1. Use the same database if you want to integrate registrations.
2. Yes. Call the folder whatever you want.
3. Not sure. There was a post here at one point that mentioned directing all the registrations through WordPress since the registration plugins were more robust, but I can’t find it now.
OK, so it looks like the plugin version 0.8.3 still works in bbPress 0.9.1 – though I have not yet put it through heavy testing. I found the install directions left a little to be desired so I added more detailed directions below.
However… I still have a question. Some of my users have adopted Gravatars since WP 2.5 was released. The plugin currently does not seem to check for gravatar existence, let alone provide some sort of control over precedence of different sourced avatars.
The installation instructions DO provide you with the function to call to see if a plug-in uploaded/created avatar exists. However, in order to get the precedence working the way I’d like, I need to know how to test for a Gravatar existence as well. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Any ideas?
Install instructions:
1. Download Plugin here:
Version 0.8.3 is current at time of this writing.
2. Create the following two folders in your bbpress install:
3. follow instructions (specifically, step 5) in the readme file which tells you where to copy files. Some files in the zip aren’t mentioned (such as indenticon.php). I put those into my-plugins and so far, so good.
4. Activate plugin.
I followed this
bbPress will not have access to WordPress’ functions unless you manually tell bbPress to load WordPress first. In order to do that, you need to put require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); in bbPress’ bb-config.php (wp-blog-header is in the same directory as WordPress’ wp-config.php file).
and it looks like this
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-config.php’);
this is located in http://domain.com
my bbpress is on http://forums.domain.com and I am using Cpanel
I used to run a blog using blogger called veryserious.org that had various contributors. I wanted a forum, so I used bbpress and set up board.veryserious.org. I liked the interface and having more control etc, so I switched from blogger to wordpress.
Then, I tried to integrate wp and bbpress. It worked okay, but what I think happened was that user numbers from WP were used to assign posts and info to users on BBpress. If you see from this thread:
There is a post (2nd post on page) from a girl named Phoebe, but the post is attributed to Jake. Can I reassign posts, or should I just erase all the posts and start over?
I have created a wordpress plugin that moves most used bb admin tab functionality to the wordpress admin section.
the plugin is available here
any feedback will be appreciated..
I just set up two new accounts… testuser1 and testuser2.
As testuser1, I posted a new topic.
As Keymaster, I was unable to delete testuser1’s post. Before logging off as Keymaster, I made testuser2 a Moderator.
Logging in as testuser2, I was able to delete testuser1’s post.
I’m running v0.8.3 with WordPress 2.3.3. I am not in a position to upgrade to bb 0.9.01 or WP 2.5 yet, since our forum and website are very active right now.
So… why can’t the Keymaster delete a post?
I’m not sure that it’s the “fault” of bbpress, but i just successfully set up
an installation and integrated the user db with my wordpress install.
However, now I find that I can’t get into my admin page for wordpress.
I get the error:
“You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
With my admin username. Same with any other username I have. I can log in, but I don’t have the right access.
I can however get into the bbpress admin page.
I have access to phpMyAdmin and checked out the db. In the usermeta table I have this entry for my admin user:
wp_capabilities a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}
Which looks right to me.
Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated.
The Avatar Upload plugin is fairly well developed and I believe there is a hack to show them on the WordPress side as well. It does take a little bit of time to setup though.
Thanks for the reply. I added the line you suggested:
$wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;
I put this right after:
$bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’;
But now I get the following error when logging in. It seems to me that there must be something in the config file or in a table that tells BBPress to use the WordPress usesrs table? I tried deleting the bb-users table whihc didn’t help.
bbPress database error: [Table ‘webdeadm_main.bb_users’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT ID FROM bb_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’
bbPress database error: [Table ‘webdeadm_main.bb_users’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM bb_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’
Was your bbpress setup before you installed WordPress?
Or did WordPress exist before bbPress? If you had bbPress first, the userbase is actually inside bbPress and not WordPress. It needs to be moved to WordPress (or some different settings in WordPress to use the user db in bbPress). I call that “reverse integration”.
But I’m missing a detail here – did you have working integration with WordPress+bbPress before you upgraded both to latest?
This might be an issue with the two parts of the “secret key” not being setup/synced properly between the two.
I think this is a similar problem posted here (that was never answered)
Hey there,
my problem/question might be funny, but I just don’t get it. Just upgraded bbpress to 0.9.1 and set it up to be integrated with wordpress 2.5 (they both share the same DB).
in the bbpress config, i have the WP_ prefix set and everything seems to sync well.
