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change forum sidebar

  • @rsix08


    how can I change the sidebar for the forum page?
    bbPress WP Tweaks « WordPress Plugins did not work for me.

    I was able to remove the blog sidebar and even make the forum full width but what I’d really like to do is add a custom sidebar.

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  • @robin-w


    If WP tweaks doens’t work, then other solutions are unlikely to without resolving why WP tweaks doesn’t – basically it just adds a custom sidebar as part of it’s plugin.

    What theme are you using, and can you post a link to the current forum



    hi thank you for your reply
    i’m using pupav2
    and here is current forum link



    so what is showing now as the sidebar – is this your blog sidebar?



    Yes that is the blog sidebar



    ok, I’d try installing WP-tweaks again.

    You should see a bbpress sidebar in the dashboard


    and it will be on the bottom right.
    Populate that with some widgets and it should appear.

    If not come back and I’ll give you another solution



    Hi Robin, I have already tried populating the sidebar at dashboard>appearance>widgets
    it still displays the blog sidebar. is there something else I can try



    ok, plan B !

    Try this for me

    Bbpress sidebar fix
    Deactivate bbpress tweaks
    Dashboard>plugins>bbpress tweaks>deactivate

    Go into widgets

    And look at the bottom of the left hand side. You’ll see an “inactive sidebar”, with your entries on
    Below this is an “inactive widgets”
    Drag all the entries from the inactive sidebar to the inactive widgets area.
    This them allows wordpress to delete the sidebar
    I normally log out and in again at this stage – probably not needed, but I’ve never bothered to check
    Then basically reverse the above
    Re-enable bbpress tweaks
    You see the bbpress sidebar returns
    Drag the entries back from the inactive widgets area to the sidebar

    If that doesn’t work, come back I have a plan C !



    Plan B worked 🙂
    Thanks appreciate your help



    Great, really glad you’re fixed !



    I’m having similar issues…

    Any new topics created all pull the blog sidebar even though every setting is pointing at the bbpress sidebar.

    I tried creating a sidebar manually and the same happened. Have also tried the steps above (removal and readding of plugin) but still get same issues.

    The other small issue is on the breadcrumb menu there is a parent page that I’ve never set, that takes you to root of forum but that page also pulls the blog sidebar?

    I’m using the Avada theme.




    Can you post a link please?




    I’ve created a new topic in the General Discussion forum that you can see instantly pulls the blog sidebar. I can manually go into the dashboard and change this but when the forums picks up this will add a considerable amount of management to change every new topic etc.




    ok, I can see your problem

    Not sure why the plugin isn’t picking this up – would be worth a post on the authors support site

    However lets also try a different approach.

    Download “widget logic”

    This plugin lets you specify conditions for when widget items are displayed.

    You would then put all the widgets for both the blog page and the forum page in one sidebar

    Against each of these you then specify whether you want it to appear on the forum page, on any page with a sidebar that is not the forum 9ie your blog), or on both forum and other sidebar pages.

    you do this by putting the following code in the widget logoc box that you will see appears against each widget

    For a forum sidebar you put : is_bbpress() ie is this page a forum page
    For any other sidebar you put : !is_bbpress() ie is this page NOT a forum page
    For any item to appear on both, simply leave the logic blank.

    Give that a try and come back and let us know how it works



    I have a similar problem except that I don’t want a sidebar to appear at all.
    This is the index page for the forum:
    And this is the actual forum page:
    Within WordPress I can only find the one page in the Pages area of the dashboard, and that is the index page. There I have told it to have a template which is Full Width No Sidebar, but that makes no difference. I am using the Responsive Theme by ThemeID. I can’t figure out where the page is that has the actual forum posts on it, I guess it is being generated somewhere behind the scenes. (I tried the Widget Logic plugin but I don’t know how to make the WP filters they are talking about.)
    Any help you can provide would be wonderful!




    I’d suggest you create a page called “forums” and put the code

    [bbp-forum-index] in it

    You can then style this page to have no sidebar

    Otherwise with widget logic, you would still have a sidebar, but could alter what is displayed in forums and your blog. As stated above, just add a widget to your sidebar, and use the codes above in the widget logic box



    Robin, I just wanted to say THANK YOU! The widget logic reference was the perfect solution to a confusing problem on my blog.

    I’m donating to the developer’s Cancer Research Fund now to thank him for thie work (

    #payitforward 😉



    Great to hear you’re fixed !



    Hi, guys-

    I’m perplexed. I’m running the MH Magazine theme but haven’t been able to get the sidebar to show up. I’ve tried all the procedures listed in this thread above, but still no luck.

    Here’s the site:

    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.



    have you been through the step by step guides in




    Yep. No luck with… anything. 🙁



    Just spotted you post on the wordpress forum :

    ‘My theme (MH Magazine) has no bbPress template by default, so I copied my full-page-width template and renamed it plugin-bbpress.php. I’ve got the forums page set to this template’

    If this is how you have it currently, then it is a sidebar template from your theme that you need, not a full width page one. With a siderbar theme, then wp-tweaks will pick this up and add the forum one to the page.



    Thank you for the !is_bbpress() code, that works perfectly with Widget Logic plugin.
    My trouble is: I’d like to specify more that one condition, e.g :
    !is_page(‘page_name’) || !is_bbpress()

    Unfortunatly, !is_bbpress code is not interpreted anymore when using this condition (the widget appears in the sidebar of all pages of the forum).
    Any idea about what I should do to make it work?



    this is a widget logic problem, but try

    !is_page(‘page_name’) || (is_single() && !is_bbpress())

    if not, then try the support page, but is not well responded to



    Thank you for your answer.
    Unfortunatly, this is not working…
    I’ll try to contact widget logic support.



    I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you ROBIN W for suggesting the plugin “widget logic”. I too am having the same sidebar problem as described above, and the Tweaks Plugin simply didn’t work for me. I even tried creating a forum.php in my theme-child, and was able to remove the sidebar by removing the call to the sidebar, but when I made a call to a specific sidebar, it simply wouldn’t work: it always reverted back to the main theme sidebar no matter what I tried.

    “widget logic” solved this issue. In the Main Sidebar, I can now add a LOGIC code, such as the ones you posted, and now the widgets either display or don’t dislay on the bbpress forum pages. Case closed!

    So, thanks again!

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