‘It should work’ on a clean installation, I use a translation for approx half the sites I develop bbPress and it works perfectly. I just tested Slovak and is working as expected 🙂
I found the issue… You need to name the files bbpress-sk_SK.mo
and bbpress-sk_SK.po
using the _
underscore character not the -
I have never tried the ‘Polylang’ plugin and I had a quick look in their support forums but couldn’t find any information if they support bbPress or not, maybe posting a question in their support forums may get an answer from others who have tried and had success or not, at least that way you can find out if Polylang is compatible with bbPress.
Anonymous User 7823331Inactive
Hello. I do not want to bother you with basics, however I tied Slovak and French translation and non of them worked.
I did everything according http://codex.bbpress.org/bbpress-in-your-language/ and no translation appears.
I downloaded translation files (po and mo) from http://translate.wordpress.org/projects/bbpress/2.5.x (bbpress-2.5.x-sk.mo, bbpress-2.5.x-sk.po), I moved the files to /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ and rename it to bbpress-sk-SK.mo and bbpress-sk-SK.po (I also tried names bbpress-sk.mo and bbpress-sk.po).
What I did wrong?
I use WP 3.5.1. with bbpress 2.5.3. I use also polylang module. All translation Slovak, France … works just the translation of bbpress do not.
Just to identify the problem I tried to install your module to WP 3.8 clear installation (with out polyalang) and same result, that translation do not appears.
I believe that it works, since you jut few people ha problem wit translation (http://bbpress.org/forums/search/translation/) but I did everything according manual and it does not work for me.
Thank you.
Hi! I found the problem, but not the solution,
I realized that if I check the option in the UAM to “Hide Potst” completely it also hides the first topic; if i unchecked it, the first topic is shown again.
Maybe it could help for anyone who understand the mechanisms of those plug-ins.
-Sorry for my english, i’m spanish and i’m using the spanish translation, so i can’t say exactly the option to check or uncheck, but it’s the first one in the Adjusts/Options for UAM-
Theme: modified portfolio press:
Theme Name: Portfolio Press
Description: Portfolio Press is a responsive theme for showcasing your photography, art, web sites, or other projects. It also works nicely as a regular blog site. An options panel is included for uploading logos and and changing the layout. There’s also support for the image, gallery and quote post formats. Visit the demo site or watch the video screencast for set up instructions.
Author: Devin Price
Author URI: http://wptheming.com/
Theme URI: http://wptheming.com/portfolio-theme/
Version: 1.7
License: GNU General Public License
License URI: license.txt
Tags: white, black, gray, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, flexible-width, custom-menu, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, theme-options, translation-ready
Portfolio was built on the solid foundation of Toolbox:
Reset default browser CSS.
Based on work by Eric Meyer: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
MODERATOR EDIT: I removed the ~1200 lines of code here, use pastebin or a gist on GitHub for big code dumps.
@magic-komplex You can find the latest German translations for bbPress here (Both ‘de’ and ‘de formal’)
I just installed the latest version of bbpress and now I’m searching for German language files for this version. The latest version I could find was 2.0 or 2.1, but that one didn’t work, actually there’s nothing translated at all, except from some parts within the backend.
I just need a translation for the front end, cause most of my users don’t speak English, I’m fine with English within the backend.
Any help would be highly appreciated and sorry if this is the incorrect forum for this request.
You want to use the /dev
branch of both projects:
On each of the above pages select ‘.mo’ from the dropdown at the bottom of the page and click export.
Rename each file to buddypress-sv.mo
& bbpress-sv.mo
The extra instructions on the BuddyPress site might also help, I’ll try to get the bbPress updated soon also.
This is the link of my forum
Right below the word “Translation” is the path of the forum, ‘Home>forums>Translation Subscribe’.
How can I remove the path?
And if possible, I have one more question.
How can I control the width of the forum? I think the width of this bbpress support forum is wider than my forum, whose width is too narrow.
Thanks a lot.
Hello, I can not seem to translate into french. I use bbpress 2.5.3 and Poedit.
I use the po file available in /bbpress/languages/bbpress.pot. after translation, I save my file as fr_FR.po, then I transferred to the languages, but the change does not appear. I emptied all caches.
Thank for your support
Hi, i like to have bbpress in spanish and catalan.
How find this translation in po/mo files?
Firstly looking at https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_in_Your_Language#Finnish_-_Suomi_.28fi.29 and https://i18n.svn.wordpress.org/fi/trunk/dist/wp-config-sample.php
You should be using define ('WPLANG', 'fi');
for WordPress
You should be using bbpress-fi.po
and bbpress-fi.mo
for the bbPress filenames.
