I believe that I have installed bbPress correctly and setup the shortcodes so that the forum displays on my site (both the topics, login, and registration). But the problem is that once I believe I’m logged in and I click on a topic to try to add something, it will not let me. It says this:
“You must be logged in to create new topics.”
Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong? I setup a new user to test it out and this is what I’m getting the problem with. I setup blank topics ok when I’m logged in as administrator so is it an issue with user rights? Here is my forum:
Would it make sense to have the option to allow shortcodes? Simply ON|OFF choices? I have a forum for members of a club, registration required, and using WP-FILEBASE which has a bunch of shortcodes for inserting links to files. Just an example of one good case for allowing at least a choice.
Chris, thanks so much. For now, the toolbar serves the purposes. The membership is restricted and I will be providing instructions for posting.
I will be exploring shortcodes at the same time. Should I run into problems applying them, given my slow learning curve, I will return here for some excellent assistance.
I think your code should read:
[bbp-single-forum id=36]
instead of:
[bbp-single-forum id=$Introduction]
I hope this helps…
One of the worst things about a major update like this, is that we lose alot of great plugins – But, it’s better finding out now that their not actively updating it anymore than use it for a while and find out one day that everything’s broken
what type of html did you want your users posting?
Post toolbar allows alot of great functionality – https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bbpress-post-toolbar/
It seems to do the same thing as ‘easy video embed’ by allowing users to post videos using a ‘[video]‘ or ‘[youtube]’ shortcode.
Also, because bbpress is now using WordPress post-types. you could also easily create other shortcodes to achieve what you want.
Instead of letting users do img src and giving them complete control over the output of the image, you can allow them to do ‘[image]cat.img[/image]’ to achieve the same affect in an easier way, as an example.
I do honestly think that using shortcodes (search the wordpress extend, theirs alot of shortcode plugins) would be a better option as it allows you to control it’s use properly, as i’m sure you know, some humans enjoy causing trouble – and their are afew html codes that can causing a hellish experience for your users if it gets into the hands of the wrong user.
It’s one of the reasons wordpress.com doesn’t allow some html codes
Correct. There can’t be any hard coded links anywhere, because all themes are different and will want them in different locations with different URLs. You can use the Login Widget that’s included to get you some of the way there, but even with widgets/shortcodes/templates it won’t satisfy everyone.
Correct. There can’t be any hard coded links anywhere, because all themes are different and will want them in different locations with different URLs. You can use the Login Widget that’s included to get you some of the way there, but even with widgets/shortcodes/templates it won’t satisfy everyone.
Create pages, use Shortcodes or Page Templates.
Create pages, use Shortcodes or Page Templates.
hi @Mark Barnes i tried your codes, saved to file and upload it on plugin folder then activated it..
after activation i am looking for the import button or something like that … i can’t find it… can you please help me where to find it?
thank you
hi @Mark Barnes i tried your codes, saved to file and upload it on plugin folder then activated it..
after activation i am looking for the import button or something like that … i can’t find it… can you please help me where to find it?
thank you
created a log in page as well using the same process
1) created a new page named “Log in”
2) added the following code in HTML:
<h1>To Register</h1>
3) added that page to my secondary menu
Still working on a layout for the forum homepage/landing page and having issues with some of the other short codes for forum and topic indexes
Hi i tried using the code [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] as
[bbp-single-forum id=$Introduction] where Introduction is the forum id, but it is not working. Please help me. Can you exactly mention what is the forum id here, is it the title what we provide for the forum .
I had problems finding this, too.
Go to Forums on Dashboard.
Hover the mouse over the title of the forum, and a link comes up at the bottom of the page. (In Opera it does, anyway)
e.g. http://pour-your-heart-out.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=36&action=edit
in this case, $forum_id is 36
you don’t use the $
The same principle works with the rest. I know it says “post=36” but I guess that’s just how wordpress stores stuff.
I can’t seem to get any of the bbPress widgets to work properly… the shortcodes function, but they aren’t formatted or anything, so if I try to use them in a text widget I just end up with messy text that is about 100 lines long, and get a bunch of Page Not Found errors when clicking on it.
