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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #66392

    In reply to: Just a question…


    Also can I convert my board from phpbb3 to bbpress?


    I’ve decided to go with bbPress for my new website because of my love for WordPress because of the relative ease of user integration and it’s light weight. I have everything nailed down except that I’d like to customize my installation to show categories like other forum software, i.e.:









    You get the idea I’m sure. I’ve searched quite a bit and found only some posts from a year ago where this was brought up and supposedly this is in the trunk now. Has anyone managed to do this to a current stable installation or know how I could do it myself? It seems there used to be patches that did this for old revisions and I thought about playing with them to try to produce the desired effect on the current stable version. Has anyone else tried that?

    I figure one option I _could_ use is trying out the current trunk (which I have almost up and running, got it installed but have an error that says it cannot find the uri) but I worry about stability.

    I’d appreciate some tips and tricks if anyone has any. The lack of organization isn’t a deal breaker but it would be very nice. I don’t feel like waiting until version 1.0 which I know will be a long way off and I don’t want to try to cram together wordpress and another bloated beast of a forum like phpbb3.


    Para aquéllos que quieran hacer la locura que he intentado, y por ahora me va saliendo:

    1. Migrar un foro phpBB a bbPress (sólo desde phpBB2)

    2. Integrar WP y BBPress.

    (Se puede)

    No debe aparecer ninguna especificación de codificación ni en bb-config.php, NI EN LA SECCIÓN ADMIN de BBPress. Es decir: quitad utf8 en la pestaña “opciones” “WordPress Integration” y del archivo bb-config.php.

    Me ha costado un mes.


    Hey everyone, I’m new here. I’ve found out about this awesome forum a while back but didn’t have the time to make a forum for my site. Anyhoo, I was wondering if bbPress could be integrated with Social Engine. I know integration with vBulletin and phpBB is possible but bbPress seems much more superior. ;)


    I’m using Transition Towns bbPress forum and I cannot see a page of instructions anywhere – either there or here – about using code for those who are a little unfamiliar perhaps? I don’t understand your “allowed markup” below, if this is it. I want to put hyperlinks in but hide the URL, and the phpBB system [url=http://website_URL]website[/url] evidently doesn’t work here.


    Hi all,

    This is my first post and I love bbpress already.

    Having spend 2 days trying to figure out permissions and groups etc. in phpbb and feeling like a complete idiot, I found bbpress and well I’m here to stay.

    Anyways my question is:

    can one re-order sticky topics on a forum like you can with main forum titles?



    I want to convert from my phpBB forum to bbPress however I need 1 more plugin to make it happen.

    I need a Plugin for bbPress which will monitor RSS feed’s and post new items into bbPress as a post.

    Does anyone know of a free plugin which does this today?

    For WordPress, I’m using the Plugin – FeedWordpress

    URL –

    It works great and has many great options. Hopefully something exists for bbPress.



    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    Any updates on this?


    To quote chrishajer, your best bet will probably be to convert to phpbb and then from there to bbpress.


    Topic: Admin rights

    in forum Troubleshooting

    I recently imported all phpbb users into the database and it changed my id to 999999… I went into the DB and changed it back to 1 now I don’t have bb-admin anymore. How can I fix it?


    hi chrishajer

    after your suggestion i tried to think of a diff way so i installed phpbb via fantastico on a different domain iimported the odl database and then looked through phpmyadmin to see if i could find the posts, success! exported as .csv file and now i have all the data and email addresses ;)

    thanks for your help!


    If you have direct access to the database with something like phpMyAdmin, you can view the existing posts. Sounds like the phpBB is not running now, otherwise I would just copy the text from there. Without the software running, you’re going to need to view the posts in the database and copy them from there and paste into bbPress. With a small number of posts, I wouldn’t bother with export and import, just copy them and post new at bbPress.


    Hi Guys and Gals

    I have a very small phpbb database but not up and running as many problems i have installed bbpress everything is working fine! (except I forgot about moderation and akismet and within 27 mins of going online it had four spam comments ;) )

    Is there a way I can just see the posts from that phpbb database and then i will copy and paste into my new bbpress installation?

    or is their an easier way? I have xampp runnin locally but tried to move the phpbb files and import the db using phpmyadmin but i get errors.

    Like i said its a v small database and I just need the post text!

    Thanks in advance



    In reply to: Importing Database


    This is an old post about converting from PHPBB2:

    The Google Summer of Code project for bbPress is going to focus on importers for bbPress, so if you are not using PHPBB2, you might want to wait until the GSOC project is over. There will probably be an announcement if they complete the tools.


    Is it possible to convert PHPBB posts/user db to bbpress?

    Any help would be appreciated.


    Topic: Release Archives

    in forum Installation

    Does anyone have a release archives for bbPress, or at least the one for version 0.73. I’m trying to use the phpbb2bbpress converter, but it only works for 0.73. so i’m thinking I could use that, and then upgrade to version 0.9 later.


    In reply to: new topic


    alexandreperei: That’s a phpBB forum and was earlier as well. Are you looking for help with phpBB or bbPress?


    In reply to:


    Wait, its called:

    phpBB: OMGPonyBBQs!:


    xD, again. When they gonna make actuall talkpress?.. :(


    This is not what I meant, haven’t you seen phpbb3 that sort of thing, scrollbar only under


    and hyper links are not active in that box.

    please people suggest.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    I wish there was a beta script! I really want to move from phpbb3 to bbpress now.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    Thanks for the news :).

    But isn’t it a beta script to import phpbb3 to a bbpress ?


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion

    Sam Bauers

    Import/Export is being improved as part of a Google Summer of Code project. We will hopefully have some results from that to share by the end of it.

    The basic idea is to create export plugins for other forum software which can export to a standard format. Then we will have one importer to import that standard format into bbPress.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    Same here!!!


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    Wow, there isn’t any tool to move from phpbb3 to bbpress ? How bad it is :-(.

    I hope there will be soon :))…


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion

    This is very important if one already got a forum but want to have a *GOOD* integration with WordPress on a new site.

    Imagine loosing 4000 users just to be able to change to bbPress. It just won’t happen and it’s a damn shame that there isn’t a converter yet. :/

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