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Topic: Call to underfined function
So I just installed the latest version of bbpress (0.72) and followed these steps: and when I got to, I get: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: __() in /home/abunchof/public_html/forum/bb-settings.php on line 93
I tripled checked my config.php file and all appears fine…not sure what I’m doing wrong?
Topic: Cannot select DB.
I would like to try bbPress, but cannot get past the “Cannot select DB.” error message. What am I doing wrong? Here is what I have done…
1. Downloaded and am successfully running MySQL 5.0.26 server on Mac OS X 10.4.8.
2. Added a database called “testbb” to the mysql server (this is working because I can access this database through the mysql commandline in Terminal and in CocoaMySQL).
3. Turned on php (version 4.4.1) in the httpd.conf file.
4. Turned on the apache webserver running on my computer.
5. Downloaded the bbPress folder and put it in my webserver directory.
6. Changed the config-sample.php file to config.php.
7. Modified the config.php file. I changed the database name to testbb, changed the username to root, added the appropriate password, and changed the URL domain to “http://localhost/~myusername” and the URL path to “/bbpress/” because I did not change the folder’s name. It is still “bbpress”.
When I try to access the install.php file, I type in “http://localhost/~myusername/bbpress/bb-admin/install.php” into my browser. This successfully brings up the following error message: “Cannot select DB.”
What am I doing wrong? Why can’t it access the database, when I can access it through the commandline with the same username and password?
first, i setup my bbPress, tested it… worked great! now i went to the config.php and changed the settings to point to my wordpress. my wordpress has in the root directory and mt bbpress was i a folder root/forums/ … for the configuration, i’m sure i did everything right. changed the wordpress prefix from false to wp_ then added in the urls of my wordpress as required. i then removed the // on the next line as the instructions said.
now i loaded the directory with bbpress… i expected to go thru the whole installation thing again but it failed. someone please help?
I’m running the latest bbpress at After registration, users dont receive their passwords by email.
Perhaps sourceforge does not support this. Can I configure bbpress to display the password on screen?
On the basic downloaded version strater template, the front page lists “latest discussions” and also the “forums”. This listing visually has an line by line alternating background color of very light gray and a pinkish red.
My question is how do I change these background colors? I would have thought this would be in the css style sheet but I can not find it in there anywhere.
thanks, thomas
How can I control the number of latest discussions shown on the frontpage?
I know I can edit the “topics shown on each page” in the config file but I just want a few topics on the frontpage and a different amount for the forums themselves.
There is now a plugin for this which allows you to specify the number of topics that show up on many of bbPress’ pages:
Topic: Google Analytics Plugin
I’ve modified my Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress and it appears to be working in BBPress (albeit without the UI for configuring the “uastring”).
Testers welcome; get it here…