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  • #41132

    I have the Chameleon theme from ElegentThemes. And i am trying to find out what to do to make bbpress work. I have it installed and works great on my mobile device. So i know it’s something to do with the theme i have. But i’m not sure where to start to make it work. This is really all i need so if there is a better way of doing it I am all ears! This site is for a small staffing company ( They post a lot of things on Craigs List. But, they want to start posting things on there site. They don’t do a lot of it. So i don’t need anything special like phpBB. But i have thought about it and just don’t care for it much. Since i am so new to this it’s a little frustrating lol. Anyway, they will only post things to one forum, and no one will reply to it. it’s just to let people know it’s there.

    Thank you all for your help! Sorry if it’s a dumb question! =)


    I received it and ran some tests the issue is: “I have firstly migrated the punbb to bbpress 1.1 so all the tables reflect that migration”. Well the data in the table is wrong compared to a fresh bbpress and posts in it. The “post_position” column is always 1 on your site this is not accurate and causing part of your issues. I see “topic_poster” and “topic_last_poster” all 0 as well.

    If you can send me your punbb database I can make a conversion file for it and will solve everything.

    Anyone who is doing a two step process this to that to this please refrain from using my script and ask for the direct conversion file. Everything I have tested is fresh copies of each forum platform without ever being converted into and I haven’t been able to get any issues.

    Right now I have requests for phpbb3 and punbb. I need databases for these if you want to help speed up the process. I just need to test the phpbb3 and I can go live with it so if anyone has test data would be appreciated.


    Adam, congratulations on your upcoming wedding and marriage!

    Many thanks for continuing to help us all here with your work on the phpBB converter. Your post is so tantalising to me and I’m sure others as well, and I’m just wondering when “updated real soon” might be…! ;)

    I’m also interested to hear your reply, as well as anointed’s, to MishaOLS’s question on converting another forum’s users to bbpress without also converting to WP’s database of users. I’m not exactly sure why I might also want that for my own forum (now and in the future), but I’m interested to hear your views on this anyway :)


    New update is available now version 1.2. Please test it out. I will have phpbb3 tested and updated real soon. Sorry again for the delays guys. Getting married on the 27th of December so been slammed with wedding stuff.


    Fixed Cleaning slow down.

    Much Faster importing now if mysql table editing is available.

    Fixed duplicate first post/reply on topics

    Fixed Issue with Different charset from UTF-8

    Added more info messages


    Hi Chrisella, I gave it one more college try on that Forumconverter plugin and it even mentioned needing to use bbpress 2.0 rc4 version. I installed the older version of BBpress but still no go. I’m getting stuck when I get a 500 internal server error and I believe I’m timing out.

    When I get the error page after about 2 minutes of conversion, it then makes me log into my wordpress installation as if it’s trying to install itself. I put my login info as it asks and it then gives me a long list of the errors that occurred. It does say “…… has exceeded the ‘max_questions’ resource (current value: 75000)].

    When I go to my forum, I do have the forum and topics, but no actual posts. So close yet so far.

    If I knew how to further fix my timeout issue, I may try to call my web-hosting to see if they could guide me on the issue or maybe give me more conversion time just for this issue…I’m just grasping at straws.

    If no luck on this last attempt with calling my web-hosting, I’m at the mercy of AWJunkies guys for when they have time to possibly finish the plugin for a phpBB conversion. They will totally make my day.

    I’ve pretty much tried every route one can possibly try to get my forum over to bbpress. I’ll just wait with crossed fingers and toes. :-)


    Surely this is one of the most frequently asked question by noobs? But I couldn’t find it in the FAQ (in docs), not in the forums, so had to ask.

    I am currently running WordPress with Weaver theme, and wondering if bbPress can directly utilize that theme, as that would be one of the big thinks I’d be seeking to achieve by moving from phpbb to bbpress…


    It worked for me going from phpBB3 3.0.9 to bbPress 2.1 (I’m using the developer version of bbPress)

    and bar 5 orphaned topics for an unknown reason (5 out of ~10,000 isn’t bad) it worked perfectly.


    Chrisella, does ForumConverter convert phpbb to bbpress 1 or 2 directly?


    you came to import a phpbb bbPress bbPress 1.0 then 2.0? or alternative?



    In the end I decided to give ForumConverter for a direct phpBB3 -> bbPress convert.

    It worked flawlessly for me and converted everything without a single hiccup.

    I was actually amazed as I was expecting to have to edit files, alter configs or manually sort some bits, but it did a very good job.

    It’s called ForumConverter on the WP plugins download, I’d have a look if you need phpBB3->bbPress conversion now.


    chrisella, I’m at the phpbb3 to bbpress converter notes on the phpbb3 support forum and the gentlemen writing the code has mentioned passwords and something to do with MD5 hashing. I don’t know what that means, but there is a link to some coding to correct the problem with passwords. Not sure if that is what you may need, but take a look.

    The password plugin they mention is at:


    You guys really need to scratch this and pick up orson’s awesome phpbb3 forum converter:


    ebiznet….bated breathe, that’s it. LOL!

    I tried this route going from phpBB to bbpress 1.0 standalone and I cannot remember what stumbling block that I encountered. I’ve tried so many routes but every one has an issue.

    I’m going to try it again right now as we speak. Chrisella, if you figure out the password issue, if you don’t mind post it, in case I have the same issue. I’m going to retry right now.


