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  • kennymcnett

    This seems simple, but I can’t for the life of me find it documented (I’m probably just missing it). Any help from the community would be much appreciated.

    How do I show a forum using php, without using do_shortcode(); ?

    Also, how can I start a new loop to fetch a specific forum’s contents? I think it’s with BB_Query, but I can’t figure out the syntax.

    Thanks in advance,




    How can I rename Topics to Tickets in BBPress? I have renamed the tags as such but would like the actual topics heading to read Tickets.

    I also notice on this message system you have a sub menu ‘not resolved’, ‘resolved and ‘not a support question’, which is something I would also like to include.

    I am trying to build a Project Management and Support system that includes tickets. I already have a general forum function via Buddypress, so I created a secondary forum page called tickets and included the shortcodes to configure it as a ticket system.

    I have looked around the net and here extensively, so forgive me if I have overlooked something obvious.

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi there,

    I’ve looking for a solution to show below one of my blog pages a topic discussion from bbpress forum. The problem I have is that this page has the Visual Editor off in order to write PHP inside for my convenience.

    So I can’t use the shortocodes there and neither the php code as it appears in the plugin templates. Because the code has to make a loop to show all the discussion for this certain topic I think it is not possible to integrate a PHP code for that on my own PHP code…

    Any idea about this?


    Topic: GD bbPress Tools

    in forum Plugins
    Milan Petrovic

    GD bbPress Tools is a new free plugin for bbPress 2.0/2.1 for WordPress. Currently adds these new features:

    * BBCode shortcodes support

    * Quote Reply or Topic

    * User signature with BBCode and HTML support

    * Additional custom views

    * Basic topics search results view

    * Toolbar menu integration

    * Limit bbPress admin side access

    Plugin supports BBCodes based on the phpBB implementation. Right now, plugin has 30 BBCodes. Latest plugin version is 1.2:


    I’m having a bit of trouble with this as well. And I too am on a BP install, though it would seem to me that it shouldn’t matter.

    I used it like this:

    - [bbp-login]

    - [bbp-single-topic-tag id="35"]

    - [bbp-single-topic-tag id="link"]

    - [bbp-single-topic-tag $id="35"]

    - [bbp-single-topic-tag $id="link"]

    - [bbp-single-topic-tag id=$topic_id]

    - [bbp-single-topic-tag id=35]

    (this is when I found the codex file for bbpress shortcodes at and formatted accordingly)

    - [bbp-single-topic-tag id=$35]

    - [bbp-single-topic-tag id=$tag_id]

    And I got no forums rendered. Very confusing, since the last two were copy paste from the codex.

    I recently noticed that when I try to start a topic or posting a reply, it’s taking about 30+ second before the topic/reply is show up. If you try to tell me there may be a “bad plugin” and try to disable all of it except bbPress, save it. I have tried the following:

    1. Using different browser.

    I find out that when I try to use Firefox 12.0 to post, it’s loading extremely slow. But this is not happening in Internet Explorer 9 or Google Chrome 18.

    Try to start Firefox in safe mode? Yes I have tried to do that but it doesn’t make a difference.

    2. Using different user/computer.

    It’s still the same.

    3. Try to post a comment in a normal post.

    I was able to comment a post without any problems, so I think it may be a “bad plugin” problem.

    4. Disable all plugin (except bbPress & BuddyPress)

    But the same thing happen. FYI I don’t edit either the bbPress or BuddyPress files.

    5. Using different theme.

    I replace my modified custom community theme with BuddyPress Default theme and see if I putting bad codes in my theme. But this doesn’t solve problem even I tried other themes.

    6. Change permalink structure.

    It doesn’t make any changes, and I don’t think it will help.

    7. Reinstall WordPress, bbPress & BuddyPress

    Still doesn’t make any changes.

    8. Create a new install in another domain.

    I use as my main and as a sandbox (with the same configuration as in with only bbPress and BuddyPress activated. But everything works fine in with either bbPress 2.02 or 2.1 and I have no issue with Firefox 12.

    9. The Cloudflare……

    Since I have Cloudflare as my CDN for but not, I tried to remove from Cloudflare and add to it and see what happens. The result: The issue with Firefox at disappear but is now facing the old issue.

    Do anyone here have any ideas what’s wrong with it? Or someone here is facing the same problem? This seems to be the first and the only problem I can’t figure it myself.

