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Topic: Unable to delete post
Hello, I use “Role Manager” plugin with worpress, which is very useful.
I thought that bbpress will work with it, but instead it’s using his own roles.
The problem is that I would like to use my custom-role in wordpress in bbpress too.
I installed the plugin “private forums” for bbpress, and it’s a shame I can’t use my wordpress roles to make forums privates… ?
Any idea ?
Automattic ( just “acquired” Gravatar
Looks like we could have a reliable auto-avatar system for bbPress now? Any existing avatar plugin could ask the member if they want to “import” their gravatar.
I think gravatars can only be 80×80 max and not animated so the existing avatar plugin is still far superior.
Topic: Installation won’t launch.
Hey everyone,
I need to pick your brains. I have uploaded bbPress in a folder called “forums” within “wp02” (WordPress folder). I am using the same MySQL username and database info that WordPress uses since I want to integrate it. However, I’ve gone over config.php and I can’t seem to find an error. Can anyone offer assistance? Thanks.
Topic: WPMU + 404 error
Hey all,
Trying to get bbpress and WPMU to work together. Using a subdomain install of WPMU. I can view the front page of my bbpress install just fine, but if I click any topic, I get a 404 showing in my wordpress theme.
Is this something I have to fix in the .htaccess?
I installed on localhost. When i first try to change the theme it works, and them i have this message “Theme not found. Default theme applied.”, and can’t change anymore.
I looked to the link themes and they are wrong, pointing to
how can i fix it and remove that ‘c:arquivosdeprogramaseasyphp1-8wwwwordpressbbpress’ part?????
Install worked great, everything good. I’ve logged in as admin, assigned Key Master, and lo and behold I can’t create a new forum. I get the message ‘you don’t have permission to do that’. The admin account was first created in the wordpress mu install.