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Way not merge bbpress and BuddyPress into one Software and get new dynamic?

  • Sven Lehnert


    I really start to love the idea of merging bbpress and buddypress into one software.

    Forums are already community software and need most of the buddypress parts.

    Other bbpress plugins which offer simalar functionality will anyway fall behind the powerful buddypress solutions.

    I think there are just positive effects to bring these two together.

    The Buddypress community is young and has a lot of power. I think there are many people just want to jump into the project at the day it will be part of buddypress 100% and not half adapted like now.

    I have the feeling the bbpress community is suffering from frustrated people, who were expecting much more from the project.

    Now there is Buddypress and brings all together with new dynamic and a positive developing feeling.

    Why bbpress not let participate from it and become together a brilliant community software?

    In my dreams I see wp and wpmu being one and bbpress and buddypress merged to one wp community component .

    What does the bbpress community think about it?

    Looking for feedback

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  • Some just want it what it is: a FORUM, no fancy community options, no wordpress, just a stand alone forum. If this forum would require wordpress to function or buddypress, I would ditch this great peace of software. It would get too bloated IMHO.

    1 of the great things about bbPress is that its small and clean. Want to add stuff, install a plugin. You can make it function the way you want it.

    Ever since I started using BBpress, I’ve seen users like you constantly nag about Buddypress. My impression is that this is a forum made by someone else, it’s another program, and I don’t understand the need to constantly speak about it here?

    Is there something I’m missing? Why is Buddypress relevant here at all?

    Ben L.


    I don’t understand your logic. BuddyPress is a plugin for WPMU, which is a multi-blog version of WordPress. bbPress is a forum program. Not a plugin for anything, just a standalone forum.

    Merging BuddyPress and bbPress would be like merging a car company and a grocery store. You can drive a car to a grocery store and carry groceries in it, but integration is as close as you can get to merging them.

    Besides, no other major forum software (phpBB, IPB, VBulletin, SMF, etc) have a social network built in or are a plugin for a blogging program.

    Well, you have the icecream truck Ben L. haha, just kidding. I agree with you.

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