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Search Results for 'remove sidebar'

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  • #145122


    I am using Twenty Fourteen and bbpress. How can I make the forums root page full width?

    I want to remove the sidebar, center the content and remove the post-like forum names after the listing section. Basically, I want this page to act as a full-width page, not a post/forum listing.

    My forums root page is

    I want it to look like (created using shortcodes)

    Thank you very much.

    (I was able to achieve full-width style in individual forum page by using widget visibility function. But this doesn’t work for the forums root page.)


    Hi there.
    I have installed BBPress.
    But I want to: Remove the sidebar
    The calling code is a sidebar (plug-ins) in the footer template
    How can I remove only the sidebar, but keep the footer (with counters)?
    I can remove the sidebar, but remove all counters calling code (including the footer, too)
    My site: Medical Books 24
    Thanks in advance.

    Robin W

    ok, without me spending hours digging into this, let’s see if we can sort it.

    and yes you can cut the code into a functions file by renaming it, but we’ll fix that later.

    For the moment, where are you registering the new sidebar? In a main theme for a child theme?

    If in a child theme, they won’t register as sidebars have already been loaded. So you need to unload and reload them all in one go (no idea why, it’s just what I learnt when I tried to add a sidebar in my child theme.)

    so what my child theme functions file starts with is

    remove_action( 'widgets_init', 'twentyten_widgets_init' ); //necessary to replace parent theme's code which is a twentyten theme
    function twentytenchild_widgets_init() {
    	// Area 1, located at the top of the sidebar.
    	register_sidebar( array(
    		'name' => __( 'Primary Widget Area', 'twentytenchild' ),
    		'id' => 'primary-widget-area',
    		'description' => __( 'The primary widget area', 'twentytenchild' ),
    		'before_widget' => '<li id="%1$s" class="widget-container %2$s">',
    		'after_widget' => '</li>',
    		'before_title' => '<h3 class="widget-title">',
    		'after_title' => '</h3>',
    	) );

    so it starts by removing the twentyten sidebar’s and then adds them straight back – my child theme for the twentyten main theme is excitingly called “twentytenchild”!. I have just shown the first widget from the parent theme, all are just copied from the parent theme. Several others follow
    Then on the end you add your new sidebar.

    Then after that you complete and register them viz :

    	//** Register sidebars by running twentyten_widgets_init() on the widgets_init hook. */
    add_action( 'widgets_init', 'twentytenchild_widgets_init' );

    by the by in your after title you need to change the a/ to /a

    Give that a go, and come back if it works, and we’ll then talk about taking the widget into a custom one.

    Stephen Edgar

    Make a copy of your page.php (or page-no-sidebar.php depending on your preference) of your StudioPress theme template file and name it bbpress.php

    This should also remove ‘door’ from your page.


    Hi Robin,
    Sorry for the long delay. I got sided-tracked. I followed your advice and I found something like a 404.php. The page is called no-results.php I found the text that I need to edit on the page and made changes to it however, because the text is displayed with the use of php, I’m not sure how to make it recognize the html hypertext link I added. Is it possible to make a link active within this code? It would be convenient to just click on the text and get where you need to go, if that’s possible. Here’s the code that I’m referring to:

    <p><?php esc_html_e('The page you requested could not be found or could not be displayed. If you are a parishioner and you are trying to access a forum page, it may be that you <a href="http://www.url-here/">need to log in</a>. You can do so on the forum page in the right sidebar. Otherwise, try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post.','Chameleon'); ?></p>

    I can remove the anchor tag if I need to but it would be nice to have the link.

    On another, related note, when you go to the top level forum page, if you aren’t logged in it displays text that says “Oh bother! No forums were found here!” I’m pretty sure this text is coming from the bbPress plug-in. Do you know if there is a way to customize what it says here as well?

    Thanks again for all your help!


    @robin-w Thank you for helping me out with this. I can go right to the page without any hangup. I also tried creating a new page and used the [bbpress-login] shortcode with the login widget disabled. Still no luck. I removed any custom jquery from the theme, same result. I removed the widgetized area from the functions.php to be sure the sidebar wasn’t registering anything. Still going to a blank page.

    The last thing I tried is disabling all of the plugins except bbPress switching to Twenty Fourteen Theme. going to the and still getting the same result.

    These are the plugins that are installed…
    Akismet: Version 2.5.9
    Contact Form 7: Version 3.7.1
    The Events Calendar: Version 3.4.1
    WP User Avatar: Version 1.7.2

    Robin W

    it’s coming from bbpress stylesheet.

    there may be a quicker way to remove this, but one that should work is as follows.

