I ended up having to support both, because I wanted users who sign in on a bbPress page to “stay” on the same page… and users who signed into a WordPress-powered page to also “stay” on the same page.
I used to only use the bbPress signin, which worked great… but then users who signed into WordPress pages got sent “back” to the frontpage of my blog, which annoyed my users.
Hope that helps!
Sorry yes I do its: http://www.ghostdroppings.com/bbpress/
Right now the background is black, so I would have to change that in order for you to see the spacing between the posts. However there is too much padding and I would just like there it be a bit more spacing between the posts like on bbshowcase.org, although I would add a tiny bit more space.
What version did you install? Search is built in to all versions, but only visible by default in the 1.0 version.
Or, are you trying to search bbPress from WordPress?
Go over your wp-config and bb-config installs and make DAMN sure they’re talking to each other. Check the DB name and password. Go into your SQL db and make sure that bb_ and wp_ are in the same database. When you login, look at the cookies in your browser and see if anything jumps out about their similarities or differences. Triple check your KEYs and HASHes, and I’d even go so far as to reset them. Can’t hurt, can it?
The newest version of BBPress, just downloaded it.
I have no idea about what PHP, SQL and Windows it is. Im gonna have to ask my host. But does it really matter? I can tell you its not outdated for sure. They constantly provide the newest tools and techs.
No blank lines. And like you see in the errorlog, its line 273 and 232 that are problematic. Supposedly.
I don’t like the standard message send after a new user has registered to my bbpress forum. So I thought about to write an plugin that will send my custom text instead.
This is what I have:
function bb_send_pass_cust($user, $pass) {
$message = __("Your username is: %1$s nYour password is: %2$s nYou can now log in: %3$s nMyCustom text!");
return bb_mail(
bb_get_user_email( $user->ID ),
bb_get_option('name') . ': ' . __('Password'),
sprintf($message, $user->user_login, $pass, bb_get_uri(null, null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_TEXT))
remove_action('bb_new_user', 'bb_send_pass');
add_action('bb_new_user', 'bb_send_pass_cust');
this code has many issues:
– it doesn’t remove the action
– the password is nu available in the custom function
In the past my functions/plugins never had function arguments, how to use them?
Thanks for your help!
OK…got past this part. : )
It’s back to the way it was before I started over. If I log into one, it still doesn’t log the other one in. The same applies when logging out. Log out of one, the other is still logged in.
*note – I’m not trying to integrate bbPress into a WordPress page but rather a static page. I already have the login integration between bb and wp working.
I’ve been able to “embed” my WordPress posts into a static web page with the help of an online tutorial using PHP includes. Basically, on the page that you want to have WordPress embedded in, you paste:
<?php require(‘../../../blog/wp-blog-header.php’); ?>
into the very top of the page above the DTD, and then paste The Loop wherever you want your posts to appear.
What I’d like to do is the exact same thing except with bbPress. I’ve tried applying the same basic principle as described as above, but am pretty much stuck and can’t get anything except errors to appear.
Here’s what my code looks like at this point. I’ve used the header file from the kakumei templates folder as that’s the only header file I can find. At the very top above the DTD;
<?php require(‘../../../forums/bb-templates/kakumei/header.php’); ?>
Now I’ve searched high and low for anything talking about “The Loop” (or it’s equivalent) in bbPress but have found zip. The closest things I have seen have been inside the bbPress/index.php and forum.php files, which I pasted and tested each separately into the area that I wanted to have the forums appear, but with no positive results.
If anyone knows how to do this properly I will be grateful.
Thank you
Adam Lawton
*The page where I found the WordPress integration tutorial is:
I’m zero luck getting through this part. I went through the WordPress integration section, completed the steps, and it logged me out. Now it doesn’t recognize my admin account or any account for that matter.
I can’t imagine how screwed up this is.
BTW…using WP 2.8.1 and bbPress 1.0.2.
I did try that the second time around. Now I’m on a third time and getting this error:
There was a problem connecting to the WordPress user database you specified. Please check the settings, then try again.
