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I honestly don’t get this sudden push to make bbPress a WordPress plugin rather than continue as standalone software. There is so much potential for bbPress to grow and succeed in the 2010 standalone bulletin board market. Disagree? Think about this:
Remember back in 2004 when Movable Type pushed everyone away with their new pricing plan? The result: BLAM! WordPress REALLY took off, fitting the bill as a viable free easy-to-install, easy-to-use alternative.
One can make a strong argument that vBulletin is currently doing the same exact thing Movable Type did with their pricing plan snafu! ( Check out this comment by donnacha which says even more: (
Throw in how complicated phpBB and vBulletin are compared to bbPress (not to mention how easy bbPress is to pickup for those familiar with WordPress) and there is a major bulletin board niche opening for Automattic.
This current bbPress 1.1 development push can really provide a great vBulletin alternative if it is done right. Shine up bbPress so it has some of the default features vBulletin and other boards offer (as OPTIONS in the admin interface) and we will see an exodus a la Movable Type to WordPress in 2004.
I am new to bbpress/buddypress
we are planning to migrate phpbb3 to bbpress,
so, we plan to have wpmu/bbpress/buddypress
what confuses me and my whole concept, is buddypress forums..
as it is, we plan to move php forums to bbpress
but where do buddypress forums stand?
sure, each group can have a forum – that’s all I know – so I guess they wont replace bbpress forums
Has anyone set up bbpress/buddypress forums? could I have a look at your site and how you are using forums?
Kind regards
Hello !
Me and my friends have a PhpBB2 forum hosted by a free forum hosting provider ( ), but I’m planning to switch to BBPress on our own hosting space with LaTeX support ( which is important for a Physics/Maths forum ) .
The only problem is that doesn’t give database access, so I can’t do a SQL backup …
Lets say I can manage to get the RSS2 feed of the forum ( I don’t know how, but lets suppose I can ), will bbPress be able to import the posts from that RSS2 feed ?
Thanks !
Topic: Converting BBPress to PHPBB
I hate to ask this, but is there an easy wasy to move over all the users and posts from BBPress to PHPBB?
Has anyone tried this yet?
Dear Developers,
I’ve recently use bbpages plugin.. its working fine..but i want one more thing in this plugin … here is url like my site
i want to change it to
can any coder tell me how it possible?
i’ll be great thankful to you
here is plugins files
1. bb-page.php for root
$page_id = 0;
if ( !$page )
bb_die(__(‘Page not found.’));
do_action( ‘bb-page.php’, $page_id );
bb_load_template( ‘page.php’, array(‘bb_db_override’, ‘page_id’) );
2. page.php for template
<?php bb_get_header(); ?>
<?php if ( isset_id() ) : ?><?php if ( page_exist() ) : // Do not delete this ?>
<div class=”top_box”>
<h2><?php echo get_page_title(); ?></h2>
<div class=”bbcrumb”>“><?php bb_option(‘name’); ?> » <?php echo get_page_title(); ?></div>
<div class=”post-content”>
<?php echo get_page_content(); ?>
<?php else: // If there is no page with id=X in database ?>
<div class=”notice_box”><div class=”notice_content”>404 – I’m sorry, but this page does not exist.</div></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php else: // If page ID is not specified or it equals 0 ?>
<div class=”notice_box”><div class=”notice_content”>Page is not specified.</div></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php bb_get_footer(); ?>
3. bb-pages.php for plugin
Plugin Name: bbPages
Plugin URI:
Description: Allows you to create static pages within your bbPress forum.
