forum, in theory you should be able to

    global $forum_id;

    And then the $forum_id is the current forum number. You can then use the api to get the forum name, etc. if desired.

    This may not work in all cases as bbPress has some nasty code in some places that even in 1.0 still does not reset the counter after loops. For example a forum page that has some sub-forums, the $forum_id might very well be the last sub-forum displayed (if the bug has not been fixed yet).

    You also cannot fetch $forum_id before repermalink happens which is after bb_init is triggered. Shouldn’t be a problem unless you are trying to execute code while a plugin is loading vs. after init

    ps. is_forum is deprecated in 1.0, use bb_is_forum


    Memcache is going to be an absolutely useless suggestion for 95%+ of bbPress users.

    Most won’t have the knowledge or resources to set it up and the performance boost will be trivial, almost non-existent for a single server setup (on a shared host it won’t even be a possibility). A proper mysql cache, opcode cache, and local disk cache will come within the same single digit performance gains of memcache.

    Memcache is only beneficial for multi-server systems, it’s why it was invented in the first place.

    The way to cache forums properly is to cache parts of the pages and build the page based on each user on demand. This allows much more dynamic content.

    Large forums usually have an additional problem with several bots crawling them at once at any given time which is why caching every single page in a page cache (like wp super cache) can be a problem. The bots will fill the cache with many one-time hits which have to be purged very soon after they are created.


    Unfortunately adding these value breaks WP/BBPress login integration (Same value as wp-config without bb_ prefix on the variable)

    define(‘BB_AUTH_COOKIE’, ‘xxx’);

    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE’, ‘xxx’);

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_COOKIE’, ‘xxx’);

    Thanks for the reply ipstenu


    If you are trying to use my plugins on 1.0 you are not going to get very far.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Speaking of .htaccess I want to express how I simply cannot disagree more with the suggestion during bbPress 1.0 install to make it writeable by bbPress.

    Opening .htaccess to writes by PHP is an INCREDIBLY bad idea security-wise.

    Never, ever, make any part of your bbPress (or WordPress) install write-able or you are just begging to be hacked sooner or later. Always use FTP and replace it yourself.

    If you are on a shared server, the vulnerability is magnified many more times.

    Directories used for caching and uploading that simply must be writable should always be “above” the web-root so that an attacker cannot easily execute files they just uploaded or modified.

    One day bbPress will have a template editor like WordPress and I will have to recommend deleting it and never chmod’ing the template directory as well.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    FYI – Installing WordPressMU + BuddyPress + bbPress was a snap! Integration FTW!


    There are already sites running bbPress 0.9 with many more users than that.

    Only thing I would suggest as I have in the past is that if it’s a commercial project with income, you should always be considering vbulletin which is no-nonsense, high end features/performance right out of the box. But it’s not cheap and everything worthwhile for it is usually pay-only also.

    bbPress is for do-it-yourself-ers who want to make something that either blends into an existing design or you want something fresh that doesn’t look like every other cookie-cutter forum.


    I defined USER_COOKIE, PASS_COOKIE, AUTH_COOKIE, SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE, LOGGED_IN_COOKIE and TEST_COOKIE on my WP config for a single sign own with multiple WP hosted on a single domain + sub domain

    Can someone tell me where I can define USER_COOKIE, PASS_COOKIE, AUTH_COOKIE, SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE, LOGGED_IN_COOKIE and TEST_COOKIE in BBPress and how?



    I haven’t heard any benchmarks as it’s up to you on setting it up (nginx/apache/phpcgi/phpfpm/etc….).

    It’s even harder to compare pound for pound because of the extensibility bbpress affords you with wordpress and buddypress. Even the plug-ins that each trio of apps afford you.

    There is a point when it’s not about how many users you can squeeze out of a single VPS, it’s about building a site… a community and what is the best software & hardware able to do that.

    Of course, when your scaled to the limit with hardware, software, and users to that of say Twitter it’s a different story.

    On their curve, no matter how much hardware they add, curbing simple things like response time become a huge battle. At this scale it’s in your best interest to develop something proprietary as such they have and are doing.

    In your case though, your probably better off worrying about ‘how do i scale my forum installation’ , and ‘what forum software gives my users the most benefit’, than asking ‘how many people can i house on my vps/dedicated/box/PS3’.

    Even having said this all of this, out of the box there is less overhead in the bbpress architecture than with PHPBBx.

    Take all of what I said with a grain of salt, and a beer in hand.


    – Jason

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