Before I tried the third install, I deleted all old files both from my local and my server locations. I wiped out my bbPress database tables. So it’s a clean install. I’m getting my cookie information from my wp-config file downloaded from my server. I have checked the settings, BTW.
Ugggghhh!! : )
Okay I’ve deleted everything in the cache/cookie and also all those salts in phpMyAdmin and NOW I can access both admin panels again.
BUT I can’t get the integration working at all. As soon as I try to use the same salt on both it breaks them, making my admin account on bbPress just a plain member and preventing me from accessing the wp-admin panel altogether (NOTE: I dont mean unauthorized, I mean actually unable to login, it just refreshes).
bbPress should integrate nicely into whatever template the blogger is using. It should be that simple. Am I missing something???
bbPress integration is user integration, not full fledged theme integration. Even if you use Deep Integration methods, there will be a need for manual jiggery.
As for the login issues, double check your cookies and hashes between your wp-config and bb-config files. Clean out all of YOUR cookies and your browser cache and check again. SOmetimes, it’s just that simple.
Cookies and caches.
Flush ’em all. Manually delete if you have to.
If you’re able to tweak a regular template to a wordpress theme than is the next step to bbpress not so far.
I embedded both applications into my own site:
my advice start with the header and footer!
surround anything with one div container, open that container in the header and close it inside the footer
I don’t think that’s been released yet hpguru?
Lack of ability to delete old posts is a long-standing issue. If you don’t have access to phpmyadmin, someone wrote a script which does it… but I can’t vouch for it as I’ve never used it:
Before trying anything like this, make sure to backup all of your data!!!
I have followed the instruction for database/user integration, and it doesn’t work as it should. It recognizes the users’ information, but it doesn’t recognize if they logged in to the other. So I can log into my WordPress but still be logged out in bbPress. The reverse is true too.
Simple Press managed to get it right, but the interface is a bit bloated. I’m using WordPress 2.8.2.
bbPress should integrate nicely into whatever template the blogger is using. It should be that simple. Am I missing something???
I like how clean bbPress is, but it can’t be that tough to integrate, as I assume it’s produced in part by the same group.
You can delete posts from database in bbPress version 1.1. Read from trac.bbpress.org.
As far as I can tell, BBPress keeps “deleted” posts indefinitely, allowing the admin to restore them, if necessary. The only way I know of to permanently get rid of them is to manually remove them from the database.
Okay I have managed to fix the problem by using phpmyadmin and removing the salt keys etc in bb_meta. but the integration is still not working any ideas?
EDIT: I can’t login to WordPress at all now. It just reloads the login page after i submit it. Any ideas?
Hi. I have just set up a new WP / bbP website at http://www.paperviewzine.com/ and http://forum.paperviewzine.com/
I have just done the Integration but its broke the login system, when I login to my BB site it NO LONGER classes me as an admin, so i cant edit anything anymore. And when i login into the WP site it just refreshes the login page and does not login to the Wp-admin.
This has happened after changing those keys and stuff. I have had a look in the phpMyAdmin bit to see if i can fix the issues, BUT i cant find a table called bb_options like WP has? Where are the wordpress integration options for bbPress kept? and also how do I fix the problem I am having thanks.
Gee, I’m terribly sorry that the people volunteering their time for no compensation had their own lives to take care of. Take a deep breath. Okay? Good.
What version of bbPress is this? I’m assuming 1.0.2, but let’s be sure.
What version of PHP and SQL are on your server?
While we’re at it, Windows or *nix server?
Any blank lines before <?php
or after the last ?>
in your bb-config.php file?
just upgraded to 1.02 and found some issues regarding the “unique email address” bug from before.
Btw. in older version that was a problem too
update the email address in your profile:
If you change the email address into an existing one, it works fine but there is no message about (This is a tiny one)
Register process
I was busy to find some better way to add the recaptcha to the register form and noticed that the login form field is only tested if the email field is already filled. That worked better in version 0.9
everything else looks fine
I can’t use this forum if someone doesn’t help me with this problem. And I really want to use it because I like the concept of BBpress. I’ve been searching for the simplest ever forum, and this was it.