WOuld be nice if sometimes you bump the .pot SVN too, so we thta do translation can jump on it earlier before the release.
Thanks for sharing this… I am sure it will help others…
I added an “internationalization” tag to try to help people find it.
I believe this new error has to do with translations when you try to combine WordPress and bbPress:
wordpress integrate problem when enable BBLANG
Searching these forums for streamreader turns up lots of similar error messages.
Yep, it was made clickable. Maybe it has something to do with your translation and character set?
thx for all the responses!
Hi, I did a brazilian portuguese translation for last version of bbPress. Portugal users can use it too since I cared about using words used for Brazilian and Portugal Portuguese language.
The dutch bbpress forum on wordpress is not very active
Providing complete translations for a software in this stadium is very difficult…Prutser (cool nick name) you are on the way to become the most important contributor for the dutch translations
Hi everybody,
The french website with the french translation files has closed, is there anybody with the files ? I’ve installed BBPress and now the only thing missing is the translation :o(.
instead of this can i change topic to konu (‘konu’ is translation of topic in Turkish )
The workaround won’t work for plugins.
@sambauers: I think there is no complete working solution if you don’t touch the core files.
First, load_default_textdomain and load_plugin_textdomain are WordPress version, they only look language files in WordPress directories. So, in bbPress, all text won’t be translated since language file are not loaded because WordPress load_*_textdomain won’t find language files in bbPress’ directories.
Second, WordPress and bbPress both use default
as textdomain when calling __() or _e() without assigning textdomain, that means we can only use either WordPress’ or bbPress’ language files at the same time, not both.
(edit: plugin’s problem can be solved by add a bb_load_plugin_textdomain, but bbPress’s part. If we don’t want to use something like bb__(), bb_e(), maybe we can try to merge bbPress translations into WordPress’ in runtime? or search bbPress’ first, then WordPress’ if can’t find)
This is a quick workaround:
if ( defined('BBLANG') && '' != constant('BBLANG') ) {
if ( function_exists('load_default_textdomain') ) :
global $l10n;
$locale = BBLANG;
$mofile = BBLANGDIR . "$locale.mo";
load_textdomain('default', $mofile);
include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . 'streams.php');
include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . 'gettext.php');
if ( !( defined('DB_NAME') || defined('WP_BB') && WP_BB ) ) { // Don't include these when WP is running.
require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'kses.php');
if ( !function_exists('load_default_textdomain') )
require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'l10n.php');
It should drops WordPress’ language file, and replaces with bbPress’. That means translations need to be done in WordPress won’t be translated since this code drops language file. This wont happen when you read your blog. However, I don’t have any language files, so this is coded by guessing.
This is not a solution, just a temporary fix. I will file a ticket.
Well, actually it’s a Safari error message and it’s in German, but I’ll post it anyway:
“Safari kann die Seite „..“ nicht öffnen, da der Server die Verbindung unerwartet beendet hat. Dies tritt manchmal auf, wenn ein Server überlastet ist. Möglicherweise können Sie die Seite später öffnen.”
Rough translation: “Safari can’t open the page .., because the connection was unexpectedly reset by the server. This may occur if the server is busy. You might try again later.”
In Firefox, I just get a white page, no error message.
When I add the “”require_once(‘/var/www/web7/web/wp-blog-header.php’);” line to the bottom of config.php, I get this error message:
“Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _http_build_query() in /var/www/web7/web/wp-includes/compat.php on line 108”
Again, both WordPress and bbPress are running fine on its own, but it seems as soon as I try to load them together, something goes wrong.
I reply to myself (This forum is auto-curative ;P)
So for the people who are endeavouring the same errors here is the deal:
* a format specification for argument 1 doesn’t exist in ‘msgstr’ : This error is due to a missing variable in the translated string -> In my case a %s was missing.
* field `Language-Team’ still has initial default value : This error means that you have to update information in ” Catalog / Settings / Project info ” -> In my case the Project name and version was something like “bbpress trunk”, the Language wasnt defined, nor wad the Country, Charset and Source code Charset. I still do not have info in the Plural Forms but it’s running.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you encounter problems with ja.po or ja.mo (Or if you want those files and cannot found them).
Hello all,
I found on this site an address leading to “よくきたBlog” where ja.po and ja.mo files were available. I could use it for my forum but I realize that some part really needing to be modified. I tried then to open the ja.po file in PoEdit, which I managed to do. The problem is that when I try to save the file, it prompt me 2 errors:
09:57:33: msgfmt: K:..bb-includeslanguagesja.po: field `Language-Team’ still has initial default value
09:57:33: K:..bb-includeslanguagesja.po:323: a format specification for argument 1 doesn’t exist in ‘msgstr’
09:57:33: msgfmt: found 2 fatal errors
When i turn off the “create automatically an *.mo file”, the program save the *.po file correctly. I wonder how I can fix those errors (Cause it seems that the program will not create a new ja.mo file untill those errors vanish).
