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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #72836

    Flies only live for 15 days; females for 26 if they’re lucky. We probably want people to stick around for a little longer… ;)

    Opinion: What *Press needs is some visual and code consistency to re-align everything back to the basics of what made WordPress awesome in the first place.

    Opinion: Right now all the automattic apps look and feel like totally different programs, but lets be honest… On the surface, bbPress is basically WordPress without topics being able to have multiple categories; On the surface, BuddyPress is basically the user-profile area that phpBB has had for 6 years but arranged to tap into the MU way of thinking. Under the surface the code and the methods are totally different, but the end result is pretty close to existing webware.

    Opinion: The only thing left for automattic to do is a shopping cart, which we can take a bunch of osCommerce experience from and apply to WordPress methods pretty easily if automattic ever wants to venture into the e-commerce market.

    Opinion: From a developers perspective, trying to keep up with and remember all of the WordPress, WordPressMU, BuddyPress, and bbPress classes and functions and ‘isms is getting really, really hard…

    Defense: PLEASE don’t get me wrong… It’s also exhilarating, exciting, totally 150% fun, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but holy crap lets sit back and look and say that there a whole meta ton of a lot going on lately…

    Matt, do you have an ulcer by now? Because I think I might... Ha! :D

    Defense: And hopefully I haven’t made myself out to be a total ass here; I hope that TalkPress helps to accelerate the .org thought process behind integrating both the user portion and the template portion of these awesome apps together in a more transparent way… Including my forum into my blog would be pretty killer. :)

    Round Up: With BuddyPress 1.0 on the horizon, bringing the social networking abilities that people usually make plugins for WordPress and bbPress to emulate, *Press automatic applications really do stand to evolutionize the way that people use the internet in a major way…

    Summary: I for one am totally pumped to see what TalkPress looks like and works like… When a new version of *press comes out, it’s like Christmas morning to me and I download it and poke my head around the new code and find all the cool new little additions…

    Please don’t hit me for my long winded and slightly off topic response. Probably wouldn’t expect anything less from me now would you? :D


    It worked! Thank you guys for your help! I realized I forgot to delete the bb_ files via phpMyAdmin, (from the first time I tried the conversion without the edited file from matiaspunx. I had removed the files via FTP only.

    Thanks again!


    oh! what version for bbpress are you trying to convert?

    this file just works with a new fresh install of “0.9.x”

    the converter finished without problems?


    I checked via phpMyAdmin and all my bbPress files start with bb_ . I didn’t change any files from the install. The phpbb3 files all begin with phpbb_


    Are you using bb_ as your bbPress table prefix? Maybe the bb_ table prefix is hard coded and it does not match up with your installation.


    Thank you for the file. I used the file, (did not edit it at all because I have no idea what I’m doing). I get this error when I try to access the forum

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘db279681361.bb_topicmeta’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT meta_value FROM bb_topicmeta WHERE topic_id = 0 AND meta_key = ‘uri’

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/34/d279666578/htdocs/forums/bb-includes/db-mysql.php:130) in /homepages/34/d279666578/htdocs/forums/bb-includes/functions.php on line 2271

    Is this a simple error to fix? If not, I’m going to have resolve myself to using phpbb3, (which I don’t want to do of course). Thank you again. I appreciate it.


    yeahs but BBPress is for coders to hack it together and make it suitable for a WP theme… that’s what its selling point is… its not just “another forum”… otherwise people would go for Vanilla or phpBB or other light forums.

    The reason people come to BBPress is becuase of the intergration possibilities… and limiting the deep integration is the most Counter-Intuitive thing against its own selling point… utterly contradictory and frankly stupid… The majority will want deep intergration either now or later on… Regardless what type of user you are… there will be a point in that users time when he/she wants deep intergration.


    Ok, i will send you my edited file, use it under your own risk, it’s works like a charm but, nobody knows…

    Examine the file and see the changes made by me :)

    PD: PLEASE, back up your db first!


    Hope this works for you!

    Best regards!


    Okay….let’s imagine for a minute that I’m 10 years old.

