Search Results for 'translation'
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Hello !
I updated bbpress to version 2.6.1 and noticed that several words were not translated anymore (I own a french website), especially in freshness :I used to edit those translation with a plugin called “Loco Translate”.
So I went and checked if those words (ago, months, months, day, days, etc.) were still correctly translated in french version, and they are.So, is there an issue with translation since 2.6.x release with the freshness labels ?
Can you help ?Best regards
Many pages with bbpress forums cannot use their national texts because there is no accepted translation. In the forum settings there should be assumptions where you can enter the forum entries yourself, for example: new topic, reply, newest, etc.
Also, there should be an option to pay out these beams with a description of how many votes are on a given topic (WHO’S WHOM FOR WHOM), and how many posts are in the topic and who last gave, it should also be to choose whether you want to see it.
My site in Polish but is displayed in large numbers in English language because there is no transaction that awaits for years to be approved so you would write the right words yourself.
Topic: Translations
I’m trying to add Korean translation that ovveride the english. I created the po and mo files as instructed and added them in the bbpress language folder using FTP. But nothing changed on the front-end? Any idea what caused this?
Here is what I called my files:
bbpress-ko_KR.moTopic: Customized Translation files
Hi everyone,
I change some translated strings in my bbprress-XX-po/mo files located in the wp/language dir. to suit my non-geek audience.
How can these files not be overwritten during bbPress next updates?Thank you.
bVI want to add multi language translate option for my website. User can translate the content in my by website by select the language they want. I want to know how to do that.
I have a WordPress site with 4 languages english (default), french, italian and spanish :
WP v5.2.1, bbPress v2.5.14, Polylang v2.5.4
I set up the custom content types in the polylang settings : Forums, Topics, RepliesThere is no problem for the english forum but I got two problems :
– for the french forum : the english words are not translated (it is fine with italian and spanish). The two bbPress-fr_FR.po and were missing. I added them but without success.
– for the french, italian and spanish forum : I can add a topic (then it redirects to home page). When I click on it the topic link, it redirects to home page. When I try to view the topic in the back office, it redirects to home page
Thanks in advance for your help
Topic: bbpress language resets
I am have successfully setup bbpress using the “second” method.
My site is multi-language (en/he/ru) so I have a different page for each “forum” page so it has a different language. For example <- English version. <- Hebrew version.
Each of this pages has the “[bbp-forum-index]” tag, bbpress appears on the correct page language and I can see the translation is working.The problem is that as soon as I click any link inside the bbpress, the language immediately switches to English.
How can I configure bbpress to maintain the language ?
I am using Polylang as the translation plugin. (WPML compatible)
Thank you.
EN(English) and TC (Traditional Chinese) . Forum and topics seems to be working properly during the translation. But when it come to the replies section, I tried translating and it saves properly, but upon visiting the replies for the translated language TC the reply being translated cannot be seen. it says it is done translating to TC but the post reply cannot be seen. Is this a bug?
I work with a theme that includes BBpress.
But my translation is partial. yet everything is translated into the file .poContent of : Wp/content/languages/plugins
• plugins (folder)
• themes (folder)
and different files .po et .mo whose
• bbpress-fr_FR.poContent of : wp-content/plugins/bbpress/languages
• bbpress-fr_FR.poEverything is translated except the registration page
Thank you for your help
Best regards
Topic: Can’t change language
Hello everyone.
Website: Link
WordPress version: 4.9.8
bbPress version: 2.5.14Despite reading many threads about this, I still couldn’t figure out a way to change the language of the forum to hebrew. I will work you through what I did:
1. Download bbPress.
2. Add all the pages (login, register etc.) to the menu. (since the website is in hebrew, you can the pages find it under the second last menu item).
3. Download the hebrew .po and .mo files and put them in the directory /wp-content/languages/bbpress with the proper name (bbpress-he_IL.po and
4. Check the websites register and login pages, still in english.
5. Edit “wp-config.php” file and added “define(‘BBLANG’, ‘bbpress_he_IL’);”.
6. Check the websites register and login pages, still in english.
Also things I have tried:
– Putting the .po and .mo files under /wp-content/languages/plugins/.– Made sure I don’t have a translation update under “Dashboard -> Updates” in wordpress.
Important Note:
The hebrew is not 100% finished, but from this guide I understood that it doesn’t matter as long as I manually override it.So the bottom line is – I really need help figuring that out. What am I missing?
Thanks for everyone who read and help,
Eitan.Topic: problems with translation
My website is in Spanish, but bbpress appears in English.
Buddypress is translated without problem. In change, the bbpress translation does not work even if you have uploaded the bbpress-es_ES.po and files to / www / wp-content / languages / bbpress after creating the folder.
In the following link you can check how it is in English:
bbPress 2.5.14-6684.
WordPress. Versión 4.9.6Hello!
BbPress 2.5.14 WordPress 4.9.4
I define the language of the user’s browser in the php template.
And I want to change the bbpress (.mo) translation languages depending on the browser language.
How can i do this?Topic: String Translation Issue
Hello! As you can see here string is not translated but into bbpress-it_IT.po is already translated.
This is a theme issue? regards