Thanks for reading
1. No, you can’t use the WordPress translation because there might be phrases that occur in bbPress that aren’t translated already for WordPress. I think you already discovered and resolved that.
2. You already figured out where to put the mo file (bb-includes/languages)
3. I have seen a couple different posts for places to host the translations, maybe this one would be OK?
I have no idea how to get it hosted “officially” at Automattic.
Thanks for translating.
I Need to translation BBpress To Arabic Language and cast it free to all .
is thare a Language file in BBpress ? where ?
I can’t see how bbPress would be any different than wordpress in terms of the mail usage, so:
Emailed passwords not received
Description: When users try to register with your blog or change their passwords by entering their username and email, WordPress says that their password has been emailed to them, but it’s never received.
Reason and Solution: WordPress uses the standard php mail function, which uses sendmail. No account information is needed. This is not generally a problem if you’re using a hosting service, but if you’re using your own box and don’t have an SMTP server, the mail won’t ever send. If you’re using a *NIX box, you should have either postfix or sendmail on your machine; you’ll just need to set them up (google for how-to’s). If you don’t want to go through setting up a complete mail server on you *NIX box you may find ssmtp (http://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/ssmtp) useful – it provides “A secure, effective and simple way of getting mail off a system to your mail hub”. On a Windows machine, try a sendmail emulator like Glob SendMail (http://glob.com.au/sendmail/).
More help can be found on the forums at: https://wordpress.org/support/topic.php?id=24981
Translation, there are posts in the normal wordpress.org forums as well that even dreamhost for whatever reason doesn’t send the passwords out through sendmail. I would look in the dreamhost support as well, maybe an answer is right there for you to grab
http://bbpress.de is not an official site, and they seem not to be interested in a good localization. The “bbPress Deutschland” makers created a language file a few months ago, but this translation is not complete, it contains a lot of typing mistakes, some terms which are easy to misunderstand for a german reader and some wrong texts too. It hasn’t never been updated.
I love bbPress (and sometimes, I hate it), so I decided to create my own and better translation. I had worked only a few hours on it, and the result is a translation much better than the bbpress.de one.
The existance of a language file is a reason to use bbPress. People should know which translations are existing, and I think, they should know it from an official site. At the moment, there is no “official” german site, but only the bbpress.de. This is a project of “inpsyde”, the makers of wordpress-deutschland.de. A few weeks ago, they tried to deliver a “german WordPress version” with an advertising plugin silently, which was called by some people – me included – as a kind of “plugin spam”. (It wasn’t announced and not marked as an advertisement for the german company LinkLift.) This attempt to create an “official looking german WordPress release with advertising” failed, there was a great resistance from the german WordPress users. This is a strong reason for me not to trust those people anymore. I want the translation to be as free as possible from the early days on.
I miss a forum here which allows bbPress users to announce their bbPress localizations.
Today, I’d done a localization of bbPress 0.8.3 to the German language (that link goes to my german blog posting with a post explaining my “translation philosopy”) which is available for free download now, but there is no good place to announce it. It isn’t exactly an installation issue, not a plugin and (hopefully) not something that causes trouble. At the moment, there is no good place for posting it, not even a “General” forum…
Thanks fel64. Can you give me a starting point on translation files?
And I’m still interested in overriding the filters. Aside from changing the name of a view, I’m thinking of adding a view, or perhaps removing one (e.g. the tags view).
Is this possible?
Translation files are your friend. Exactly as if you were translating to a different language, only all you’re doing is changing the wording.
Yes, I’ve tried to find the .pot or .po files for the plugins – but I couldn’t.. What I did instead was to make a few more lines in the main translation, and that worked. It’s probably not the right way, but it works for now
Thanks for your time and help!
Hi Daniel,
Being relatively new to bbPress I am not sure how to do just that. Have you tried finding the relevant .pot or .po files for the plugins that you have installed? I think you need to have a separate translation file (.mo) for each plugin – similar to WordPress.
Alternatively, there is the hard way. Translate directly in the source code!
Could you please help me? I’m using your translation, and it’s very great – thanks! But I’ve installed a couple of plugins, and I want the new content to be translated too, but I don’t know how to either edit your file og create a new one, containing the new text-lines.