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  • #87527
    Ben L.

    bbPress looks in its folder and the folder directly above it for a config file. If you move bbPress out of the phpBB folder or move bbPress into something like [phpBB folder]/bbpress/test/[bbPress folder], it should work. Don’t modify the phpBB config file.


    I am currently running PHPbb in the root directory, but want to install bbpress as I have used WP for years and love it.

    I want to be able to import current posts and users from phpbb, so to keep it ‘easy,’ I installed a new directory and new db for bbpress. I go to that URL, and get the installation start page. On the second page, I get this error:

    Oh dear!

    An old config.php file has been detected in your installation. You should remove it and run the installer again. You can use the same database connection details if you do.

    The config file is NOT in this directory, it is in the root (for phpbb). I tried editing in the info directly into the config file, but then the db can’t connect. I went through these steps, but no luck. How can I tell phpbb what db to use?

    Is there a better way to do this?



    I managed to convert vBulletin to phpBB3, and then phpBB3 to bbPress.

    The users passwords however does not work, and I can’t seem to get the email when I try to reset it.


    I got all my users over, but the system never sends me an email when I try to to reset the password. Has anyone encountered that problem?

    Also, how may one copy users from the phpbb_users database to the bb_users database manually?

    Thanks for all help.


    hmm you can copy the user db from phpbb to bbpress but your website user need to reset password because phpbb use md5 hash


    Thx, hab das gemacht und es hat funktioniert :)

    Markus Pezold

    Hi Geekaholic,

    you moved the phpbb user to the bbPress user table (e.g. bb_users). The users are still there. After the user integration you must copy the users from bbPress user table to the WordPress user table – and also copy the user_meta information.

    If you had some WordPress users before the transfer form phpbb to bbPress/WordPress – it is possible to merge the users by hand. I do this within the phpMyAdmin.




    I’m using phpbb3 right now but want to move to bbpress. So I installed bbpress on my server and was able to import all the posts and users from the phpbb3 to the new bbpress forum. Everything worked great. But now I would like to integreate the wordpress user database with the bbpress database. When I’m using this build in integration method, all the users I transfered from phpbb3 to bbpress disapear…

    does anyone know how to fix that or is the bbpress user databye deleted by integreating it to wordpress?


    In reply to: sticky posts

    Someone on here once described “(to front)” as being the same as “announcements” on phpBB/vb etc. Hope that helps a little.


    I really am starting to think i might have done a mistake with going for BBpress…

    questions I have about the whole thing:

    – appart from using the same DB for user (wordpress+bbpress) is there a good reason for using BBpress?

    (it seems very limited, i keep getting errors form the official site(usually not a good sign))

    – can bbpress be inserted into my wordpress page? (i think i read it cannot but still can’t believe it)

    (I would like to have that very limited forum(bbpress) inside my wordpress otherwise i’ll go with a full on phpbb, if it’s the same thing??!!)


    well, doesn’t look good….

    first post was a minute ago,

    I tried to subscribe to my topic = topic not found (although it’s there) and no redirect to anything, just a nice “TOO BAD BUDDY” message

    try to add to favorite = error …too bad buddy!

    Is it even worth it trying to get to know bbpress or should i go back to proper forum system like phpbb?!?!

    I mean that’s the own forum…. what is it gonna be when i get these error on my own bbpress?!?!?!


    well, doesn’t look good….

    first post was a minute ago,

    I tried to subscribe to my topic = topic not found (although it’s there) and no redirect to anything, just a nice “TOO BAD BUDDY” message

    try to add to favorite = error …too bad buddy!

    Is it even worth it trying to get to know bbpress or should i go back to proper forum system like phpbb?!?!

    I mean that’s the own forum…. what is it gonna be when i get these error on my own bbpress?!?!?!


    Ok i just moved everything over using this but my users are missing, including both admins so we can’t login to bbpress, does anyone know how to fix this? If so please email me on how to fix this! The tables for users are there, but nothing to browse when i go to phpmyadmin


    There is a phpBB importer available for versions before than 3.0 and I haven’t heard anything for 3.0


    Ok, now i have externally installed bbpress, how would i convert my phpbb tables to bbpress ones? I don’t know if some of the ones i find, will work since i have the most recent version of phpbb which is 3.0.7 PL1 can someone tell me how i would convert the tables so i can use them in bbpress?


    In reply to: notify admin


    “i found the plugin, tho. thanks”

    When I posted your response automagically appeared. Unfortunately bbPress hasn’t the revision functionality of phpBB.

    you mean like an email for new posts in WP is a bad idea…? oh. wait…

    This is the bbPress forum and not the WordPress one. Email notification on a blog can have a reason to exists (in the dashboard you have the list of recent comments) but on a forum is a really bad idea. On a tipical medium sized forum you have ~50-100 posts / day which will results in an equal number of emails.


    In reply to: bbPress loop help



    I missed read you post earlier. Yeah getting bbPress to display like phpBB would be an awesome starting ground for me. If you could find those files/links that would be much appreciated.