    You can login to using the following information:

    Username: demo

    Password: demo

    URL of the forums:

    And try to start a topic or post a reply using Firefox and see if it’s happening to you.

    Stephen Edgar

    The page /forums is a generic page part of bbPress.

    You can create your own page/s and use the bbPress Shortcodes

    Go to Appearance > Pages and give it a title (Discussion, The Teams, Leagues etc)

    Then in the content of that page use the bbPress shortcodes with how and what you want on that page.

    This for example would show what you currently have on /forums plus add the ‘new topic form’ below that list.



    You could also create a page called ‘New Topic’ and just have [bbp-topic-form] on that page and then using the same method from Jarad above add those pages as menu items.


    The codes are working .. But i need “Buttons” so my users can see what is available for them :) Anyone know how i can add those “Buttons” ?


    Hi everyone, I wanted to see if there are any shortcodes or code for displaying my favorites or for my topics started? If so I can just display them on a custom page. I’ve been all over the forums and cannot find anyone who has asked for this.

    Thank you for any help,




    I have the Black Label wordpress theme on my site and as such it comes with a fullscreen background image option on every post and page. I bought this theme for this very reason. Now, when I plugged in bbpress, I had to use the shortcodes on the main forum page which was no problem but when I click on the forum or the topic links, I get sent to a page that instead of saying “edit page” in the admin bar, it says “Edit forum” or “Edit topic” and doesn’t allow me to set the background image.

    Now I looked into creating a default background image by changing some .css but this sets that image for ALL the pages, (page.php) and though it is overridden by the set background image in the theme, it isn’t pleasing to my eye to have one background image when you open and a second or two later have another one pop up on top of it. So I trashed this option.

    Did some research on how I can resolve this problem and found a previous thread here:

    Needless to say that it interested me that I could create my own wrapper and have the forums and topics open up in a special page and have a set background for that page alone that won’t affect my other pages.

    Well, this is the skinny of my situation. I hope I gave you enough info this time, sorry for not doing it from the get go. Can I do this? Where do I change the default wrapper to my new one? I’m imagining it’s in the function sets. Or perhaps there is an even better solution to my situation. What do yo suggest Brandon?

    Oh, and thanks for your time :)


    How to replace one string of text with another one?

    Example, change ” :heart: => spade ” in each and every topic and reply.


    I’m trying to make a topic creation form in a single page all by itself for a specific forum I created.

    So I created a shortcode function using the code below.


    and when I put this code into the page, I was able to make the topic creation form all by itself as I wanted.

    But my question is how can I set a specific forum to write?

    I see there’s a dropdown menu I can select the forum I want to write. But in default the dropdown menu selector set to the very first forum.

    I want to have a specific forum selected as a default. Or if I can get rid of the dropdown forum selector and specify which forum I want to write, that’s fine too.

    So I looked at the codes but I couldn’t figure out how to specify a specific forum to write.

    I found the following code from form-topic.php and I guess I have to change the code somehow to specify the default selected forum.

    <?php bbp_dropdown( array( ‘selected’ => bbp_get_form_topic_forum() ) ); ?>

    Does anyone know how to do this?

    Thanks in advance.


    Is it possible to insert a search form in the forum header? I have tried to create it my theme’s searchform.php with these code :

    <form id=”search” name=”searchform” method=”get”>

    <input type=”search” id=”ts” name=”ts” title=”Search Topics” placeholder=”Search Topics” />

    <button type=”submit” value=”search” id=”searchsubmit”>Search</button>


    <form id=”search” name=”searchform” method=”get”>

    <input type=”search” id=”rs” name=”rs” title=”Search Replies” placeholder=”Replies” />

    <button type=”submit” value=”search” id=”searchsubmit”>Search</button>


    The first one search for topics when in a specific forum (e.g.

    The second one search for replies when in a specific topic (e.g.

    The problem is, I just want the first one to appear in “/forums/forum/test” and the second one in “/forums/topic/this-is-a-test”. Where should I insert those codes?

    Or do anyone here have a better idea to make a search form? I tried to make a bbpress search-by-categories page but I’m kinda stuck.



