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  • #1021

    I’ve integrated with WordPress and I’ve noticed that there is no easy way for users to return to my site after visiting the forum.

    I’m a newbie, and was wondering if there is an easy way to put this together?

    Would this be useful?



    UPDATE! Nevermind.. I got it working on ANOTHER BLOG of mine, lmao!

    I’m able to login to the bbpress forums, using my BLOG USER and PASS now.. WOOT WOOT!! I know what to do now, for when installing it on the main blog…. whee!!



    Don’t spank me, but..I had tried doing this Integration stuff, and some how deleted those two usermeta tables at the very top of the database list, the two that sit above all the other ones, listed in the main wordpress database…

    Dang, I should have written the names down.. But, deleted those bb_forums ones too.. and then when trying to do it fresh again, for the Integration deal.. I filled out the field for the Keymaster name, and forum name.. hit to go to second step.. and it said, Bad Username, or, Username don’t exist, go back and try again…

    Then I was basically forced to skip the Integration option, and do it the normal way sigh.. =( Anyone have a database (query) schema for those two tables I deleted? Or, maybe can shed some light onto my darkened room.. ?

    Thanks in advanced..



    I’m not sure why, or what’s going on, maybe I missed something.. =/ But, when trying to mark a thread [Resolved] in here, it doesn’t seem to show up as [Resolved].. like it does on the forums..? =/ Is this supposed to happen, or.. ?



    In reply to: bbpress and 2.1 alpha3


    Oh wait, slaps self.. I just noticed this: “We’ve only tested bbPress integration with the most recent stable release of WordPress, 2.0.5.”

    Alright, hmm.. maybe I’ll give it a shot then once.. maybe, I will have to cross the fingers though lol.. Wish me luck peoples!



    Suleiman: I’ve never done plugins for wordpress, but I imagine that it shouldn’t be too bad.

    Circuit: thanks for the css fix :)


    thanks, that worked great, now if only i could get the bbpress->wordpress plugin working

    Trent Adams

    Anyone have an idea? I can’t stand having to have registration through WordPress because it gets more spam registrations than bbPress….


    Trent Adams

    Userbase is still increasing on this software as the first real release wasn’t that long ago. I just starting using this 2 or 3 weeks ago and came across your thread last night.

    If you still need help, there are more and more people looking at this thread that can give you some insight.


    nice community :)



    0. XAMPPlite installation on a USB thumbdrive

    with ‘WordPress’, ‘Mediawiki’, ‘Vanilla’, Gallery2′ running smoothly

    1. BBPress install complete

    2. See forum page, login

    3. Write a post, click ‘send post’

    4. Get a ‘page isn’t redirecting properly …. maybe cookie warning’

    5. On Forum main page the post is visible, a click brings above warning

    6. Check again config. php $bb-> path = ‘/’; and ‘settings. php’; can’t find the wrong reference ‘X:/htdocs/bbpress/’ I entered in 1st install page (and changed in config. php to ‘/’.

    7. Can someone point out the file to change?

    Thanks for your help

    Detailed log of events below

    0. XAMPPlite installation on a USB thumbdrive

    with ‘WordPress’, ‘Mediawiki’, ‘Vanilla’, Gallery2′ running smoothly

    1. Extracted bbpress into htdocs directory

    2. Changed bbpress config.php (see below)

    3. Started install and went throught step 1 (see below), step 2 (got password) and

    4. Came to the site ‘ (typing: ‘http://localhost/bbpress/’)

    (strangely ugly, so apparently theme did not load, somewhere I set a wrong path?)

    5. Tried to login: Access forbidden!

    =>You don’t have permission to access the requested object.

    It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

    6. Clicked on any other link on the forum page and got the same result

    7. Checked config file of ‘Vanilla’ (‘settings.php’) there the same parameter worked (irrelevant as Vanilla is Vanilla and bbpress/bbpress)

    =>Note: Write protection can not be the problem as it is XAMPPlite on a PC so nothing is protected

    8. Changed config.php $bb->path =’/’; and now I can see my forum

    9. Login, okay

    10. Go to ‘Topic – ADD NEW’ and write a new topic, click ‘Send Post’ and get

    11. ‘The page isn’t redirecting properly’ This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies’

    12. Start the never used IE and with ‘localhost/bbpress’ go to the forum. click on any link and get (after long wait) nothing

    13. In Firefox try other links it all goes to the same ‘the page isn’t redirecting properly (cookies are enabled)

    => So I think in 1step install the ‘Location: X:htdocsbbpress’ has to be changed but in what file?