Author: F.Thion
Author URI:
Version: 0.0.2
license: GPL
function get_page_id() {
if ( isset ( $_GET ) ) :
$page_id = $_GET;
return $page_id;
function isset_id() {
if ( $_GET > 0 ) :
return true;
return false;
function page_exist() {
global $bbdb, $bb;
$id = get_page_id();
$table_name = $bbdb->prefix . “pages”;
$query = $bbdb->get_results(“SELECT page_id FROM $table_name WHERE page_id=”.$id.””);
if ( $query == true ) :
return true;
return false;
function get_page_title() {
global $bbdb, $bb, $page_id;
$id = get_page_id();
$table_name = $bbdb->prefix . “pages”;
$query = $bbdb->get_results(“SELECT page_title FROM $table_name WHERE page_id=”.$id.””);
foreach ($query as $rk) {
return $rk->page_title;
function get_page_slug() {
global $bbdb, $bb, $page_id, $page;
$id = get_page_id();
$table_name = $bbdb->prefix . “pages”;
$query = $bbdb->get_results(“SELECT page_slug FROM $table_name WHERE page_id=”.$id.””);
foreach ($query as $rk) {
return $rk->page_slug;
function get_page_content() {
global $bbdb, $bb, $page_id;
$id = get_page_id();
$table_name = $bbdb->prefix . “pages”;
$query = $bbdb->get_results(“SELECT page_content FROM $table_name WHERE page_id=”.$id.””);
foreach ($query as $rk) {
return $rk->page_content;
function list_pages() {
global $bbdb, $bb;
$table_name = $bbdb->prefix . “pages”;
$query = $bbdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM $table_name ORDER BY page_order ASC”);
$status = array(
0 => ‘Draft’,
1 => ‘Published’
foreach ($query as $rk) {
echo ‘
<td>page_id.'”>Edit | page_id.'”>Delete | page_id.'”>View</td>
function pages_panel() {
$action = $_REQUEST;
<h2>Manage Static Pages <small>(Create new page)</small></h2>
<table class=”widefat”>
<th style=’width:5%;’>ID</th>
<th style=’width:45%;’>Title</th>
<th style=’width:20%;’>Creation Date</th>
<th style=’width:10%;’>Status</th>
<th style=’width:20%;’>Actions</th>
<?php echo list_pages(); ?>
<h3>Please support the developer</h3>
<img src=”” style=”margin-right:10px” border=”0″ align=”left” />
Do you like this plugin? Do you find it useful? If so, please donate few dollars so I could keep develop this plugin and others further and further. Even the smallest help is greatly appreciated for a student in Poland
<form action=”” method=”post”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”cmd” value=”_donations”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”business” value=””>
<input type=”hidden” name=”item_name” value=”bbPages Donation”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”item_number” value=”bbPages Donation”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”no_shipping” value=”0″>
<input type=”hidden” name=”no_note” value=”1″>
<input type=”hidden” name=”currency_code” value=”USD” />
Type donation amount: $ <input type=”text” name=”amount” value=”1″ />
<input type=”hidden” name=”tax” value=”0″>
<input type=”hidden” name=”lc” value=”US”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”bn” value=”PP-DonationsBF”>
<input type=”submit” name=”submit” value=”Donate with PayPal!” alt=”PayPal – The safer, easier way to pay online!”>
<img alt=”” border=”0″ src=”” width=”1″ height=”1″>
<p>Want to know what I’m developing right now? Follow me on Twitter, ignore 90% of stuff and learn a lot you will
. And thank you for using my plugin!</p>
case “add”:
global $bbdb, $bb;
if (isset($_POST))
$page_title = $_POST;
$page_slug = bb_sanitize_with_dashes( “$page_title”, “” );
$page_content = $_POST;
$page_order = $_POST;
$page_status = $_POST;
$table_name = $bbdb->prefix . “pages”;
$query = “INSERT INTO ” . $table_name .
” (page_id, page_date, page_content, page_title, page_status, page_slug, page_order) ” .
“VALUES (0, NOW(), ‘”.$page_content.”‘, ‘”.$page_title.”‘, ‘”.$page_status.”‘, ‘”.$page_slug.”‘, ‘”.$page_order.”‘)”;
?><div class=”updated”><p>Page has been saved.</p></div> <?php
<h2>Add new page</h2>
<form class=”settings” method=”post”>
<label for=”page_title”>
Page title </label>
<input name=”page_title” id=”page_title” type=”text” class=”text long” />
<p>Page slug will be created automatically (don’t worry, it’s not useful for anything yet).</p>
<label for=”page_order”>
Page order </label>
<input name=”page_order” id=”page_order” type=”text” class=”text long” />
<label for=”page_content”>
Page content </label>
<textarea name=”page_content” id=”page_content” rows=”20″ cols=”80″ ></textarea>
<input type=”hidden” name=”page_status” value=”1″ />
<input type=”hidden” name=”page_id” value=”<?php echo $_GET; ?>” />
<input type=”submit” class=”submit” name=”add_page” value=”<?php _e(‘Add page’, ‘add_page’) ?>” />
case “edit”:
global $bbdb, $bb;
if (isset($_POST)) {
$page_id = $_POST;
$page_title = $_POST;
$page_content = $_POST;
$page_order = $_POST;
$page_status = $_POST;
$table_name = $bbdb->prefix . “pages”;
$query = “UPDATE “.$table_name.” SET page_content='”.$page_content.”‘, page_title='”.$page_title.”‘, page_status='”.$page_status.”‘, page_order='”.$page_order.”‘ WHERE page_id='”.$page_id.”‘”;
