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  • #51295

    Using classes for everything is pretty sloppy. When start hacking up the bbpress theme and come across an ID I know exactly whether or not that element is going to be repeated. When I work with a design that has strickly class based selectors I go crazy.

    Something like “class=header” is completely insane. There really should only be one header inside the site and you use an ID to signify that elements usage.

    For example when I take a look at /bb-templates/font-page.php and see <table id=”latest”> I already have a good idea of what all the code contained inside that <table> tag will be.

    Also if my page gets larger I can put “jump links” to those sections and help my users navigate my site.

    There are other properties of ID tags that do fancy stuff with javascript but I’m not quite sure what they are.



    On a site it is written – test exploitation


    I integrating my blog with bbpress and when I add require_once('z:/home/'); in config.php some buttons in bbpress forum don’t work — ADD NEW» and edit profile

    Any ideas?


    Atsutane, you are THE MAN. Mine still looks like garbage, but It’s coming along. Thanks! This really should be included in the package.

    Basically, to clarify the process even more…

    /// open ‘/bbpress/conf.php’ and at the top, after the opening ‘<?php’ put the following:


    Then, in your ‘my-templates’ directory, create the following files:


    ‘<?php get_header(); ?>

    <div id=”content” class=”narrowcolumn”>

    <div class=”post” id=”post-forum”>

    <div class=”entry”>’





    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>’

    You will still have to tweak the code, but that’s all it took for me.

    You’ll need to add the styles from the non-header/footer portions of the bbpress css files to your WP style sheet.

    Check my test-forum out…

    One thing I can’t figure out though… when you’re viewing a topic, the “reply” form is WAAAAYYYY too long. I’ve edited this in every form I can see, but this isn’t changing..

    Why are there so many edit forms? Where is this one?


    You right… 3 days ago i tested it and waswworking then i was not home and i think i uploaded the working version.. but looks like i had put a wrong one. Tomorrow if i will be able i will try to check it… sorry for the problem.


    Both WordPress and bbPress are sharing the same Cookie for 1 single login: tested.

    New bbPress registeration, username and password, can access the WordPress login no problem.


    Actually i make a little plugin for wordpress to view some bbpress stuff. For now i only done latest discussion and favorite topic.


    I was just looking at your page, basically you have it exactly how I would like to do it. How did you get the Latest Discussions to load on the front? Thanks!


    Kind of, was hoping it would be something where I could make a sidebar, but I would settle for getting it on the homepage in one way or another. Actually I made a mistake when I said Favorites, I meant latest discussions.


    In reply to: bbPress new Theme

    It doesn’t generate thumbnails, its just setting the width of the image thats linked to be something i set. I will be publishing all this stuff on my forum soon. Im just running more test.

    Btw. check it out

    i did more updates, and added a css tab menu on top. Keep checking for more updates. In the near future ill also have a dl theme.


    Yeah i think that will work. I only have that problem when i update wp akismet to the latest version. If i using the old version that dont have widget, i can use it without having any problem.


    1) Usualli a simple traceroute can suggest you where the server is, anywai you can try to change the $bb->gmt_offset variable testing various value till you get the right time in the forum.

    2) I think this is a currently problem with tag management, about managing UTF8 charset…

    3) RSS stay for Really Simple Syndication a methond to stay up to date reading new content from a site using feed aggregator online or as local program, do a little search on Google and you will learn all about it… veri usefull to follow news from lot osf sites without the need to opens single site every day to check f there is something new… try RSS and you will never be able to live without it :)


    Ok, so I tested all the combinations of the last two versions of WP and BBP… so its obviously something with my configuration.

    But I found that if I install and activate the incriminated plug-ins in WordPress before trying to run the install script for BBpress, it returns the following error:

    WordPress database error: [Table 'database.bb_forums' doesn't exist]

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'widget_text' LIMIT 1

    WordPress database error: [Table 'database.bb_forums' doesn't exist]

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'widget_rss' LIMIT 1

    WordPress database error: [Table 'database.bb_forums' doesn't exist]

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'sidebars_widgets' LIMIT 1

    WordPress database error: [Table 'database.bb_forums' doesn't exist]

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'sidebars_widgets' LIMIT 1

    Now we’re getting somewhere! Anyone? A hint?


    Ok, so I downgraded the test install to 0.7.2, with the same result…


    In reply to: bbPress new Theme

    Check out new lightbox test: for images.


    Hi everyone, I’ve just had one hell of a night trying to figure out this bbP/wP integration stuff. Eventually, I thought I’d do a clean test install and work from there to see if I could isolate the issue, so I installed:

    BBpress 0.7.3

    WordPress 2.0.5


    Apache 2.0.59

    mySQL 5.0.19

    PHP 4.4.4

    via MAMP on Mac OS 10.4.8

    with WP in root and BBpress as subdirectory “discussions”.