    I’ve got some difficulties with shorcodes in my bbpress installation for wordpress. I have to use special shortcodes for card symbols (spade, diamond, etc.). Example, I use special format for posts, that changes :spade: into <img src=”dsewfwe” />. It works for posts and comments, but it doesn’t work for topics and replies :(

    Any advice how to automatically replace a string with a different one?

    Please help


    I just tell you to look at that menu on Notepad++. you should choose Unix format, then save the file and upload it again on the server. this should fix your problem in my opinion

    EOL is end of line. Different OS uses different codes for EOL, we have Windows format, Mac format and Unix format. often is possible that is you save the text file with windows format it will look nice under windows os but may appear as a single long line for linux.

    notepad++ can help with that and correct your problem. you introduced the problem as soon as you edited the file and saved it with windows EOL


    Created page – support – and assigned it as the forum base. Then added the short codes:


    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]



    [bbp-single-topic id=$topic_id]


    And get a fatal error when trying to view page

    Created a new page customer-support with the same short code and renders exactly as planned.

    Switch the forum base to “customer-support” on the settings page and that page has fatal error and support page renders correctly.

    I played with the short codes and pages do not get fatal error when only using:



    But the page does not render correctly.

    Am I missing something completely?


    Thanks jaredatch,

    Yep, I’m using the WP 2.x plugin.

    It does work as long as you don’t use categories. The shortcodes will only list the categories, but not the actual forums.

    I ditched categories for the time being, but it does look like a bug.


    Shortcodes do non currently accept any arguments at all. Would not be difficult to do, but committing to future-safe attributes will be key.

    There’s a trac ticket for this already, so it’s on our radar to do in a future release. If it’s something that you need to write yourself, it’d be a great way to contribute back directly to the core project.


    Do the shortcodes have some how to limit the number of topics that can be shown with the [bbp-topic-index] shortcode ?, per example i have a page where i only want to show the last 5 topics not all of them.



    Hey Jared, just to share this with you, i finally did what i need it in the front page with a tabs plugin found at

    and the shortcodes found at

    you can check it out in the main page of quimbumbia dot org any comments will be apreciated..

    Thanks for the support!!

    the only thing i need to find now is a shortcode for most visited and most commented ;)


    I have a site displaying my forum on the homepage using the short codes on a page. My problem is that when you drill down to a topic the breadcrumbs display –

    home > forums > general > topic

    Home and forums are basically displaying the same thing (a list of forums) so what I need is a way to display a list of the forums on the home page without this un necessary item in the breadcrumb list.

    Can anyone help me either remove this item or suggest a better way to do this?




    Can’t say I really understand what you are asking for, but if you are looking for shortcodes


    We’ve done a little tutorial video to show how you can setup either a BuddyPress Group Forum, a SiteWide bbPress 2.0 Forum, or a custom hybrid forum page using shortcodes. You can have all three at one time. Hope this helps ;-)

    You can keep the previous forums, but the data from BuddyPress group forums does not migrate automatically into bbPress site wide forums.




    Ok just like I thought (yes I’m not smarter than a fifth grader and I should have checked this first) it’s a plugin [Simple Facebook Connect] that is causing my forum page to show the last topic post instead of the page with my short codes.

    I know it’s not your problem but I thought you would want to know about it in case it comes up again.

    I’m sending Otto a not that it is causing a problem with your plugin.. I’m going to activate it and see if I can find something else that will do the same thing but not conflict with yours..

    Thanks for a really great plugin… :-)


    Hi JJJ, I have an issue with my forum and I don’t see anything in the community (I may be searching for the wrong thing)

    My forum is and I think it did great last season.

    Somebody asked me what shortcodes I used and when I went to the page in the dashboard it will only serve me the last created forum topic.

    So if under pages I click the page for the forum to view the codes it returns this (I hope I can’t be hacked by giving this out…

    This is a forum post topic that I created last year. If I trash this post it will return the next newest post topic for the forum.

    Can you or someone tell me if there is a simple solution? Is this most likely a plugin problem? (I know most are and I suppose I could go through and deactivate them and see if at any point see the page)

    Or is this a pure database problem, thoughts?

    Oh I’m getting nice comments about how mine looks and I don’t know if my forum looks all that great since I’m in compatibility mode using Weaver theme. But folks seem confused and feel I’ve done great pimping on the CSS when it’s all the theme for colors and what it looks like.

    Jeff “foliage” Folger

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