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  • #54020

    Uh…converting forum posts to wordpress posts sort of defeats the purpose of bbPress I think. Plus, if you have much of any posts it will eat up your database. Why exactly do you want to do this?


    Hey guys,

    I recently used a cool script I found on here somewhere to convert our phpbb2 forums’ database over to bbpress.

    Anyone know if it would be possible to convert this new database over to a wordpress DB? So all the forum posts become posts in a wordpress blog – under categories?

    Sorry probably the wrong place to post this!



    I’ve converted my forum from phpBB to bbpress 1 month ago. Since then I have nearly 200 user accounts and not a single topic posted from anyone (there are only 3 postings total submitted by myself).

    This appears to be some kind of bot creating accounts (such as viagraman), and the bbpress registration form looks rather easy to automate. Is there any solution to this like a CAPTCHA plugin? If not, its really needed as a standard feature.

    Trent Adams

    Leaving us already? I don’t think there is even an exporter for bbPress yet. If you can find a way to import into phpBB with RSS, you can just use the feeds from bbPress.



    Is there a way to export the db entries from bbpress to phpbb2?


    In reply to: Changing a Domain name


    Wow! Thanks a lot spencerp. As a visual person, a visual tutorial is priceless.

    I am in love with WordPress and bbPress. I was originally thinking of going with phpbb, but man, this bbPress is so sleek, so easy to customize, and has so much potential.

    Thanks again,



    I forgot to give a big thankyou to jaim3! Thanks mate! Your script just made life a million times easier for me!



    In reply to: Cannot select DB.


    to run a script to convert phpbb2 data to bbpress i had to add add this handler to the .htaccess folder in the root of my site:

    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php

    That got the script running, but then I was unable to access my bbpress install. I’d receive:

    Cannot select DB

    So I took the “AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php” out and it seems to work perfectly.


    Does that mean that bbpress doesn’t work with php5?


    Adam Teale


    kickass! yes our server was set by default to php4. The server guys said:

    We have checked our server logs. The reason for the issue is not related to the memory limits for your account.

    The file_put_contents() function is only available in PHP 5.

    By default our servers handle any requests to .php file through the PHP 4 interpreter. By default the PHP 5 interpreter processes only files with .php5 extension.

    If you want to change this in a way that .php files are processed by the PHP 5 interpreter you should put the following line in your /www/blog/.htaccess file:

    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php”


    i believe it is the latest version – i downloaded it today – .75 i think

    it would be so so so nice if this works!

    Cheers Trent

    Trent Adams

    Hmm….maybe the function name changed? What version of bbPress? 0.75?



    hey guys,

    I seem to get the same error as Jaxxx:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: file_put_contents() in phpbb2bbpress.php on line 383

    anyone got any ideas?




    In reply to: Private Forum script


    Any news on the roles-based forum permissions. It is the only feature holding me back now … I have been exploring all sorts of options involving more advanced forums (smf, phpbb etc …) but those involve crappy bridges, none of which work well or look nice. I love bbpress’ simplicity … so, any way to restrict certain forums to certain users? I don’t even need it to be roles-based. I’m OK just selecting users individually to have access to a specific forum.


    In reply to: tag.php access issue


    here is a link to the phpinfo.php ::

    not sure if this helps… any how, I thought I would share a bit about my project. is a temporary url, this site is actually for a MMA publishing company. I was sold on wordpress after I read this article:

    I then became a true believer after building my personal site with WP. For Victory Belt I decided to run with WP and was originally going to go with phpBB, then Vanilla, then considered punBB for a bit, then found out about the tight integration with bbPress. The WP community in conjunction with the bbPress community had a huge influence on my decision. I was then sold when I found out about the plugin that automatically creates forum posts (, for then I realized that the integration and community would only get stronger.

    I like how light and fast bbPress is, I would like to focus on the discussions and interaction with the community, and I feel these elements would be refreshing in comparison to the other clunky mma bbs out there. And once Dr. Riddoch over at An-Archos creates his media plugin for bbPress, we’ll be set.

    Anyhow, for those interested mma is getting some pretty big traffic, and we are expecting a lot of traffic to our site, for we are releasing books by BJ Penn and Randy Couture in the near future. There is actually a special on MSNBC tonight that is a prime example to the influx of interest in MMA, trailer @:

    I just wanted to share, and I am hoping to make bbPress our solution, for I know I am going a bit out on a limb with such new software, but I believe the tree is very strong.

