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Anybody know of a way I can assign posts to authors by their ip? All my imported posts are being assigned to the admin 🙁 but they have the correct ip’s attached to them. I did opt to import users with the posts.
WP Version: 3.6.0
bbPress Version: 1.8.1I’m importing from phpBB3 and yes I synced everything in phpbb3 first and then in bbPress after 😉 I am also having other issues that I’m trying to get support for in another thread (posts only import up to five months ago)
Hello, I am once again seeing if I can switch over to bbPress, since WP-United does not play well with so many phpBB3 and WP social extras, and upon import I am only getting posts up to four months ago, with nothing for the last four months. Also, somehow the import process is switching some authors. I’m not sure if I should be importing the users or not (I think I’ve tried both), or what the best practice is since I already have a WP userbase of the same people who made the posts that I’m importing from phpBB3. In fact, because of WP-United, they are linked in some way.
Any help would be appreciated! I’ve been at it for a number of days. My WordPress version is 3.6.0 and my bbPress version is 2.4.
You may be surprised to see my bbPress forum: I’m currently altering the css to make it look like my phpBB3 one, using @Lynq’s bbPress starter theme and Daniel St. Jules’ CoDFaction phpBB3 theme.
About a week ago, I asked how to change the directory of the forum I’m setting up in dev. At the time, I had a bare install, and the response I received seemed to meet my needs.
However, this simply moved the index page. At this point, my database guy has started importing the data from my existing phpBB3 forum, and what seemed to be an elegant fix has left me with the same problem I had before. The index page looks great, but when you click through to ANY category or forum, the board immediately takes you from:
Which is the setup I need, to…
Which is going to dump my signed-in students outside of the classroom when they use the breadcrumbs.
Basically, I need to find a way to have my forum and topic posts and their hierarchy recognize the Classroom page as their parent. Or something that will give me the same result when my users try to navigate the breadcrumbs back to their classes.
Topic: Forum Layout "Look"
I have been looking around & i do not know if it’s some thing I am doing wrong or if it just the Layout of the plugin.
I am trying to get a layout like…
{Forum Name}
Forum Objects “Forums”
{Topics}It is hard to place an image into words.
But like PhpBB.Sorry for the bad description.
Thanks.Topic: Bulk-move topics?
Is there any way to bulk-move topics?
I run a Once Upon a Time podcast and forums with bbPress. We have a spoiler section for each episode of the TV show. After that episode has aired, I like to move the spoiler topics into the main discussion for the TV show. This was easy with phpBB, but bbPress doesn’t seem to offer this feature.
When I go to Admin > Topics and filter the list by a forum parent, I have no options for changing that forum parent or moving the topics in any way.
How can I do this easily on a regular basis? Editing each topic individually is not practical.
Topic: Visibility and Category
I’m currently installing a BBpress forum.
I’ve two problems :
-I can’t change the “visibility” of a forum or a category : It’s doesn’t save the change.
Have you any idea to fix this problem ?And also, I want to know if is possible to “separate” the different category of my BBpress forum since a PHPBB forum ?
Thank’s !
Hi, I want to edit the way the subforums on the homepage is displayed, so that it looks sort of like an ipb/phpbb forum. I have been able to edit the css and move the code around. But I want to know, is there a way to get the subforum’s description & freshness displayed on the homepage?
I’ve googled A LOT and seems like everyone is looking for this. I found this post, but the solution on there doesn’t seem to be working anymore… there
I am importing a phpBB forum of 1180 posts / 179 topics. My browser has been displaying this now for over 11 hours:
Do I just sit and wait? Can I navigate away from this page? Or do I need to leave the browser as is?
I tried for several days to import my forum PHPBB 3.0.11 (the latest version) to bbPress, the latest version too, but the problem is that I end up with countless duplicate for each element of the forum.
How to remedy this?
after exactly 10 years and over 500.000 posts with our board running with Woltlab Burning Board (right now version 3.1.8), social networks have sort of won – instead of 150 new posts the day we have now maximum 5 posts. WBB4 will be coming out soon, so this is the right time to sell my WBB license and move it all to my site, powered by WordPress. This is where I seek help.
I already deleted inactive members, so that we now have “just” over 300, but I don’t want to delete all the written things like movie reviews and serious discussion, as this is still the home of many. So there are 500.000 posts and nearly 10.000 topics to be imported.
I edited the example.php and so far it worked with importing members and forums (just on a test WordPress installation for now).