    In reply to: Import from phpBB


    of course! Try out orson’s forum converter! It works like a dream and I was helping out testing it:


    mmm today I managed (successfully I believe) to use this script (with some edits) :

    to convert my phpBB3 to bbPress v1.0, and then I used bbConverter to convert the bbPress v1.0 to v2.1

    and all seems to have copied fine :)

    one Issue I’m having is the passwords.

    When I try and login with a user and the correct old password it continously fails :/.

    It seems (after going through the code a bit and the database) that it’s looking for _bbc_class in the user meta table in this code but that isn’t there in my table atall.


    * Convert passwords from previous forum to wordpress.


    public function convert_pass()


    global $wpdb;

    $username = $_POST;

    if( $username != ” )


    $row = $wpdb->get_row( ‘SELECT * FROM ‘ . $wpdb->users .

    ‘ INNER JOIN ‘ . $wpdb->usermeta . ‘ ON user_id = ID ‘ .

    ‘ WHERE meta_key = “_bbc_class” AND user_login = “‘ . $username . ‘” LIMIT 1’ );

    if( $row )


    $converter = newBBConverter( $row->meta_value );

    $converter->translate_pass( $username, $_POST );




    Any ideas ?

    I know this is quite vague so I can give any more details if needed.



    Oops, I just committed an “eggcorn” when I said “baited breath”.

    I meant, waiting “with bated breath” which means “in a state of suspenseful anticipation.”

    I tried converting my phpBB to bbpress 1 using an older converter, with the idea to then converting bbpress 1 to bbpress 2. However, while the posts were converted successfully, the users weren’t so all the posts were attributed to “Anonymous”.

    Its a pity I met with a dead end there. My posts asking for help with that problem went unanswered; otherwise I would suggest that procedure here.


    Hi ebiznet88, I agree, it does seem phpBB is the most commonly used board. In my attempts to try to get my conversion done, I looked into Invision and vBulletin to see if I could get my SMF or phpBB versions of my forum over into Invision or vBulletin and then use the converter. I’ve tried everything.

    For those who have SMF, the conversion over to phpBB is very easy and clean cut and no issues. It’s a plugin for phpBB from their site that you use. I had no problems. So if the phpBB converter comes out, those who have a SMF forum like I did, can convert to phpBB and then use this converter for bbpress.

    Yes, I totally agree with you. :-)

    I’m waiting with baited breath (or whatever that expression is…LOL)

    So excited to see it come out if they (Adam, AWJunkies and/or whoever else is working on it) are able to have time to work on it.

    I would be very indebted to them! :-)


    I believe there’s a huge installed based of phpbb forum owners looking to convert over to bbpress because of the attraction of integrating seamlessly with WP. I believe the number is even bigger compared to the other forum platforms such as Invision and vBulletin as phpBB is free.

    SMF is also free but its newer than phpBB and so I believe there are fewer of such boards around.

    Because of this, I hope the bbpress crew can see where they want to put in their efforts to create or complete the converter for phpbb. ;)

    It would be a great step forward for the community of bbpress users, don’t you agree :)


    Let me also tag along on the latest thank yous. I’m so excited about this converter and hoping desperately that the phpbb converter will come out really soon.

    I have an SMF forum and tried with some of the notes on this thread but with no luck. I got a bit lost in the notes of it. I’ve been working for a few days straight trying to get something figured out to get this client’s forum into bbpress.

    I’ve converted my SMF forum into a phpBB forum. There is another WP plubin for phpBB to BBpress conversion, but it’s in huge beta mode I believe. I’m able to pull everything but the actual posts themselves. So close but yet so far.

    So I have 2 forums ready for whichever way that I can find the first available options to convert.

    If anyone has fine tuned the SMF conversion as well, let me know.

    I’ve tried everything I can and keep running into issues.

    I’ve been watching this forum for a few days now for updates.

    This is great stuff! Can’t wait to get my hands on the phpbb conversion option. :-)

    Thank you so so so so much in advance!


    Thank you Adam for the work that you do.

    This update you mention, would it happen to contain a converter for phpBB to bbpress as well (keeping fingers on both hands tightly crossed and holding my breath!)?

    I second the good sentiments here and also desperately hope that a phpbb converter is on the horizon too.


    I’ve been running a phpBB forum for a while. Is there a migration tool available that helps me move to bbpress?


    Hiya! Looking to get a phpBB forum converted to bbPress. Any updates on when that’l be available or if you can even do it as a paid service? Thanks.


    I am glad to read this.

    I too have been looking to replace my phpbb board and integrate my existing forum with WordPress.

    I’m concerned with the slow speed of responses and development on bbpress.

    I know the developers are all doing this voluntarily and in their spare time. There are no guarantees in life and so even though people and companies may say they are committed to something, it doesn’t mean its forever as things change so rapidly in this world. We just have to move forward in faith and hope that things improve.


    Thank you Adam for the work that you do.

    This update you mention, would it happen to contain a converter for phpBB to bbpress as well (keeping fingers on both hands tightly crossed and holding my breath!)?


    Hi there Anointed One. I urgently wish to convert my phpBB forum to bbpress.

    Can you give me a ‘rough’ estimate on when this plugin can also do phpbb conversions?

    Many thank in advance!

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