Now the Finish translations they are only at 77% translated, 814 translated, 234 untranslated & 48 waiting approval.
You can add the missing translations using your WordPress.org user/pass via https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/bbpress/dev/fi/default
Then I’d suggest contacting the Finish translation team via https://fi.wordpress.org/contact/
There also might be some related translation discussion at https://fi.forums.wordpress.org/
Let me know if there is anything else I can help out with 🙂
I have WordPress 3.8 installed with the bbPress 2.5.2. The WP is in Finnish so it’s important that the forums are in Finnish as well, so I attempted to add the translation file as told here.
I took the latest dev branch Finnish translation, downloaded the .po and .mo files, renamed them to bbpress-pt_FI, even attempted bbpress-fi_FI, uploaded to /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ but no results. The forums are still in English.
I also checked that the language is set to fi in the wp-config.
Why is the translation not working?
From what I can see if you use just ‘ar’ it should work for both as per https://ar.wordpress.org/
Try contacting the Arabic translation via https://ar.wordpress.org/contact/
You could also ask the question on https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/
Here’s the permalink to the translation ‘Search’ in GlotPress for English Australian.
If you click ‘Details’ (you might have to be logged in) you will see each place ‘Search’ is listed for translation, one of those is templates/default/bbpress/form-search.php:17 and that is the one you are looking for.
Thanks Stephen.
I searched in the translation files in /wp-content/languages/bbpress/ but I couldn’t find the string that controls this text 🙁
This is not the search widget, it’s the embed search in the forum index.
Any lights?
I installed WordPress (3.8) and BBpress (2.4) in arab for a client.
But I can’t have both translations at the same time…
If I want to have WordPress in arab, it only works if I to tweak the wp-config this way: define(‘WPLANG’, ‘ar_AR’); -> then, BBpress remains in english
But if I want to have BBPress in arab, it only works if I tweak the wp-config this way: define(‘WPLANG’, ‘ar’); -> then, WordPress remains in english
So far, it’s one OR the other, but I would like, logically, one AND the other.
So…what can I do?
It is already translatable, see https://codex.bbpress.org/bbpress-in-your-language/ to download or add translations for your language.
Hi, i have a latest fresh bbpress plugin (with french translation). I have created a forum and some posts for testing.
I have “file not found” when i click on edit. The url is “sameonadressbar/edit”
Also i have 404 on clicking profiles.
Can you help me please ?!
Thank you.
As it is used in many spots I would suggest you add the translation now.
Most of these translations only happened in the past two days so I would expect you won’t have to wait long for the translations to be updated.
Once you translate that string fill out this form https://he.wordpress.org/contact/
More info is also here in Hebrew https://he.wordpress.org/translate-wordpress/
You can I think… Add the translation “Topic Status” as I linked to above.
Then at the bottom of that screen you can select ‘Export’, though the dropdowns to the right you want to select “only matching the filter” then to right select “Portable Object Message Catalog (.po)” and then click the ‘export’ link on the left, save this file as bbpress-he.po
then select “Machine Object Message Catalog (.mo)” and click ‘export’ again and save this file as bbpress-he.mo
and then using FTP upload both these files to /wp-content/languages/bbpress/
and you evertyhting should be perfect. 🙂
It looks like “Topic Status” has not been translated yet 🙁
Hebrew 91% Translated 943 Strings Translated 92 Strings untranslated
You could help by translating those 91 remaining strings and then fill out the form here and let them know “There are some strings for bbPress waiting to be validated”, once these are approved you can update your translations.
צרו קשר
Note: In the very near future any updated translations will arrive via WordPress’ automatic updates 🙂
@cyberdrone See this to get the translations or get started with translating bbPress. https://wordpress.org/plugins/bbpress-protected-forums/
@david7h6 What shortcode is broken?
The creator/developer of bbPress or the Mods, can not help in translations, they just have to trust anybody whom submits a translation.
Kind of correct, all the translations are handled by the same translation process for WordPress
Using pt_BR
as an example if you take a look at: https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/bbpress/dev
You will see that Portuguese (Brazil) is at 94% translated, 975 strings translated and 60 strings untranslated.
@tvieira If you open this link it shows you the 60 strings that have yet to be translated for bbPress. You can update these strings yourself and then contact the Brazilian translator team via one of these links to get these translations approved. Once approved they should then become available via WordPress’ automatic updates in the very near future.