    I don’t think you have a childtheme, and now may be the time to consider having one, see for more details

    once done you need to navigate to


    copy this file into a folder called css within your theme, so you end up with

    where mychildtheme is the name of your childtheme

    Then edit every line that has

    background-color : xxxxxxx

    change to

    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

    NOTE it goes from background-color to background
    and it is only the background color that you’ll be changing, not lines which just have color: as that’ll be text!


    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-header,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-header,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-header {
    	background-color: #f4f4f4;


    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-header,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-header,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-header {
    	background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

    This will make the background transparent, but with a darker tint shading that you have in your sidebar (the amount of difference is on the 0.4 bit, 0.1 is the lightest, 1.0 the darkest).

    Come back if that doesn’t fix it, or for further help


    I would like to start this discussions because I have no idea what to think of the adding tags to topics feature in bbPress.

    First, Tags are taxonomies like Categories are also. Each Post Type ( or custom PT ) can be added with those taxonomies Categories or Tags right?

    Looking that the Core of WP and how they’re designed to work Categories and Tags where always designed to be added by editors or authors on content – people who understand how to own or maintain a website through the WordPress admin.
    Somebody who writes a blog post can define what categories and-/or tags they want to add against their blog posts – bbPress also uses Custom Post Types for Forums – Topics and Replies because they’re great for adding those kind of structural elements only there is a huge difference in the way how those work and who uses them.

    bbPress Forums have categories as taxonomy attached to them while bbPress Topics have tags attached to them. It seems pretty normal this way but if you look at how Forums and Topics are created at your WordPress site you’ll see that Forums are created by owners of the website ( like Blog Posts ) and topics are created by random users of the website.

    Topics are more like comments compared to WordPress Core functionality because their added by external users not editors or authors like Forums are – you don’t want people who write comments to your blog posts also have the ability to add Tags to them , right ?

    The main reason why I look at it like this is because I always switch the Tags functionality off in bbPress because it doesn’t work the way it should work to be honest. I think Tags are great for fast navigating and filtering-/grouping specific topics with the same errors at a forum the only difference is people who write topics have in general a problem with ‘something’ , else they don’t start a topic at your site at all. Those people often don’t know anything about blogging or maintaining a website and how Tags and Categories work. A Live example of how bad Tags in bbPress work if you let them get added by users who don’t know how they should work is the Tags Cloud on the sidebar at

    Just look at the Tag Cloud in the sidebar, the bigger-sized words are most often used. BuddyPress + WordPress + Integration + Forum + Plugin + Theme those words are often tagged by people who write topics which is crazy because those are totally not Tag-wards at all.
    How could you ever filter WordPress or something like BuddyPress or Plugin at a forum? Those words are too broad or wide to be used as Tags , maybe they’re beter as Categories. Tags should be words you could search for to solve a problem – like bbPress Core function_names() could be great Tags at a forum like but we all know most people who write topics don’t understand this so they add more ‘sloppy’ (with al respect) words as Tags or even more worst they’re used as SEO keywords or something like that.

    My main problem with this feature is, IF you enable the Tags feature in bbPress you Moderation-activity goes up very fast because you’re always editing topics, removing bad words and adding better words. Okay we all know this is fun at the start when you’re forums are fresh and not very active yet but after 6 months or one year you don’t become very active at maintaining your topics because it takes up too much time and your Tags Cloud grows to something totally un useful as seen at

    My idea is to keep the bbPress Tags feature for sure, but adding a Filter system who checks at existing Tag-words.
    There’s a Plugin called auto-tagger ( or something ) It only works at WP Posts, but what it does is it check for similar words in Post titles, content and excerpts – if a word matches a Tag-word it automatically adds the Tag to the Post.

    My opinion is we need this option by default at bbPress. Remove the adding Tags from the front-end – keep them add the back-end where some Moderator or site owner can create a list of Tags and whenever some user writes a topic and X word involves that topic the Tag will be added.
    Knowledge boards like Stock-overflow uses those kinda of systems, they don’t let people write their own tags, especially not New users, you need at least X rate before you can add your own Tags.
    Some other Great example is Zurb’s new Forum, they also add Tags automatically based on the words in the content. They’ve Pre-Tagged Foundation’s elements so whenever somebody uses one of those elements in their topics because they have a problem with this elements it becomes a Tag without doing anything. People who’s looking for support can click on those Tags and group similar topics together very easily.

    It’s a long story, but I believe this would make the Core Tags function inside bbPress a lot better and people could really use it as a great feature instead of disabling it because it’s a pain in the * to maintain in the end.
    Maybe we can use excising WordPress Plugins and change them a little bit because Blog Posts and Topics have the same structure, their both Post Types connected with a Tags taxonomy.

