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  • #224390

    I think this post belongs in the “Development” forum, but that forum has a message saying that it’s closed to new posts. Let me know if there’s a better place for my question.

    I’m trying to create a navigation sidebar for users to navigate my bbPress forum. I’ve seen WordPress themes with a navigation sidebar for blog posts which has a list of months and years, as in:

    August 2021
    September 2021
    October 2021

    And clicking any of those list items will show the user any blog posts created in the given month. This is what I’d like to emulate with bbPress — a sidebar with links to different months, and clicking the link will show the user all forum topics created in that month.

    Does anyone have advice on how to do this? I’ve looked through the bbPress settings and even installed the bbp style pack plugin, but I can’t find a setting that will do what I’m trying to do. Is there a plugin or setting that I’ve missed? I don’t mind writing code to solve this problem, but I’m a PHP beginner so I’m not sure where to begin.

    I’m using WordPress 5.7.2 and bbPress 2.6.6. I don’t have a live version of my site to show.

    Robin W

    ok, so how you are doing those differently from WordPress?

    Robin W

    bbpress simply users WordPress registration, so any WordPress registration plugin will work.

    just google ‘wordpress registration plugins’



    I am trying to customize the registration email for BBpress. Is there an easy way to do this?
    Looking through this forum, I understand the email is generate by the WordPress Core.

    Is there a plugin? I’d just like to redirect people to the actual forums, and not our site’s homepage.




    How to hiding / redirect users page from non logged in users ?

    Here the simple step to protect your WordPress BuddyPress member only pages. Add this simple snippet into your theme’s ‘functions.php’ file. That’s it..

    The below snippet sample will redirect the visitor if the visitor is not logged in & trying to visit the sensitive BuddyPress pages.

    Will redirect non-logged-in users trying to access private content to your front page or home page

    Robin W

    best I can offer is

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>unread posts


    In reply to: Is bbpress abandoned?

    Robin W

    dev work is ongoing in bbpress – see

    but bbpress authors chose to release sparingly.

    there are a good many additional plugins that do lots of things to add functionality to bbpress

    Robin W

    Robin W

    ok, I cannot replicate – might be a multisite issue, might not.

    all I can suggest further is the standard advice :

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Then come back

    Robin W

    This plugin still works

    bbPress – Moderation Tools

    on the ‘security settings’ – these are as set in

    dashboard>settings>disucussion>comment moderation where you can increase the no. links allowed

    Ludovic S. Clain

    Hi Robin,
    thank you for your reply.

    For your reference, wp-cli commands often (if not all) have default outputs and they do not need to be explicitly declared unless particular outputs are expected.

    Here is a list of all post types available on my WordPress installation:

    As you can see, I have a custom post type named ‘sfwd-lessons’ so if I run the command wp post list --post_type=sfwd-lessons I have all these custom posts which are listed with the default outputs:

    But when i’m trying wp post list --post_type=topic the output is empty:

    Have you really tried it on your end?

    Warm regards,

    Robin W

    from your example, you haven’t said what you want the cli to output


    $ wp post list –post_type=topic –fields=post_title,post_status


    $ wp post list –post_type=topic,post –format=ids

    see examples in

    wp post list


    Hello there,

    we’re a WordPress Multisite and recently updated bbpress from 2.5.12 to 2.6.6 and figured out that on a user profile page no subscribed forum are being listed anymore but this message: “Oh bother! No forums were found here.”

    But the user indeed has at least one forum he subscribed to. Subscribed topics are working just fine.

    We also deactivated / activated the plugin, run the database upgrades but still no forum could be found.

    How can this problem being solved?


    Yes, I would agree that you would need to create a link or Install WordPress setup in Magento as explained in the article:

    Robin W

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>forum templates

    Robin W

    if you are after styling the forums, then

    bbp style pack


    In reply to: Forum layout

    Robin W

    the theme used on this site is in

    but I suspect your site already has a theme and other plugins.

    I would suggest you look at

    bbp style pack

    which will let you amend many things, and let you add single topic and single forum widgets to your sidebar

    Robin W

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back

    Robin W

    spectators should not be able to create topics.
    Participants by default can.

    you will either need to

    change participant permissions -see this

    Custom Capabilities

    or add

    Private groups

    and set up topic permissions which will then let you set up a group with permission to reply only

    Laura Slezak

    I am having an issue where all users, even with Participant or Spectator user permissions, are able to create their own topics for discussion. The way our site is set up, we want to limit the topic creation to admins or moderators. I cannot find a setting anywhere to turn off this ability for users to create new topics. using Learndash 3.5.1. I’m not certain the version of WordPress and bbPress we are using but both have been installed and updated in 2021. Thanks for your help.

    Robin W

    forums are displayed using wordpress wpquery and post parent. you could add postmeta and add this to the query, but as I say lots of work to make this happen

    Robin W

    you can make a topic ‘super sticky’ which will make it appear at the top of all forums.

    I know of nothing that will do a couple of forums, and indeed the code to do so would need to catch lots of areas, such as subscriptions, freshness etc. which at the moment rely on the ‘post parent’ table element of WordPress, so lots of code might be needed to get it to work.

    Robin W

    I would switch debug on – and see what errors you are getting

    and see what error is occuring

    Robin W
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_forum_freshness_link', 'rew_show_forum_freshness' , 10 , 6) ;
    function rew_show_forum_freshness ($anchor, $forum_id, $time_since, $link_url, $title, $active_id ){
    	return $time_since ;
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_freshness_link', 'rew_show_topic_freshness' , 10 , 6) ;
    function rew_show_topic_freshness ($anchor, $topic_id, $time_since, $link_url, $title){
    	return $time_since ;

    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets


    WordPress version 5.8.1
    bbPress version, 2.6.6
    bbp user rankin 3.5

    link to site.

    Theme: Divi Version: 4.12.0

    We’ve been experiencing periodic site instability that is temporarily resolved by deactivating and reactivating bbpress plugins. Instability includes all site pages returning “No Results Found” and/or global header being stretched across half the page.

    Error log is showing errors for bbp user ranking

    error log example:

    [29-Oct-2021 14:34:43 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function bbp_get_user_topic_count_raw() in /home2/kingdqj0/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbp-user-ranking/includes/functions.php:63
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home2/kingdqj0/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbp-user-ranking/includes/functions.php(35): bur_display_counts(12415, ‘yes’)

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