I think I am having trouble because I originally installed bbPress separately, then added the plugin when it became available. I’m not sure what to do.. it is all a big mess
Use WP Plugin – codestyling-localization.
I just wanted to post, and suggest or see if these options existed already.
I’d love for the widgets that come along with bbPress to have some (any) custom display features (ie. Forum List widget allowing show/hide the number of topics within, etc.)
Also, a few more widgets would be great (ie. popular topic tags, topic info)
These options might be able to be accomplished by a shortcode, but I don’t believe the current shortcodes allow any parameters such as: [bbp-topic-index number-of-topics=5 pagination=false]
Anyone know of plans for these sorts of things, or if they already exist and I’ve just overlooked them?
Hi. I’m trying to create a bbPress shortcode so that I can display topics that have a certain meta_key value. I’ve been trying to piece it together from the global bbpress shortcodes and wordpress shortcode tutorials.
I’m using a Dev4Press premium plugin to create the custom fields for each bbpress topic. (http://www.dev4press.com/download/plugin-gd-taxonomies-tools) Now I just have to figure out how to filter based on the custom data.
Here’s what I have. It isn’t going so well, and I’d love a tip.
<?php function FilterTopics($topics_query = array()) {
'meta_key' => 'ride_destination',
'post_type' => 'topic',
'posts_per_page' => -1
if ( bbp_has_topics( $topics_query ) ) {
bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/pagination', 'topics' );
bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/loop', 'topics' );
bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/pagination', 'topics' );
// No topics
} else {
bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/feedback', 'no-topics' );
add_shortcode('sitemap', 'GenerateSitemap'); ?>
When you click on someones profile in the forums you’ll be taken to the forum/users/username which shows what you’ve entered in the about section as well as your forum activities. However, when someone clicks on the when when viewing a (blog) post that the same user has written you’ll be taken to the /author/username page showing which articles that user has written.
What I would like to do is to integrate the /forum/users/username page with the /author/username page so that every user has only one uniform profile page. Would this be possible? Are there any shortcodes to display “forum topics created” etc. so I can try modify the /author/username page?
I think I may have figured it out.
If I add a topic through the WP dashboard it creates this wierd “comments are closed” thing, but if I add them directly through the blog it seems to work…
Thanks for the post, it has been a great help!
I am still struggling to get the topics to work. When I click on the topic it has my description an then it says “Comments are closed.” and there is no way to post anything…
Have a look here: http://urbanbeeguild.org.au/?page_id=227
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated
if you have not try shortcodes here are they:
* Forums
[bbp-forum-index] – Show the forum index/archive
[bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] – Show a single forums topics
* Topics
[bbp-topic-index] – Show the topics index/archive
[bbp-topic-form] – Show the new topic form
[bbp-single-topic id=$topic_id] – Show a single topic
* Topic Tags
[bbp-topic-tags] – Show a tag cloud of all topic tags
[bbp-single-topic-tag] – Show the topics within a specific tag
* Replies
[bbp-reply-form] – Show the topic reply form
* Views
[bbp-single-view] – Show topics associated with a specific view
* Account
[bbp-login] – Show the login screen
[bbp-register] – Show the register screen
[bbp-lost-pass] – Show the lost password screen
*this codes post by johnjamesjacoby in his forum
Hello mr. globetrotterdk, for your first question unfortunately there is no available documentation for bbpress 2.0 up to now.. pray that developer will update this soon. Thanks for them who makes their effort to update.
for your second question, have you try using bbpress shortcodes?
Could this be achieved with shortcodes somehow?
I am trying to get one forum to show up on a separate page than the normal forum index. I know the shortcode is [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] but I do not know where to find the forum_ID at and I have tried everything I can think of to get it to work. I believe this question was asked in the Sticky Shortcodes topic at the top of the page but it wasn’t answered, just linked to another page that had the same information as the topic post with no examples or explanation. Thank you in advance.