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Topic: The Shadowed Mare Forums
I just installed buddypress/bbpress in my site, it is using catalyst/dynamic theme and everything works fine but I really dont like the bbpress forum layout. It displays well but it is just ugly. Is there any way to change the style or look of the forum without changing my theme? I would like something more like vBulletin, phpbb or even this same forum which looks a lot better.
You can take a look at
wp 3.4.2
bbpress 2.1.2
buddypress 1.6.1
buddypress template pack 1.2.1
catalyst 1.5.3
dynamic 1.1
Thank you for your help,
Topic: Another Sidebar Post
I’ve converted my forums from SMF to phpBB3 and now I’m trying to finalize this process by converting them to BBpress. I the phpbb3 forum on its own database and have entered the information correctly into the BBpress 2.1 built-on converter. Unfortunately each time I try I get this message:
> Conversion Complete
No replies to convert,
No tags to convert,
No topics to convert,
No forum parents to convert,
No forums to convert,
No data to clean,
Starting ConversionI’ve searched these forums for an answer but I can’t seem to figure it out. I have phpbb 3.0.11 and here are the forums:
Topic: security
I am new to WordPress/BBPress and am coming from PHPBB.
I am creating a bulletin board using the BBPress plug-in for WordPress. I’m not planning on really using WordPress (yet) for my website. It’s just a few static pages, a css file, and, soon, a forum.
My board will be for just fifty people and I would like to create all the accounts myself so that I don’t have to worry about spam posts from bogus accounts.
- In PHPBB, there is a control panel option to disable the ability to create new accounts? I don’t see that option in WP/BBPress. How would I do that?
- I think I read on this forum that I can make my board invisible to non-members, but that is not a control panel option. What’s the prefered way for a newbie to do that?
Also, I read an article on WP security, Top 5 WP Vulnerabilities and How To Fix Them. # 1: SQL Injection & URL Hacking.
Vulnerability # 2: Access to Sensitive Files.
Vulnerability # 3: Default Admin User Account.
Vulnerability # 4: Default Prefix for Database Tables
Vulnerability # 5: Brute-Force Login Attempts3, 4, and 5 seem pretty obvious to me. However, for help with mitigating the threat of Brute-Force Login Attempts, the author refers to two plug-ins: Limit Login Attempts and Better WP Security. Are these the preferred plug-ins? Although, I really must ask you guys why these two plug-ins aren’t written into the core software in the first place? In fact, shouldn’t the control panel also allow me to limit the creation of new accounts, as well?
I know BBPress, as a plug-in, is new, but WordPress has been around for ten years. Are the features that I list above planned for future releases, or is security not really an issue for the WP community, but rather up to each user?
Before I forget, how do I implement the solutions to the first two vulnerabilities? Do I just copy the code that the author lists into my .htacess file?
I don’t want to sound critical of WP/BBPress, or be the guy who is constantly comparing it to PHPBB. I just want to know the mentality behind it and, really, what I am getting myself into. I had a pretty secure PHPBB board that was easy to set-up and manage, but it was boring and looked like every other PHPBB board out there. I was told that WP/BBPress is customizable (some guy on your board showcases a beautiful board about Stratoliner motorcycles) and more secure than PHPBB. I hope to explore these features without becoming a full-time board developer nor becoming a php guru.
Thanks. I really appreciate this forum. I have been reading all sorts of posts. So if these questions have been answered, please don’t flame me; it’s not for lack of searching.
As much as I hate shameless self-promotion, this is the “Pimp your press” forum so I’m going to let it all out.
I’ve just launched BeeForums, a free hosted bbPress service. It works just like those free forums services for other scripts (SMF, IPB, PHPBB) except it’s all bbPress & WordPress.
Features include one-click forum installation, a selection of (responsive) themes, spam protection, attachments, signatures, CSS editor and more. Plus we have an awesome site mascot 🙂
I am going to start importing the forum from the current phpbb3 site, which is on a different hosting account, to my site and I have a few questions.
- Do I have to export the database from the current forum and then import it?
- I am on the Tools>Forums>Import Forums page. When it says Database Server, what do I type in here?
- Table prefix – what do I write here?
Current site:
Wordpress V 3.4.2
bbpress V 2.1.2
Buddypress V 1.6.1Old site:
Wordpress 1 user
phpbb v 3.10 40 usersI converted my forums over to bbpress. Everything went fine.
All the threads and users where there.
I installed buddypress as well and that works fine.
buddypress automatically synced up with all of the existing users.I’m building the site up though so the activity on the site is low. However I’ve noticed something. All of the buddypress features work perfectly. However with bbpress no one can post or reply. In fact the only way admin can do anything is to do so through the dashboard. If admin is broswing the forum he cant reply or create a new topic.
The edit box is there, but when you click ‘submit’ it just reloads the page and nothing happens. I’ve tried this with users at all levels.I wanted to integrate bbpress into buddypress, but the only way I can do that and retain my existing data is to choose group forums with existing install, but that wont work because i dont have a bb-config.php
I have completely disabled buddypress and the problem still exists. Somewhere something in my bbpress configuration must be messed up. any help?
Topic: Importing from phpBB 3
Is there a way to import users, posts and PM’s from phpBB 3 into bbpress?