    Also, our look and feel is created, the site location is currently the category and back-end development. One of my designers just recently started working on the look and feel of the css… just an FYI.

    Thanks again for the help,

    I am going to call up my hosting service now,

    All the Best,



    I’ve gone through the import process successfully except that the text of the posts don’t show up. The text is in the database, it just doesn’t show up where it should. The titles are there, the forums are there, the topics are there but no post text.



    Thanks jaim3. I can’t tell you how excited I am about going from a board with 86 tables to one with 8! Light and fast is what my members will appreciate. I think the simpler design will result in higher adsense revenues from my message board channels.

    I have integrated bbpress to match the tech-o-crunch theme and will be releasing it to the bbpress community once I have it like I want it.

    I’ll also be posting a casestudy of the bbpress adsense theory I mentioned above on my blog.

    Anonymous User 133554

    I can’t promise anything since I’have never seen IPB database structure nor code, but I can give it a try. Drop me a line at jaime at iteisa dot c0m with the public URI and I’ll have a look at it if you are still interested.



    Any of you php/mySQL whizkids out there wanna see if you can make this script work with invision power board? I only know enough php to be dangerous and know my limits well enough to know that trying to do this (for me) would be a big, big timewaster.

    I’d be willing to dish out a bit of cash to anyone who wants to play.

    I’ll supply the ipb db for you to play with.


    Yeah, I needed about 80 megs of memory for this particular script, luckily my host upped it while I ran it.

    jaim3, perhaps note that somewhere in a readme, for the not-so-smart users like myself. :)


    Alrighty, just to be a dumbarse, I’d love to use this plugin but I’ve NO idea how to do the “Upgrade the installation of bbPress to the latest version from the code repository” bit.

    I’ve recently migrated from phpBB over to BBpress, with all my posts and topics thankfully intact… but I’ve some forums I need to hide.

    Is there no way to hide forums based on the user level at all?

    Trent Adams

    I would get your host to up the memory in php.ini to accomodate the script. How big is your phpbb2 database? I moved over a forum that was 1600 entries without too much hassle….(needed 16 megs in php.ini though)



    I’m getting an ‘out of memory error’ as so:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 20971520 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 5803 bytes) in /home/pith/domains/ on line 910

    … is it just that my server sux?


    These are just a few things I thought might be handy for bbPress.

    1. Invitations – would allow users to invite other users to the forum and maybe give them credit of some sort for the referral.

    2. Cash – this is one of the really popular phpBB plugins, it gives users cash for posting, and sending messages, etc, and sets up the facility for other plugins to use the cash for their own various means.

    3. Original Poster – perhaps next to the most recent poster or under the topic title, this would show the original author of the post on the forum view, instead of having to view the topic to find out. Just one thing that sort of bothered me, as sometimes I like to know who started what.

    4. Subforums – I saw this somwhere, I think, but subforums would be a wonderful addition.

    5. WYSIWYG post editor – I assume this is already in the works somewhere, but for folks who aren’t good with tags and what not, it’s really not userfriendly to post in bbPress. Perhaps just a copy of WordPress’s editor.

    6. Custom Profile Fields – I think a plugin that allows admins to change the profile fields that are currently shown, add more, remove some, etc, would be really nice.

    So…those were just some ideas I had, maybe they are not feasible or easy, but hey, at least maybe I got the gears rolling.

    Trent Adams

    Part of the issue is that all the plugins have come on fast in the past couple of months. In the New Year, we will have working and all the plugins will be in one place. Part of the fun of bbPress is the ability to have a light core file system and expand with plugins as most users don’t need all the functionality. phpBB is a great system, but extremely bloated for most users that don’t need all the functionality!

    As for the plugins that are around now, WOW! Thomas, Ardentfrost, So10 and others are popping them out like crazy! I would imagine no less than 50 plugins more in 2007. Can you?



    a better breadcrumb structure. spent an hour constructing one, but if it were only built in… also private messaging (or whispering like vanilla), topics and/or forums descriptions, categories would be nice.

    what i mean to say is take a look at phpbb, vanilla, etc. the old guys on the foruming bloc. don’t get me wrong. bbpress is a wonder to design with. but it doesn’t really cut as a top spec forum yet (we’re only 0.7?)

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