However, there are some problems/questions I’ve come up with and I’m almost sure, there will be more following.
1. there is, equally to phpBB, the problem, that there are topics and posts, and the first post of the topic has to become “topic content” of WBB.
Here I used
// Topic content.
// Note: We join the posts table because topics do not have content.
$this->field_map[] = array(
'from_tablename' => 'wbb1_1_post',
'from_fieldname' => 'message',
'join_tablename' => 'topics',
'join_type' => 'INNER',
'join_expression' => 'USING (threadID) WHERE wbb1_1_post.postID = wbb1_1_thread.firstPostID',
'to_type' => 'topic',
'to_fieldname' => 'post_content',
'callback_method' => 'callback_html'
);Unfortunately, I get the error, that wbb1_1_post.message does not exist:
WordPress database error: [Unknown column 'wbb1_1_post.message' in 'field list'] SELECT convert(wbb1_1_thread.threadID USING "utf8") AS threadID,convert(wbb1_1_thread.replies USING "utf8") AS replies,convert(wbb1_1_thread.boardID USING "utf8") AS boardID,convert(wbb1_1_thread.userID USING "utf8") AS userID,convert(wbb1_1_post.message USING "utf8") AS message,convert(wbb1_1_thread.topic USING "utf8") AS topic,convert(wbb1_1_thread.time USING "utf8") AS time,convert(wbb1_1_thread.lastPostTime USING "utf8") AS lastPostTime FROM wbb1_1_thread AS wbb1_1_thread LIMIT 0, 100
But it does!
I attached both, my wbb3.php import script and the database structure of the most important tables, here you go: I hope/guess, this is also the reason that all topics (once I remove that passage that produces an error) are started either by Anonymous or by ME (although I haven’t done it)?
3. some users are twice now (like myself..who have been admins of wordpress and users of the forum). Can I simply merge them with
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_author = ‘1’ WHERE post_author = ‘2’; and it will count for the forum, too?4. the passwords – in WBB they are hashed by this:
$passwort = sha1($row->salt.sha1($row->salt.sha1($_POST[‘passwort’])));
so what do I write at the end of wbb3.php
public function authenticate_pass( $password, $serialized_pass ) {
$pass_array = unserialize( $serialized_pass );
return ( $pass_array[‘hash’] == md5( md5( $password ). $pass_array[‘salt’] ) );
or is this impossible and the users have to get the new password by mail?5. the imported users have no “Forum Role”. Is is “normal”? Is there any chance to automatically give them the forum role “Participant”?
6. do I have to keep the wbb3.php “forever” because of the passwords or can I delete it one day, even if not all members have com back yet?
7. until now we have everything like private messages, profiles, friends and especially user groups (Moderators, crew members) with hidden forums. Do I see correct, that I can install both, import bbpress and afterwards attach for example our “Mods Only” to the group “Moderators” as group forum?
8. I see that every user gets a new User ID – old IDs are saved in table _bbp_converter_translator – will that table be kept? Maybe by this I have a chance to later import – somehow – private messages for buddy press!?
Alone if my first point is solved, I’d be thankful.
Kind regards, inspirationally.
I’m in the process of migrating a phpBB forum to WordPress with bbPress. I don’t know if the bbPress style is better but my users are used to the phpBB style for displaying Forums on the main page. So I tried to reproduce that layout in bbPress using categories. With the default theme, I was not happy with the way it looked. After a quick search in these forums, I saw some interesting topics from @lynq (here and there) but it didn’t work as intended in the last bbpress release and ticket #1958 has been moved to 2.6.
So after a few hours of searching codex, and a lot of tries, I managed to do what I wanted. As there is still some demand in Lynq’s topic, I thought I should share my little work.
I’m not a developper, so my code may be a little messy, but it works as intended. I’ve tried using the bbpress functions, and commented my code. If any PHP expert would like to review it and make it better, any feedback is welcome.
The only file to change is loop-forums.php with this code.
You just need to create it and paste the code. Then upload it to /wp-content/your-theme/bbpress/. Use a child-theme if you don’t want to loose it on next theme update.The forums are not yet online, so here are some screenshots with descriptions. (In French, because, as you may have noticed, English is not my native language 🙂 )
I’ve tested many situations (even a category inside a forum, which bbpress doesn’t consider anymore as a category, probably normal behavior) and I think everything works as intended. Feel free to report any bug.