    I think i can shed a little light on this, but apologies if i’m off a little.

    1) you need to decide if you want to have parent/child relationships with categories or not. If you want categories, then all forums need to have a parent category. Its a world of hassle otherwise.

    2) bbPress doesn’t actually handle in any way shape or form a parent / child relationship. Its key to remember this when processing the data, especially in the bb_forums() loop. Remember it’s just a plain list of names with no corrolation.

    3) The “category” is not marked on the forum list or forum database table where you can query it easily as a 1 to 1 relationship. Instead, a hack of _CK_’s forum as a category plugin for bbPress 0.8/0.9 has been rolled into the core. Thats not a complaint against Sam, its the fact that it doesn’t solve the problem, it merely “fakes” a category to the end user.

    4) bbPress doesn’t consider a category to be in a Parent/Child relationship, it considers a category to be one that topics cant be written to AND that has a child forum. So if down the line you make a forum read only for some reason – bbPress will think its a category.

    Here is a long (sorry) post I wrote about it in September 2008:

    And in the end I made this as an example:

    Basically, I had to do a major rewrite of the bb_forums() loop.


    In reply to: bbPress loop help

    There’s a more fundamental issue here.

    Basically, you should ensure that every forum has a parent category. It solves so many issues when building themes and dealing with the loop. I covered this in my “bbPress as phpBB” theme back in 2008. I’ll hunt out the links for you. It was simple, but a bit of a pain.


    fix post position

    function fix_post_position() {
    global $bbdb;
    $get_topics = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->topics ORDER BY topic_start_time ASC");
    foreach( $get_topics as $get_topic ) {
    $get_posttopic = $get_topic->topic_id;
    $postorder = 1;
    $get_posts = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->posts WHERE topic_id = '$get_posttopic' AND post_position = '1' ORDER BY post_time ASC");
    foreach( $get_posts as $get_post ) {
    echo "UPDATE bb_posts SET post_position = ";
    echo $postorder++;
    echo " WHERE topic_id = ";
    echo $get_post->topic_id;
    echo " AND post_id = ";
    echo $get_post->post_id;
    echo " ;";
    echo '<br/>';
    } }

    echo fix_post_position in your template file and copy the sql query to your database


    Fix Topic Slug phpBB Convert bbPress

    add this to function.php in your template file

    function fix_topicslug() {
    global $bbdb;
    $get_topics = $bbdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $bbdb->topics WHERE topic_slug='' ");
    foreach( $get_topics as $get_topic ) {
    $slug_fix = bb_slug_sanitize( wp_specialchars_decode($get_topic->topic_title));
    $topic_id = $get_topic->topic_id;
    $bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->topics SET topic_slug= '$slug_fix' WHERE topic_id = '$topic_id' ;");

    and echo fix_topicslug in header. cek your database, and dont forget to remove the above code if you already finish.

    my problem now the post_position is broken after convert to bbpress (all post is position 1) any fix ?


    bbPress _must_ not become a WordPress plugin. First of all because a BBS isn’t always associated with a blog and in my case this never happens. bbPress gain the attentions of a lot of people tired of bloatware engine like phpBB or slow engine like vBullettin. I switched to bbPress on all my sites for these reason.

    Seconded a lot of people (as far as I know) chose bbPress because they can access to a WordPress style plugin system. If you have ever written a plugin for WordPress you can edit a bbPress one easily in order to accommodate your needs. But if bbPress will be a plugin of WordPress you will download a plugin… of a plugin? This is kind of confusing IMHO. Obviously I’m not talking about PHP programmers or in general skilled people but of regular users.

    Third I think that the bbPress project deserve its own space. It is a too well done piece of code and for being a mere WordPress plugin.


    sorry to raise an old topic from the dead, but I think I have found a significant problem with the current version…

    If you try to post an empty reply in a topic, you are met with a message saying ‘You need to actually submit some content!’ and bbpress won’t let you reply.

    However, if you edit a post, and delete all the information from inside, you can resubmit the post as a completely empty reply, because the filter for new replies does not work for edits.

    And because there is no delete post function for normal users, some of my users have been doing this to remove their posts.

    This means there are blank replies in some topics, which have to be manually found and removed by moderators!

    I suggest there are two possible solutions

    1) Allow users to delete their own posts, but within a certain time limit, I don’t want users deleting posts they made 2 months ago!


    2) Have the empty-post filter work for post-edits as well as for brand new posts.

    How can I make the edit-post function call the same minimum-character filter as the new post function??

    Is it possible to mod the above post-delete plugin to include a time-limit on deleting posts (as found in phpbb)?


    In reply to: Plugins You Want !!!

    Well I can see there’s no shortage of advice and help wanted by folks at the sharp end. All good stuff.

    But it strikes me that one thing that is missing, so far, is the ability to simply import databases from other forums like PHPBB etc. Haven’t done exhaustive research but that’s my impression.

    The one plugin that *I* would want is the plugin that installs BBPress in the first place. And by the way, it should install it right into my existing WP theme.

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