?> <div class=”updated”><p>Page updated…</p></div> <?php
$table_name = $bbdb->prefix . “pages”;
$query = $bbdb->get_results(“SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE page_id=”.$_GET.””);
foreach ($query as $rk) {
$id = $rk->page_id;
$title = $rk->page_title;
$content = $rk->page_content;
$order = $rk->page_order;
$status = $rk->page_status;
<h2>Edit page</h2>
<form class=”settings” method=”post”>
<label for=”page_title”>
Page title </label>
<input name=”page_title” id=”page_title” type=”text” class=”text long” value=”<?php echo “$title”; ?>” />
<p>Page slug will be created automatically (don’t worry, it’s not useful for anything yet).</p>
<label for=”page_order”>
Page order </label>
<input name=”page_order” id=”page_order” type=”text” class=”text long” value=”<?php echo “$order”; ?>” size=”10″ />
<label for=”page_content”>
Page content </label>
<textarea name=”page_content” id=”page_content” rows=”20″ cols=”80″ ><?php echo “$content”; ?></textarea>
<input type=”hidden” name=”page_status” value=”1″ />
<input type=”hidden” name=”page_id” value=”<?php echo $_GET; ?>” />
<input type=”submit” class=”submit” name=”save_page” value=”<?php _e(‘Save page’, ‘save_page’) ?>” />
case “delete”:
global $bbdb, $bb;
$id = $_GET;
$table_name = $bbdb->prefix . “pages”;
$query = $bbdb->get_results(“DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE page_id=”.$_GET.””);
?> <div class=”updated”><p>Page deleted…</p></div> <?php
function pages_admin_menu() {
bb_admin_add_menu(__(‘Manage Pages’), ‘administrate’, ‘pages_panel’);
function bbpages_install() {
global $bbdb;
$table_name = $bbdb->prefix . “pages”;
$bbdb->query(“CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $table_name (
page_id mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
page_date datetime,
page_content text,
page_title varchar(255),
page_status int(1),
page_slug varchar(255),
page_order int(11),
PRIMARY KEY (page_id)
bb_register_activation_hook( __FILE__, ‘bbpages_install’);
add_action( ‘bb_admin_menu_generator’, ‘pages_admin_menu’ );
Note: I want to mention here that the author of this plugin is no more active. He make this plugin but something is wrong with this pluing. he tell us wrong path for plugins files. But I’ve little bit knowledge of php that’s why i correct its path now the path of the plugins files which I’ve mentioned above is totally correct and working fine.
Now I really need to your help. If someone will not guide me then I’ll leave this software “bbpress” and I’ll move to vBulletin or phpbb after disheart….
So I’m waiting for positive answers from developers… Thanks … And Love you all
Hi all, needed some help with wordpress.
my wordpress add is at
my bbpress add is at
followed instructions for the cookies and still resulted in me loggin in 1 side and auto-logout on the other.
also would like to know which plug-in should i use for the wordpress if i want ,primarily to…
– i want my wordpress homepage to show 5 columns x 5 rows of latest post image, which will be grabbed from a few specific forum in BBpress. i also need a few buttons to sort or filter results by recent,by view counts, by specific forum
-i want my wordpress to have a few horizontal navigation bars at the header instead of the default ones at the side.
-i want to be change the default header image to my own and able to make my left/right sides blank like this forum. the left/right sides should be easily customized with my preferred wallpaper.
i hope i’m not asking for too much.
thanks in advance
Oh and i just wanted to add on this ck thing. People dont’t donate things that easily, and many of us are searching for something for nothing, but you were obviously disheartened. I have run a mac support site in different form for years, using different forums and its been hacked (lost thousands of posts) derided and the donation button clicked once or twice, there are bigger, slicker better sites, but I like to think people still use my site because I don’t look down my nose at anyone and keep it simple.
I would ask you from the heart, put your site back up and don’t give up…hey I don’t even know you but a little research tells me you have put alot in. You may think its time to cut your losses, on the other hand it might also be time to promote a clean simple forum.
AND beleive me I dont see a lot of promotion going on outside of the circle. If everyone who uses bbpress had a blog and did an article “the best forum software” a little blurb and put bbpress at the top of a a list of 5 lets say bbpress vb, smf, phpbb and a.n.other board….instant promotion. People are setting up forums all the time but dont know which software to use. I found bbpress by accident and am using smf at present but transferring data as we speak….main problem right now is where are the themes?
Why is this starting to remind me of XOOPS cms