But now all posts in the bbpress forums done by users that registered at the bbpress forums are signed as “Anonymous” and all these users are neither listed in the bbpress nor in the worspress admin.
To test, i removed the WP_prefix from the bbpress config, then these users are back, but for sure this is not the idea since i’d like to integrate both things.
Am I getting this all wrong, or is there any way to “import” the bbpress users into WP or something (without manually editing the database)?
Yep, site is down…. not encouraging.
Wow, as I read your description of the problem initially I thought to myself, “sounds like a caching issue”.
A good note for the future. I assume you are loading WordPress inside bbPress then?
If bbPress and WordPress are in the same database then hopefully all you should have to do is add this line to your bb-config.php after the database definitions:
$wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';
I currently have bbpress .9.0.1. installed as well as wordpress 2.3.3. The user databases are integrated (I have mouldy old cookie and reverted back to the md5 hashing system). The only difference from a normal installation is that my table prefix for wordpress is nothing, not wp_. Now I set this correctly in order to integrate the user databases on the wordpress admin page, however I heard sambauers mention in another post that this could cause an issue with the bbpress role integrator? What is even wierder is if someone registers through bbpress they still do not get a role, and cannot post.
I currently have bbpress .9.0.1. installed as well as wordpress 2.3.3. The user databases are integrated (I have mouldy old cookie and reverted back to the md5 hashing system). The only difference from a normal installation is that my table prefix for wordpress is nothing, not wp_. Now I set this correctly in order to integrate the user databases on the wordpress admin page, however I heard sambauers mention in another post that this could cause an issue with the bbpress role integrator? What is even wierder is if someone registers through bbpress they still do not get a role, and cannot post.
I just released my third bbPress theme! Let me know what you guys think!
Live Demo
Matching WordPress theme on the way.
The user is not the keymaster. It is just a user who made another account because their account is unavailable since it is in the wp_users table.
Is it possible to just reinstall bb_press? Could I set WordPress integration while I installed a second time? I’m assuming the WP integration is what went wrong when I upgraded.
Hi Chris,
It is a WP blog, I just call it a website as I’ve tweaked a tad to be more websitesque and not bloggy.
Thank you for your help
This one had me stumped but I just figured it out. I should probably document the solve it here in case others encounter the same problem.
Like many people, I have bbpress installed in a subdirectory below wordpress:
I also use the popular wp-super-cache plugin for wordpress. It turns out, you really need to add your bbpress directory to the list of rejected URI’s for wp-super-cache. For the above example, you’d want to add this line to the Rejected URI’s field:
Otherwise, your bbpress board and the administration panel will be semi-randomly showing you old cached pages. Unsurprisingly, this can cause all sorts of strangeness including apparently activating/de-activating plugins, showing plugins that you’ve deleted, etc.
OK, so it looks like you have matched the domains and paths correctly. Have you matched the bbPress “BB_SECRET_KEY” in bb-config.php to the WordPress “SECRET_KEY” in wp-config.php?
Do the secrets stored in each database match?
In bbPress it is the “secret” meta_key for topic “0” in bb_topicmeta.
In WordPress it is the “secret” meta_key in the wp_options table.
(Keep in mind that the cookie contents aren’t meant to be the same as they are hashed against the login time.)
Sam, I have both of these plugins running on the latest version of bbpress .9.0.1 and I’m using wordpress 2.3.3. Even before I installed any of your plugins, the user databases transferred between the two but the user roles have never been assigned correctly. Ever since I installed the moldy cookie plugin, I can login on my forums and go to wordpress but when I got from wordpress to bbpress it logs me out. In addition, I can only log onto bbpress now and not wordpress, wordpress says my password is invalid. So I can login through bbpress and go to wordpress fine, but I can’t do it vice versa. Any suggestions?
Scratch that, it works perfectly now, the problem was that I setup a subdomain forum.chroniccorner.net and it only carried the cookie if I made it chroniccorner.net/bbpress
If it’s not a WordPress blog (I didn’t even really consider that), integrating with bbPress really won’t work out of the box. Integration just utilizes the wp_users and _usermeta tables. If you don’t have those tables since you don’t have a WordPress blog, then integration at this step doesn’t matter much. There is more work to do if you want an integrated look and integrated user logins.
Posts work now.
No longer have the admin option, I went to
clicked upgrade, posts in forum now work
I no longer have admin privileges
Listed as member
Thanks, getting closer.
So when integrating with wordpress we use bb, not wp.
I also lost admin priv. in wordpress
I get: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. Doesn’t even give me choice to log in. I had no problem logging in as admin either place before changing the tables, etc
I did use the wordpress secret key phrase.
Used downloaded fresh copy yesterday