Search Results for '"wordpress'
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Hello all, I’m using a plugin called bbPress Topics for posts. Each of my wordpress posts has a forum. I want users to be forced to choose “Buy” or “sell” from a dropdown menu when they reply. I’d like their reply to be tagged so I can, for instance, filter only “buy” or “sell” tagged replies on the page.
How can I do this? Thanks!
Hi all,
Rather than wake up an old thread I thought I’d start a new one. The issue was reported here:
Links in posts lead to them being hidden (and how to deal with them)
And we have a similar problem. It seems a post with a single link is being hidden and no notification is being sent in spite of having the number of links set to ‘2’ before posts are hidden and us actively checking for the relevant notifications.
I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this issue? I’m not that familiar with bbPress so if there’s something obvious I’m missing then I would be grateful if someone was able to point me in the right direction.
Wordpress 5.9.3
bbPress: 10.2.0Many thanks in advance!
Topic: caching issue
Hi there,
I think I am having a caching issue as when my users go to reply to a bbpress forum topic, it takes 2-3 times to submit their reply. (I am also having an issue sending buddypress private messages, when you click send nothing happens). I use W3Total Cache and Memberpress and I know I need to say “never cache” certain pages for Memberpress, so are their certain slugs I need to add to that list so the replies go through?
Thank you!
my site url:
wordpress version 5.9.3
theme: astra ( I also use a child theme)When logged into our forums and using the search function, if there are say 130 results, 15 show correctly on the first page but when you click onto the second page it looks like a blank page but if you scroll down the page header is there (although the format is corrupted) and then the rest of the results show below this. This is the same for the subsequent pages but if you click to go back to the first page of results, it then shows correctly again. I haven’t edited the site recently, so this is a bit out of the blue.
Many thanks!
WordPress Version: 5.9.3
bbPress version: 2.6.9The page
Is not showing any message after a new user registration. The registration works fine just the message is not showing.