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Search Results for 'test'

Viewing 25 results - 526 through 550 (of 11,509 total)
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  • #227605

    Test to see what REPLY does πŸ˜€

    Edit : actually any REPLY button on any message is simply a reply to the entire topic ?

    Second question : can we quote on BBpress ? this is very useful, i dont see this option

    Thanks πŸ™‚

    Robin W

    with wordpress 5.9 this works on my test site

    bbp style pack

    go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>topic/reply form and look at item 9


    In reply to: bbPress as Standalone

    Robin W

    Would I just use– for example– an existing WP installation, and install the latest bbPress as a plugin? Then, once installed in WP as a plugin, I go to bbPress, dashboard > tools > … ?

    basically yes πŸ™‚


    In reply to: bbPress as Standalone


    Thank you!

    I think I get what you’re saying, but I’m not quite following what to do. I’m sure it’s easy. πŸ™‚

    Would I just use– for example– an existing WP installation, and install the latest bbPress as a plugin? Then, once installed in WP as a plugin, I go to bbPress, dashboard > tools > … ?

    I presume there will be an “update database” process. Cool. This will be interesting. Backup, of course. πŸ™‚



    I would like to add a title banner to all my forum pages so that it is consistent with the rest of the website.

    This page is an example of what I would like it to look like – – this is created with Divi though with shortcodes which doesn’t work so this is just for visual representation.

    So, I think I am after a way to inject this title banner into the forum pages, perhaps using the functions.php file, I am not entirely sure but would really appreciate some guidance on how to crack this.

    This is my current forum layout –

    Thanks so much,

    PS. I am using latest version of WP and bbPress.


    In reply to: 404 on New Topic

    Robin W

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back


    In reply to: Mixed languages

    Robin W

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back

    Robin W

    next page works fine on my test site.

    Standard tests need to be performed

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back

    Robin W

    ok, it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back


    Hello Robin,

    Me again! We have come back to bbPress as after testing BuddyPress the client has decided this is more effective for their purpose.

    Please can you let me know the best way to remove the sidebar from the forum pages? I found some old articles but nothing very recent. I am using DIVI theme if that helps.

    Here is the forum so far –

    Many thanks,

    Robin W

    On my test site – it goes into being draft

    If you look at

    dashboard>replies>all replies

    you should see it as draft in there – I did an approve to get it back.

    Can you test that you get the same.

    If you are getting that as well, then I’ll take a look to see what the bug is, as agree it should work on the front end.


    I just created a new forum as a test, (called “test”) and when I did, the “Community” header just changed links, now it links to the Test forum. I’d like to remove the link entirely.



    Sorry, so on that main forum index page, the Header, “Community” becomes a clickable link to the last created forum in the site.

    bad link

    My question, is, where/what template would insert this as a link? and why did it pick the latest forum created…


    In reply to: Empty Text toolbar?

    Robin W

    I can only suggest standard fault finding viz

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    My site with wordpress 5.9, bbpress 2.6.9 and style pack 4.9.1 (which has the bug fix automatically in it) with the visual editor turned on – all works fine


    I am using latest bbPress and WordPress.

    I have just noticed when I create a forum topic that whilst my tinymce toolbar is fine, when I click the Text tab I get an empty toolbar.

    Why would that be? Is there no longer a text toolbar in WordPress?


    @robin I am experiencing the exact same issue, even when using ?ao_noptimize=1 to shut off Autoptimize for testing.

    I also use GeneratePress (pro), and bbpress with bbpstylepack .

    The individual forums show perfectly, but the index is very broken and missing proper styling.

    The issue can be seen here

    Robin W

    ok, I am not sure what is happening

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back



    I can’t figure out something.

    My forum can be reached over two different links:
    1. – that’s the link used by logged in users. I have a widget with Latest Activity there.

    2. But it can be also reached directly here: – and here the widget is not displayed.

    When someone clicks on any topic, for example Welcome Center, the breadcrumbs are: Home > Forums > Welcome Center. Now when that person wants to go back and clicks on “Forums” it takes him to the link from point 2 – which is like the main forum, but without the widget. He would have to click on “Home” to see the same page with the widget.

    The navigation is inconsistent. How can I fix this?

    Thank you

    Robin W

    it maybe a dependant plugin issue? ie an additional plugin which needs bbpress

    so the standard fault finding applies viz…

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and then deactivate bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back


    Hi there,

    I have been testing bbPress for my site but I am not sure it is the right fit.
    And so, I disable it and it causes a critical error in WordPress. I enable it again and the site comes back.

    I am using WP 5.9, DIVI theme 4.14.7


    I would like to test BuddyPress but I don’t want to do this while I have this issue with bbPress.

    Let me know if you need any further info.

    Many thanks,

    Robin W

    works fine on my test site


    I have about 89000 posts in forum phpBB
    I want import to bbPress but the script run and run and run without ever endling.
    I have params the timeout of php script to 3600sec and check the connexion to database.
    All is correct.

    I haven’t error message.
    How I can see the problem

    Ps : I have test CMS2CMS and the demo work fine but the price is little expensive for me.
    I don’t understand why the native doesn’t work.

    Robin W

    ok I can only suggest the standard fault finding viz…

    it could be a theme or plugin issue


    As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.


    If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.

    If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users

    Health Check & Troubleshooting

    Then come back

    Robin W

    unfortunately no easy fix for this, I tend to use a site copy to test, and then replicate the chnages on live – it is obviously more work, but means the forum stays up to date

Viewing 25 results - 526 through 550 (of 11,509 total)
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