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  • #83010

    how can the wordpress admin username/password be used in bbpress login and log in successfully (globally)

    also how can the bbpress (if necessary) be used to successfully log in to wordpress and have the global admin?

    same for users, which i haven’t tried yet

    i’ve setup these (codes removed)


    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ”);

    define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ”);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ”);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ”);


    define( ‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ” );

    define( ‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ” );

    define( ‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ” );

    define( ‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ” );

    i copied the corresponding ones to the bb-config.php one

    when i log out of bbpress wordpress is still logged in..


    @kevinjohngallagher thanks to tease me.. :) I’m well aware about your attitude..

    I’m not a web programmer who can write code…If I able to write code then why I wrote on bbpress? If I bumped my post then you’ve any problem mate? :)

    And I’m really afraid to tell you that …the links you’ve mentioned still not solved…It worked on localhost but not in live…

    So I’ll make another post about it and then tell you that, is it good to say people on forums to write their own codes… really bad


    If you want it like this site…. An easy way to do it is…

    the front page of the default theme is broken into two parts.

    If you open front-page.php serach for these div codes, everything on the left is between “id=”hottags” role=”main””

    Everything on the right is between “div id=”discussions”” JUst move what you want in them.

    All you have to do is adjust the width/margin of both css styles.

    style.css (line 285) #front-page #hottags for the left side change the width

    style.css (line 293) #front-page #discussions change margin left to be 20px more than what you pick for the left column width and the width to fit.

    (Why doesn’t this site have a demo on bbpress! I hate changing my theme back to default to answer questions!)


    If you want the code tag to keep working but disable backticks, you’ll have to make a filter that encodes them into a html entity (`) before it gets to bbpress’s filters.


    I’m new to bbpress, having previously only used phpbb where all the codes are present as follows:



    So on and so forth. But these codes aren’t working for me on bbpress.

    What are the codes for formatting text on bbpress, ie. bold, italics, underline, centralising, changing the size, etc?

    Or is there a plugin I can get so the text bar appears at the top of the page like it does on a phpbb forum?


    Hi Kevin, the problem is my header and footer are running a lot of custom codes for grabbing my subscribers and twitter counters for example. This information is grabbed from WordPress plugins that connect on Feedburner and Twitter API’s. I have also the problem that the blog uses a 960 grid system for the layout. I’m really unsure how to move the header and footer to my bbpress folder without crashing everything :(


    Morning Dudes,

    duplication of ID for a start…

    Maybe you could have said that instead of just typing” seriously? “.

    The container having an ID is fine, but inside I’d suggest using classes.

    Why? It’ll be unique on the page therefore an ID is by far the better options (quicker use of CSS selectors, much easier for the DOM, and also allows better integration with any JavaScript or Client side CSS changes).

    But if all that is in that div is that ul, then the div may not be needed.

    Container DIVs (at one level of geneology) are very very useful.

    It allows quicker/better DOM iteration, and allows for much more flexible theming especially if dealing with floats, placements (relative/absolute), and really helps with backwards compatibility. I’m all for minimalist design and code, and I know that there is a cry to avoid “divitus” these days, but really having 1 wrapper div to allow you play with margin/padding/width combination really shouldn’t be frowned upon. Especially in software that hardcodes so much into it’s core, and really doesn’t like outputitng IDs or Classes.

    Mzimmers, I’d still suggest putting the DIV in your theme instead of the ‘core’, just because I do believe that we’ll be upgrading to a new release relatively soon (i.e. within 2010).


    Is there a way to define an “if” statement for the topics page. Here is what I am trying to do. I want the topic info/meta to be displayed on the sidebar. The sidebar codes are in the footer.php file which means that it will be displayed site-wide.

    There is this line if (bb_get_forum_is_category()) : for categories, so I’m wondering if I can do something similar like “if this is a topics page, display so and so.” and if not it will be hidden.


    Topic: Avatar size

    in forum Themes

    How to resize avatar in topic view, i didnt find any size codes in style.css.

    I want my forum look more like :)


    Recently I got this mesg who drives me crazy..

    Warning: Visiting this site may harm your computer!

    I don’t know what happened to my blog and forums.. I think all was secure and safe in my site.. I have talked to my hosting company they clean it.. but the problem is still there.. (wordpress) (bbpress)

    It’s really disturbing me… how can I fix it?

    is there any wordpress or bbpress authenticated plugin who defend my site from suspicious codes, and hackers attacks..

    please guide me to remove this bloody mesg…. otherwise my site will useless :(

    help me again…




    In reply to: How do you write this?


    I’m trying to see if I can create a theme via pixopoint that works for everyone. It requires you to put

    <?php require( 'xxxx/1.html' ); ?>, <?php require( 'xxxx/2.html' ); ?>, <?php require( 'xxxx/3.html' ); ?>, etc. in different locations of the bbPress theme.

    The xxxx changes with every server. Instead of finding and replacing all instances of the codes. I wanted to create another file that you can put in the path and it will fill all the xxxx.

    Does that make sense?