    14. Check ‘settings.php and register.php’ but the wrong string ‘X:/htdocs/bbpress/’ from below is not found.

    15. Do you have an answer?

    bbpress config file

    // define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘bbpress’);

    // define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘root’);

    // define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘password’);

    // define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    // $bb->domain = ‘http://localhost/bbpress’;

    // $bb->path = ‘X:/htdocs/bbpress/’; (=> changed to ‘/’; and could access forum, add a post, but can’t see)

    // $bb->name = ‘’;

    1step install

    login name: admin

    website: http://localhost/bbpress/

    location: X:htdocsbbpress/

    1st Forum: Working in DevAid

    Trent Adams

    Did you get this going?



    Check it out here it works well with my MU blog but it is in no way dynamic and is simply a copy of my main theme.

    I will, however, release it once it is finished and will provide some kind of tutorial on how i did it as it seems people here are interested.

    It is of course not finished at all as i am still editing most of it but you can see the header etc is working ok.




    Probably quotes:

    $bb->wp_home = ""; // WordPress - Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash


    I am receiving a parse error when attempting to install bbpress. I receive the error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’ in /home/.delta/kpeatt/canadanoise/board/config.php on line 71

    when line 71 of config.php states:

    $bb->wp_home =; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash

    I fail to see a problem with that line, so any help would be appreciated

    Trent Adams

    I was wondering if someone could edit the plugin bbPress-Post so that comments are shown in WordPress from the forum replies or have new comments in WP itself be added as posts to the topic in bbPress. Would this be difficult or possible?



    Trent Adams

    Sorry, one more thing. An example of this is my forum if you want a look (click on my name in this post). I was using Nucleus and phpbb for comments and moved over to WordPress for new posts and eventually moved phpBB to bbPress.


    Trent Adams

    I haven’t heard of an export from bbPress to WordPress, but I don’t imagine that someone couldn’t write one in a hurry if they understand both programs. If you already have posts in punbb, you could easily export those posts to phpbb format and then use the import from phpbb to bbPress.

    If you already have your comments and posts in a forum, why not setup a new WordPress blog once you have all your posts imported into bbPress and then have all new posts in WordPress go to bbPress for comments and further discussion. That way, all your old posts are already in the forum and all new posts will end up there as well. This is easily done with the bbPress-Post plugin. All new wordpress articles are created in bbPress and a link is placed in the wordpress post to the corresponding bbPress post.

    Just something to think about.



    Hey folks.

    I’m currently using punbb and snews, and I’m interesting in switching over to wordpress and bbpress. I honestly should’ve used wordpress in the first place, but new things frighten me (lol)…

    Anyways, what I’d like to do is put all my punbb posts into wordpress – and the only way I can see that happening is if I first import all the posts from punbb (to phpbb) to bbress and then to wordpress.

    That’s probably overly complicated, but I can’t imagine how else this is possible and I have no real technical skill –so what I’m wondering is how difficult would it be to get the posts from bbress to wordpress? (or maybe someone has another suggestion.)

    Thanks for all the great work.



    In reply to: FeelingGray Theme


    thanks steven, ear1grey..

    im working on the alt and title now..

    i am also struggling to integrate wordpress.. not in the simple sense..

    but i think we should some how figure out a way to integrate the themes for wordpress and forums..

    what do you guys think??


    how difficult would it be to have the avatar work in wordpress too?


    Ok, I got a slight problem, I’m trying to use WP PHP Functions such as bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); and what not, but it doesn’t work in BBPress. I added require_once(‘path-to-my-wordpress-config.php-file’) and it seems to load fine, but I still can’t use WP functions. I put that that require_once inside the config.php. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!


    Hello boys, I have installed the last version of bbpress, are successful to make integration with wordpress, now I must reply the lay-out of mine blog. I have read to all the topic of the forum, trying I have uncovered that the instructions do not work. You could explain to me the procedure to execute?

    Excused my bad English!


    Topic: forums

    in forum Themes
    Trent Adams

    I actually posted something in the wordpress forums, but I never did place a link here showing my integration of my bbpress theme with my current wordpress theme.






    I just finished installing bbPress for the first time, and I like it very much. I just wanted to say great job! :)

    It was very easy to customize the template to match my custom WordPress theme.

    If you would like to check it out, it is at

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