    LOL Can you explain how I would do that? Where do I place addslashes? In phpbbtobbpress.php? If so where? I’m really not good at this. It’s completely Greek to me.


    yeah you need to use the addslash function to insert data in your db…

    I think you need to edit the phpbbtobbpress.php ;)


    When I tried to convert my forum, I got this error:

    General Error

    SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘s workouts logs)’, ’18’, ‘2’, ‘9’, ‘162’)’ at line 1 [1064]


    INSERT INTO bb_forums (forum_id , forum_name, forum_desc, forum_parent, forum_order, topics, posts) VALUES (’19’, ‘Workout Logs’, ‘Place to log the workouts you do, times, & weights used. (Please do not post on other people’s workouts logs)’, ’18’, ‘2’, ‘9’, ‘162’)


    FILE: includes/db/mysqli.php

    LINE: 163

    CALL: dbal->sql_error()

    FILE: phpbb3tobbpress.php

    LINE: 201

    CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

    Do you know what the problem might be? Maybe it’s an easy fix, but I’m a novice. Thank you.


    In reply to: can’t log in anymore



    That solutions seems to be for bbpress 1.0 alpha…

    i’m making a new install with a new phpbb import ’cause i have no way to login as key master…


    So don’t upgrade to 1.0 alpha? You should not be using the alpha on a live site.

    So there is a solid phpbb conversion routine now for phpbb users?

    That is good news.


    yeah, im looking at the users table and every field is filled right.

    I convert from phpbb with bbpress everything works fine. Then i upgrade to 1.0-Alpha-6 and everything works wrong :P

    there are some NEW tables like term_taxonomy with 1 row only, just my user is ported to term_relashionships table, i dont have many knowledge with mysql, what im doing wrong?


    Hi, i have import from phpbb and i have my db table users with 6.300 rows but in dashboard i just see me.


    You have 54 forums. There are 8992 topics with 92919 posts by 1 user.

    What im doin bad?

    Thanx in advance!


    It’s work good thank you.


    Yeah in phpBB there is a user setting where they can state that they want to automatically subscribe to any topic they reply.


    In reply to: Tag filtering plugin


    Ok, I’ll take a look at that. I’m actually planning on converting my phpBB2 forum over instead of moving to phpBB3. I have made mods for phpBB2 and would like to make the same plugins for bbPress, but not if they already exist.


    HI sway,

    I dont think it does work like that. It’s a confusing name choice as a Category means something different in wordpress. Category in this instance means and equivalent of “section” or a parent group of forums so…


    – – Forum

    – – – – Topic

    – – Forum

    – – – – Topic

    – – – – Topic

    – – Forum

    – – – – Topic

    If i can link to an old example i made (from September last year) , you can see that the different categories have forums as ‘children’:


    Hi everyone

    We are a web development agency from Belgium that’s working on a bbPress project, we are moving a big forum (1.5 million posts) from phpBB to bbPress. The only phpBB converter I found out there is quite outdated, so we need someone to write a new one. When the project is done we will make the converter free and open-source, so that everyone can use it.

    Please email your portfolio and/or cv to andreas at madewithlove dot be if you are interested in doing this job.


    We had contact with someone of this forum but since a couple of weeks he does not (or at least very slow) respond on our emails. If that person is reading this post, please get back in touch with us, we still want to work with you!


    I’m setting up a new website that is using WordPress as a CMS, and probably bbPress as a forum. (I’m toying with phpBB at the moment, but the integration I want here will likely push me to bbPress.) The WordPress area won’t require registration since its content is a series of short videos, and I want guests to be able to view them. Visitors will be invited to join the forums to discuss the videos, and I want them to self-identify their field of occupation when registering. My site is specific enough that the list of relevant occupations can be limited to a known list, so that field will be from a fixed set of possible choices.

    Is there then a way that when a registered bbPress member visits the WordPress area of the site, that WordPress will recognize them as registered bbPress members and somehow pass that information out, so that an adserver (like AdSense) can target the ads it serves more specifically to that visitor based on the occupation they provided?


    I figured it out. There were two records for my capabilitues in the database. I don’t know why. When I changed both of them to keymaster, I got admin rights.


    Have you tried dumping all the cookies to be sure there is nothing left over fouling things up?


    …and just for your information; I’ve changed the script so that it looks for ID == 3 instead of ID == 1.


    Hm, it still doesn’t work. I have even cheched in the database, and my user has

    meta_value: a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}

    meta_key: bbpress_capabilities

    Just as it’s supposed to.

    Even so, I don’t get the admin link when I’m logged in. And I’ve tried to use the plugin which you linked to.

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