    What do you think ?
    Thanks for reading.


    Hey all,

    Great to hear you are working on your websites đŸ™‚

    I am slowly working on a couple of new themes for bbPress and a full WordPress theme as well. The problem with just doing a bbPress theme is that I have no control over what the sidebars class or ids are so it makes it a bit problematic to remove them.

    Good luck and keep on building!


    I want sidebars on my blog page, but not on my forum page. How do I remove the sidebars from my forum page? I am using the latest version of WP and Magazine Basic theme (latest version).



    how do i remove the above mentioned in bbPress forum

    Wordpress version : 3.5.1

    bb Press Version 2.3.2

    Kevin Geary

    When I remove BBPress, my home page, my blog page (mostly the sidebars) all break and disappear. What’s the problem here? Those pages and sidebars have nothing to do with BBPress.


    Nevermind, I found the problem. I remembered I did this before:

    I have a statistics plugin that uses the server time instead of the WP timezone settings.

    Therefore I added <?php date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Bangkok'); ?> to the plugins php and that was in the sidebar always present.

    Now I removed it the Edit Allowed Time works correct.


    In reply to: Hide Sidebar


    I pasted this code under main wp-config.php and side is gone.
    function disable_all_widgets( $sidebars_widgets ) {
    if ( function_exists(‘is_bbpress’) ) {
    if (is_bbpress()) {
    $sidebars_widgets = array(false);
    unregister_sidebar( ‘bp_core_widgets’ );
    return $sidebars_widgets;

    add_filter(‘sidebars_widgets’, ‘disable_all_widgets’, 1, 1);

    My question is how do we remo Options like Topic Type and Topic Status ???

    Thank you.


    After i installed “bbPress WP Tweaks” my themeside sidebar was not shown but as clicked under forums and topic the sidebar reappears.

    How can i remove this sidebar.??

    Thank you


    Been thinking, to solve this, remove the always open reply form at the bottom and just have a general reply button/link (as all posts now have) go to a new page for posting/reply (with or without sidebars).

    That way people are forced to click the reply link and all new replies are put at the bottom, after which admin edits have no positioning problems.

    Just don’t know how to do that.


    In reply to: Remove sidebar




    So how?????

    Please share, cause it ain’t working for me


    how can I change the sidebar for the forum page?
    bbPress WP Tweaks « WordPress Plugins did not work for me.

    I was able to remove the blog sidebar and even make the forum full width but what I’d really like to do is add a custom sidebar.


    As per the theme support page, I went to bbpress\templates\default\ and copied the bbpress and css folders into my theme folder. I also copied archive-forum.php and single-user.php in to the theme folder.

    I made a few modifications to archive-forum.php and single-user.php to fit into the page and remove the sidebar.

    Seems like most functions are working now except Search. It still goes to a wonky page. Where do I go to look to fix that?


    sorry forgot to include info regarding the website I am working on

    username: test001
    password: test001


    thank you koendb for the info about resizing the forum page

    however, I am still having a problem with the subpages of the forum still showing the sidebar

    how do I remove the sidebar from the forum subpages?


    In reply to: Remove Sidebar

    Robin W

    ok, try this – I have culled it from varous other posts, in particular

    Full-Width Forum

    Don’t swear it will work, but give it a go

    1. Create a page called “forums”,
    2. make this page a full width page – if your theme doesn’t support this, then you’ll need to create a child theme and add a full page template.
    3. Put this shortcode on the page [bbp-forum-index]
    4. edit the following file
    by removing the left float from div.bbp-breadcrumb(line 405)
    5. In your style.css add the following

    .bbPress #primary {
    display: none;
    .bbp-forums {
    width: 100%;

    let us know if that works


    In reply to: Remove Sidebar

    Stig Ove Voll

    This solution didn’t solve the problem at all. All it did was hiding the widgets in the sidebar, and I want to remove the entire sidebar.


    In reply to: Remove Sidebar

    Robin W

    you can add this function to your functions.php

    function disable_all_widgets( $sidebars_widgets ) {       
        if ( function_exists('is_bbpress') ) {
            if (is_bbpress()) {
                $sidebars_widgets = array(false);
                unregister_sidebar( 'bp_core_widgets' );
        return $sidebars_widgets;
    add_filter('sidebars_widgets', 'disable_all_widgets', 1, 1);

    or this to your style.css

    .bbPress #primary {
    display: none;

    Topic: Remove Sidebar

    in forum Installation


    I installed bbpress but the forum comes close by the presence of the sidebar, how can eliminate the sidebar to the full width of the page is for the forum?

    wordpress 3.7.0
    bgpress 2.4.1



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