Search Results for 'phpbb'
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Topic: Forum categories
I’ve decided to go with bbPress for my new website because of my love for WordPress because of the relative ease of user integration and it’s light weight. I have everything nailed down except that I’d like to customize my installation to show categories like other forum software, i.e.:
You get the idea I’m sure. I’ve searched quite a bit and found only some posts from a year ago where this was brought up and supposedly this is in the trunk now. Has anyone managed to do this to a current stable installation or know how I could do it myself? It seems there used to be patches that did this for old revisions and I thought about playing with them to try to produce the desired effect on the current stable version. Has anyone else tried that?
I figure one option I _could_ use is trying out the current trunk (which I have almost up and running, got it installed but have an error that says it cannot find the uri) but I worry about stability.
I’d appreciate some tips and tricks if anyone has any. The lack of organization isn’t a deal breaker but it would be very nice. I don’t feel like waiting until version 1.0 which I know will be a long way off and I don’t want to try to cram together wordpress and another bloated beast of a forum like phpbb3.
Hey everyone, I’m new here. I’ve found out about this awesome forum a while back but didn’t have the time to make a forum for my site. Anyhoo, I was wondering if bbPress could be integrated with Social Engine. I know integration with vBulletin and phpBB is possible but bbPress seems much more superior.
Topic: hiding the long URL
I’m using Transition Towns bbPress forum and I cannot see a page of instructions anywhere – either there or here – about using code for those who are a little unfamiliar perhaps? I don’t understand your “allowed markup” below, if this is it. I want to put hyperlinks in but hide the URL, and the phpBB system [url=http://website_URL]website[/url] evidently doesn’t work here.
Topic: Order of Sticky topics
Hi all,
This is my first post and I love bbpress already.
Having spend 2 days trying to figure out permissions and groups etc. in phpbb and feeling like a complete idiot, I found bbpress and well I’m here to stay.
Anyways my question is:
can one re-order sticky topics on a forum like you can with main forum titles?
I want to convert from my phpBB forum to bbPress however I need 1 more plugin to make it happen.
I need a Plugin for bbPress which will monitor RSS feed’s and post new items into bbPress as a post.
Does anyone know of a free plugin which does this today?
For WordPress, I’m using the Plugin – FeedWordpress
It works great and has many great options. Hopefully something exists for bbPress.
Topic: Admin rights
I recently imported all phpbb users into the database and it changed my id to 999999… I went into the DB and changed it back to 1 now I don’t have bb-admin anymore. How can I fix it?
Hi Guys and Gals
I have a very small phpbb database but not up and running as many problems i have installed bbpress everything is working fine! (except I forgot about moderation and akismet and within 27 mins of going online it had four spam comments
Is there a way I can just see the posts from that phpbb database and then i will copy and paste into my new bbpress installation?
or is their an easier way? I have xampp runnin locally but tried to move the phpbb files and import the db using phpmyadmin but i get errors.
Like i said its a v small database and I just need the post text!
Thanks in advance
Topic: Importing Database
Is it possible to convert PHPBB posts/user db to bbpress?
Any help would be appreciated.
Topic: Release Archives
Does anyone have a release archives for bbPress, or at least the one for version 0.73. I’m trying to use the phpbb2bbpress converter, but it only works for 0.73. so i’m thinking I could use that, and then upgrade to version 0.9 later.