    Not sure that does exactly what I want, btw I am no good with codes, but that is explained pretty detailed so I could probably try it out (however, I just messed up my bbPress install while messing with permalinks :D)

    I want the full forum post to be published as a blog entry, by the click of a button, to promote the posts as you said :D

    function get_post_img(){
    global $bbdb;
    $topic_id_ft = get_topic_id(); //topic id for getting text of first post of the topic
    $first_post = (int) $bbdb->get_var("SELECT post_id FROM $bbdb->posts WHERE topic_id = $topic_id_ft ORDER BY post_id ASC LIMIT 1");
    $content = substr(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes(get_post_text($first_post))),0);
    preg_match('/[img](.*?)[/img]/i', $content, $matches);
    $src = $matches[1];
    echo $src;

    modified from here


    In reply to: bbPress mobile version


    Still looking forward to the codes……


    In reply to: bbPress mobile version


    @BerryReview I’d love to use that plugin if available, I don’t mind editing the codes at all.

    I tested your page with this website and it’s looking good.

    Good work, man!


    Presumably if I changed (or removed) the spelling of the codes in the names (not that I will), it would break and any info people had put in previously would be lost.

    Only if you changed the name of the value. i.e.

    'first_name' => array(0, __('What do they call you?')),

    should be fine, as long as the first_name stays intact.

    And I’ve increased the number parameter at the end of your add_action(‘extra_profile_info’, ‘add_descriptions’,15); – even I could work out that was important.

    That number is the priority that the function should get in relation to everything else that’s loading on the page. Read about that here:

    My code, btw, was at point got from this forum somewhere, so I can’t take credit for it. But it shows that anything in the file is easily replaced or manipulated.


    That’s great! That’s brilliant Tom, thanks very much. I was obviously missing a few commands there!

    Thanks both of you, you just made a lot of integral practitioners very happy with their new found ability to register what they’re doing with their practice for mind, body, spirit and shadow on their new forum. Here’s the handiwork in action:

    Presumably if I changed (or removed) the spelling of the codes in the names (not that I will), it would break and any info people had put in previously would be lost.

    And I’ve increased the number parameter at the end of your add_action(‘extra_profile_info’, ‘add_descriptions’,15); – even I could work out that was important.

    Tom, if you’re on a roll, do you have an insight for the one I posted on why linking poster names to their Profile doesn’t support usernames with spaces? Presumably you’ve linked Posts to people’s Profiles on your forum having done the extra work to modify your own profile pages?:

    Thanks again, both, greatly appreciated.

    Cheers, James.

    PS. Paul, no relation to my colleague, Gary Hawke, presumably?


    I don’t know if anyone cares but I’ll just put it out there:

    Every Theme you download from (I can guarantee you the original authors didn’t do it) the headed.php has advertising codes….

    <script language="javascript">
    document.write('<style> #a1dd122 { margin: -40000px; position: absolute; text-align:right; } </style>');
    </script><a href="somewebsite" id="a1dd122">blah</a>

    Is this considered okay???


    In reply to: Really basic stuff

    why not start paid support? that can be useful for the funds and at the same time noobs will get proper support without having to work on the codes which they would never understand…


    That entire code` should I find those #codes in the stylesheet and plase the // infront of?

    Are you saying that I dont need to delete anything from the php files if I use this code. I just let everything be, and place that in the CSS?

    I tried putting it in Firebug, and nothing happened.


    To be more specific. I use Kakumei theme, so what files include tag codes?

    I know post-form.php, front-page.php probably has them. But which others?

    Is it safe for me to just delete those lines from these files? Or should I do something else?


    My experience of the WordPress codebase extends to version 2.9.1, I cannot speak to what is going on with version 3.0. Matt said something about bbPress being hosted on a page using a WP short-code at one point. As far as I know, there is no facility for page slugs to handle wildcards (from what I have seen). If you wanted to host bbPress as a plugin using a short-code on a WordPress page, it’s my guess that you would need to have different short-codes for the front page, topics page, views page, single topic, etc. Either that, or you recode the entire bbPress GUI to be Ajax based and run on a single page in-place. Somehow you need to extend the WordPress roles to encompass the bbPress side of the house.

    When you go down this road you eventually get to the point of Drupal – amazingly vague and configurable database, slow because it’s got to be all-things-to-all-people and … well … yeah. I would rather not see either WordPress or bbPress end up there.

    It it’s favour we can strip out a large portion of the codebase that deals with preferences, users, filters, plugins, themes, sidebar widgets and so on. We gain a lot from the main WordPress codebase but its worrying the “bloat” that comes with that approach.


    Spammers suck, they are impossible to stop it seems. Recaptcha seems good but people don’t like typing codes just to post their forum posts. It’s sort of a crap shoot.

    @grassrootspa I read that Akismet may not work perfectly as a plugin, so I don’t know what to do.


    Did you follow the steps decribed in this topic?

    Did you install the plugin?

    Did you change the permalinks to “name” before activating the plugin?

    Did you change the codes in your htaccess?

    Did you write as rewrite base /?

    Thats what I have in the htaccess of my wp-frontpage:

    RewriteBase /

    So it really must work. I am pretty sure.

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