    I then configured wp-config.php and config.php like so:


    define('DB_NAME', 'database');

    define('DB_USER', 'root');

    define('DB_PASSWORD', 'root');

    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost:8889');

    $table_prefix = 'wp_';

    define ('WPLANG', '');

    define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/');





    require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/wp-config.php');

    define('BBDB_NAME', 'database');

    define('BBDB_USER', 'root');

    define('BBDB_PASSWORD', 'root');

    define('BBDB_HOST', 'localhost:8889');

    $bb_table_prefix = 'bb_';

    $bb->domain = '';

    $bb->path = '/discussions/';

    $bb->name = 'the Forum';

    $bb->admin_email = '';

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    $bb->page_topics = 30;

    $bb->edit_lock = 60;

    $bb->gmt_offset = -8;

    define('BBLANG', '');

    $bb->akismet_key = '***********';

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';

    $bb->wp_home = '';

    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';

    define('BBPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/' );

    require_once( BBPATH . 'bb-settings.php' );


    (the 8888/9 ports are MAMP defaults; is the LAN IP of the computer I’m running this on)

    Then I ran the install scripts, and lo and behold, everything seemed to be working great. Then I began to add plugins one by one, and, to make a long story short, found that:

    Whenever the Sidebar Widgets plugin was activated along with a separate widget (including those included with it, and google, as well as akismet, which has a widget built-in), trying to load a BBpress page would yield a blank page. However, if Sidebar Widgets was activated but no widget plugins were, it would work fine–I could even use the integrated widgets (RSS, categories, calendar, etc) on the blog. Likewise, if Sidebar Widgets is deactivated, but all the widgets are activated, it still works fine.

    Also: the Front Page Topics plug-in for bbPress, regardless of any other plugins in wP or bbP, yields a similar blank page on posting a new reply, starting a new topic, making a new forum, or logging out. If I go back and refresh, the topic/reply/forum HAS been created… but the logout attempt is UNsuccessful. Like I said, I tried this with no bb or wp plugins, as well as a variety of them, and its always the same result.

    Ok, its 4:15 in the morning, I have class at 8 and I’m going to go pass out, but hopefully this is enough information for someone to tell me what gives…

    Thanks for reading/any help.



    In reply to: Moving post


    I also have a sticky user’s guide, and added this wording:

    To start a new thread or topic, click on the Start New Topic Here link in the “Latest Discussions” section.

    Advantage to Starting a New Topic:

    You Topic Heading will show up in Latest Discussions!

    Disadvantage to Replying to an Existing Topic:

    If your reply has no relevance to an existing topic, it will not feature prominence in “Latest Discussions”. But please feel free to reply to an existing topic , if it is relevant to the existing topic.


    Thud, thud, thud <- that’s my head on the wall :)

    It’s happened again! Another forum user has added their problem onto a thread which is tackling a different issue entirely.

    Joe Public just doesn’t seem to dig that it’s OK to start a new topic.

    Having looked a bit at the DB structure I think splitting a thread should be fairly easy, any thoughts or hints, please shout – I’m going to look at a plugin when I have time, but time is short currently.

    If someone else has some spare cycles I’ll willingly test it, even if it’s really rough :D


    In reply to: Avatars


    Well u can try this. Donno if it gonna work or not .. right now 12:54am so i dont have the time to test it :) Try at ur own risk. Got problem dont blame me XD. Well if this was wrong feel free to fix it.

    function get_post_author_avatar() {

    global $bbdb;

    $id = get_post_author_id();

    $user = bb_get_user( $id );

    $usermail = $user->user_email;

    $default = “;; // Put your default avatar link

    $size = 40;

    $grav_url = “;.md5($email).”&default=”.urlencode($default).”&size=”.$size;

    echo “<img src=”$grav_url” alt=”Gravatar” />”;



    i think it would be nice if once logged in, above latest discussions it listed your recent favorites above “views”


    In reply to: Cookies and WPMU


    oh yeahh, i forgot to mention, i’m not even going to bother with the BB user table for anything!. I can get it to the point where i log in using one portals for both platforms, but i have’nt tested it beyond that.


    OK, it totally works now. Thank-you. I didn’t realize I had to CREATE a .htaccess file under my ‘/www’ folder, I somehow assumed it would already be there in the installation package, and I only needed to add the MultiViews line to allow pretty permalinks – perhaps this could be clarified in the installation instructions? I am a complete ignoramus regarding all of this stuff, so the fact that I even got it working is a testament to its simplicity. The creation of the .htaccess file had me hung for several hours though. Otherwise, great work, I am looking forward to trying this out now!


    In reply to: Can’t Login…


    I have two WordPress blogs (2.0.5) sharing a user database and attempted to get bbPress to share that user db as well. It installed successfully, but I can’t log in either!

    I know it’s pulling the info though from my User Database, because the username in the sample post is linked to the same site I’ve set in WordPress. I checked my config.php values, and I know the syntax is correct based on the comments in config.php and the comments above, so I’m a bit confused.

    I should note that I’m attempting this on a local test server, so all my config.php values are “localhost” values (such as $bb->domain = 'http://localhost';), I don’t know if this would throw things off at all.


    Topic: detail of Style.css ?

    in forum Themes

    In which line of style.css describ those color????

    f.ex: sticky color is on the line 161 of style.css

    1) the color of your forums name? (the one on the right-top corner)

    2) the background color of forums ?

    3) the title of table ?(the gray one on the top: Topic — Add New » Posts Last Poster Freshness …)

    4) the original topic color ? (there 2 colors i think)

    5) those words color? (Hot tags, Latest Discussions, Forums, View..)

    6) the white line under under those title: Hot tags, lastest discussions…?

    7) all link words ?( add new, no-reply, untag… the original color is green)

    8) all link words ?(when mose hover)

    8) background color of the bottom section of forums ?(there is : xxxxxxx is proudly powered by bbPress)

    9) Now, when u add a new topic, theres a table which ask u the subjet, the content, the tag and the ection. i want to change the background color of this table, which line it is?

    10)Now, when u look at a topic, theres the original post and reply. the background of each one is on which line?

    11)last thing..: i want to also change those word (the word, not the color) : ‘Enter a few words(call tag)separeted by spaces to help someone find your topic’ and ‘ pick a section’

    Thank you a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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